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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Graduate School
University of La Salette, Inc.
Santiago City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree

June, 2013

The researcher wishes to extend her sincere and profound gratitude to all
those who gave their much needed assistance, cooperation and encouragement for
without them this study would not have been realized.
To Dr. Cora M. Pattaguan, Professor of the Graduate School and at the same
time, the researchers adviser, for her constant support and follow up on the
development of the research.
To her fellow MAED students of University of La Salette, for the bonding
that served as a force to cling to my goal all through out.
To her loving husband, BHONG and daughter, NIKKI for not failing to
rescue the researcher in her computer needs.
To the researchers deceased father, DIDI for being the reason of her
unending quest for education.
To her son BRYAN and daughter AJ, who always served as my inspiration.
To her youngest and apple of her eyes Breille Nichole, whose existence brings
new HOPE and JOY and makes their life more complete and meaningful.
Special thanks is due to all the respondents for answering honestly and
patiently the research instrument.
Above all, the Almighty for the Divine Inspiration and guidance during the
most trying moments of the researcher until the final completion of this humble
piece of work.

The Researcher

With all the love and care
this is offered
to my
loving husband, Roque
and to my
precious jewels:
Rose Anne Benedict,
Michael Bryan,
Angelica Joi and
Breille Nichole

This is also dedicated

to my loving father

my brothers and sisters and in-laws,
You are all enough reasons
for me to LIVE and












University of La Sallete

This study is mainly anchored on Ornsteins theory which states that the more
senses that are involved in the learning process, the easier it is for the learners to learn.
Lardizabal and associates say it in another way, there is more effective learning when
pupils take part in sense-based experiences and activities.
Studies have proven that the use of intervention materials effect the performance
of pupils and have better attitudes in learning than pupils who are taught without using
teaching strategies and materials.
The research study will be conducted at Taguntungan Elementary School and Sta.
Margarita West Elementary School under Baggao North District located at Barangay
Taguntungan and Sta. Margarita, Baggao, Cagayan respectively. There are twenty six
(26) grade IV pupils at Taguntungan Elementary School and thirty (26) grade IV pupils at
Sta. Margarita West Elementary School for a total of fifty two (52) pupils who will serve
as an experimental and control group respectively. Only one SIM will be utilized in this
study to the least mastered competency in Science IV during the Second Grading Period
based on the result of District Achievement Test for the school year 2012-2013.
The quasi-experimental method will be used in this study because the subjects of
the study will be given two sets of tests.

Attitude Test and Achievement Test as

immediate post test will be administered to the subjects after the treatment condition. It
will be prepared according to the principles of test construction.

The attitude test that will be used in this study will be an agreement scale which
will be administered before and after the treatment condition. As a first step, elementary
schools curriculum should be fully implemented to give our children a well-rounded and
understanding of the world and science as possible. Teachers that will impart this
understanding must be trained well for the job. There must therefore retraining of
teachers and shall endeavor to make schooling a commitment and try to achieve these
without sacrificing quality education.
This is our country. The school youth are our future. They will partake on the
progress that lies in our power to achieve.












Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1
Background of the Study- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
Hypothesis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Significance of the Study- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Scope and Delimitations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -9
Definition of Terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -10
CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature and Studies
Related Literature
A. Foreign Literature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11
B. Local Literature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 12
Related Studies
A. Foreign Literature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13
B. Local Literature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 14
Synthesis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---16
CHAPTER III Methods and Procedures of the Study
Methods of Research Used - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---17
Locale of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18

Respondents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Sampling Procedures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Instruments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -18
Data Gathering Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -19
Treatment of Data- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -19

Chapter 1
It is said that one of the most important features of a democratic society is the
possibility of change, because change connotes progress. Our educational system changes
in proportion to the technological and scientific advancement that takes place and which
calls for a continuous study of the present curricular offerings. Thus, the Philippine
Education has undergone tremendous changes in its programs, approaches and
Our Educational System as a virtual arm of the youth is designed to support the
efforts of the nation towards the realization of its objectives as well as its mission. As
educators, it is our duty to prepare the learners for productive participation by providing a
curriculum that is relevant to their needs and those of the present society. It is our
responsibility to give them the needed materials for development so that it will help them
identify their interest and aptitudes. Science education contributes much to the total
development of the country. There is a need to come up with intervention materials
which will enrich, supplement, and at the same time encourage the learners to study well
their subjects.
Annually, more children are added in schools. Also, more children are having
difficulty in developing scientific skills as reflected in the result of national and
international assessment in Science. Several factors such as poverty, poor study habits,
lack of interest and the likes contribute to this condition. One of the strategies employed
is the use of Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM). The study aims to analyze the
effectiveness of SIM in reducing the number of least learned skills of pupils in Grade VI
Science. Since the pupils performance is influenced by several factors the study will also
look into the influence of age and gender in the performance of pupils under SIM
implementation. Strategic Intervention Materials is very important especially to those

low performing pupils. It is an intervention given to pupils so that they may be able to
cope up with the lesson.
In Taguntungan Elementary School where the researcher teaches is not just facing
the previously listed problems but also the low performance in the District Achievement
Test. It showed that Taguntungan Elementary School has only 52% of Achievement in
Science IV after the school year 2012-2013 District Achievement Test (Decs Memo No.
67.5 2007.) This indicates that the pupils of Taguntungan Elementary School have
achieved only 52% of the knowledge and skills to be mastered in Science VI.
What can the educational institution do, especially the elementary schools to help
in cognizance with the government efforts to make our country globally competitive?
Article IV Section 10 states that science and technology are essential for natural
development and progress. The state shall give priority to research and development,
motivations, inventions and their utilization and to science and technology education
training and services.

Let us work hand in hand to adhere to the vision of an

economically developed country.

The traditional use of chalk boards and text books are not enough to meet the
demands. Learning can be made more effective through the use of various intervention
materials. These materials when utilized to the fullest, make learning more dynamic and
more realistic. Moreover, the teachers task should be to prepare tools or materials to
impart the lessons systematically and effectively where the learners will understand more
concepts and possibly learning through varied activities. With the use of strategic
intervention materials, more senses are involved in the processes which possibly make
teaching and learning effective. It is for this belief that the researcher embark on this
study to make teaching and learning a meaningful and gainful experience especially made
to address the least mastered competencies in Science IV.
Specifically, pupils in Grade IV science class are expected to develop functional
understanding and applications of science concepts and to acquire values, attitudes and
practices related to the different topics discussed.
Aware of the vital role that the school plays in molding the youth, the researcher
is challenged to research on the effects of strategic intervention materials in teaching
science IV on pupils achievement and attitudes with selected variables that may help not

only the teachers in providing various activities that facilitates learning but more
importantly to make the learners more appreciative of the different activities he/she
undertakes in science subject.

Background of the Study

Science education must assume its role. Science educators should do their share
so as to contribute to the economic and social development of the country.


commitment in teaching is very important. Teachers should therefore come up with good
and effective teaching materials that would create a good social atmosphere inside the
classroom Ocampo, (2008).A teaching materials that would stimulate the thinking power
of the learner and to react effectively to the subject matter.
The demand to produce better graduates in our schools is envisioned in our
constitution through the Department of Education. The production of science competent
learners will benefit the country as a whole. With the use of teachers designed teaching
materials such as the SIM, learners may have better understanding and formulation of
science concepts and can solve problems in science more effectively. It is for these
reasons that this study will be conducted. It is based on the concept that utilization of
intervention materials has also positive effects on motivation and attitudes. It is also
based on the theory of learning that the more senses involved in learning the easier it is
for learners to learn. Learning is characterized by how much knowledge is acquired,
restored and retained and by a change in attitude. As one of the factors that may affect
the learning process, play a vital role in the mental organization and general behavior of
the individual. Attitudes exercise a stimulating effect upon the rate of learning and
teaching and upon the progress in school.
Science education is inadequate. Studies conducted by the Survey of Outcome of
Elementary Education, the PROPED and the Center for Educational Measurement
showed that Filipino students do poorly in science. These findings are reinforced by the
result of the International Education Assessment Examination which showed that the

Filipino students always did poorly in Math and Science (Making Education Work an
Agenda for Reform, 2009: page 12)
While the immediate alleviation of poverty is our first priority, the quality
education of our youth is the best assurance of maintaining the progress we hope to

Among the major concerns of education is the teachers welfare, values

education, upgrading of instruction, and reorganization of other concerns such

development of curriculum, textbooks production, staff development including trainings
for effective teaching and learning through provisions of quality and adequate teaching
materials such as the use of strategic

intervention materials as the main concern of

this study.
To enhance quality instruction in the elementary level, a review of elementary
textbooks, references and other reading materials to determine which portion is no longer
relevant to the present situation. There should be a development of an interim teacher
guide that provides guidelines and suggestions in handling classroom instructions and
activities particularly in the formulation of good intervention materials suited to the
learners needs and capabilities.
In the attainment of national goals and objectives, greater emphasis shall be place
in the concept of collective responsibility and democratic participation in development.
Our constitution Article 5 Declaration of State Principles and State Policies has three
provisions upgrading and democratizing education: Section 1 mandates the state to
promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and to take appropriate
steps to make such education accessible to all. Section 2, paragraph 4, provides that the
state shall assign highest budgetary priority to education and to ensure that teaching will
attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate
remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
It is not just any kind of education but one that needs certain standards of
excellence and relevance to the needs of the people and the society. Our constitution
wishes to restore the teaching profession to its proper status to ensure development of
teachers in accordance with the high importance of education in the task of national

Article II section 9 declares that the state shall promote a just and dynamics social
order that will insure prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from
poverty through policies that provide adequate social services, promote full employment
for all. We can only attain these goals by providing quality education at all levels,
providing adequate professional trainings for teachers, thus formulating instructional
devices and strategies that may attain educational objectives thus promoting and making
learners develop to their full potentialities. And for these reasons section 17 of our
constitution provides that the state shall give priority to education, science and
technology, arts, culture and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social
progress and promote total human liberation and development.
Although the teacher is perhaps the most important instructional material
affecting the student learning, other factors also play a role. Good teaching requires more
than adequate preparation of the subject matter in a wholesome classroom management.
Teaching and learning will be more effective if the teacher uses teaching strategies that
are suited to the objectives of the subject matter in order that the learner will understand

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Framework
Teaching and learning by means of an intervention material to the least mastered
competencies in science IV is the main objective of this study. This study has something
to do with the Theory of Connectionism by Edward Thorndike.
Edward Thorndikes Law of Exercise, describes the conditions implied in the
adage Practice makes perfect. It also states that constant repetition of a response
strengthens its connection with the stimulus and disuse of a response, weakens it. This
same law also satisfies the principle behind many educational practices such as drill,
review and examination (Bustos, 2006).

In his Law of Effect, Thorndike asserts that a satisfying state of affairs following
the response strengthens the connection between the stimulus and the behavior whereas
an annoying state weakens the connection. This law implies that teaching should attempt
to make the learning experiences of children pleasant and gratifying so that they will
want to continue to learn. The law dictates one critical function, essential for effective
instruction, the response-reinforcement contingency which means that there is a
relationship between behavior and its consequences.
The framework of this study will initially evolve from the concept that the more
senses are involved in learning process, the easier it is for the learner to learn (Ornstein,
1990:319). There is more effective learning when learners take part in sense-based
experience and activities (Lardizabal,,1991:20). Similarly, Pestallozzi (1901)
believed that sense impressions is the only true foundation of human knowledge.
Vision (seeing) and audition (hearing) are the most important senses for the
instructional process because it is through them information is typically presented
(Hudgens,,1983). This theory recalled faster and better than information presented
only in one way (Slavin, 1994, Klatzky, 1975:98).
Recall maybe improved through the forming of associations. The Law of
Vividness which is one of the law of forming of associations, expresses its principle that
objects and events which makes the most vivid impressions at the time of observation are
most likely to recalled (Klatzky, 49).
As mentioned above, attention is one of the chief considerations in the
improvement of memory. According to Kelly (1985.49-51) attention is focusing of
consciousness upon a specific objects, situations, activity or mental process, to the more
or less complete exclusion of all others for the purpose of understanding its true nature.
Learning as defined by Gagne (2008) is evidence by a change in human
disposition or capacity for some type of performance that persists over a period of time
(Buru,,1994: 74). While attitude is defined as persistent disposition to act positively
or negatively toward a person, group, objects, issue, situation or value. Breckler, (1954)
formulated the ABC Model of Attitude, listing three component of attitudes: Affect,
Behavior and Cognition (Baron and Byrne,1987:116).The affective component consists

of the positive or negative feelings about something while the behavior component
includes the intention to act in certain behavior somehow relevant to the attitude.
Attitude as one of the factors that may affect the learning process play a large part
in the mental organization and general behavior of individual. Among these attitudes are
interest, cheerfulness, affection, prejudice and loyalty. Attitude exercise a stimulating
effect upon the rate of learning and teaching, and upon the progress in school. The
favorable mental attitude facilitates learning (Gregorio, 1976:114).
This would suggest that a negative behavior towards the subject would result to a
negative attitude towards the subject, and since learning cannot be maximized, learners
behavior and predisposition greatly affect learning.

Conceptual Framework
From the Palvos duals system theory, the information processing theory and
other concepts previously mentioned which expounds how intervention materials
facilitates learning and a change in attitude toward the subject, pave the way for the
researcher to formulate a paradigm on the effects of intervention materials in teaching
Science VI on pupils achievement and attitude as shown below:



Improved achievement
Better Attitudes
Towards Science

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Interest towards
science as a

The paradigm of the study clearly shows the teaching using intervention materials
to the least mastered competencies in Science VI which will significantly affects pupils
achievement and attitude in Science. It will also consider the pupils age, gender and
interest towards science as subject.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to find out the effects of strategic intervention materials in
teaching Science VI on pupil achievement and attitudes, a basis for enhancement program
in sustaining the educational needs of every learners and to equip educators with the most
updated and innovative teaching methods.
Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:
1. What are the effects of strategic intervention materials in teaching science VI on
pupils achievement and attitudes towards the subject considering their age, gender and
interest towards the subject?
2. What is the level of performance of the experimental and control group in the pre-test
after the use of SIM?
3. What is the significant difference that exists between the pre-test results of the
experimental and control group?
4. What is the level of performance of the experimental and control group in the post
test after the use of SIM?
5. What is the significant difference that exists between the post test results of the
experimental and control group?

1. There is no significant difference between the achievement and attitudes of
pupils in the experimental and control group in line with their age, gender and
interest toward the subject.

2. There is no significant difference that exists between the pretest and post test
results of the experiment and the control group.

Significance of the Study

The Economic Theory states that the progress of one nation lies on the quality of
education thus, with more and better educated people, a country would have better
chance of economic development. According to the Basic Education Curriculum 2002
Primer, to become globally competitive, we have to educate our Filipino learners to filter
information critically, seek credible sources of knowledge and use data and facts
creatively so that they can survive, overcome poverty, raise their personal self-esteem and
realize a gracious life in this risky new world.
This study is conceived as a simple way of the researchers concern towards the
realization of one of the primordial concerns of education that is to improve the quality of
instruction in the elementary schools. In the light of the above concern, the following
may hopefully be benefited.
Administrators The researcher believes that the findings of this study may serve
as a basis for enhancement program to be implemented in the elementary schools by the
Department of Education.
Curriculum Planners

The findings of this study may encourage them to

recommend possible activities like seminars, training programs and workshops and the
acquisition of specific and updated facilities and instructional materials and encourage
the use of strategic intervention materials to continuously upgrade instruction.
Future Researchers

The result of this study will inspire and challenge other

researchers to further evaluate the effectiveness on the use of strategic intervention

materials on the least mastered competencies in science as a means for enhancement
program and for continuously enriching the curriculum.

Teachers The result of this study may implement some teaching adjustments so
as to make their teaching more effective. It is further expected that the findings will
create a new awareness on their strengths and weaknesses as a basis for improvement.
Pupils This study will likewise benefit the pupils more if their teachers can use
appropriate teaching methods based on their knowledge of their ability and demographic
characteristics of their pupils. There will be better facilitating of teaching and learning
process. Result could be better understanding of the fundamental and theories which
prepare the learner to a higher scientific process.

The same study will help parents realize the importance of giving

education and their children to enable them cope easily with school work. Moreover, the
parents may also be encouraged to devote their times in checking the progress of their
childrens studies, providing a follow up on their assignments and projects.

Scope, Limitations and Delimitations of the Study

This study limits its scope on the utilization of intervention materials that has
positive effects on motivation and attitudes. It is also based upon one of the learning
theories that the more senses involved in learning the easier it is for the learners to learn.
Since learning is characterized by how much knowledge is acquired, restored and
retained and by a change in attitude.
Ideas represented both visually and verbally is recalled better than ideas
represented only in one way. Improvement in retention maybe accomplished by an
affective teaching strategies aided by the utilization of intervention materials.
The research study will be conducted at Taguntungan Elementary School under
Baggao North District located at Barangay Taguntungan, Baggao, Cagayan. There thirty
one (31) grade VI pupils who will serve as an experimental and control group
respectively. Only one SIM will be utilized in this study to the least mastered competency
in Science VI during the First Grading Period based on the result of District Achievement
Test for the school year 2012-2013.

The quasi-experimental method will be used in this study because the subjects of
the study will be given two sets of tests.

Attitude Test and Achievement Test as

immediate post test will be administered to the subjects after the treatment condition. It
will be prepared according to the principles of test construction.

Definition of Terms
To achieve deeper understanding of this study the following terms have been
defined. Moreover, the terms were operationally and conceptually defined for purpose of
this study.

In this study, it pertains to subject field science. (Barsaga, 1985)

Academic Performance Achievement It refers to knowledge attained or skills

developed in the school subject usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by
the teachers. (Ibid)
Academic Performance It refers to the actual accomplishments in the academic
subjects as distinguished from potential ability. (Ibid)
Achievement Test

It is an instrument used to measure what had been learned by

the pupil from the subject matter taught in school. (Ibid)

Age A period of human life measured by years from birth usually marked by a
certain stage or degree of mental or physical development. As used in the study, it refers
to the actual number of years of existence of the respondents.
Assessment It is the act of determining the value of a certain change or activity,
or undertaking through a certain measuring or evaluative instrument. (Villamin, 1984). In
this study, it means appraisal or evaluation of the status of science teaching.

A systematic group of courses or sequence of subjects required for

graduation or certification in a major field of study, a general over-all plan of the content
or a specific materials of instruction that the school should offer the students by way of
qualifying for graduation. (Camba, 1987)

Demographic Profile It refers to the characteristics which involves the study of

physical, intellectual, physiological and economic factors affecting achievement.
Gender As used in the study refers to the sexual characteristic or category of
the respondent whether female or a male. The gender of learners has particular
significance in the academic performance in a particular field of study.
Instructional Materials

The terms refers to the audio-visual aids, apparatus

and equipment used in connection with the teaching of the lessons.

Learners As used in the study, refers to the different young individuals who are
being taught under a supervision of a teacher in the Elementary School levels.
Performance Level It is the scholastic performance in terms of grades or ratings
obtained in school subjects.
Post Test

As used in the study refers to the test administered at the end of the

topic after having exposed the pupils to the SIM. It has the same structure and content as
the pre-test given before the tryout of SIM. (Maggay, 1998)
Pre Test

As used in this study, refers to the test given before the tryout of the

SIM to assess the initial knowledge of learners on the topic under study. (dela Cruz,

A biographical sketch. In this study, it refers to the age, gender and

interest towards science as a subject.


It is a particular branch of knowledge especially on dealing with a body

of facts or truth systematically arrange and showing the operation of the general laws
(Burnett, 1993)
Scientific Teaching A technique that provides a situation favorable to learning
(Good, 1999).
Strategic Intervention Materials

It refers to the teaching aid introduced into

the teaching methods to stimulate the activity of the learners and thereby increasing the
level of understanding. As used in this study, it is exclusively designed to address the
least mastered competencies in science VI and for those learners who are really in need of
an extensive learning care of the teacher.


It is a person employed in an official capacity for the purpose of

guiding and directing the learning experience of pupils in educational institution whether
public or private.

The direct interacting by the teacher and the learners. (Good, 1973)

Teaching Device Is any means other than the subject matter that is used by the
teacher in directing any evaluating pupil activities.

An instructional procedure designed to relate to the learner, the

materials being presented in order to facilitate learning. (Good, 1973)

Traditional Method

It refers to the lecture-discussion method in teaching.

Chapter 2
Related Literature
A. Foreign Literature
This chapter presents the literature as well as studies on intervention materials
particularly in teaching Science VI to determine the effects on pupils achievement and
A teacher has a variety of ways to own, maintain or regain the attention of the learners.
Gestures using the hands, arm, face or body can direct the attention of the learner and can
do much to help learners recognize important ideas and facts. Learners should be
provided with a variety of stimuli in a lesson.
Motivation is an important component of learning. Motivated children pursue
their learning tasks with more success than indifferent or unwilling children. Thus, one
important aspect of teaching children as well as adults is to stimulate in each individual a
personal woe to move ahead. There are many ways of triggering individuals motivation
and all are related to meeting adequately and in timely manner the human fundamental
needs for survival, security, belongingness, recognition, intellectual curiosity and selfactualization.
Schuller, (2007) said that audio-visual experiences which reinforce one another
can provide the most efficient path possible for the mastery and understanding concepts.
The existing development is in the programming or arranging of learning experiences
which depends on carefully selected and interrelated combination of tested audio-visual
media as learning stimuli.
The study made used of audio-visual as stimuli to motivate pupils to learn, the
present study makes used of intervention materials to improve the pupils learning.
Stanford (2009) in his research shown that failure to conduct management tasks
efficiently and effectively results in confusions, disruption, lost learning time, pupils

failure to complete tasks, and lower achievement and as a result, negative behavior of the
learners towards the subject.
Quality education implies good teaching which is impossible without good
teachers. A good teacher is both born and made. Good teaching depends on thorough
knowledge on what teacher will teach and also sound methods of instruction. It can also
be achieved when the teacher has developed in his pupils the basic skills and understand
desirable attitudes, values and characteristics of learners which must be taken into full
consideration aside from the appreciation of the relationship in society and certain
personal qualities. The burning desire for one to be a teacher should be a good index,
actual teaching can be another.
Emmer et. al (2008) believe that students need to pay attention in order to learn.
To encourage students to pay attention, teachers often make statements like that of fifth
grade teacher who was teaching a mathematics lesson on story problems said to her
students, So lets look at the first one, I hope youre paying very close attention..
Now lets look over here, listen very carefully. Such statements are commonly heard in
Educational psychologists view attention not as a separate psychological function
but as a component of processing and comprehending information that has several
important which is focus, vigilance and flexibility. The focus of attention determines that
information is available for encoding the process, assumed to be prerequisite for learning
information. Vigilance or sustained attention involves skills and abilities to concentrate,
to maintain tasks providing good ability to complete a task. Flexibility permits shifting
attention, as from visual stimulus to an auditory stimulus or from an assigned task to an
unassigned task.
As for the pupils interest towards learning a particular subject, satisfaction with
ones teacher is an important facilitative condition for a pupils academic performance.
Pupils are attracted to teachers who provide them with a boost of status in the peer group
and who grant them security. Teachers who reward frequently and who do not rebuke or
demean learners in the eyes of peers are attractive. Pupils who are satisfied with their
teachers usually feel good about school, learning and themselves. The continual rejection
of an overtly aggressive student by both classroom peers and the teacher feeds the

negative cycle of low esteem, unfriendly overtures to others, and poor performance in
academic work.
Academic learning is made possible adequate intellectual development,
motivation for learning. Motivation in learning begins in the family and must reinforce by
teachers, school staff, and societal forces such as schooling-dependent opportunities.
Family and community conditions to prepare children for academic learning the level
needed today probably never existed for most children, todays community and family
conditions are even less supportive than in the past. For this reason, parents should be
involved in school governance and management in ways that recreate community
agreement, cooperation and support for child development.
The primary goal of school and family partnerships the bottom line for many
educators is to increase student motivation, achievement and success in school.
According to Epstein (2006), productive connections may contribute to
improving youngsters academic skills, self esteem, positive attitudes towards learning,
independence, other achievements, accomplishments and other behaviors of successful
According to Burden and Byrd (2009) instructional materials are carriers of
information between a source and a receiver. Instructional materials are so important in
the field of teaching-learning activities. There is difficulty in learning by the learners as
far as the study of Science is concern when instructional materials are not available.
These instructional materials should be something which the learner can work on by
himself, thus, developing independence in preparing any classroom activity.
A report by Capcom (2008), the Congressional Commission on Education
(EDCOM) has been conducting public hearings to find out what really acts the present
educational system. The EDCOM identified a problem inadequate supply of textbooks,
workbooks and other needs for enrichment activities.
Anderson (2009) provided three recommendations in making the best use of
available instructional materials. First, teachers must see instructional support materials
for they are: a means to an end rather than ends in themselves. Second, once teachers are
aware of their primary goals and objectives, they should search for a variety of materials
to aid the learners in achieving those goals and objectives. Third, teacher should develop

expertise in creating, selecting and using instructional support materials either through
collaborative efforts with other teachers or by noting reactions and responses of learners
as they use particular instructional materials.
Their studies deals on the importance of using instructional materials in teaching,
the present study deals only with use of strategic intervention materials as one of wide
variety of instructional materials in teaching which is very important factors in attaining
quality education.
In his studies entitled Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities to Use
Learning Strategies, Sturomski (2009) stressed the importance of a good teaching
strategies and techniques in order to make teaching and learning more effective. He
focused his study on helping students become more efficient and effective learners by
teaching them how to learn. By equipping them with a repertoire of learning strategies,
teachers may be able to provide them with a strategic intervention for a lifetime of
successful learning.
The above study is similar to the current study in the sense that both studies made
use of teaching strategies to address learning difficulties of learners.
Ball, (2011) in his study entitled The most effective strategic interventions
pointed out on the usefulness of using intervention materials that bring about learners
progress. The result indicated that students taught with the use of strategic intervention
performed significantly higher, that is demonstrated greater comprehension of what was
taught than students who were taught without the use of this strategic intervention.
Clark (2008) claimed that the active ingredient in studies that find one medium
superior to another is usually some uncontrolled aspect of our instructional method rather
than the medium. He further suggested that student values for certain media may change
radically over a short length of time in multi-media instruction programs. One indication
of these value changes is the extent to which learners attention and engagement wander
as they choose to think about things other than the instructional task. Indicators that
values change in a brief span of time suggest that the design of studies in this area contain
measurement techniques that are sensible to such change.

B. Local Literature
Eleazar (2008) remarked that effective teaching and learning could not take
without good instructional materials instructional materials, educational tools and
devices. These give the support to the curriculum and provide teachers useful aids of
instruction. However, his expertise on the use of aids or mastery of the subject matter
should be coupled by being formulated learning objectives which suit the kinds of
learners he handles.
Acorda, Lozada and Mendoza (2011) pupils do not learn facts about science but
also to help them learn science through learning by doing.
Education involves three important factors namely; the child, the curriculum and
the teacher. Of these without doubt, the teacher plays the major role. Through the ages,
the great teacher like Jesus Christ, Confucius and Socrates had influence the course of
history and left their indelible imprint upon present day civilization. Teachers therefore,
play a dominant role in the education of the children.
It is an accepted fact that education controls the fate of the nation in terms moral,
culture and economic directions. Just as another have employed, education becomes an
effective tool for development.
The teachers play an important role in molding the childs mental health so that he
can get along happily in this world. While in school, the child undergoes some
fundamental adjustments in life.
The teacher must assist the child to find compensation through appropriate
expression of whatever potentialities he possesses. The school should offer opportunities
for a just, friendly and a happy group of association of pupils, Philippine Statistical
Yearbook (2007)
Legarde (2008) stressed that basically the teacher should be patient and
sympathetic. Her classroom atmosphere should be an informal one where routines,
nevertheless are very carefully established. Teacher must generously endow with
ingenuity and imagination in order to present her lessons in a variety of procedures.

(2009) stressed that teachers are the proper authority to make

judgments of the appropriateness and worth of instructional materials for the reason that

they have close contact to the learners and should be made suited to their pupils needs,
interests and abilities.
Soberano (2010) in his research about the development and effectiveness of SIM
in Physics state the following are the five parts of a strategic intervention material:
1. Guide card stimulated the learners, interest on the topic discussed and gave a
preview of what they would learn, it presented the skill focus that mentioned the learning
competency, the three subtasks or activities and the concrete outcome or result learners
are expected to demonstrate or produce.
2. Activity card followed the guide card where it translated the focus skills in at
least three activities. It provided activities that were organized based on the sequence of
the focus skills as written in the guide card and included examples to concretize the
concepts particularly those drawn from real life situations.
3. Assessment card provides activities, drills, exercises that allowed learners to
assess their understanding of what they have learn, correct errors when appropriate and
monitor their learning and use feedback about their progress. This card was formulated in
standard test formats to give learners practice test taking techniques. It therefore has a
separate card for answer key.
4. Enrichment card provided activities that reinforce the content of the lesson
and provide opportunities for learners to apply what they have learned to other subjects.
It also encouraged learners independently to explore answers to their own questions.
5. Reference card provide reading for the learners. It related the content with the
learners life experience. It includes a carefully and well-researched lists of resources that
help learners reinforced the skills and concepts that they have learned. It also includes
additional useful content not found in the books.
The strategic intervention material ensure alignment of activities with the
tasks/objectives, kept he activities short and simple, provided a variety of activities to
cater diverse learning styles of the learners, provides a number of activities so that the
learner can have enough practice in developing the skills, and lastly, focus on the least
mastered skills, simple and easy to understand and reproduce meeting the interest level of
her children. The teacher should also have a broad field of interest, no matter what
subject areas she is teaching.

Another factor that may contribute much to the level of performance of pupils
according to Piguero (2008) is managing the classroom properly. The major challenges
confronting the teacher are not only being able to teach effectively but well. The later
involves classroom discipline which, if administered well, contributes much to effecting
maximum learning. Thus there is a connection between good teaching and good
Robles (2009) also emphasized that parents should consider carefully the
influence of our homes on our children. First and foremost our home in which our
children are raised should provide the climate where they can experience and realize that
they are not only wanted but loved and cherished most. Parents are the first influential
environment of each child. Every man in the street carries with him an image of his own
home, of his mother. Parents are aware of the fact must first do its part before it could
expect the school extended service ideal for the childs all-around development. The
capacity to this however is conditioned by the socio-economic condition of the family.
Poor parents cannot provide these materials that could supplement what they from
Other factor aside from using intervention materials that may enhance pupils
level of performance at school is to have a good environment induces an individual to
react and learn. In this light, parents should be advised to provide a wholesome
atmosphere like providing adequate study place, sufficient materials for study by
lessening the learners time for household chores. Teacher-parent educational partnership
remains as one of the most important all alliances in helping the child broaden his
horizon of experience and grow in wisdom and strength of character so as to pass from a
happy childhood into a productive and responsible adulthood.
Quality time is the most important factor in building healthy and wholesome
parent child relationship. Quality time is characterized by more than a constant
interaction. The child is an integral part of the family and is involved in the problems that
beset it. Fights between his parents have a negative effect on the child, especially if in his
perception, he is somehow to blame. This is aggravated which the parents compete for
the childs life and loyalty. It often happens that one parent puts down or finds faults in

the other to gain the childs allegiance in the event of separation. The child anticipates the
breakup of his family, his peace of mind is shattered, anxious and fearful.

Related Studies
A. Foreign Studies
The importance of teacher quality in improving educational outcomes is supported by
a sound body of research. According to Anderson (1989) the centrality of the teachers
role, especially in the context of science teaching is emphasized in the Australian School
Science Education Action Plan, 2008-2012. The teacher is a critical factor in determining
students interest and motivation to learn because it is the teacher who implements
curriculum, Brown (2008).
Brown also added that lack of confidence in teaching becomes a constraints on how
much is taught particularly in the light of workload for primary teachers who are typically
responsible for up to eight learning areas. Consequently, it is not surprising to find
evidence that teaching has been given little time in classrooms.
Teachers agree that overwhelming parents involvement contributes to more
effective teaching, more successful students, and more positive feelings about teaching
and learning and about their school when there is more parent involvement at the school.
A literature review on The Impact of Parental Involvement on Pupil
Achievement and Attitude Desforges (2008) revealed that parental involvement in the
form of at-home good parenting has a significant positive effect on childrens
achievement and adjustment even after all other factors shaping attainment have been
taken out of the equation.
Lack of support from parents is a problem. Parents and teachers should get to
know each other before they must communicate on a professional basis about the
progress or lack of progress of students. Prevention is the best cure for poor-school
While the present study deals with the effect of SIM on pupil achievement and
attitudes in line with other variables such as gender, age and interest towards science, the

previous study made use of parental involvement as a basis of improving pupils

achievement and attitude. In the elementary level, the following were some of the studies
conducted regarding the use of instructional materials in Science IV.
In the study conducted by Ebora (2009), she underwent an experimental research
which was intended to test if the achievement level of pupils can be increased if
classroom instruction will be supplemented by instructional materials. The study found a
statistically higher mean achievement level in the experimental group with the use of
instructional materials as compared to the control group.
A research made by Abouchaar (2008) includes a variety of learning strategy
interventions that have been developed, and what interventions might be most
appropriate for specific learners by teachers. The present study deals on the use of
strategic intervention materials on the least mastered skills in science VI only while the
other study made used of strategic interventions that are appropriate to some learners.
Williams (2009) Assessing Quality Education, stressed the need for giving quality
education to our pupils by providing teaching strategies that enhance the performance of
the learners.
Aside from employing intervention materials to the least mastered skills in
science VI in order to have improved performance and improved attitudes towards the
subject, effective learning according to Lawler (2008)
When schools and families work in partnership, students hear that school is
important from their parents and teachers perceive that caring people in both
environments are investing and coordinating time and resources to help them succeed.
The students own work is legitimized by this process of mutual support.
We carry out to help students to learn science effectively. The different modes that must
be incorporated in the classroom instruction are the lecture, question and answer,
demonstration, laboratory activities in students projects, audio-visual and technological
activities and supervised practice. Variety of procedures in teaching different topics of
varied instructional aids in teaching different subject matter.
Gregorio, (2008) Education is a vital tool for mental growth and success. Our
minds continue to grow as long as we learn. Learning should never stop at any age.

B. Local Studies
In a study entitled Strategic Intervention Materials: A Tool to Reduce the Least
Learned Skills in Science IV, it aims to analyze the effectiveness of SIM in reducing the
number of least learned skills of pupils in Grade 4 Science. Since the pupils performance
is affected by several factors, the study also looked into the influence of income and
gender in the performance of pupils under SIM implementation. The number of least
learned skills were analyzed both before and after implementation of SIM, and across
income and gender categories.
Results indicate that there is a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the pupils mean
number of least learned skills after SIM implementation, and both gender and income had
significantly affected pupils performance. The results may provide baseline information
on how SIM be implemented to avoid marginalization of some pupils.
While the present study deals on the effects of SIM on pupil achievement and
attitudes in line with their age, gender and interest toward science, the study made by
Escoreal (2008) looked into the influence of income and gender of the respondents.
As cited by Battung (2008), a good teaching goes with the use of effective and
pupil-friendly instructional materials. A good teacher must undertake process and
framework of systemically planning, developing and adopting instruction-based on
identifiable learners need and content requirement.
She recommends that teachers are encouraged to supplement the textbooks with
instructional materials for better understanding of the lessons not only in Sibika at
Kultura but also in other subject areas.
The above studies were conducted regarding the use of instructional materials in
teaching and its effect to the pupils, achievement and performance, the present study
made use of Strategic Intervention Materials.
In the secondary level, Ocampo (2008) tried to designed instructional materials in
the form a workbook for the teaching of mathematics at St. Paul University. She found

out that the proposed instructional materials when used in teaching affect the level of
learning of the pupils and enhanced their mastery level.
Another study made by Tangan (2009) on the use of video tapes and its effects on
students attitude, retention and achievement in World History proved that the use of
video tapes are effective instructional materials in enhancing students achievement and
attitude. Another study in the field of English by Tibangay (2008) on the proposed
instructional materials in English at the Dona Eufronia Molina Puzon Memorial High
School, and one of the findings reveals that theres really a need for additional
instructional materials such as textbooks, reference books, teaching guides, audio-visual
materials to improve learning skills of the students.
Barsabal (2007) had prepared instructional materials in the form of a workbook
for the teaching of mathematics. Based from the data gathered by her, the use of selfmade workbook produced a gain in performance as revealed on the score from the pretest and post test. Instructional materials were effective to learning, more challenging and
The same was conducted by Maggay(2008) for the teaching that proposed
workbook was an effective tool in the study.
The aforementioned studies are related to the present study because they all deal
on the development or the effectiveness of the use of teaching materials on pupils
achievement and attitudes. However, the study of Baquiran(2007), Barzabal (2008) and
Tangan (2009), each involving the use of instructional materials such as video tapes,
workbooks, textbooks, reference books were about other field and not basically Science.
While the present study pursued to know and determine the effectiveness of intervention
materials in teaching science VI on pupils achievement and attitudes in line with their
age, gender and interest toward science as a subject.
In the study of Lappay (2007) she discovered the following weaknesses in the
implementation of science teaching: inadequate science equipment, lack of funds for
materials, inadequate teachers training, lack of textbooks, references and guides, no
laboratory and separate science rooms, too many extra-curricular activities of the
teachers, indifference of science teachers of their activities and to the subject and
difficulty in teaching the subject because its not their field of specialization.

According to Carino, (2011) programmed instructional materials do not only

make the learner develop his competence at his own rate and motivational level but it
benefits the teacher herself by providing a comfortable and convenient learning situation
since he does not away with traditional methods of teaching. This is more on the
instructional materials than ordinary classroom teaching The programmed instructional
materials should be used to supplement traditional learning method and be constructed by
team teachers teaching the same subjects.
Dela Merced (2008) findings showed that the teacher respondents met ten
slightly serious problems which affected the teaching of science and technology to
some extent. The teacher respondents recommend the laboratory rooms should not be
used as classroom. Furthermore, they believe that stressing effective science teaching is
also one way of solving some problems in other subjects. The teachers did not believe
that increasing the number of teaching hours to solve the problems.

All gathered information from different sources of related literature and studies
provided comprehensive and significant bases and guides for the researcher in order to
bring this study to consummation and provide adequate background information for
effective and systematic analysis and interpretation. These studies have given the
researcher a valuable information regarding the factors that were tested as to whether
they have significant effect on pupils achievement which is the main core of the present
study. Generally, some similarities with regard to the general ideas of the authors.
However, they differ with regards to some aspects particularly in employing some
modifications in the effects of intervention materials in teaching science VI on pupils
achievement and performance. The difference on the past studies from the present study
made used of other factors that may significantly affect pupils performance and attitudes.
Through a well develop instructional materials, pupils will be provided with
visual aids and the like for them to have better understanding in each specific subject
matter and will ultimately help them develop a positive outlook of science as a subject.

Pupils interest and motivations are being sustained by means of a colorful and
challenging instructional materials intended for them to read and utilize.
Many studies have proven that using teaching materials will enhance the pupil
achievement and performance in learning. The Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM)
aims to provide the learners with a learning experience which could give them the
opportunities to harness their scientific skills and values through a simple way of
understanding the contents of the subject. The science teacher therefore, is responsible to
devise and provide the necessary materials for use in science classes.
With the problems persisting today in Philippine education system, our stand for
functional literacy to empower the learners is at stake. Many surveys proved that vast
majority of Filipino learners have performed below the levels of most students from other
countries. Thus, there is a great need for reform in order to effect learning-and this reform
should definitely start today. Thus, education managers must focus on reforming and
delivering quality instruction so that the Basic Education Curriculum will not
overwhelmed by this crisis. Learners must be provided with maximum opportunities to
become functionally literate in science.

Chapter 3

This chapter describes the design, locale and subjects of the study, research
instrument and procedure, and analysis of data.

Methods of Research Used

A Repeated Measure Experimental Design will be used in this study. This design
will be used because it will be used twice both on the experimental and control group that
will be involved. The single grade VI science class will be exposed to two different
conditions. In effect, the same class will serve as an experimental group when taught with
the use of intervention materials while it will also serve as a control group when taught
with traditional lecture method . Consequently, the subjects of the study will be measured
The schematic diagram of the design is shown below:





Post Test


Post Test

As seen from the diagram, two post tests will be administered to the subjects. One
will be administered to the experimental group when subjects will be taught with the use
of intervention materials. The other will be administered to the control group when taught
without the use of intervention materials or learner-discussion method or traditional and
usual method. The first test will measure the mean scores of level of performance of the
two classes before using the intervention materials to the least mastered competency in
science VI to be given to the experimental group.
Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted at Taguntungan Elementary School of Baggao North
District at Baggao, Cagayan during the Second Grading Period of school year 2013-2014.

The school has a total population of Two Hundred Eighty Seven (287). Thirty one (31) of
which is grade six. The schools teaching staff is composed of eight (8) equally able and
dedicated teachers and headed by a Principal.
It is situated at approximately 2.7 kilometers East of Tallang, Baggao, Cagayan,
the seat of our District.

The subjects involve in the study will be the thirty one (31) Grade VI pupils of
Taguntungan Elementary School at Taguntungan, Baggao, Cagayan. The single class will
serve both as an experimental and control group when taught with the use of intervention
materials and when they will be taught without the use of SIM..
Sampling Procedure
The whole grade six-class will be included in the study and therefore no sampling
technique will be employed.
Two Achievement Tests, as post test will be administered to determine whether
the use of intervention materials is effective in improving the achievement of pupils in
Science VI. The first Achievement Test will be administered to the subjects after the
experimental period, while the second Achievement Test will be administered after the
control period.
Each Achievement Test will be consisted of 20 items covering the lessons during
the First Grading Period. The test will exhibit cognitive complexities because it measure
the different cognitive skills based on Blooms Taxonomy Educational Objectives. This
includes Knowledge as the first level, Comprehension as the second level, and
Application, Synthesis, and Evaluation will be grouped as one in the third level.

Data Gathering Procedure

Mean and Standard Deviation will be used to analyze the means scores of the
pupils in the Achievement Test both in experimental period and in the control period. TTest for dependent means will be used to see if there is a significant difference between
the mean scores of the subjects in the experimental period and in the control period.

Treatment of Data
Before conducting the research a validated achievement test will be administered
to the pupil respondents to measure their level of performance by computing the mean
scores. After the pretest, the experimental group will be taught using the intervention
material while the control group will be taught without using the intervention materials or
the traditional method of teaching.
A post test will be administered to the two groups. The same set of test will serve
as post test after which, the result will be computed using the Mean and Standard
Deviation to see if there is a significant difference between the two groups.

Letter Requesting Permission to Conduct the Study
August 28, 2013


District Supervisor Designate
Baggao North District
Tallang, Baggao, Cagayan
I am currently working on my research proposal which is a requirement of my
graduate course Master of Arts in Education at University of La Salette, Santiago City,
Isabela, Graduate School.
As a requirement of the course, I am going to undertake Thesis Research entitled
In this light, I would like to ask permission to conduct the said study at
Taguntungan Elementary School during the Second Grading Period of the school year

Respectfully yours,

Benedicta D. Martin


Attitude Scale Test

Dear Pupil,
This is not a test. This is just to gather your ideas, feelings and predispositions in
Science VI as a subject.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
Benedicta D. Martin
Name: _______________________________
Birth Place: _______________________

Grade: ________________

Instructions: This scales measure how you feel about Science VI as a subject. On this
sheet, are statements about Science VI. Read each statement and decide how you feel
about it. Rate each statement on a scale of 1:
1 will mean I strongly agree
2 will mean I Agree
3 will mean I can not decide
4 will mean I disagree
5 will mean I strongly disagree (ISD)
Check the number found opposite each statement to indicate your feelings towards each

1. I am not interested in science.

2. Science is fascinating and fun.
3. I am afraid of science.
4. I am always under strain in my science class.
5. I enjoy studying science.
6. I really like science.
7. I want to learn more about science.
8. Science makes me feel nervous.
9. Science makes me feel restless, irritable and impatient.
10. I dont see any value in learning science.
11. My feeling towards science is great.
12. I am unable to think clearly when working with science
13. I am always sure of myself when it comes to science.
14. Learning science is a nice experience.





Appendix C
Letter Requesting Permission to Try-out the Achievement Tests
Taguntungan Elementary School
Taguntungan, Baggao,Cagayan

July 28, 2013

The Principal
Taguntungan Elementary School
Baggao North District
I am presently working on my research proposal which is a requirement in Master
of Arts in Education at University of La Salette.
In view of this, I asking your permission to please allow me to administer the
Achievement Test in Science IV that I have developed for the Grade IV class. This
procedure is part of the content validation and reliability testing of the test which will be
used as an Achievement Test in the experimental study that I will conduct in our school.
Thank you very much for supporting my quest for professional growth.
Very truly yours,

Benedicta D.


C Primer on the BEC

D Achievement Test in the Ex (30 items) multiple choice
E Achievement Test in the con (30 items) multiple choice
F Sample Intervention Materials (1)
G Questionnaires

H Attitude Scale Test

I - Statistical Treatment of Data

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