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Areas In The Caribbean Where Pollution Is A

An major area in the Caribbean where pollution is a problem is the Caribbean Coast. The
Caribbean coast is being endangered by pollution, development and overuse, according to a new
environmental report. The capacity of Caribbean countries to treat sewage has not kept up with
the large numbers of tourists, according to the report by the World Resources Institute group.
Cruise ships - a major component of the Caribbean's tourism market - were singled out as being
major polluters because they release sewage offshore. Mangrove and coral reef areas have been
contaminated by fertiliser from farms, and the reefs have been further degraded by human
contact and destructive fishing practices. This could result in a drop in tourism revenues, because
many tourists travel to the Caribbean's coastal areas to explore pristine marine environments,
according to the report. As well as the coastal coral reefs being affected by pollution. How
pollution affects coral reefs? Coral reefs need clean, clear water to survive. When sediment and
other pollutants enter the water, they smother coral reefs, speed the growth of damaging algae,
and lower water quality. Pollution can also make corals more susceptible to disease, impede coral
growth and reproduction, and cause changes in food structures on the reef.
Like many other developing Caribbean territories, our island of Tobago is facing a growing
problem of sewage pollution. Untreated or poorly treated sewage is being released into rivers and
storm drains with serious implications for human health and the natural environment.Other
concerns center around the rising tide of household and industrial wastes contaminating the land,
underground freshwater supplies and coastal waters. For example, only 13 per cent of the

population of St Lucia is connected to the sewage system.Dwindling quantities of freshwater for

drinking and agriculture is a worry in many islands.
What is land based pollution in Jamaica? We are talking about the filth from domestic sewage,
oil refineries, sugar factories and distilleries, food processing and other manufacturing activities,
chemical industries. There is also agricultural run-off you know, those pesticides and fertilizers
and other chemicals that we regularly spray on our crops. We are also talking about bags of
garbage dumped into the gullies in urban areas: we have all seen scandal bags sometimes
containing human waste, old fridges and plastics of every kind in gullies, waiting for the next
heavy rains that will carry it into Kingston Harbour and the sea. Take a look at parts of the harbor
after heavy rains, and you will see what I mean. The waters are festooned with plastic bottles.
Other areas where pollution is a problem in the Caribbean is as follows:

Pollution in Antigua And Barbuda

Air Pollution
Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
Dissatisfaction with Garbage Disposal
Dirty and Untidy
Noise and Light Pollution
Water Pollution
Dissatisfaction to Spend Time in the City
Dissatisfaction with Green and Parks in the City

0.00 Very Low

25.00 Low
75.00 High
50.00 Moderate
50.00 Moderate
100.00 Very High
25.00 Low
75.00 High

Purity and Cleanliness in Antigua And Barbuda

Air quality
Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
Garbage Disposal Satisfaction
Clean and Tidy
Quiet and No Problem with Night Lights
Water Quality
Comfortable to Spend Time in the City

100.00 Very High

75.00 High
25.00 Low
50.00 Moderate
50.00 Moderate
0.00 Very Low
75.00 High

Quality of Green and Parks

25.00 Low

Antigua And Barbuda Current Environmental Issues.

Environment - current issues: water management - a major concern because of limited natural
freshwater resources - is further hampered by the clearing of trees to increase crop production,
causing rainfall to run off quickly.
Definition: This entry lists the most pressing and important environmental problems. The
following terms and abbreviations are used throughout the entry:
Acidification - the lowering of soil and water pH due to acid precipitation and deposition usually
through precipitation; this process disrupts ecosystem nutrient flows and may kill freshwater fish
and plants dependent on more neutral or alkaline conditions (see acid rain).
Acid rain - characterized as containing harmful levels of sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide; acid
rain is damaging and potentially deadly to the earth's fragile ecosystems; acidity is measured
using the pH scale where 7 is neutral, values greater than 7 are considered alkaline, and values
below 5.6 are considered acid precipitation; note - a pH of 2.4 (the acidity of vinegar) has been
measured in rainfall in New England.
Aerosol - a collection of airborne particles dispersed in a gas, smoke, or fog.
Afforestation - converting a bare or agricultural space by planting trees and plants; reforestation
involves replanting trees on areas that have been cut or destroyed by fire.

Pictures Of Jamaica Affected By Pollution.

Pictures of Tobago Sewage Pollution Problem.

Pictures Of The Caribbean Coast Affected By


Pictures Of Antigua And Barbuda Affected By


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