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Atma and Atmakaraka planet



In the previous sessions, we have defined the philosophy of Atma and Atman, explained the types of
Bandana and chakras, and different concepts of Atma bandana, such as Atma dvitiya, Atma tritya etc.
The concepts of the colours of the Atma and diffusion of natural pure light as pertaining to the concept of
the sin has also been explained.
Through understanding of the concept of Varahamihira and his shlokas on conception, we may understand
that the influence of society, parents etc is very little, and that the nature of the atma has been defined by
the previous karma.
In each horoscope there is a planet known asa Atma (divine soul trapped into the 8 types of bondage) and
Karaka-(movable significator) which has to do with the functioning of the 8 chakra including the role of
Somanath (please go through the previous lectures). Such graha is termed ATMAKARAKA
Atmakaraka is the most important planet in a chart. It is the King of the chart, and happy King shows happy
kingdom and vice versa. Lagna is intelligence, while Chandra shows the mind. They are of secondary
importance in comparison to Atmakaraka.
Atma decides on the mind it will take, defines the body, structure and its functions, and thus it becomes the
most important planet among all planets and Lagnas.
Atmakaraka therefore, shows the karma which caused our birth. This graha brought us into this plane, and
forced Atma to take a certain mind and body.
It brought us to this planet to teach us certain lessons. This graha shows the lightning and storms of Indra
Devata( please go through the session of 33 devas from the 1st year)

The following points are crucial when analyzing Atmarakaraka graha:

1. Significations and other features of Graha which is Atmakaraka
2. Bhavas ruled by Atmakaraka
3. Bhava where Atmakaraka is placed
4. Bhava/s/ whose Atmakaraka is Naisarghik Karaka
5. The position and status of Atmakaraka in a rashi or sign
6. The link of Atmakaraka with Grahas conjoined or those which aspect/ or are aspected by it
7. The position of planets and houses from Atmakaraka Lagna in Rashi chart. This lagna is known as
Karaka Lagna
8. Bhava Arudhas associated with Atmakaraka or those ruled by it etc
Let us go step by step:

Observe the guna and tatva of Atmakaraka. This guna and Tatva will show the path and type of soul
cleansing and its experience.

Each graha and charakaraka tends to merge into Ketu, moksha karaka graha. As long as there is any type of
bandana associated with Atmakaraka, a person cannot attain moksha. Thus, to reach moksha, Ketu has to
turn atmakaraka graha into a smoke.
Atmakaraka indicates that the light of our soul (as moon) has overshadowed the light of Atman. This
happens due to Ahamkara. In such significations and positions we cannot or refuse to accept the light of
God, while at the same time perceive our own light. It is similar to a night time, where we can observe the
moons light only, not realizing or observing that such light is only the reflection of the true light of Sun.
It is for that reason that the soul is cleansed from its sins, and God teaches us to break the shell of bandana,
so that Atma can becoma the pure Atman.
Note the following:

We tend to identify with significations of Atmakaraka as our own nature

Atmakaraka turning into a smoke by Ketu is a very painful process, and it will take place through
that particular guna, bhava etc.
All relevant information about grahas from the 1st year are crucial in case of graha being




We have seen in the 1st year sessions that the colours of natural benefics on the soul level are
light. The very fact that the light colour does not imbibe or better to say rejects a considerable
quantity of light, indicates that natural benefik as Atmakarak does not easily follow the path of
self-purification nor gives the chance for easy and fast Self-realization.
Please keep in mind that Grahas conjoined Atmakaraka tend to absorb the nature of Atmakaraka,
and pleas apply the rules you have been taught for conjunctions of the planets.
When benefic graha is Atmakaraka and undergoes a Graha shapa or curse, it shows that the papa
or sins has been glued to a soul for a few lifetimes.
If atmakaraka is a malefic planet, it can teach you bad things, but you will receive instant and
quick punishment, and suffering. This gives chance to quickly cleanse and learn the lesson. So, the
soul cleansing becomes very painful, the soul remains in the dark, and desires for light and savour
(similar as dark colour quickly absorbs the light) When malefic is Atmakaraka and there comes
intense soul purification and pain the effect is often twofold:
a-) a person devolops hatred and bitterness towards the world (Sun) and becomes self destruction
and antisocial
b-) a person accepts suffering as a hand of God and becomes very spiritual
There are certiain rules which show whether will person go either way. To be continued

5 Responses to Atma and Atmakaraka planet


k.k.dave Says:
July 9, 2008 at 9:50 am | Reply

thanks for an informative lecture.what is the result if a debilitated sun in d1 -third
house is atmakaraka and is in the twelveth house in d9with ketu.

with regards

Adrian Says:
November 27, 2008 at 3:55 pm | Reply

the oldest planet in a rashi is the first to enter any rashi. at the moment of birth, or
right after the moment of birth the first rashi that rises in the east, represents the
birth itself, all other rashi comes after this one, thats why we call them 2th, 3th
etc. similar all planets that come in line after this one are named after the houses,
2th is the power of language, so this is the adviser, 3th is the courage and brother
and watt you can do with your hands, 4th is mother, 5th is children, future, and
royal power, 6th is immunity and the things we accept and reject, 7th is sex and
love partner/s, 8th is cleansing and regeneration, the length of life.(if we use also
the earth as a point in the horoscope opposed to sun always like Rahu opposes
Ketu whom is named Kalagni in other traditions the eclipser of the fire of the sun
thus named the black fire, or dark sun, the debilitate of the sun, and also two other
gas giants similar to Jupiter and Saturn, the Uranus and Neptune, than we have 12
chara-karakas, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Earth, Ketu-kalagni, Rahu,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
so the atma-karaka is in analogy with the ascendant and ascendant lord, with the
planet Mars and the ucha Sun. if this planet is strong in rashi, own, exaltation and
shubha-moolatrikona, or friendly rashi, will cause similar effect like the ascendant
lord being in similar situation. Saturn being the chara atmakaraka will be similar
to having a Capricorn ascendant. this technique has another interesting aspect I
was analysing. being the first planet to enter a sigh, we can also make a parallel
with the planet that was the first to enter the zodiac from Aries. so the planet that
is closest to the end of Pisces is very similar to the planet that is close to the end
of any rashi. so having the atmakaraka in Aries in the first rashi at the beginning
of evolution must be very different than having it in Sagittarius or Pisces.
probably if we really want to see the stage of evolution towards Mocksha we must
consider how close is the atmakaraka to the rashi of Mocksha the Pisces. and the
status of that planet in the rashi of how difficult it was to get there during the past
lives. having for example Jupiter in Sagittarius in the last navamsha, speaks about
great experiences and knowledge gathered in past lives, and probably this person
has the knowledge of where he comes from or where he goes from this life. Mars
as atmakaraka in Aries shows a new cycle of existence, maybe this soul has never
been on this planet, but he is much conscious of where to start and where is he
heeding to. Venus as atmakaraka in Capricorn or Pisces gives knowledge beyond
death, just like Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius. Venus will give the power to
speak the knowledge and Saturn to act based on this knowledge. Venus will also
give many talents worldly and supernatural. having your atmakaraka in a spring
rashi shows that you have just started on a path, you may be named a young soul.
having your atmakaraka in summer rashi, especially Jupiter or the moon in
cancer, Jupiter or the sun in Leo, or Rahu in Karka or Virgo, will show souls that
are grown up, and want to experience life at maximum, they are neither young nor

old. they can have much power on earth. atmakaraka in autumn rashi will show an
old soul, Saturn in Libra, or Rahu in Scorpio, or Jupiter in Sagittarius, will show a
very determined and conscious soul, that existed even in the very very far past.
these people can have much knowledge from their birth, a week planet here, like
Mars or the Sun in Libra, or Venus in Scorpio, or the Moon in Sagittarius, shows
an old soul with many experiences, but his experiences where not fulfilling and he
wishes for more, even if he cannot get it. atmakarak in winter rashi shows a soul
that is neither young nor old nor middling, he is beyond ages. someone over the
fear of death, the status of the planet can show how conscious is this person. a
Jupiter atmakaraka in Capricorn will show a sleepy soul, that has to be awaken to
his real possibilities, Mars here will show a person that can overcome the fight for
survival and with his strong will can decide whether to be born on this planet or
another world. Saturn in Capricorn is a great teacher just like Venus in Capricorn
and in Pisces.
Adrian E/H

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