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Holocaust/Night Webquest

Journal Log

1.) After completion of the book Night and viewing the YouTube
video in activity one, write your feelings or responses to each of
them here.

2.) Answer the following questions from the websites listed in

activity two:

1.) At the beginning of the book, Wiesel tells the story of

Moishe the Beadle. Why do you think none of the people in
the village, including Wiesel, believed Moishe when he

2.) One of the few things Wiesel describes about his childhood
and life before the Holocaust is his faith. How does his faith
change? Does this book change your view of God?
3.) How do the people Wiesel interacts with strengthen or
diminish his hope and desire to live? Talk about his father,
Madame Schachter, Juliek (the violin player), the French girl,
Rabbi Eliahou & his son, the Nazis. Which of their actions
touched you the most?

4.) Was any section of the book particularly striking to you?

Which one and why?
5.) At the end of the book, Wiesel describes himself in the
mirror as "a corpse" gazing back at himself. In what ways did
Wiesel die during the Holocaust? Does the memoir give you
any hope that Wiesel ever started living again?

6.)Why do you think Wiesel titled the book "Night?" What are
the literal and symbolic meanings of "night" in the book?

7.) How does Wiesel's writing style strengthen his account?

8.) Could something like the Holocaust happen today? Discuss
more recent genocides, such as the situation in Rwanda in the
1990s and the ongoing conflict in Sudan. Does Night teach us
anything about how we can react to these atrocities?
1.) What does the term concentration camp refer to?

2.) What was the SS?

3.) What were some of the limitations placed on Jews throughout this
period of the Holocaust?

4.) Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning what?

5.) What were some of the other groups targeted during the Holocaust?

6.) Describe the labor intensive methods and strategies of

extermination used at Auschwitz.
7.) In what year did Hitler rise to leadership?

8.) Where did Hitler write his first volume of his famous book Mein

9.) The Terezín ghetto was a model ghetto used to fool outsiders as to
the true conditions in concentration camps. T or F

10.)Where were the largest ghettos created?

11.) The Nazi answer to the "Jewish question in Europe" reached at

Wannsee in 1942 was called...?
12.) Read Eva Galler's Holocaust story located at . Summarize her experiences
and give a personal one page bio of her.
After viewing the images/artworks gallery websites, create your own
artwork depicting the Holocaust from your perspective in the blank
space below. Remember to try and create the piece as if you are creating
it for the United States Holocaust Museum.

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