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Erti Fadhilah Putri

Ilmu Hubungan internasional Unand

benefits world kidney day for a healthy lifestyle campaign


1.1 background
Many people die each year because of kidney disease, which is difficult to access and
expensive treatment makes many sufferers do not survive. The world's 10% of the population
identified as experiencing kidney illnesses.1
only large countries such as America, Japan, brazil germany and italy representing
12% percent of the world's population are people with kidney disease can have access to
kidney transplantation, while in developing countries that represent 50% of the world's
population is not the case.2
Some facts had already been explained that kidney disease is a deadly disease in the
world. other than that the disease is also very costly in terms of treatment. a lot of people
around us is the forerunner of kidney disease patients with bad lifestyle. many people are not
informed about the importance of kidney performance for health. perhaps because of the size
of the kidney that is not how, make a lot of people are not too concerned with this organ.
The general function of the kidneys is to remove excess fluid in the body and release
chemicals that is not needed by the body, which all waste products that will be issued in the
form of urine, several stages in the formation of urine includes the step ekresi and
augmentation. these measures are useful in maintaining balance fluid in the body. 3

1. World Kidney Day: Chronic Kidney Disease.

2. Jha V, Garcia-Garcia G, Iseki K, et al. Chronic kidney disease: global
dimension and perspectives.Lancet. Jul 20 2013;382(9888):260-272.


1.2 purpose
The importance of kidney performance for our bodies, and expensive treatment that
should take, the better we prevent kidney disease and provide information about kidney
disease to people. such as global campaigns purposed world kidney day so that the
community is more care about the health of their kidneys.
World kidney day held marathon from Argentina to Malaysia and globally campaigns
make the community more aware of the dangers of kidney disease, with prevention, to say
the risk of kidney disease and the impact on the receipt. it all just simply to raise awareness of
kidney health of us all in the world.4

2.1 literature review

According to james wilson social movement is an attempt by a group of people who
aim to bring social or reject changes in society consciously.5
John F. McCarthy and Mayer N. Zald has a different definition of the social
movement which, according them is seperangakat thoughts and beliefs that shows the
changes of elements of the social structure.6
From the opinion of the experts above we can conclude that the social movement is a
set of business is in the form of thinking that requires a change in the midst of society,
including the elements involved in the social structure of society. From the above definition
of social movements can define back that the global social movement also means that a
global social movement certainly influenced by globalization


John Wilson, Introduction to Social Movements (New York: Basic Book Inc.
1973), hal.4.

6. 16 John D. McCarthy dan Mayer N. Zald.

In this case I take the topic of world kidney day as social movements worldwide,
world kidney day as a global social movement for an education campaign kidney disease in
held almost all over the world is an activity which requires major changes to the health of the
younger generation exactly kidney health them, because as has been reviewed in the
introduction that the kidney is the most important organ in cleaning up the remnants of
chemical substances from the body.

Campaign 2016 World kidney day compose the theme of "kidney disease and
children, Prevent it" outreach prevention of kidney disease with the main object are children.
Which existing kidney disease in the future comes from our childhood, it is important for
parents so that children can build awareness of the dangers of kidney disease early. World
kidney day campaign has long been done since 2006 until now with a different theme each
year. Her many children at risk for developing kidney disease put the world kidney day raised
this issue in 2016.7

2.2 benefits world kidney day for a healthy lifestyle campaign

Many people at the end of this decade did not care about their health, their food is
prepared so many and various kinds of processed products made society adorned with it yet
another solid and make society lazy to do physical activity.
In the global campaign world kidney day in 2016, a team of world kidney day make
video eight good habits to prevent kidney disease or better known as "eight golden rules" as a
form of media inform to the community. 8 the habits include: regularly consume at least 2
liters of water in a day, eating a healthy diet, moderation in eating food that have salt and
sugar, exercise regularly, reduce the consumption of processed foods.7

In addition to the people in the villages to poor access to its communication as well as
in Indonesia have also discovered and has particularly awareness about the dangers of kidney
disease as a team together with the organization AIESEC Indonesia have engaged in activities

that HOME TOWN project which this activity has particularly many benefits to society in
These activities give the community information about how to resolve kidney disease, kidney
disease when exposed to impact and familiarize regularly consumed as a form of kidney
prevention in some areas also hold a free health checks in the villages. The community also
enthusiastically in improving healthy lifestyles.
2.3 application of world kidney day in Indonesia
Campaigns world kidney day in 2016 has been held in various countries around the
world some countries even have done campaigns to the public as in the country of Indonesia,
in order to contribute to society, AIESEC Local Committee, premises hold a project of social
activity that brings friends "Kidney Awarness" held in more than 33 cities in Indonesia.
AIESEC is a youth organization engaged in social activities and have a positive
impact on society. By making the project a social activity that is held in more than 33 cities in
premises in the hope that people can more care about the health of their kidneys. By first
selecting the team leader of the entire AIESEC in Indonesian universities. Elected 50 people
who will be the team leader or more in the know with the President of the Organizing
Committee, which will make this projec villages, with wile youths in the village, in the hope
that this project can give the impression to the community.
The author is also a one-on-one of the 50 team leader or known by the Organizing
Committee, of the President's running this project. AIESEC premises made HOME TOWN
project which is its main obejct rural communities and children.
With the six-week duration of this project is run in the hometown of each head of the
team, I run this project in Lubuklinggau. There, the author in collaboration with the health
service providing extension kidney disease to districts in Lubuklinggau not only that some
schools had also approached by a co-author on the team.
The benefits that can be drawn from this project is that we can socialize and
prevention of kidney disease and provide facilities to people who minimum information
about kidney disease to ask, and certainly more people have an awareness of maintaining
healthy kidneys. And for the youth in the village meraka even more daring to voice their
opinion, have a lot of experience of how to organize and how to cooperate with others.

Until now the world kidney day in Indonesia still work carried, some cities have
ended execute whereas some other cities still under proces.

Chapter III
Some facts had already been explained that kidney disease is a deadly disease in the
world. other than that the disease is also very costly in terms of treatment. a lot of people
around us is the forerunner of kidney disease patients with bad lifestyle. many people are not
informed about the importance of kidney performance for health. perhaps because of the size
of the kidney that is not how, make a lot of people are not too concerned with this organ.
The importance of kidney performance for our bodies, and expensive treatment that
should take, the better we prevent kidney disease and provide information about kidney
disease to people. such as global campaigns purposed world kidney day so that the
community is more care about the health of their kidneys
World kidney day as a global social movement for an education campaign kidney
disease in held almost all over the world is an activity which requires major changes to the
health of the younger generation exactly kidney health them, because as has been reviewed in
the introduction that the kidney is the most important organ in cleaning up the remnants of
chemical substances from the body.
The benefits of this campaign is a real change in the lifestyle of the people who
originally lazy to exercise and eat processed foods and raised awareness for a healthy lifestyle
by eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, and always check the health.

The author hopes that this paper can be useful as a source of references for the future and this
paper also be an embodiment of the author's experiences as a change agent.


1. World Kidney Day: Chronic Kidney Disease.

2. Jha V, Garcia-Garcia G, Iseki K, et al. Chronic kidney disease: global
dimension and perspectives.Lancet. Jul 20 2013;382(9888):260-272.


John Wilson, Introduction to Social Movements (New York: Basic Book Inc.
1973), hal.4.

6. 16 John D. McCarthy dan Mayer N. Zald.

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