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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 272, No. 13, Issue of March 28, pp.

8644 –8652, 1997

© 1997 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Nuclease Activity of T7 RNA Polymerase and the Heterogeneity of

Transcription Elongation Complexes*
(Received for publication, October 11, 1996, and in revised form, January 16, 1997)

Srinivas S. Sastry‡ and Barbara M. Ross

From the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Box 174, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021

We have discovered that T7 RNA polymerase, purified RNAP1 is RNA polymerase, P is promoter, RPc is a closed
to apparent homogeneity from overexpressing Esche- complex, RPo is an open complex, k is a rate constant for the
richia coli cells, possesses a DNase and an RNase activ- various steps, and NTPs are ribonucleoside triphosphates.
ity. Mutations in the active center of T7 RNA polymerase Initiation involves binding of RNAP holoenzyme to promoter
abolished or greatly decreased the nuclease activity. DNA (RPc) and the isomerization to open complexes (RPo) (for
This nuclease activity is specific for single-stranded a review, see Ref. 1). Open complexes synthesize short RNAs
DNA and RNA oligonucleotides and does not manifest

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(up to 10 nts) during abortive initiation. After clearing the
on double-stranded DNAs. Under the conditions of pro- promoter, RNAP enters the elongation phase. Termination oc-
moter-driven transcription on double-stranded DNA, no curs at certain DNA sequences in either a factor-dependent or
nuclease activity was observed. The nuclease attacks a factor-independent manner (2). The current view of transcrip-
DNA oligonucleotides in mono- or dinucleotide steps.
tion elongation has been possible because of our ability to
The nuclease is a 3* to 5* exonuclease leaving a 3*-OH
arrest elongation at specific sites on DNA templates, partial
end, and it degrades DNA oligonucleotides to a mini-
purification of arrested complexes, and the enzymatic and
mum size of 3 to 5 nucleotides. It is completely depend-
ent on Mg21. The T7 RNA polymerase-nuclease is inhib- chemical probing of their structures (3–17).
ited by T7 lysozyme and heparin, although not The unexpected discovery of an RNA cleavage reaction in
completely. In the presence of rNTPs, the nuclease ac- arrested Escherichia coli complexes (18) was followed by docu-
tivity is suppressed but an unusual 3*-end-initiated po- mentation of analogous cleavage reactions in other RNAPs
lymerase activity is unmasked. RNA from isolated pre- (19 –23). E. coli RNAP and eucaryotic RNAP II are capable of
elongation and elongation complexes arrested by a RNA cleavage in binary and ternary complexes (24 –26). GreA
psoralen roadblock or naturally paused at the 3*-end of and GreB of E. coli enhance the intrinsic cleavage by E. coli
an oligonucleotide template exhibited evidence of nu- RNAP (25, 27, 28). GreA and GreB (and a eucaryotic counter-
clease activity. The nuclease activity of T7 RNA polym- part, SII) prevent elongation arrest (29). GreA may participate
erase is unrelated to pyrophosphorolysis. We propose in the fidelity of RNA synthesis (30).
that the nuclease of T7 RNA polymerase acts only in T7 RNAP (98.8 kDa) belongs to a class of single-subunit
arrested or paused elongation complexes, and that in RNAPs that includes T3 and SP6 phage RNAPs (31–33). The
combination with the unusual 3*-end polymerizing ac- three-dimensional structure of T7 RNAP shows high a-helicity
tivity, causes heterogeneity in elongation complexes. with a deep cleft. Using a novel photochemical cross-linking
Additionally, during normal transcription elongation, technique, we have identified the T7 RNAP cleft as the site of
the kinetic balance between nuclease and polymerase is promoter binding (34). The polymerase shows a striking struc-
shifted in favor of polymerase. tural similarity to E. coli DNA polymerase Klenow fragment
and HIV reverse transcriptase (35). In vitro, T7 RNAP tran-
scribes DNA without additional protein factors. Promoter com-
Transcription by procaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polym- plexes have been characterized by footprinting and low resolu-
erases can be represented as follows (Scheme I). tion NMR (36, 37). T7 RNAP has a higher rate of elongation
(;250 nts/s) than E. coli RNAP (40 –50 nts/s). Elongation com-
k1 k2 NTPs mRNA plexes are remarkably resilient in their elongating phase. T7
RNAP 1 P -
| 0 RPc-
| 0 RPo O R-DNA-RNA RNAP can transcribe past noncovalently bound proteins (38),
k21 k22 nDNA DNA triple helices (39), and some base-specific adducts (40),
1 RNAP P whereas other roadblocks such as psoralens (3, 4), acetoamino-
fluorine (40), and Z-DNA antibodies (41) can temporarily block
Initiation Elongation Termination elongation. RNA cleavage by bacteriophage T7-like RNAPs has
SCHEME I. Representation of a transcription cycle. not been demonstrated so far. Part of the problem has been the
difficulty of isolating partially purified T7 RNAP elongation
complexes in a stable register.
* This work was supported in part by a Louis B. Mayer Foundation Here, we show that T7 RNAP also exhibits a novel DNA and
grant and a Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation grant for a high
RNA cleaving property. RNase activity occurs in ternary elon-
pressure liquid chromatography work station and related service con-
tracts. This work was presented at a FASEB Summer Research Con- gation complexes and in binary complexes. In combination with
ference, July, 1995. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed
in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be
hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section The abbreviations used are: RNAP, RNA polymerase; T7 RNAP,
1734 solely to indicate this fact. bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase; nt(s), nucleotide(s); XL, interstrand
‡ A Louis B. Mayer Foundation Fellow. To whom correspondence psoralen-DNA cross-link; TBE, 180 mM Tris borate, pH 7.5, 2 mM EDTA
should be addressed: Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Box 174, The buffer; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ss, single-stranded; ds,
Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10021. Tel.: 212-327-8987; Fax: double-stranded; MC, multimeric complex; pol II, polymerase II; GpG,
212-327-8651; E-mail: guanylyl-39-59-guanosine phosphate; NMP, nucleoside monophosphate.

8644 This paper is available on line at

Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase 8645
an unusual 39-end-initiated polymerase activity, the RNase
activity produces heterogeneity in stalled/arrested T7 RNAP
elongation complexes.

Nucleic Acids and Proteins—DNA and RNA oligonucleotides were
commercially synthesized by automated solid phase procedures. DNAs
were purchased from Midland Certified Reagent Co. (Midland, TX), and
RNAs were purchased from the Rockefeller University biotechnology
facility. The plasmids pBluescript and pBR322 were prepared using
standard protocols (42). The concentrations of nucleic acids were calcu-
lated from their respective molar extinction coefficients at 260 nm
(;104 M21zcm21/nt). rNTPs and dNTPs were purchased from Pharmacia
Biotech Inc. at a concentration of 100 mM. T4 polynucleotide kinase and
calf terminal transferase were from New England Biolabs and Boer-
hinger Mannheim, respectively. Heparin sulfate was from Sigma. T7
lysozyme and anti-T7 RNAP antiserum were a kind gift from Dr. F. W.
Studier (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY).
Nuclease Assays—T7 RNAP was prepared locally according to the
procedure of Grodberg and Dunn (43) and also by a procedure that was FIG. 1. Nuclease activity of T7 RNAP on a 5*-end-labeled ss

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modified from Ref. 44. We also used preparations of T7 RNAP that were DNA and ss RNA. The autoradiogram of a 24% acrylamide gel shows
prepared by a procedure from the Uhlenbeck laboratory (45). His- the cleavage patterns of DNA and RNA at different intervals of time.
tagged T7 RNAP was overexpressed from a plasmid (pBH161) in E. coli Aliquots were removed at indicated time intervals from reaction mix-
cells (BL21). The enzyme was purified using a Ni21-agarose column. tures containing purified T7 RNAP plus a 23-mer DNA or a 20-mer
The bacterial strains overexpressing the His-tagged T7 RNAP, the RNA. Lane 1 shows the oligonucleotides before polymerase addition,
whereas lane 2 (0.5 min), lane 3 (1 min), lane 4 (5 min), lane 5 (10 min),
strains containing the insertion mutations in the T7 RNAP structural
lane 6 (20 min), lane 7 (30 min), and lane 8 (60 min) show the oligonu-
gene, and the procedure for purification of His-tagged T7 RNAP were a
cleotides after polymerase addition. WT is wild type polymerase and
generous gift from Dr. Bill McAllister (State University of New York at MUT is mutant polymerase containing an insertion (pLG12; see Ref.
Brooklyn). Other sources of T7 RNAP are mentioned under “Results.” 47). The two less intense shorter bands aside from the full-length DNA
The concentration of the purified enzyme was determined using e280 5 oligonucleotide band in lane 1 are failure sequences during solid phase
1.4 6 0.1 3 105 (43). For nuclease assays, 2 pmol of 59- or 39-end-labeled synthesis. The presence of these minor bands does not compromise the
DNAs or RNAs were mixed with 5–10 pmol of T7 RNAP in a 25-ml interpretation of our data.
reaction containing transcription buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 10
mM MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM spermidine, 5% (v/v) glycerol). The [a-32P]CTP (specific activity, 3000 Ci/mmol) at 0.3 mM, and 60 units of
reaction mixture was incubated at 37 °C for various lengths of time human placental RNase inhibitor. Transcription was initiated by the
during which 2- or 4-ml aliquots of the reaction were taken out at addition of 400 pmol of T7 RNAP and incubation at 37 °C. After 15 min
different times and mixed with 4 or 10 ml of 8 M urea-Tris borate, 20 mM of transcription, 300 mM NaCl or 90 mg/ml heparin was added. When
EDTA plus tracking dyes and heated in a boiling water bath for 5 min necessary, sodium pyrophosphate (Sigma) was added at a final concen-
and run on a 24% acrylamide, 8 M urea gel (19:1 acrylamide:bisacryl- tration of 2 mM after the addition of NaCl. After 3 min at room tem-
amide). The cleavage reaction was visualized by autoradiography with perature, the entire reaction was passed through a Sephadex G-25 spin
an x-ray film or phosphor screen. Where necessary, the kinetics of the column. The flow-through was concentrated by SpeedVac centrifuga-
cleavage reaction was measured by quantitation of the residual full- tion at room temperature (;10 min) to about 50 –100 ml, and glycerol
length 23-mer DNA band or 20-mer RNA band at specific intervals was added to 5% final concentration. The reaction was loaded on an 8%
relative to the band representing the starting material, i.e. the 0-min acrylamide nondenaturing gel (14 cm 3 16 cm) and run at 10 V/cm. For
time point. Semiquantitative data were obtained using the ImageQuant some reactions, the spin column step was eliminated to achieve a better
program of a PhosphorImager. yield of the complexes. The gel was run until the blank xylene cyanol
Preparation of 66-mer DNA Templates—Two templates were pre- dye was at the bottom of the gel. C1 and C2 bands were identified by
pared, one unmodified and the other with a psoralen cross-link (be- autoradiography of the wet gel, and the respective complexes were
tween T at the 136 position on the top strand and T at the 137 position eluted from gel pieces by electroelution. The nucleic acids were recov-
of the bottom strand (66XL); see Fig. 7). The 66XL template was ered by precipitation with EtOH and run on a 24% acrylamide, 8 M
prepared as described previously (Ref. 3; see Ref. 46 for methods of urea-TBE gel. The sizes of the RNAs were measured using markers
adduct preparation). Briefly, a 14-mer furanside monoadduct generated by diethyl pyrocarbonate plus piperidine (purines) cleavage
(CGAAGCTACGAGCA) was ligated to a synthetic, kinased 52-mer (59- of DNA oligonucleotides whose sequences are known. Additional mark-
GAGGCCATCGATAAAGGTCTAGATCTCCCTATAGTGAGTCGTATT- ers were a synthetic DNA ladder ranging from 8 to 75 nts. RNA
AATTAGC-39) and a 13-mer (59-GGCCTCTGCTCGT-39). The 13-mer migrated about 2–2.5 nts slower than DNA of the same length on 24%
DNA served as a ligation “bridge” between the 14-mer and the 52-mer. denaturing acrylamide gels.
An equimolar amount of a synthetic 66-mer nontemplate strand was
then added and the 66-mer furanside monoadduct bottom strand (the RESULTS
ligation product) was cross-linked to the nontemplate strand with 320 –
Single-stranded DNA Cleavage by T7 RNAP—Fig. 1 shows
380 nm light. The 66XL was then purified from preparative denaturing
gels. that purified T7 RNAP from overexpressing E. coli cells cleaved
Analysis of Elongation Complexes—Unmodified 66-mer ds template a 59-32P end-labeled 23-mer ss DNA (59-TAATACGACTCAC-
was constructed from two complementary strands that were synthe- TATAGGGAAG-39, promoter top strand) and a 20-mer RNA
sized individually and purified by high performance liquid chromatog- (59-UUUUUUUUUUCUGACUUAGC-39). The cleavage oc-
raphy. The sequence of the template is the same as the one previously curred from the 39-end (see below) in steps of mono- and
used (see Fig. 7 for sequence) (3, 4). To construct an unmodified 66-mer
dinucleotides (Fig. 1, lanes 2– 8). After 60 min of DNA diges-
template equimolar amounts of a mixture of the two complementary
strands (1 mM each) were heated at 70 °C for 10 min and slowly cooled tion, major products of 2 or 3 nts were seen. The pattern of DNA
to room temperature over a period of 2 h. When needed, the template and RNA fragments was the same, except that the DNA oligo-
strand was 32P-labeled with the aid of [g-32P]ATP and T4 polynucleotide nucleotide was cleaved to smaller products faster than the RNA
kinase (42). Psoralen cross-linked templates were constructed as de- oligonucleotide. The 20-mer RNA migrates about 2–2.5 nts
scribed above. The psoralen site specifically cross-linked the T at the slower compared with the same-sized DNA. Hence, in Fig. 1,
136 position on the top strand with the T at the 137 position on the
the RNA and DNA bands appear to migrate approximately at
bottom strand (see Fig. 7). Typical transcription reactions were carried
out by first mixing ;80 pmol of template DNA (either 32P-labeled at the the same positions on the high resolution gel (24% acrylamide).
59-end of the template strand or unlabeled) in transcription buffer To rule out the possibility that the nuclease activity was due to
containing 1 mM each of cold ATP, GTP, and UTP, cold CTP at 50 mM, an adventitious contaminant in the enzyme preparations, we
8646 Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase

FIG. 2. In situ assay for nuclease activity. A, 10% acrylamide-SDS gel showing an example of T7 RNAP preparation used in this work. The
protein was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. B, native (without SDS) 10% acrylamide gel stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. MC is a
multimeric complex of T7 RNAP and M is the monomer. S contains native gel standards from Pharmacia. The standards are: 669 kDa,
thyroglobulin; 440 kDa, ferritin; 232 kDa, catalase; 140 kDa, lactate dehydrogenase; 67 kDa, albumin. C, binding of 32P-labeled 23-mer to
multimeric complex of T7 RNAP. After electrophoresis at 4 °C, the native gel was rinsed at 4 °C by agitating in three changes of transcription buffer
for 3 h. The final rinse was discarded, and the gel was shaken overnight at room temperature in 30 ml of transcription buffer containing 32P-labeled
23-mer (1 pmol/ml). The gel was then rinsed three times (15 min each) in transcription buffer and autoradiographed. The MC band was identified
by aligning the autoradiogram with the gel after staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (as in B). D, denaturing gel showing the isolated DNA from
C. Lane 1 contains an aliquot of the 32P-labeled 23-mer DNA from the binding solution used in C. Lane 2 contains DNA eluted from band MC from

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the gel in C. Lane S contains synthetic DNA oligonucleotide standards.

purified mutant T7 RNAPs containing insertion and point mu- contained a T7 RNAP promoter sequence. Nuclease assays
tations in the structural gene of T7 RNAP. These mutants were using a 59 32P-end-labeled 34-mer ss DNA without promoter
cloned in Dr. McAllister’s laboratory (see Refs. 47 and 48 for sequence (59-CGAAGCTACGAGCGGTAGCCATCGATAAAT-
details). We prepared T7 RNAPs from four mutant strains AGCT-39) gave the same result (not shown). Therefore, pro-
containing plasmids pLG12, pLLG22, pWJC22, and pCAR27. moter sequence is not required for T7 RNAP nuclease activity.
All four mutant T7 RNAPs were defective in DNA and RNA To further rule out the possibility of contaminating nuclease
cleavage to different extents. In Fig. 1 we show an example of in our T7 RNAP preparations we carried out the following
a cleavage pattern that was observed with the pLG12 T7 RNAP experiments. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed
insertion mutant (MUT). This mutant had a 6-base pair linker the presence of a single band migrating at ;99 kDa after
insertion within or immediately after codon 566 in bacterio- staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (Fig. 2A) or with silver.
phage T7 gene 1 (the structural gene for T7 RNAP) (47). This We estimated that these preparations were .90 –95% pure T7
mutant was defective in promoter binding and catalysis (47). In RNAP. When T7 RNAP was run on a native (i.e. without SDS)
our assay, the mutant enzyme was defective in both DNA and polyacrylamide gel only two distinct bands were seen after
RNA cleavage (Fig. 1). Surprisingly, the mutant T7 RNAP Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining (Fig. 2B). A multimeric com-
behaved somewhat differently with DNA and RNA oligonucleo- plex (MC) was observed. Since T7 RNAP is known to form
tides. Whereas DNA cleavage occurred to some extent, albeit at aggregates in low salt,2 it is possible that a large fraction of T7
a slower rate than with wild type T7 RNAP, RNA cleavage was RNAP migrates close to a 669-kDa marker apparently as a
almost completely absent (Fig. 1). For example, with the mu- multimer in native gels containing low concentrations of salt.
tant T7 RNAP, after 60 min of incubation with ss DNA, bands However, it is difficult to assign a mass to this multimer based
extending up to 17-mer were visible, the most intense bands solely on native gels. Hence, we shall simply refer to this as a
being the 11-mer and 12-mer (Fig. 1, MUT, lane 8). Whereas MC. A second, fainter band, apparently corresponding to a
with wild type T7 RNAP, at 60 min a much smaller distribution monomer (Fig. 2B, M), based on its electrophoretic mobility,
was observed (Fig. 1, WT, lane 8). This experiment showed that was also observed. Because this was a native gel (i.e. without
1) the nuclease activity is indeed due to the polymerase itself; SDS), we are not certain whether band M represented the
2) because the overall pattern of cleavage of both ss RNA and ss uncleaved ;99-kDa T7 RNAP molecule or the “nicked” 80-kDa
DNA appears to be the same, a similar mechanism of cleavage fragment that is often seen in polymerase preparations (43).
probably occurred; 3) the cleavage rates are different for ss There was no visible amount of the 80-kDa fragment in our T7
DNA versus ss RNA for both wild type and mutant, perhaps RNAP in SDS gels (Fig. 2A). This is because we prepared T7
due to differential affinities of the polymerase for ss DNA RNAPs from E. coli strain BL21 (without Omp T protease; see
versus ss RNA (indeed, using gel-shift assays, we found that T7 Ref. 43). Since the same T7 RNAP preparation was run on SDS
RNAP binds ss DNA better than ss RNA; not shown); and 4) and native gels, and because the ;20 kDa (;99 – 80 kDa) was
because the mutant T7 RNAP is defective in promoter binding not seen on native gels, we believe that the lower band probably
and catalysis (47) and is also defective in our cleavage assay represents a monomer of T7 RNAP. However, for the interpre-
here, cleavage is probably catalyzed by the active center of the tation of the data below, whether band M represents the full-
enzyme. length monomer or the nicked polymerase is not relevant be-
Four other T7 RNAP preparations were also tested for nu- cause the material in band M did not bind DNA.
clease (data not shown): T7 RNAP that was prepared using the To assay for DNA binding we soaked a gel identical to that in
procedure described in Ref. 45; His-tagged T7 RNAP that was Fig. 2B in nuclease assay buffer containing 59 32P-end-labeled
prepared using a Ni21-agarose column (bacterial strains and 23-mer DNA. Only the MC band showed a prominent 32P signal
procedure from Dr. W. T. McAllister); T7 RNAP that was pur- (Fig. 2C). Overexposed autoradiograms (not shown) of the gel
chased from Epicenter Technologies (Madison, WI) (43) and did not reveal DNA binding to band M. The band representing
modified by Dr. J. J. Jendrisak (Epicenter Technologies); and MC was excised from the gel, and the DNA was eluted and
T7 RNAP from Dr. J. J. Dunn (Brookhaven National Labora- subsequently run on a denaturing 24% acrylamide, 8 M urea gel
tory, Upton, NY) (43). All these purified preparations displayed (Fig. 2D, lane 2). It is clear that cleavage of the 23-mer DNA
the same patterns of cleavage as in Fig. 1. Cleavage activity
also occurred on a 66-mer ss DNA or a 66-mer ds DNA with a
39 nucleotide overhang (not shown). All these oligonucleotides J. J. Dunn, personal communication.
Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase 8647

FIG. 3. Gel-shift assay for DNA binding to T7 RNAP. 32P-Labeled

23-mer DNA was mixed with T7 RNAP at different molar ratios of T7
RNAP:DNA in transcription buffer. The reaction mixture was incu-
bated at 37 °C for 10 min and made 5% glycerol. The reaction was
loaded on an 8% acrylamide, TBE gel (20 cm 3 20 cm) and run at room
temperature (7 V/cm). The gel was run until the bromphenol blue dye
was 9 cm from the bottom of the gel and then fixed in 5% methanol, 5% FIG. 4. Cleavage of 3*-end-labeled 23-mer DNA by T7 RNAP.
acetic acid, 3% glycerol for 20 min, dried, and autoradiographed. 0 The 23-mer DNA was labeled at its 39-end with [a-32P]ddATP (11) and

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indicates no polymerase. 1, 3, 5, and 15 indicate -fold excess of T7 RNAP terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Cleavage reactions were carried
over DNA. out as described under “Experimental Procedures.” 0 indicates no po-
lymerase. 0.5, 2, 5, and 10 indicate min after addition of polymerase.

occurred in the T7 RNAP complex. The in situ cleavage pattern

is qualitatively similar to the cleavage pattern in solution (com- 59-end with the limit product at the 59-end being 3–5 nucleo-
pare Fig. 1, WT, lanes 2 and 3, with Fig. 2D, lane 2). These tides. That cleavage left a 39-OH end was verified by 32P label-
experiments show that T7 RNAP may exist as a multimer that ing the cleaved unlabeled 3-mer and 20-mer with 39 terminal
cleaves 32P ss DNA. Next, we did a corollary experiment to transferase and [a-32P]ddATP after the nuclease assay. Omis-
demonstrate that T7 RNAP indeed binds to the ss DNA oligo- sion of MgCl2 or inclusion of molar equivalents of EDTA with
nucleotide in stoichiometric amounts. Fig. 3 is a gel-shift assay Mg21 blocked cleavage, indicating complete Mg21 dependence
demonstrating that increasing amounts of T7 RNAP bind to the of the nuclease (not shown).
23-nt ss DNA. A single major upper band (U) and two faster Nuclease Activity Is Inhibited by T7 Lysozyme or Heparin—A
migrating minor bands (L) are seen (Fig. 3). The faster migrat- 203 excess (w/w) of T7 lysozyme over T7 RNAP or heparin (250
ing shifted bands may represent the 59 cleavage products that mg/ml) inhibited the rate of nuclease activity (Fig. 5). After
are still bound to the enzyme, consistent with the results from 5–30 min of incubation with T7 lysozyme, 21-mer and 20-mer
the in situ cleavage experiment. Alternatively, they may be or 10 –12-mers were still seen, whereas without lysozyme the
faster migrating conformational isomers of the enzyme-ss DNA DNA was cleaved faster to much shorter products. Prolonged
complexes. These experiments demonstrate that T7 RNAP incubation with these reagents showed smaller products, indi-
binds and cleaves ss DNA in a stepwise manner reminiscent of cating that these reagents did not completely block nuclease
a 39 to 59 exonuclease. Gel-shift assays with 59 32P-end-labeled activity. The inhibition by T7 lysozyme or heparin was
20-mer RNA also showed that T7 RNAP was bound to RNA in concentration-dependent (not shown). Half-maximal inhibition
binary complexes (not shown). by heparin was at 50 mg/ml. T7 lysozyme is a specific inhibitor
Additional criteria were used to show that the cleavage ac- of T7 RNAP (49, 50), again indicating that T7 RNAP is the
tivity is a property of T7 RNAP. 1) The kinetics of heat inacti- source of nuclease activity. Because the polyanion heparin is a
vation of T7 RNAP at 70 °C indicated that the destruction of competitive inhibitor of DNA binding, DNA binding is a pre-
nuclease activity paralleled the destruction of transcription requisite for T7 RNAP nuclease activity.
activity (not shown). 2) Amino acid composition analyses of two Polymerase Activity Suppresses Nuclease Activity—Addition
of our preparations matched the known amino acid composition of rNTPs suppresses the nuclease activity while unmasking an
of T7 RNAP. 3) Western blotting of gel shifts of binary com- unusual polymerase activity (compare lanes without NTPs and
plexes of T7 RNAP and 23-nt DNA (such as those in Fig. 3) and with rNTPs, Fig. 6). The 39-end extension of DNA (or RNA, not
transcription complexes (see Fig. 8) with anti-T7 RNAP anti- shown) by T7 RNAP with rNTPs has been observed previously
body indicated that these complexes contained T7 RNAP. 4) (51–53). Prolonged incubation in the presence of rNTPs shows
DNA cleavage activity during T7 RNAP purification coincided evidence of nuclease activity on the 40-mer DNA-RNA chime-
with T7 RNAP peak fractions from the cation-exchange ras (e.g. see 30-min lane of Fig. 6). Consistent with T7 RNAP
column. being the nuclease, dNTPs do not elicit the same effect as
ss DNA Cleavage Activity Starts at the 39-End and Is Mg21- rNTPs (Fig. 6). This showed that the active site of T7 RNAP is
dependent—When the 23-mer ss DNA was 32P-labeled at the involved in nuclease activity, consistent with our earlier results
39-end, the nuclease immediately released a mononucleotide with mutant T7 RNAPs (Fig. 1). Fig. 6 shows that nuclease
(Fig. 4). This was deduced using 32P-labeled dinucleotide ([a- activity and polymerase activity can manifest independently.
P]GpG) and 32P-labeled ATP as markers on a 24% acrylamide In the presence of NTPs, polymerase activity predominates
denaturing gel. The product size remained the same even after over nuclease activity (see below).
prolonged incubation. This indicated that the initial product of Nuclease Activity Is Absent during Normal Transcription—
the cleavage is probably a mononucleotide. (Within the scope of The plasmid pBluescript (Stratagene Corp., San Diego, CA)
the present paper we do not think it is necessary to unambig- contains a class III promoter but not a T7 terminator. In the
uously identify this product.) The same result was seen with 39 presence of T7 RNAP and rNTPs, a large amount of RNA was
P-end-labeled 34-mer nonpromoter ss oligonucleotide DNA produced by multiple rounds of transcription, indicating that
(not shown). Putting together the 59- and 39-end labeling ex- our T7 RNAP was transcriptionally active. No small cleavage
periments, T7 RNAP nuclease acts by a stepwise removal of products originating from the DNA were seen. In the absence of
nucleotides starting from the 39-end and going toward the NTPs, no cleavage of the plasmid was seen either (data not
8648 Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase

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FIG. 6. Polymerase activity suppresses nuclease activity in the
presence of rNTPs. Reaction mixtures contained either rNTPs or
dNTPs before the addition of T7 RNAP. 0 indicates no polymerase. 1, 5,
and 30 indicate min after addition of polymerase.

heparin disrupted all existing promoter complexes and inhib-

FIG. 5. Inhibition of cleavage activity by T7 lysozyme and hep-
arin. T7 lysozyme or heparin were mixed with labeled 23-mer DNA in ited new rounds of initiation. Footprinting and other experi-
transcription buffer. To this mixture, kept at 37 °C, T7 RNAP was ments have shown that 300 mM NaCl disrupted promoter-
added, and aliquots were removed at different intervals of time and run initiation complexes but not elongation complexes (3, 4, 55–57).
on 24% acrylamide-urea denaturing gel. 0 indicates no polymerase. 5, To isolate stable complexes, we first passed the transcription
15, and 30 indicate min after addition of polymerase. None indicates
reactions that contained neither lysozyme nor heparin. reactions through a Sephadex G-25 spin column to remove
NTPs and other low molecular weight components. The radio-
labeled complexes were resolved on a low percentage nondena-
shown). To confirm that no cleavage of the plasmid occurred, turing acrylamide gel. The 32P label was present either in the
we isolated the DNA from gel bands from agarose gel and nascent RNA or on the 59-end of the template strand. To ensure
restricted the DNA with HindIII and PstI separately. Re-ex- that the resolved complexes seen on nondenaturing gels con-
amining the restricted DNA separately on agarose and dena- tained T7 RNAP, we probed the complexes with anti-T7 RNAP
turing polyacrylamide gels revealed no indication that T7 antiserum using Western blotting techniques (not shown). The
RNAP cleaved the plasmid with or without NTPs. We observed same bands that were visible in autoradiograms when the RNA
similar results with the plasmid pBR322 that has no consensus or the DNA templates were labeled with 32P were also recog-
T7 promoter, although in this case very little RNA was made. nized by anti-T7 RNAP antibody, attesting that the complexes
We examined transcription initiation on a short oligonucleotide indeed contained T7 RNAP. Omission of the spin column step
template containing a 23-base pair core promoter sequence increased the yield of the complexes without changing the
(59-TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGAAG-39). In the presence of pattern of bands on the nondenaturing gel. Following autora-
GTP as the sole NTP, T7 RNAP produces a G-ladder that diography of the native gels, the radioactive RNAs were recov-
extends to ;14 nts and then tapers off (71). The G-ladder is ered and subsequently resolved on a 24% denaturing acrylam-
thought to be produced by multiple rounds of slippage synthe- ide gel (see “Experimental Procedures”). This protocol selected
sis at the three cytidines in the promoter (54). The G-ladder high salt or heparin-resistant stable elongation complexes.
accumulated in a time-dependent manner, indicating that the We examined the RNA composition in two different T7
ds template was not destroyed and the RNA was not degraded RNAP ternary complexes: 1) elongation complexes apparently
(71). We also examined transcription on an unmodified 66-mer paused at the end of an unmodified 66-mer ds DNA template;
DNA template (71). During abortive transcription, there was a and 2) elongation complexes arrested by a psoralen cross-link
time-dependent accumulation of transcripts but no evidence of site specifically placed toward the 39-end of the same 66-mer
template cleavage (71). These observations indicate that in the (66XL) template (3).
presence of NTPs during normal transcription no T7 RNAP Cleavage Reactions in End-paused Elongation Complexes—
DNase activity is seen. Fig. 7 shows the sequence of the 66-mer DNA for examining
Isolation of Elongation Complexes—Next, we examined RNA end-paused and psoralen-arrested complexes. Footprinting
cleavage activity in isolated ternary elongation complexes. Be- demonstrated that elongating T7 RNAP, as indicated by the
cause T7 RNAP elongation complexes are relatively unstable box in Fig. 7, was blocked by the psoralen cross-link (3). Here,
(dwell times of ;5–15 min) we were not able to “walk” discrete we made the unmodified as well as the psoralen cross-linked
and isolated T7 RNAP elongation complexes in a manner that template to study cleavage and end-polymerization reactions.
was done with E. coli and eucaryotic RNAP elongation com- On the unmodified 66-mer template, the elongation complexes
plexes. To circumvent these problems, an alternative protocol paused at the end of the template (end-paused complexes). The
(albeit a less “clean” strategy compared with traditional walk- position of the polymerase molecule in end-paused complexes is
ing methods) to examine the RNA component in elongation suggested by the box in Fig. 7. Although we have not foot-
complexes was developed. Transcription was initiated by the printed the end-paused elongation complexes, we assume that
addition of T7 RNAP to a synthetic oligonucleotide template in these complexes occupied a similar overall position at the end
the presence of NTPs. Following 15 min of transcription, NaCl of the template as the psoralen-arrested complex (Fig. 7). This
(to 300 mM) or heparin was added. Addition of high salt or assumption is justified because the majority of the RNA in the
Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase 8649

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FIG. 7. Sequence of the 66-mer template used for the analysis of elongation complexes. The box represents the polymerase molecule.
The arrows show the DNase I footprints (3).

isolated complexes is a runoff transcript (43 nts; Fig. 8C). cannot be due simply to the trapping of polymerase complexes
Using the protocol described in the previous section, we in various registers of elongation by the spin column/gel. This
examined the 32P-labeled RNA in end-paused and psoralen- would have produced a more or less stochastic distribution of
blocked complexes. Fig. 8A (with unmodified template) and 8B RNAs. There are other compelling reasons to eliminate the
(with cross-linked template) show complex 1 and complex 2 latter explanation. 1) Addition of 300 mM NaCl or heparin
with different mobilities. Identical bands were seen when only precluded any further polymerase binding after 15 min of tran-
the DNA was labeled (not shown). From the specific radioac- scription. 2) Even in heparin-resistant complexes (C2 in Fig.
tivity of [32P]RNA or [32P]DNA in gel bands seen in the absence 8C) the cleavage and end-extended RNAs are observed. In fact,
of high salt, we estimated that complexes contained approxi- more or less the same pattern (down to 22 nts) is seen with both
mately an equimolar ratio of DNA and RNA. Two bands were NaCl and heparin (because of the lower yield of heparin-resist-
seen after addition of 300 mM NaCl, which was added after 15 ant complexes, the band intensities were lower). 3) Further-
min of transcription. Only elongation complexes were stable more, examination of the transcription products before spin
during gel electrophoresis, and they have different mobilities column/gel purification (Fig. 8C, lane RF) showed RNAs that
on nondenaturing gels. When heparin was added, only complex were overwhelmingly in the larger sizes (35– 43 nts), indicating
2 was visible. This is in agreement with previous observations that just before spin column passage most of the complexes in
that heparin caused disruption of some elongation complexes solution were close to the end of the template. Because the
(4, 58). The ratio of [32P]CMP-labeled C1 to C2 with 66XL was NTPs were removed after the passage through the spin column
almost equal (Fig. 8B), whereas with unmodified 66-mer ds gel, RNA cleavage and end polymerization must have occurred
DNA template, C1 accounted for .90% of the total radioactiv- prior to the spin column step and/or before native gel electro-
ity (Fig. 8A). Clearly, the presence of the psoralen cross-link phoresis. The high salt- or heparin-resistant heterogeneous
influenced the relative populations of C1 and C2. The basis for complexes were trapped by the gel. We believe the heterogene-
this difference is unknown. ity of transcripts is due to a fraction of the end-paused com-
Examination of 32P-labeled RNA in NaCl- (C1) or heparin- plexes undergoing end-polymerization and cleavage reactions.
resistant (C2) complexes revealed a heterogeneous pattern of Cleavage Reactions in Psoralen Cross-link-arrested Elonga-
transcripts (Fig. 8C). In C1, the major cleavage products were tion Complexes—Next, we examined the RNA composition of
of 12, 17, 20, 26, and 31 nts, etc., and were interspersed with T7 RNAP complexes arrested by an authentic roadblock (pso-
minor products with 1- or 2-nt differences. Longer than 11- ralen cross-link) (3, 56). Fig. 8D shows that the patterns of
initiated transcripts (up to ;60-mers) were also seen. These cleavage of nascent RNA transcripts from C1 and C2 complexes
transcripts were not due to end initiation (or internal initia- is quite different from the end-paused ones on noncross-linked
tions at sites other than 11) because they were observed even template (Fig. 8C). Surprisingly, RNA transcripts were ex-
when [a-32P]GpG was used, which forces T7 RNAP to correctly tremely heterogeneous in both C1 and C2, occurring in a wide
initiate at 11 (not shown). The 12-nt transcripts are not abor- range in 1- or 2-nt steps (11–28 nts; Fig. 8D). The pattern of
tive transcripts because the latter are usually only up to 10 nts cleavage is reminiscent of that in Fig. 1. Transcripts extending
and are generally more abundant relative to the longer RNAs. up to ;75 nts were seen in abundance in C2. The 36-mers
Moreover, just after addition of NaCl or heparin and prior to expected from transcription up to the psoralen cross-link were
passage through the spin column, most of the complexes were only a minor species. Longer RNAs than those specified by 11
end-paused, as indicated by the abundance of the 43-nt runoff initiation were due to RNA 39-end polymerization, whereas the
species (Fig. 8C, lane RF). We believe that the heterogeneity is shorter RNAs were due to cleavage. Pyrophosphorolysis is the
due to RNA cleavage and end-polymerization reactions analo- chemical reversal of nucleotide incorporation by nucleic acid
gous to those seen earlier (see Figs. 1 and 6). Heterogeneity polymerases. Pyrophosphorolysis is usually accomplished in
8650 Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase
was an adventitious contaminant nuclease unrelated to T7
RNAP. Hydrolytic cleavage of RNAs has been documented with
all tested RNAPs. These include E. coli RNAP, higher eucary-
otic pol II and pol III, vaccinia RNAP, and yeast RNAP (see
Introduction for Refs.). In at least two cases (E. coli and yeast
pol II) the cleavage of RNA has been demonstrated in binary
complexes as well as in ternary complexes. Here, both binary
and ternary complexes of T7 RNAP exhibit nuclease activity.
The DNase activity of T7 RNAP leaves a 39-OH end and a
59-PO4 and is absolutely dependent on Mg21. The nuclease
appears to be a 39 to 59 exonuclease on single-stranded oligo-
nucleotide. Although we have not isolated and analyzed the
first cleavage product to the 39-end, based on the pattern of
cleavage of 59-end- or 39-end-labeled DNA and RNA we can only
surmise that the cleavage occurs in mono- or dinucleotide steps
(Figs. 1 and 4). The 59 cleavage products appear to be bound to
the enzyme as indicated by the results from the in situ cleavage
assay (Fig. 2). Multiple T7 RNAP molecules may be involved in

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the cleavage of each DNA (distributive mechanism) as indi-
cated by the binding stoichiometry (Fig. 3) and by the fact that
only the multimeric form of the T7 RNAP showed binding and
cleavage of oligonucleotide DNA (Fig. 2). Since T7 RNAP nu-
clease cannot act on covalently closed circular plasmid DNA or
linear oligonucleotide ds DNA, it is not an endonuclease. We
could not detect T7 RNAP nuclease activity on linear blunt
ended ds DNA oligonucleotides in the absence of transcription.
The time course of T7 RNAP RNase activity is slower than that
of the DNase. We believe that DNase and RNase activities are
carried out by the same catalytic pocket because the cleavage
ladders from a 59-end-labeled DNA or RNA are of the same
pattern, in both cases polymerase activity competes with and
suppresses nuclease activity, and T7 RNAP mutants are defec-
tive in cleavage. It is possible that the same binding site can
accommodate both ss RNA and ss DNA. This proposal is con-
sistent with the ability of T7 RNAP to strongly bind ss DNA
and ss RNA oligonucleotides (5, 62) (Fig. 3). Recently, one of us
FIG. 8. Gel-shift assay for the isolation of T7 RNAP elongation (S. S.) has shown by photochemical cross-linking that the ss
complexes paused at the end of a template (A) or those arrested DNA (and also perhaps ss RNA) binding activity lies in the
by a psoralen cross-link (B). RNA was labeled with [a-32P]CTP. See fingers (or fingers-palm junction) domain (34).
“Experimental Procedures” for details. For a better band resolution, we
ran the free RNA off the gels (2). A, unmodified 66-mer was the
Previous reports suggest that 39-end NMP addition to RNA
template. B, the template was a psoralen cross-linked 66-mer DNA. C, was due to the presence of a self-complementary secondary
high resolution gel analysis of RNAs in end-paused elongation com- structure or partial intermolecular complementarity in the
plexes. Lane C1 contains 32P-labeled RNA isolated from NaCl-treated nascent RNAs (51, 53). These authors suggested that T7 RNAP
complexes. Lane C2 contains 32P-labeled RNA isolated from heparin-
treated complexes. RF is an aliquot of labeled RNA from transcription
binds to free RNA in transcription reactions to form binary
reactions before spin column gel separation. D, high resolution gel complexes in which end polymerization occurred. In our exper-
analysis of RNAs in elongation complexes arrested at a site-specific iments, we have eliminated this possibility by a multistep
psoralen cross-link. Lanes C1 and C2 contain 32P-labeled RNA isolated procedure. 1) We passed the transcription reaction through a
from untreated or NaCl-treated complexes.
Sephadex spin column to remove NTPs. 2) We ran the com-
plexes on native polyacrylamide gels. In this step, we have
vitro by millimolar concentrations of PPi (13, 23, 59 – 61). We
carefully identified ternary complexes by 32P labeling either
did not observe any significant differences in the pattern of
the DNA or RNA and ensuring that the complexes contained T7
transcripts from psoralen-arrested elongation C1 and C2 com-
RNAP using Western blotting with anti-T7 RNAP antibody.
plexes following addition of PPi, suggesting that PPi has no
We also made sure that when the template DNA or RNA were
effect on RNA cleavage. In general the yield of complexes was
lower in the presence of NaPPi (data not shown). independently 32P-labeled, the reactions were run on the same
gel and bands with identical mobilities were recovered from the
DISCUSSION gels. 3) We recovered the complexes from gel pieces by electro-
Nuclease Activity of T7 RNAP—We have discovered that T7 elution and then ran the radiolabeled RNAs from disrupted
RNAP prepared from overexpressing E. coli cells exhibits complexes on high resolution denaturing acrylamide gels.
DNase and RNase activity. This is a new enzymatic activity of These procedures assured us that the complexes isolated from
T7 RNAP. Many experiments have ruled out the probability of native gels were indeed ternary complexes. Some elongation
other contaminating nucleases in our T7 RNAP preparations complexes are resistant to heparin, whereas others are not (4,
(see “Results”). Moreover, T7 RNAP prepared using different 55, 58, 63). Therefore, we believe that the observed cleavage
methods and from different sources exhibited nuclease activity. and end-polymerization reactions occurred in ternary tran-
We cannot completely rule out the possibility that a low mo- scription complexes and not simply in binary complexes of free
lecular weight protein factor (analogous to GreA) is tightly RNA and DNA in transcription reactions. During elongation,
bound to T7 RNAP. It is, however, highly unlikely that there ternary complexes of T7 RNAP are highly heterogeneous. This
Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase 8651
Why does cleavage of ss RNA oligonucleotide occur with
higher than a 1:1 molar ratio of enzyme to RNA, whereas
cleavage in ternary elongation complex occurs at an equimolar
ratio? The two events, binding and catalytic cleavage, occur in
that sequence. In paused/arrested ternary elongation com-
plexes, the RNA is held very tightly by the enzyme. The RNA
and RNAP in these complexes are not in equilibrium with free
RNA and free polymerase, unlike in binary complexes, where
they are in equilibrium with free RNA and free RNAP. Hence,
higher concentrations of polymerase are required to drive by
mass action the equilibrium toward binding and cleavage in
binary complexes.
Role of Nuclease Activity—Comparison of the T7 RNAP nu-
clease activity with the known nuclease activity of other
RNAPs or HIV reverse transcriptase reveals many differences
and some similarities. At first glance, the ss DNA-ss RNA
nuclease activity of T7 RNAP appears to be somewhat different
from the known GreB-enhanced intrinsic cleavage activity of E.

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coli RNAP. The GreB-enhanced E. coli RNAP cleaves the nas-
cent RNA in arrested/paused ternary complexes into fragments
larger than T7 RNAP (24, 25). The T7 RNAP nuclease pattern
resembles that of GreA-enhanced E. coli RNAP, eucaryotic pol
II, or vaccinia RNAP in that these enzymes seem to cut in
mono- or dinucleotide steps (23, 61). T7 RNAP cleavage is
reminiscent of SII-mediated “minor” mode cleavage in yeast pol
FIG. 9. Model for events leading to transcription arrest/pause
and subsequent cleavage/polymerization reactions. A–C repre- II binary complexes (26) because cleavage starts at the 39-end
sent stages in the transcription cycle. See text for a description. releasing 1–3 nts at a time. It is not known if E. coli RNAP or
the eucaryotic RNAPs have a single-stranded DNase activity.
T7 RNAP nuclease activity resembles the HIV reverse tran-
heterogeneity is clearly seen in isolated elongation complexes
scriptase nuclease in that arrest of template-specified polym-
paused/arrested by a psoralen roadblock or at the end of a
erization is needed (72). The dual activities, viz. the 39-end-
template (Fig. 8). End pausing has been observed with eucary-
initiated nontemplated polymerization and the nuclease
otic pol II during transcription on blunt-ended templates (64).
activity, are common to T7, E. coli, and pol II RNAPs and to
Models for Cleavage and Unusual Polymerization during
HIV reverse transcriptase (73). Other common features are the
Elongation and the Heterogeneity of Complexes—Fig. 9A is a
complete requirement for a divalent cation and the apparent
diagrammatic representation of an elongation complex paused
independence from pyrophosphorolysis. Although we have not
at the end of the template or arrested by a psoralen roadblock.
The RNAP encloses a “bubble” with a 3-base pair (or up to demonstrated that cleavage is accompanied by a backward
7-base pair) RNA-DNA hybrid (3, 37, 55, 65, 71). The size of the movement of the T7 RNAP from the end of the template or from
bubble and hybrid in elongation complexes of T7 RNAP have a stalled site, the patterns of the cleavage sites (Fig. 8) are
not been directly measured. However, they can be inferred from consistent with this possibility. Because of the relative insta-
published reports (55, 71). A fraction of the paused/arrested bility (dwell times of ,5–10 min) and heterogeneity of T7
polymerases may “back up” (Fig. 8B). Backup of the polymerase RNAP elongation complexes, it is technically difficult or per-
was probably facilitated by the inhibition of enzyme turnover haps impossible to walk T7 RNAP from one register to another
by high salt/heparin. Backing up may be associated with con- in isolated homogeneous complexes as was done with E. coli
formational rearrangements in the catalytic core of RNAP. The RNAP. In the case of E. coli RNAP and eucaryotic pol II, it has
39 nascent RNA product binding site in the arrested/paused been speculated that hydrolytic nuclease activity may be an
RNAP may be reorganized such that 39-end RNA-DNA contacts error-correcting mechanism or a way of rescuing paused/ar-
are lost but the 39 distal contacts are maintained (Fig. 8B). A rested complexes. Similar mechanisms may operate during T7
part of the 39-end is now partially single-stranded and is held in RNAP transcription. What role might the ss DNase activity
a new RNAP site. The binding of the RNA in the new RNAP play in vivo? During T7 phage DNA replication in vivo, linear
site may facilitate or effect cleavage (Fig. 8B). Recent work with T7 DNA concatemers are formed through base pairing of ter-
E. coli RNAP indicated that RNA product binding site reorien- minal repeats. This is accompanied by digestion of surplus
tation and conformational changes occur in paused and ar- single-stranded DNA (68). The mechanisms of these processes
rested complexes (67). We visualize a stalled/paused T7 RNAP are not clearly understood. We speculate that digestion of sur-
as having two activities, viz. 39-end-initiated polymerization plus single-stranded DNA serves two functions: 1) production
(Refs. 51, 53, and 66, and this work) and 39 to 59 RNase activity of dNTPs to augment cellular pools that are channeled for
(this work). These are opposing activities that generate heter- rapid T7 DNA replication; and 2) reduction of the competition
ogeneity in paused/arrested complexes. Although the catalytic from ss DNA for T7 DNA polymerase activity (69). There are
pocket is probably the site of both nuclease and polymerase three known nucleases produced by the T7 phage. 1) Gene 6
activities, in the presence of NTPs the polymerase activity is exonuclease (59 to 39), which is normally involved in removal of
kinetically dominant. This explains why addition of NTP to the primers after lagging strand synthesis, in recombination, and
ss DNA oligonucleotide suppresses the nuclease (Fig. 6) and in the destruction of bacterial DNA. This is a ds DNA-specific
why during normal processive transcription the nuclease activ- exonuclease (70). 2) Gene 3 endonuclease, which is specific to
ity is not observed. The nuclease activity is only kinetically single-stranded DNA and may be a resolvase involved in ho-
unmasked when the polymerase is paused or arrested by a mologous recombination. 3) 39 to 59 exonuclease of T7 DNA
roadblock. polymerase, which is an error-correcting activity during T7
8652 Nuclease Activity Associated with T7 RNA Polymerase
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