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Administratively, Pabuaran and its surrounding area belonging to

Sukabumi Regency, West Java-Indonesia and located at longitude 10604610,18
to 10605119 and latitude 070095,23 to 070145,24 and its belonging to
digital map of Indonesia, sheet number 1208-441 published by Bakosurtanal.
Geomorphology can be divided into five units of geomorphology, that are
Unit Geomorphology Alluvium Plain, Unit Geomorphology Sedimentary Hills,
Unit Geomorphology Rough Vulcanic Hills, Unit Geomorphology Fine Vulcanic
Hills, and Unit Geomorphology Sediment Structural Hills. Stratigraphy of
research area can be divided into seven stratigraphy units in order from the oldest
are namely Vulcanic Breccia Unit (Tmbv), Carbonaceous Sandstone Unit
(Tmbpk), Lava Andesite Unit (Tman), Tuff Unit (Tmt), Sandstone Unit (Tmbp),
Limestone Unit (Tmbg), and sedimented Alluvium (Qa).
Geological structures developed in research area is Cibaregbeg Anticline
and Sincline, Bojongkupa Anticline and Sincline, and Parankadu Anticline. Fault
that developed in research area are Cikandang Dextral Fault that happened on
Intra Miocene tectonic period, Sukajaya Thrust Fault on Miocene-Pliocene
tectonic period, and Cikaso Sinistral Fault, Cibojong Normal Dekstral Fault,
Cibojong Sinistral Fault, and Sukajaya Sinistral Fault On Pliocene-Pleistocene
tectonic period,
Geological history began on early Miocene period and the material is
formed by Jampang Vulcanic Mountain under sea level.the mountain erupted
material and formed volcanic breccias unit with carbonaceous sandstone unit and
lava andesite unit on the same time which is early Miocene period at shallow
marine (middle neritic zone). Tectonic Intra Miocene caused Dekstral Cikandang
faul and some sincline-anticline on northeast research area. That tectonic also
caused shallow on marine. Deposited tuff unit occurred on middle Miocene
periode and had angular unconformity with carbonaceous sandstone unit, and
interpret this unit deposited on marine or beach. After that deposited of sandstone
unit and limestone unit on the same time which is late Miocene at shallow marine
(middle neritic to upper neritic zone). It showed that increasing of sea level. On
tectonic Miocene-Pliocene period happened Sukajaya Thrust Fault at research
area. On tectonic Pliocene-Pleistocene period the research area raising up to
above sea level and caused Cikaso sinistral Fault, Cibojong Normal Dextral
Fault, Cibojong sinistral Fault, and Sukajaya sinistral Fault. On Recent periode
only wethered and erosional are happening and deposited of alluvium at plain
Potential resources that can be found in the research area are volcanic
breccias which can be used for construction materials. The geological hazard
potencies that can be occurred are earthquake and landslide.
Keywords : Mapping, geology, Pabuaran, Cikaso.

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