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December 2009

U.S. Conduct Creates Perverse Incentives for Proliferation

By Ted Galen Carpenter

here are important reasons why most nations choose ally became part of that strategy. Pakistan, in turn, concluded

T not to acquire a nuclear weapons capability. For one

thing, it is very expensive. The opportunity cost is usu-
ally regarded as prohibitive. Occasionally, even a poor country
that it had to neutralize India’s growing conventional military
advantage as well as its new nuclear capability. A nuclear
deterrent was the most decisive and cost-effective way to
such as North Korea will be willing to make a nuclear weapons achieve that goal. Beyond its regional rivalry with Pakistan,
program the highest priority, but most governments will not India was also concerned about China’s rising military power.
make the sacrifice. A decision to go nuclear also has impor- There was no question the perceived Chinese threat was a fac-
tant adverse diplomatic repercussions. Trying to build a tor in India’s decision to go nuclear, as then minister of
nuclear arsenal is not the way to win friends in the interna- defense George Fernandes emphasized.
tional community. The majority of governments become In addition to the motive of deterrence within a region,
extremely agitated when a country seeks to break out of the there is a potential motive of broader deterrence—especially to
nonproliferation system and become a nuclear weapons state, deter the United States. With regard to that factor, we need to
and any would-be nuclear power has to take that hostility into be realistic about the unintended consequences of some U.S.
consideration. Finally, by trying to acquire a nuclear arsenal, a actions. The United States has taken major military action on
country may trigger or exacerbate a regional arms race, and at ten occasions just since the end of the Cold War. That is an
the end of the process be no more secure than it was at the extraordinary record of belligerence, and although many
beginning. In fact, it might be even less secure. Americans may think that those episodes were justified, other
Alternatively, there are important reasons why a country countries don’t necessarily see it the same way. In particular,
might decide to go nuclear. One reason is prestige. The global countries such as Iran and North Korea have seen how the
nuclear weapons club is a very exclusive association. All five United States has treated non-nuclear adversaries such as
permanent members of the UN Security Council are nuclear Serbia and Iraq, and that may have led to the conclusion that
weapons states, and a sixth, India, is likely to become a perma- the only reliable deterrent to U.S. coercion is a nuclear arsenal.
nent member of the Council in the next few years. Countries U.S. leaders can weaken most of the proliferation incentives
that have nuclear weapons are treated differently from non- only on the margins. But it can take a crucial step to reduce
nuclear powers. Before they became nuclear powers in 1998, one major incentive—its own behavior toward non-nuclear
India and Pakistan were treated with less than a great deal of adversaries. Washington’s tendency to use its incomparably
respect by other international actors. India was considered a capable conventional military forces for reasons other than its
chronic Third World underachiever, and Pakistan was consid- own national defense has created powerful pressures for coun-
ered a problem state—if not a potential failed state. Consider tries to go nuclear. Especially after the Iraq episode, countries
how those countries are treated now, since they have joined that are on bad terms with the United States fear that they
the nuclear weapons club. It is markedly different. might be the next candidates for regime change. Yet there is
Another motive to go nuclear is to deter or possibly intimi- no way that they can match America’s vast conventional mili-
date a regional adversary. That appeared to be a consideration tary power. Both the technological gap and the financial bur-
for both India and Pakistan. India had long sought to overawe den would be prohibitive. The temptation, then, is to see
its smaller neighbor, and possessing a nuclear arsenal eventu- nuclear weapons as the only feasible option.

C A T O I N S T I T U T E • 1 0 0 0 M A S S A C H U S E T T S A V E . , N . W. , W A S H I N G T O N , D . C . 2 0 0 0 1 • ( 2 0 2 ) 8 4 2 - 0 2 0 0
W W W. C AT O . O RG
NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION UPDATE It is mistake to assume that countries A more restrained U.S. military role
is dedicated to promoting peaceful resolu- fear only Washington’s huge nuclear would not by itself guarantee the
tions to the nuclear crises in North Korea weapons capability. Many of them also absence of new proliferation crises in
and Iran. It aims to provide policy makers fear this country’s huge conventional the future. But it is one crucial component
with analysis on the latest developments in military capability. It is imperative for of a strategy to reduce the prospects of
both nations and options for formulating the United States to offer reassurance greater proliferation. And a more concilia-
coherent U.S. responses. In highlighting the on that front as well as the nuclear tory, less threatening policy by Washington
importance of achieving diplomatic solu- front. And that means changing U.S. is imperative to improve the negotiating
tions, the goal is to avoid armed conflict behavior, especially by adopting a much environment if there is any hope of solving
and its attendant consequences. higher threshold for launching conven- the current Iranian and North Korean pro-
tional military interventions. liferation problems through diplomacy.
Managing Editor;


Proliferation: The Real North Korean
DOUG BANDOW Nuclear Threat
Senior Fellow By Doug Bandow
TED GALEN CARPENTER he so-called Democratic People’s Korea has already been a ready supplier
VP for Defense and Foreign
Policy Studies
T Republic of Korea was near the
top of the agenda in both Seoul
and Beijing during President Barack
of missile technologies and conventional
arms to Iran and other nations. Such
sales have been an important source of
Associate Director of Foreign Obama’s recent trip to East Asia. hard currency for the cash-poor regime.
Policy Studies Administrations change and years pass, There are charges (some unconfirmed)
but the threat of a nuclear North Korea that the North has engaged in nuclear
continues. No one, other than Kim Jong- cooperation with Burma, Iran, and Syria.
Director of Foreign Policy Studies
il and a few devoted acolytes, wants the A greater fear is that Pyongyang might
DPRK to develop nuclear weapons. sell nuclear materials to terrorist groups.
However, not all nuclear threats are equal. The U.S. should first work with allied
The creation of a North Korean states to interdict any nuclear ship-
nuclear capability would understand- ments, while informing the DPRK that
ably generate unease throughout proliferation to non-state actors would
“There is a very Northeast Asia. Nevertheless, simple be a casus belli. Kim should be made to
serious risk that possession of a small nuclear arsenal
would not much change the regional
understand that there are far safer
options for the North to make money.
such [military] strikes, balance of power. The North would face Second, Washington needs to cooperate
intended as surgical, destruction if it attacked South Korea— with South Korea, Japan, and China to
the former would receive no support offer Pyongyang just such an option in
could precipitate a from China and would face massive return for verifiable denuclearization.
spiral of escalation retaliation from the United States. Diplomacy may remain a long shot, but
Pyongyang might feel more secure with the U.S. should couple its stick with a
that results in nuclear weapons, and thus be more will- (large) carrot.
full-blown war ing to engage in other provocative The Obama administration should
with Iran.” behavior. But nothing suggests that the not let the perfect become the enemy of
regime is bent on suicide; by all accounts the good. In any negotiations, halting
—JUSTIN LOGAN, Kim prefers his virgins in this life rather future North Korean nuclear develop-
“U.S. Policy toward Iran,” than the next. Defense and deterrence ment is a higher priority than eliminat-
Chapter 50 of the likely remain important objectives of the ing the DPRK’s existing nuclear materi-
Cato Handbook DPRK’s nuclear program. als. The U.S. also needs to concentrate
for Policymakers, The prospect of further nuclear prolif- on enlisting Beijing’s assistance to sup-
7th edition. eration via North Korea is more worri- port the diplomatic process. North
some. With ongoing nuclear production Korea’s nuclear program remains a grave
the regime might be tempted to take geopolitical challenge. But the greatest
over the old Pakistani franchise of a danger is Pyongyang’s potential sale of
“Nukes-R-Us” and sell both materials nuclear materials rather than the mere
and expertise around the world. North development of nuclear weapons.

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