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Human trafficking

Given the underground nature of trafficking, the consequences of trafficking are

hidden and difficult to see.
Trafficked persons often have limited access to basic necessities such as safety,
food, sleep, hygiene, and medical care. The effects of trafficking vary depending on
the type of trafficking and the specific situation.
Victims of trafficking often experience harsh physical impacts due to excessive work
or the use of force by traffickers. In addition, victims may be exposed to serious
health risks, such as HIV/AIDS, as well as serious mental health risks.
To stop practicing human trafficking we need distribute public awareness materials.
We can begin to defeat sex trafficking if we severely punish its national and multinational profiteers, arrest its customers, offer a way out to its prisoners, and create
self-respecting economic alternatives for girls and women who are at risk. Human
trafficking is appropriately punished through the criminal justice system, although
law enforcement should not be the sole focus for a solution.
Drug addiction
Drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting takes more than good intentions
or a strong will. In fact, because drugs change the brain in ways that foster
compulsive drug abuse, quitting is difficult, even for those who are ready to do so.
We need to help people stop abusing drugs and lead productive lives.
Drug abuse and addiction have negative consequences for individuals and for
Some people begin abusing drugs during adulthood despite the lack of risk factors.
In many cases, the abuse starts with a simple prescription by a physician for a
legitimate medical purpose. There are quite a few drugs, especially prescription
pain relievers, that your body builds up a tolerance to. You then require more and
more of the drug to achieve the same effect, which can lead to abuse as well as
physical and psychological addiction.
To save Republic of Moldova from this we need to Support state,
1. Create environments that empower young people not to use other drugs.
2. Identify drug abuse disorders early and provide brief intervention, referral and
3. Reduce inappropriate access to drugs and use of prescription drugs.
Corruption is both a major cause and a result of poverty around the world. It occurs
at all levels of society, from local and national governments, civil society, judiciary
functions, large and small businesses, military and other services and so on. The
Republic of Moldova confronts for years with corruption, and the origin of the
problem is in the corrupt and incompetent system. Even if things started to
improve, the problem has not been solved. The Republic of Moldova needs an

anticorruption system, but for this system to function we must have a correct
justice. The fight against corruption must start from justice and police, and then to
be extended in all areas. To start fight with corruption we need have some
strategies :
1. Paying civil servants well
2. Creating transparency and openness in government spending
3.Camera in most govt offices:
Corruption has a corrosive impact on our economy. It worsens our image in
international market and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is a
global problem that all countries of the world have to confront, solutions, however,
can only be home grown.

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