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The Psychology of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination

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One just needs to keenly listen to the speech by the former worlds most wanted and intimidating
terrorist, the deceased Osama Bin Laden when he said The killing of Americans, their civilian
and military allies is a religious duty for each and every Muslim to fully appreciate the
international existence of discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice. Presently, these
psychological interdisciplinary feelings and actions continue to disrupt the world at varying
levels. Such beliefs of negativism have continued to infest the world at with threatening
rationales of gender inequality, social disparity and supremacy (Plous, 2005, p. 2). This essay
will tackle The Psychology of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination.
Numerous experimental researchers prove prejudice is an unfavorable and preoccupied judgment
directed towards a specific group or individual. Initial research that was carried out in the
occurrence in 1920s proves that there exists hierarchical supremacy. The theorist made the
discovery that prejudice originates from authoritarian individuals segmenting the society in the
basis of hierarchical as well as abnormal judgment. In his 1979 analysis, Thomas clearly defined
negative attributes on the experience of the global out-group (Plous, 2005, p. 3).
Research indicates French printer, Didiot on his mission of printing portrayed stereotype as some
kind of reproduction. Later, journalist Walter Lipmann in 1922 argued stereotypes are related
with real mental human reproduction and psychologists later modified the term to refer to
generalization (Plous, 2005, p. 4). Currently, the term continued to be used across board and it
can either have a positive or negative influence on humanity. In most cases, the term causes
resistance to change while promoting negative factors like discrimination and prejudice (Plous,
2005, p. 5).

Studies also indicate that despite continued prevalence of various kinds of discrimination most of
the nations in the world have directed their efforts towards eradication of the same. For example,
most countries have put into place policies publicly confirming the need for equality in all the
sectors. As several documented study reviews indicate, discrimination has a negative impact on
the development of diverse sectors in the nation. This barrier often is felt on basis of race, social
class and nationality. Imminent efforts that are aimed at elimination of its occurrence have been
excluded by peoples inability to detect such occurrences at individual levels (Plous, 2005, p. 5).
A close example of the phenomena described above is categorization of an individual in-group
verses an out-group psychology context. The in-group refers to the individual that belongs to a
specific class while out-group is the class of outsiders in a group. The homogeneity of the outgroup has been found to bar individuals from taking part in various social circumstances as a
result of disparity in values, personality traits as well as attitudes. As such, stereotyping of the
out-group always leads to exposition of discrimination risk and it is expandable in the societal
context (Plous, 2005, p. 7).

The social, cognitive and Societal Origins of Prejudice and

In his study, Tijfel hypothesized the origins of tendencies like stereotypes and prejudice in
various social contests in order to promote self-esteem. In his test laboratory study, he made the
discovery that the self-esteem of an individual can be threatened without prejudice of them
belonging to an in-group within the society. Psychologically, in a social context, prejudice of
being part of a particular group explores positive influence on the behavior of members of both
the out-group and in-group. For example, individuals part of the class of the out-group like
single mothers might portray characters that are uncharitable and behaviors that are as a result of
discrimination (Plous, 2005, p. 12).
Studies by psychologists reveal stereotyping, for years have been looked upon as a common and
natural norm in societal settings. The phenomenon of stereotyping and the influence it has on
societal and cognitive development originates from Daniel Katz in 1933. In his study, he dispels
various superstitions and also elaborates stereotyping has an influence that is powerful on social
and behavior perception. He also expresses negative and positive stimulis on individual
presentation of stereotype that might undermine or activate performance (Plous, 2005, p. 15).

The Influences that Promote stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination and

How to Eliminate Them
The Implicit Association Test reveals there are several factors that are hidden which promote
gender preferences, stereotypes as well as attitudes. These factors are inclusive of publicity on
social media, retrogressive cultural attitudes and beliefs. Most of the times, the content on
advertisements, TV programs and movies is saturated with increased individual attitudes to
stereotype, discrimination and prejudice. Social roles that preoccupy the mind sets of people to
varying roles of gender based social class and race (Plous, 2005, p. 15).

In order to eliminate negative influences known to promote prejudice, stereotype and

discrimination in an effective manner, nations are supposed to set up effective policies and laws
that encourage fair treatment of individuals (Plous, 2005, p. 23). It is the mandate of all involved
to promote accepted social norms in varying situations within the society. According to global
campaign analysis, it has been proven that it is crucial to eliminate negative implications of
stereotype, discrimination and prejudice. In order for everyone to pursue these goals, it is
important to ensure that in the social arena, there is equality.
Plous, S. (2005). The Physcology of Predudice, Stereotyping, and Descrimination: an Overview.
Wesleyan University Press. Pp. 1-25
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