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Endangered Species Cloning

$11.6-29 Billion cost to clone 1,000 individuals of each endangered species

(Starting numbers from: USFWS April 30, 2010
381 endangered or threatened vertebrates species
+199 endangered or threatened invertebrates species
=580 endangered or threatened animal species in the United States
x1000 animals to stabilize species=580,000 animals
x$50,000 per animal=$29 Bil OR x20,000 per animal=$11.6 Bil

How USFWS decides if a species has recovered

US Fish and Wildlife Service “Delisting a Species: Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act” July 2009
Species are removed from the endangered and threatened species list for a variety of reasons, including
recovery, extinction, or new evidence of additional populations. Recovery is not a fast process; it takes time
to address threats that were years in the making. The first milestone in recovery is halting the decline of the
species. Next is stabilizing the species, followed by increasing its numbers and distribution—finally to the
point that it is secure in the wild. One measure of the success of the Endangered Species Act is its rate of
preventing extinctions: 99 percent.

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