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The Discourse an Art of Public
Communication Discourse and their place in society
History of speech
Speech. Conceptual structure of a speach
Speech development stages
General components of building a speech
Rules of a successful speech


TIMISOARA, 20.01.2013

controversy. Countless personalities belonging to

different fields, have tried to define in more detail


how this concept so that its constituents contain


references to as many fields and thus the definition

Communication is a major component of human

itself is a benchmark widely. But this seems to have

existence in all time, and the role of this process in

been in vain, because the communication proves to

the current era is confirmed by the existence of a vast

be the most extensive and ever-present phenomenon.

field of research that is reflected in what we call

Since the early twentieth century, Anthony Giddens

communication sciences. Communication is thus a

wrote: "I think that my ideas involve the focus of

staging of all processes, interactions and relationships

studies on communication in social science in

between people and society in a broader sense, there










communication process because, without it, the

Since ancient orator goal was to persuade, to obtain

micro-level social structures and macroclimat would

the consent of those who hear it. Art of the great

not be formed nor could maintain. In this sense Paul

orators, as has been seen for a long time as a very old

Watzlawick consider communication as a "sine qua

word, rhetoric and established as a science due to the

non of human life and social order[1]

impressive power to convince the public discourse.

Although we are in a society that is based on



union between discourse and discourse theory. It is

information conveyed increase from year to year, this

known from ancient times, the existence of speeches

dynamic state reflected in all fields. Communication

at public meetings of the great leaders and warriors of

was seen as a fundamental element of human

the ancient world. First was attested as a science in

existence since ancient times. In fact, the etymology

the classical period of ancient Greece, when a wave


of lawsuits that were caused by the fall of tyrants in








Rhetoric is based, in fact, the art of building a strong

this. The


communication comes from the Latin, communis

the Greek cities of Sicily and Syracuse.

means "agree", "being in relation to" or "being in

Rhetoric or burned benefit dicendi had an

relationship", although the term travel in ancient

impressive course over time we can describe as

vocabulary to mean "to send to others", "sharing

miraculous. Towering, thriving in full progress in

some others ". To be informed, to communicate, to

Greek and Roman antiquity, banned, ignored and

relate are the main pawns of the existence of each of

despised among many centuries, shy revived in the

us, of progress and social and cultural life.[2]

eighteenth century - rhetoric revives the ideology

The concept of communication is a dramatic

itself collapses, barely managing to maintain the

increase in popularity, both in ordinary language and

early twentieth century, was reinvented, restored and

in terminology to more diverse areas, which are

revised nowadays, because now the role and purpose

based in part on many hypostases released over time

of the discourse, the words of the great orator of

but with a major trend towards locating and

antiquity, Cicero, is to persuade, to please and excite.

neutralizing permanent sources of confusion and

Although considered more an era of oral

parameters, it is the linguistic study of text

communication, public speech, there were large

production conditions.

influential written about freedom as Magna Carta, for

Some Dutch researchers came to the idea

instance, English Charter of Rights and Freedoms

that there is a kind of genetic relationship between

XIII century, which later inspired the Constitution

text and speech and speech that contains text. In this

United States of America. With the economic boom

respect it is stated that any text contains some speech.

that followed the Second World War and has made

Evaluative discourse is the set of attitudinal objects

the United States the most prosperous country in the

and relations between them, attitudinal object belongs

world, public discourse has also seen unprecedented

to the real world and can be seen as such .

growth. Was used to force the public discourse even

Speech can be seen as a process where

to promote their products and services and to attract

participants create and share information to reach a

more customers from domestic and international

mutual understanding. The term refers more to

market. After the Second World War, public

address the issue of a vast field of research than a

communication has proliferated in Europe since

way of understanding language and its relation to

diplomacy and mass communication became a center

parameters requires nonlingvistice reality. From this

for image restoration restore order and countries

point of view we can say that speech is "an

involved in armed conflict.

interdisciplinary field of research (and not just the

Although visibly marked fared over two

strictly linguistic) to configure which contributes

thousand years, we can say that now, new art speech

primarily rhetorical, and pragmatic conversation

rhetoric is not elegant, but rather persuasive

analysis, sociology, ethnomethodological".[4]

communication theory. Oratorical speech today has a

In this case, the term has no plural discourse,

great inclination towards simplicity, appropriateness,

it means a generic domain, representing "a complex

pragmatism, and perhaps stereotype spontaneous

term that can be defined as a set of statements of a

interpretation, arguing eventually becoming the key

transmitter that covers a single topic (topic, the

key, the most important component of any speech. In

Anglo-Saxon teminologia) ".[5]

this state slightly ambiguous and uncertain where we

In a broader sense, "speech is a continuous

are now, is clearly needed reinvention prespectivelor

sequence, structured and coherent sentences /

and how to look social, to refresh everything is

phrases",[6] while in a narrower sense it can be


understood "as updated text as communicative event,



expressed in linguistic behavior "contemporary


researchers emphasizing grammar text or textual

The notion of discourse is a key concept that has

language. In addition to the character of a common

been defined in opposition to phrase the statement

language, we can talk of creating a specialized

with language. There are several features that are

discursive field as in writing a novel, a newspaper

found consistently in most proposed definitions

article or a tourist brochure.

discourse: the result of the action of language use, is












precursor of Roman Jakobson, speech "is an event

report, any enunciation assuming a speaker and an

language, it becomes speech. Aristotle himself said in

interlocutor, the first of its intention in some way

this regard that "rhetoric is technical discourse."[10]

influence the other. In fact, this reference to our

In this respect, Dictionary of Language

speech refers to the intention of speaking, that sends

Sciences (DSL) proposes a definition relevant to the

a message to a change in the attitude of the other - to

above, namely: "Rhetoric is the art and science of

his interlocutor, thus producing speech act.[8]

speech development in general, with the primary

Speech occupies an intermediary position

function persuasive, and explanatory function, or

between competence and performance, ie between

deliberative demo"[12]. If the deadline would not be


that mechanically locks into structural

significantly devalued temporal axis we would have

description phrases and rules that show how

probably talking all the rhetoric - burning ornandi



(adornment art discourse), but only when spoken or

structures to determine the meaning of the statement"

implicit discourse we find the term in touch with

which gives its Pragmatic two dimensions: one

rhetoric as both meanings "as stated and Diderot in

related to context and the other in language. The

the article" Rhetoric "in Encyclopedia involve

latter, the practice of language "involves acts and

beautiful speech, means and different techniques of


expression and a person's own conviction, and









instrument or means of communicative action".[9]

eloquence and rhetorical style."[13] Besides that

Speech, then found an art to speak well and

rhetoric is a discipline, it could be seen as a science

good, make available to all a very powerful tool that

of developing speech using various techniques its

is the power to persuade others, while being a key

beauty. As a synthetic speech from the beginning

element in becoming individual: personal fulfillment

based on two key elements that are somewhat

in society requiring outstanding communication skills

symbiotic, and when I say this I mean, in particular,

acquiring skills and socio-linguistic, discursive and

efficiency and ethics. Salesmanship involves directly

cultural value. Thus, it is considered to be the

observing the surrounding, as well as ourselves.

interdependence between language and society - no

Speech is always in close contact with a

society without language and no language without

socio-cultural context influenced by a particular

society. Certainly, each of us has wondered where it

configuration whose purpose is determined by the

came from this notion of public discourse. The

roles agents speech. All these different conceptions of

answer is very simple: talk talk - about the art of

speech and eloquence marks the beginning of an era

oratory - since the time of Cicero (Roman orator's

which will have a very important word.

largest and one of the most important figures of the

Oratorical speech "is a written text following

ancient world) and Aristotle in Greek and Roman


times when I had to learn to become a citizen, you

(established and studied rhetoric), intended to be

know you talk using the most powerful arguments, as

delivered before a large number of auditors who are

this was a novelty at the time. What did the early

trying to persuade."[14] This is in our view the most

rhetoric is evident is that language is not just

relevant definition of discourse as it applies today






when already discourse tends toward simplicity,

ancient rhetoric when taking into account all the

appropriateness, pragmatism, improvisation.

elements involved in the art speaker on the topic of

In fact, true portrait of the orator hiding after

discourse by saying, consecrating is a well structured

several curtain. Even if it is incompetent in that it

based 5-times the development of a speech:

focuses speech, he will not hesitate to show mastery

Inventio (invention) - definition of

through the power of speech, which seems to be more

subject speech, outlining the case or the case is about;

powerful than silence competence demonstrated by

Dispositio (available) - organization of

actual facts. Speech addressed to a wide audience and

speech content itself an art to order arguments,

trying to appeal to patterns, sensitivity and ideology

consisting in assembling the arguments according to

immunity against such weapons has only part that

plan, plans discourse in antiquity as somewhat

fails to go beyond appearances rhetorical art. And if

"prefabricated" as today, in a certain way, plans

we consider a recipient incompetent, then indeed

dissertations, business letters or reports professional

Elocutio (elocution) - art style that was

appearance will defeat jurisdiction.

Modeling mood and feelings of the audience

noticeable by grammatical correctness, and those

by challenging speaker imagination and boldness

figures rhetorical persuasion to create the choice and

required in public relations: angry / calm / peace,

arrangement of words in a speech;

friendship / enmity, battle against human or abstract

Memory - storing speech by some special

thing always leads to reactions: an intuitive reaction

techniques called "mnemonic", based on the creation

materialized the combative instinct or reaction

of mental spaces and the use of symbols to ensure

intellect, embodied in national sentiment by invoking

memory discourse;

words like unity, good country, fear / trust,

Actio (interpretation) - utterance and

compassion, goodness / badness, orator speculate

gesture to ensure the best possible reception of

paternal instinct and feeling friendly, welfare / social


condition is related to good economic benefits and


meeting materials, speaker position is to ensure the



goods; sexual instinct and feeling of love, joy, love

Even today there have been no major changes in this

all the songs played or contempt, caricatures of

respect, since every speech must have a well-defined


structure, which is a first step to be considered

A speech is a very complex process that

successful. For this he must be made according to

involves not only a preparatory stage before, but a set

three general components:

of rules to be followed during the course of its

Introduction or exordium (Draw line

support basing this on the idea that communication

running speech: greetings, personal presentation

finds its maximum expression in speech when

(name and surname), denunciation theme, presenting

transmission of a message.

the central idea of the speech (and arguments)



establishing connection with a need, a problem or

An important distinction in terms of stages of

purpose of the audience, explaining terms to be used

development discourse was made from the peak of

(definitions) - if necessary. related The speech must

capture attention immediately and announce their








plan - captatio benevolentiae). Discourse structure

understanding the arguments. Emphasizing strengths

must be well defined, have coherent themes include a

in the end offers a discourse increased security that

series of thoughts, ideas, logic, coupled to form a

they have been retained and will count in the

whole. Very important is the introduction because it

decision. During conclusion is to achieve a maximum

connects the related discourse, audience and subject

tone, to the conviction of the audience said, but

of discourse. Moments early speech must arouse

avoiding aggression.

interest. Recommended as an introduction not to

Conclusion that the introduction has a

make too big to not bother those who listen. Defining

special value because when the arguments are well

a few ways to capture attention from the first

supported and explained Explained public perception

moments of initiating discourse as: asking a question

will be made, in fact, at which he delivered the

whose answer directly concerning the content of what

speech. Persuasion and manipulation feels a very

is to be presented, revealing the theme and

high end at this point. Basically, the public, who

objectives, addressing a joke or a joke ( But it often

receives the message should be regarded as a piece of

can not please everyone or who do not hold that the

plasticine that can gradually to shape as you wish.

trial talent in telling jokes or jokes).

Efficiency discourse, it's good that he ends with a

Content or narratio (aimed at presenting

dramatic statement with a memorable quote that

the facts as they are, develops the central idea

remain alive in public memory. Equally important is

immediately followed by deployment argumentative

the use of vocabulary in choosing the right words for

approach: it presents arguments and provide evidence

that context - avoiding euphemisms, the clichs, and

/ examples to support their support (premise,

jargon is unavoidable, as always speaks freely and is

argument, conclusion);

absolutely necessary to use all the means supplied to

Another very important point is the

be heard among those who listened.

transition from introduction to the actual content of





the speech itself, after briefly presenting its subject

logical and coherent, grammatical and lexical

and object. Speech should be natural and logical

correctness) are not sufficient as an important value

place in the oral presentation and written for a

acquired the act of enunciation for achieving

speech, highlighting those key points, supported with

communication. This act of verbal communication

arguments to create credibility.

can be characterized by the existence of two levels:

End or peroratio (is the final and






therefore should provide an overview of speech.

Situation "are determined appropriate conditions of

During her time since remained, to be followed in

the speech genre of discourse, such as purpose of the

short: explaining any blur occur during speech (if

act of language, identity partners, the discussion, the

they have a major to support the main idea)

physical trade-setting media." At the opposite end the

emphasizing the strong points of the speech, an

communication, "which corresponds to the internal

overview of the entire speech, but also explain the

space, that the subject adopts different strategies to

possible uncertainties in the speech is important

successfully perform the act of language - and the

various ways to achieve a political speech, a

ancient world) and Aristotle in Greek and Roman

university course or advertisement ".[15]

times when I had to learn to become a citizen, you

An obvious feature of discourse is that the

know you talk using the most powerful arguments, as

internal structure. Regardless of how it is establish

this was a novelty at the time. What did the early

the smallest units of speech (morpho-phonemic,

rhetoric is evident is that language is not just

phrase, sentence, paragraph or entire speech), they

language, it becomes speech. Aristotle himself said in

are grouped in different ways to form larger

this regard that "rhetoric is technical discourse."

structures so that a coherent discourse can be

Design of this study showed a real interest to

represented as a tree that has the units of speech

us and at the same time, a challenge because the art

terminal nodes as internal nodes relations.

of public speaking make available to everyone a very

However the audience can be a cause for

powerful tool that is force persuading others, is a key

anxiety and to remove it, follow some rules, many are


nothing demic modern adaptation of old techniques

fulfillment in society always requiring special skills

required of rhetoric. In the past the role of rhetoric

especially communication and public speaking skills.

was to persuade judges and justice highlight the case

I tried to present a current topic and to outline the

presented, while in today's speech is endowed with

usefulness of exposure for any communicator.

great abilities to inform, to persuade and create

Developing this work gave us the opportunity to


acquire a comprehensive view of what speech is

In recent decades was considered a speech











today and to know the mechanisms that manage those


people who impeccable speeches to win admiration,

interpenetration linguistics with some science such as

affection, respect and willingness to be they good








philosophy of language. Speech, then found an art to

Speech is omnipresent in our lives and this is

speak well and good, make available to all a very

evident by the fact that whatever the occasion or time

powerful tool that is the power to persuade others,

of day is dawning a chance to speak in public, to give

while being a key element in becoming individual:

a speech. The art of public speaking is an important

personal fulfillment in society requiring outstanding

tool in everyday work, proving every time an

communication skills acquiring skills and socio-


linguistic, discursive and cultural value. Thus, it is

neintermediat, before which we present necessary

considered to be the interdependence between


language and society - no society without language

organizations or structures they represent. Therefore,

and no language without society.

you should take advantage of every opportunity to








Certainly, each of us has wondered where it

speak in public, to refine our skills to gain

came from this notion of public discourse. The

experience, get rid of emotions and to communicate

answer is very simple: talk talk - about the art of

spontaneously, in order to exercise persuasion

oratory - since the time of Cicero (Roman orator's

whenever appropriate .

largest and one of the most important figures of the

Speech is a statement to people. The case

research to gather all available information on the

study is a review of this claim, the speech proved to

subject: facts, opinions, documentation, causes and

be a form of subjectivity in order to convince and

effects. All data that follow to be used must be

force ilocutorie a statement in a speech acquires

accurate and come from reliable sources. Information

different modeling power and influence from

should prove to be interesting and show both sides of

different speakers. In this case the means of influence

the argument. One can find a touch of humor

is based on the authority that supports speech and its

appropriate form of anecdotes, quotations, stories, or

science to substantiate truths. I also noticed that the

you can search for examples of successful case

reputation of speaking, the transmitter beyond where

studies, choosing those they consider most effective

it is a prodigious times stronger institution is given

for the audience in question. The message must be

and also increased argumentation and persuasion

thought to be spoken, not written to be as such is very

science. Who always deliver a speech, or represent an

important length. Should consider how long it will be

institution or himself, he must respect the facts even

speech and if there are any questions. There must

if the speaker occupies a central place or not.

always be a margin of at least 20% during normal



speech saying that, establishing a theme or key

The secret to a successful speech is to prepare,

information that is highly artificial.

practice, analysis and saying it in a way more concise

After the speech was done should be

and coherent. Logical and coherent argument, mark

considered environmental knowledge which will

up towards conclusion and elegance of language,

deliver the speech. Discourse structure should be well

there are three key elements that lead to success

knit and contain a logical sequence of key thoughts or

clearly a speech.

fears logical, ordered and interrelated. A speech

Speech must consider achieving objectives

should be structured so that key moments: An

through a series of specific methods of approach.

important role plays the introduction because it opens

Therefore, before a speech, the speaker must think

communication between one who utters speech,

about the audience, the message they are trying to

audience and topic. The introduction should arouse

convey and how it will be responsive. Depending on

interest and curiosity so it is better to start with a

the objective pursued (to inform, to persuade, to

story or a joke. Should then present relationship with

inspire, to entertain) orator involves different ways of

the audience speaker, subject, object and content for

addressing construction and expression. A speech is a

short. Avoid too long an introduction.

very complex process that involves not only a

There are a number of ways or tricks that

preparatory stage before, but a number of rules

can be applied at the beginning of a speech in order

during his deployment.

to capture public attention including: name or title

Initial training of a speech primarily

theme, goal setting and plan speech (deductive

involves knowing your audience: that of who made

sentences without revealing too much of the content

what concern has he come to listen etc. After this

intending to be addressed), issuing a question (that

realization content is interesting and relevant to the

anticipate audience questions probably will address),

audience that, but it is necessary for the thorough

the use of anecdotes (short, well placed, on the

subject to be discussed), the adoption of local color

arguments. Addressed in those moments attitude

(with caution to Avoid stereotyped phrases), facts and

affect how the audience will receive speaker even

statistics (in the introduction addressed only in

before speaking. In a speech content is 30% and 70%

passing, must be exposed as real and as simple)

form. The sides should look ahead, but without fixed

sentences shocking (to amaze listeners, always

head up and taking the audience in the eye. That

followed by a significant pause) interesting stories

avoids focusing its gaze on the audience may induce

(not necessarily anecdotal value, where jokes can not

the idea that the speaker is in a state of tension, fear,

be placed).

Speech should be natural and logical

anxiety or anguish. Mobility is required sight speaker

place to be easily achieved. Discourse segments

to establish some benchmarks in the hall, crowd,

should be linked, being able to stop the slideshow

group of people, who come back regularly. It has a

every two to three minutes with a replica that is

supportive role and insured for the speaker and for

aroused a reaction (or applause) from the audience.

the audience that it stimulates and makes him more

You can use audiovisual materials, unless they clarify

careful follow exposure. Speaking words into the

or support speech. The main point of the speech may

microphone, alternating speed and tone, say clearly

consist of 2 or 3 key elements developed and

the way sentences also have great significance. A

supported colloquial, highlighting strengths, making

shaky voice stress anxiety betrays the speaker and

referirechiar and counter-arguments to ensure the

also anxiety in front of others, can often be associated

credibility of the speaker.

with uncertainty. Voice pace is extremely important

The conclusion should lead to emotional





want. It

because the speaker has the advantage of introducing


special moments of silence, the pauses between

recommended to avoid digressions or subjects left in

phrases parties, and may thus speculate a number of

suspense, and at the same time launching new

advantages: the speaker has time to reflect on what he

discussions or issues. It is better to use a few words, a

says; public / audience has time to assimilate and

symbol for the final approach and avoid clichs such

rank information and message, as the phrase is not

as "in conclusion" or "end". As in the introduction

complete attention on what is, is preparing an impact

there are a number of ways that you can successfully

when people listened attentively knowing what will

complete a speech: summarizing, rhetorical questions

happen. It can also use body language, but with strict

(which causes the audience to look for an answer),

control, natural gesturing. Stance to favor body, do

drama (using a slightly dramatic voices, modulated),

not block the lungs, facilitate better breathing and

initiatives (proposed solutions to problems analyzed),

therefore, good oxygenation, or accelerated heart

stating the main subject or issue of mobilizing

beats for his blood still be purified, and therefore


increase excitability.

In addition to content issues, speech can be

made attractive and how it is delivered. It is
recommended that one who utters speech to look at
the audience - and "to respond to its feed-back".[17]
You must first conquer people and then bringing


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