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Topics Covered

OB Individual, Groups
Stimulus Organism Behavior Action
Intrinsic motivation sense of achievement, curiosity, interest, pride
Trends Emergence of disruptive technologies
OB in disruptive world
VUCA perspective Anticipator
VUCA ready practices
Agile organization
Talent economy
DDI study
Managerial roles and management functions
Management levels and skills (2014)
Organization from an OB perspective is an iceberg
What is OB
Objectives of OB
Basic OB Model
Hawthorne experiments
Formal and Informal Groups (2015,2014)
Belbin profiling
Waterline Model Task Functions, dysfunctional behavior, Maintenance levels (2015)
Japanese management Theory Z
Quality circles
Cross functional teams
Project Teams/organization (Belbin)
Task Force (Belbin)
Self Managed Teams
Managing the process and task (content vs process)
Warrens Triangle (2014)
Group dynamics
Types of groups and teams in an organization
Processes in group formation
Group development (Tuckmans typology) (2012)
Inidvidual vs group issues during group formation
Barriers to Communication
Group behavior - deviance and conformity
Group effectiveness
Which group are effective
Characteristics of a well functioning effective group
Why group members confirm to norms
How can group respond to deviations
Balancing conformity and deviance in group
Social loafing and sucker effect
Presentation: cross cultural communication
Presentation: organizational culture (2015)
7 c of becoming a great manager
Listening Listening is key to managerial effectiveness (2015) p71 handout notes
Fallacies about listening
Listening vs hearing
Reflective listening
Covey's listening continuum
Developing empathic listening
Business of EQ
Presentation: Force field model
Presentation: likert model

Presentation: Managerial Grid

Reddins 3D theory
Communication types of communication
Communication in formal and informal org
Interpersonal communication model (2014) p67 handouts
Non verbal communication
Written Communication
Seven Cs of communication
Characteristics of Effective leaders
3 components of leadership
Managers vs Leaders (2014)
Leadership vs Management
Approaches to leadership
Leadership styles
Leadership - A behavioral approach
Michigan and Ohio comparison
Fiedlers contingency leadership model
LPC scale (2015,2014)
Contingency theory
Path goal leadership model
Situational leadership model
Hersey Blanchard Situational leadership model (2015,2014)
What does a good leader do
Change Management What is Change /
GE Leadership Model (2015)
Types of Change Calm water and White water rapids (2015,2014)
Psychological aspects of change
Effective management of change
Stages of change management
Kurt Lewin force field analysis (2014)
Kurt Lewin 3 step process change (2015)
Noel Tichy org change model
TPC (2015)
John Kotter org change model (2015,2014)
The 8 accelerators
Self efficacy (2015,2014)
Role efficacy (2015,2014)
Self and Role efficacy
(Likert System IV concept) (2015,2014) ---- present in additional notes handout p98

OB and Managerial effectiveness (2015)

Apex Case study (2015)
Ramesh Saxena (2014)
Managerial Leadership (2015)
Perceptual filters block the process of communication (2014)
Group Dynamics exercise inferences (2014)
OB Mod (2014)

7S model (2014)
Tannenbaums Model (2014) ----- answer in handouts p94
Punctuated Equilibrium model (2012)
Types of teams (2012)
Group Cohesiveness (2012) p41 handouts
Group composition, structure, tasks and processes (2012)
Characteristics of effective teams (2012)
Forces of Change (2012)
First order and Second order change (2012)
Learning org (2012)

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