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XioiJiQ Wder

IN the'^idst of a desert
Volume 11, Number 2

July December, 1975


Germany is actvllized country

with a population in the western

They are more concerned about

doing that which

part of about 55 million. It is

pleases the

masses. The presenting of the

Gospel of Christ takes second

highly industrialized and is often

one would observe, that in al

place to that of having parties,

dances and doing other such
things to bring people into God's



called the land ofthe Reformation.

If one would but look around

every village there is a

church building. Because of this,

we are often asked,"Why did you

Tradition has also played a

large part in the falling away of

come to Germany?

Don't you

the people from Christ. We have

know, we are all Christians here?

talked to many who feel that just

because their grandfather or

You should go to AfricaorChina,

father belong to Christ, that auto

matically makes them a Christian

where the peopledon'tknowGod."

Despite the fact that the Reforma
tion did take place here, I must
say, that many people havefallen
away from God and His way.
war and the influx of wealth and
We have become

church taxes. This takes away the

too. Thw can do whatever they

desire anti still won't be lost. The
impression is that they don't need
to go to church, as they are
already saved. They say,"1 was

spirit of giving a love gift to God,

christened when 1 was small and

acquainted with several people

whose aim in life is to get rich,

for many people and has brought

about the attitude of spiritual in

so that makes me a member.

build their own home and


difference for the majority. We

any more?"

acquire all the things they can in

this life without, regard to God.
Seemingly, their whole under
standing of God is if He can

have been shocked tofindouthow

This has come about because of

help them to get a better job or

improve their social status in life,
then they are ready to listen. If
He cannot do this, then thw don't
need Him. Part ofthis indifference

has been brought about by the

recognized church itself, however,
because of a tax which it has

Imposed. Whenever you obtain a

job in Germany, a certain percent
of your paycheck is taken out for

Why do 1 need to go to church


of these situations

many people don't profess to be

and many others, which are at

lieve in God at all. The general

trend at present among theyouth,

here you can see why we feel

work in the lives of the people

as well as the adults, seems to be,

"1 can do whatever 1 want, as

missionaries are urgently needed.

long as it pleases me and fulfills

my desires in life." This has led
to all types of sin.

of all of these disappointments,

There are some people, inspite

who are seeking for the truth and

we have the joy of working with


a portion of them. We just pray

doing about it? Thechurch seems

to be morepolitically oriented and
isn't concerned a great deal with
bringing the people to a personal
rdationship with Jesus Christ.

that we will be able to nelp even




more people come to this soul-

searching position. Please pray

that God will help us to meet
their needs.




spond very gladly to the Chil


God for an

swering such a great need. Since

regularly. Our attendance runs

anywhere from 30-50 weekly. Our
greatest, thrill is the spiritual pro
gress made each wedc. Since
Daily Vacation Bible School held

she is a German and spent her

during Easter vacation, the chil

dren nave taken a new trend in

Praises be

dren's Bible Hour and attend it

their spiritual lives. Several have

been asking questions about bap
tism, about life hereafter, and
about what God expects ot them,
if they were to become Christians.
Schwester Eberle, a wonderful,

life in this area, she understands

the young peoples needs. Please
pray for Schwester Eberle as she
strives to teach
about Christ.

these children

Our hearts were thrilled with

the response of the children for V.

B.S. hdd during Easter vacation.
The attendance averaged 45 each
day. The missionary stories were
centered around the Ted Skiles

family and their work in Taiwan.

dedicated Christian, was lead to

to the
interest aroused
accept the challenge to teach the through
the missionary stories
junior and teenage girls. She sent to us by the Skiles family,
understands many of the trials,
children gave 86 German
pressures and problems of these the
"Aufstehen! Es ist Zeit in die
for the children's
young people, which many of us home in($38)
Schule zu g^en!" (Get up, Time are
Taiwan. Diane Miller's
not old enough to have ex modier, who was visiting Diane
to go to school!") This is a perienced.
Through her personal at the time, was greatly appre
common call each morning
experiences with the ciated, as she relieved theworkers
around our house. Debbie goes

to school at 7:15 - 12:00 Monday

thru Saturday. She must daily

.carry all of her books in her

Lord Jesus Christ, she is able to

of small Jobs whicti are sotime
patiently mold these lives in that consuming.
pattern that Christ would have

"Schulranzen,"which shewearson
her back. Debbie, who is in the

them molded. During Vacation

Bible School, Schwester Eberle

here to help them witli their spirit

ual education. As the days go

share with them. They begged

fourth grade, has just finished assisted Janice Phillips in teaching

taking an exam to see if she is the junior age class, which is
eligible to enter high school. They pictured here. I was amazed how
must decide at this age their life's the children became attached to
occupation. The missionaries are her. I am fully convinced it was
by one sees the hand of God at
work in particular lives. But in
other lives one sees the Devil busy

too. It is important to take the

time to share God's word with

them while they are young. It

has certainly thrilled

us In the

Lord's work here in Germany,

as we watch the spiritual growth

and response of theyoungpeople.

We dally remind ourselves that

they are the church of tomorrow.

If they are spiritually fed today,

the church will be strong to

The children's work has been

very encouraging and inspiring.

For tlie most part the children re

because of the love she had to

her to come back and be with

them each week. This was the

beginning of the challenge pre

Stanley Ropeilewski becamea

sented to her. She now teaches Christian almost two years ago
each week in the Children's Bible

and has had his ups and downs.

He was an alcoholic and had

to finally go to a rehabilitation
center. At first he fought it, only
to realize he could not overcome

his drinking problem on his own.

He needed the Lord's help and
he needed the help of his fellowman. We truly diank God that
he has gone to this center and it
is thrilling to see how God is using
him to help others who have the
same weaknesses and problems
as he does. Upon his arrival

During the morning hours

at the center, he mec an American

young people are divid^ into

lot for some families to pay,there

fore we do not feel we can raise

man named Patrick. Soon Stanley

three separate groups. There is

the camp fee and still meet the

and Patrick were reading and

a class for children under 8 years

old; for 8-12 yrs. old; andfor teen
agers. Eacli group has two class
periods and a memorytime. Dur
ing tliis period the

spiritual needs ofthecamperswho

desire to be spiritually fed. Last
year it took approximately 1,000
Marks to meet the expenses of
German camp. This year the
expenses are sure to be much

studying theBibletogether, Please

firay for Stanley as he shares his

aith with Patridc. Stanley is very
talented and speaks several lan

guages fluently. God could use

memorize scriptures to gain points

him in such great ways if we,

for their teams. By having the

as his brothers and sisters in

teams we hope tliat the children

Christ, remember him daily in

will learn what it means to work

prayer, asking the Lord to guide

until September and each of us
are looking forward to his return
to the congregation here. We

together as a team. The afternoon

activities very daily with fussball
(soccer), swimming, badminton,
hiking, etc. We have also tried
to teach the childrentoplay Amer

need his help and encouragement.

ican baseball or Softball.

him. Stanley will be at the center


has gone over quite well, but they


Camp time is rapidly ap

proaching for us, which requires
hours of preparation and plan
ning. The dates for camp this
year are July 6-12. We are ex

pecting the largest German camp

ever with at least 23-30 campers.
Lord willing, we will have more
faculty members this year, which
means more assistance with each

camper. Our German camp is

very "Primitive." The boys sleep

in the hayloft and the girls sleep
in tents. Our facilities are prim

itive but the message is up-todate.

can't seem to get the idea ofcatch

ing the ball and getting it in from


During the evening

higher, because of prices going

up so drastically. The campers
paid about 600 Marks of thetotal
expenses last year. We certainly
praise God for this accom
plishment and for the fact that
we were able to make German

camp available to the young

people. It is solely because of

your faithful support and prayers

that all of these things have be
come a reality.

The young people love to do

Your support has made the

Children's Bible Hour possible
for any between 30-50 children a

dramas but theirsenseofhumoris

much different from that of the

week. Your regular support has

made the junior youth group

session they have a social hour.

Americans. Sometimes we find it

available to those between the

hard to understand the point they

are trying to get across. Follow

ages of 8-12. There are approx

imately 8-14 children attending

ing the social hour period the

the junior youth group. Their

children will be shown a filmstrip

highest attendance was 25. Be

on the book of Acts, followed by

a campfire. During the campfire
time, the children enjoy singing
together and hearing the message
presented. The camp day will

cause of your faithful support

youth group is for young people
over 13 years old. This group

close with a prayer circle. It is

thrilling to see how God uses each

each week. Of course, your sup

little effort put forth to draw the

port also makes theGerman camp

the senior youth group has also

been made possible. The senior
has between 10-20 in attendance

young people closer to Christ.

possible. Each one of these ser

We are hoping and praying that

vices are held to plant the Gospel

children will be drawn closer to

seed in their hearts, to mold their

the Lord this year than ever be

lives in the way in which God


The morning classes will

would have tliem molded, and to

cover "Evidences of God " and

junior age young people." Your

prepare them for services in His

Kingdom m the coming years.
Please do pray that each of these

prayers on behalf of these young

activities and that the financial

people and the teachers will be

gready appreciated. We would

needs will be met, that each spir

itual soul may continue to grow

"Problems Facing Teenagers and

also appreciate your prayers for

in the love and in the wisdom of

the camp expenses, that God will

provide a way that the needs will

Jesus Christ. "Now I thank God

Alva with his class in the hayloft

be met.

The campers pay 35

for His gifts of Love." God's

blessings are always wonderful

at German camp.

German Marks ($15). This is a

and for this we truly thank Him.


During the past year, two

young ladies have helped usfaith
fully. As of June 6, 1975, Linda
Dayhoff has worked with us for
two years. Jill Farmer arrived
in Germany on June 28, 1974.
Linda and Jill share an apart

ment together. Iwouldliketotake

this opportunity to tell you how
they share in the Lord's work
here in the Gechingen area. After

studying German for over ayear,

Linda began teaching in the Chil
dren's Bible Hour each week. Of

course, she found it very difficult

at first, but with God's help, she
does better with each we^ that

required in typing the stencils for

the scriptural meanings, these go

the workbooks which are printed

for the children. She also plays
the piano for both the Children's
Bible Hour and Sunday worship

Jill is writing stories for the pri

mary age and Linda for the nur
sery-beginner. Your prayers on

their behalf will be gready appre


Jill has accepted the challenge

of translating thevisualized book
man. This is a real challenge
to her because she has only had

about 5 months of German study.

It is thrilling to see how God is
able to use lier in this way, even
though many times she feels in
adequate in the German language.
Jill also helps plan the handi
craft projects for V.B.S., German

camp and tlie Lugano retreat and

prepares sample projects for the
teachers. Sheplay several musical

more confident in speaking it now.

ukele and saxaphone, which can

Pictured here is Linda with her

be used to a great advantage.

She also handles all the supplies

the children, grow spiritually. Of

course letters must be typed. This

task usually falls to Linda, unless


the demand is too great, at which

books, in the series "Daily Exper

iences with God". They use prac
tical application stories to express

time Jill also helps with thetyping.

There is more than just letters to
be typed. Linda's help is also


the German work

Mr. and Mrs. AlvC^illi^^ FORWARDING

Black Forest Christian Mission

72(il Slaiinnheini/GALV^/

Postlach 15. Wist Germany c/o Mrs. Wilbur Saph

Jill Farmer

Miss Linda Dayhoff

7261 Gechingcfl/CALW Mrs. Jon Hiatt

Ludwig-Thoma-Weg 7

4760 Curtis Avenue

Dearborn, MI 48126

Printed by Mission Services Press

Linda Dayhofl'

such as the flute,

in the storeroom and keeps Aings

filed and-put away. This is a
definite help.
Linda and Jill are writing

each challengc-Linda, as well- as


lets on the life of Christ into Ger

Her German has im
proved gready and shefeelsmuch
second grade class. They present
many challenges, but through

over so well with the children.

P.O. Box 177, Kempton, IN 46049

Route 1, Box 321

Jasonville, IN 47438

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