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Approx. Theory ~ its Appl.



1 9 9 9 , 64 - - 70


In Memory of Professor M.T. Cheng

Liu Zongguang
(Huaihua T,~cher' s College, China)


The fractional maximal operator on homogeneous space ( X , d , l~) is defined as


~- ~.p la(B(x,r)),_ , .,.,., [ f ( y ) ldlz,

In this paper, the sufficient and necessary conditions for the r

0 a < .

to be o f xeeah type and extra vz~ealttype

be gi~...


A homogeneous space (X,d,p) is a set X together with a quasi-metric d and doubling

measure ~

W e recallthat a quasi-metric is a mapping d:XXX-~[O,oo) which satisfiesthe

quasi-triangle inequality, d(x,y)~K[d(x,z)+d(z,y)] for all x,y,zEX, where K>~I is a

constant independent on x,y,z. For all hall B = B ( x , r ) = {yEX.d(x,y)<r}, we denote by

cB the hall B(x,cr). W e also recallthat a doubling measure/~ on X is a nonnegative measure

on Borel subsets of X satisfing the inequality [ 2 B I , ' ~ A [ B ] ,

for all balls B C X ,

which IB I,

denotes the/~-measure of the ball B.

Let X . = X XR+ = {( x , t ) : x E X ,t>fO } , B = ] ~ ( x , r ) = { ( y , t ) E X + : y E B ( x , r ) , O<.~t
< r } . The fractional maximal operator mapping the functions on X into functions on X+ is defined as following
~ ' ~ f ( x , t ) = sup
,~, /J(B(x,r))
~-.f#nc,.,~If(Y) Ida,

0 ~ a < i.

Liu Zongguangt Weak Type Inequalities for Fractional Maximal Operator


In the special case, . . . K ' ~ f ( x , O ) = M f ( x ) , where M is the well-known central Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator.
A nonnegative Borel measure ~ on X+ is said to be a quasi-dobuling measure if for each
ball B = B ( x , r )

on X, there exists a constant c>O such that -p(aB)~ca-p(t~), where c is a

constant independent on ball B and a.

Let w ( x ) be a weight (that is, a nonegative and locally integrable function) on X and
be a quasi-doubling measure on X+, the weighted maximal operator is defined as
~ ' ~ . , ~ f ( x , t ) = sup
If(Y) Iw(y)dp.
,;~, -~(B(x,r) ) B(~,,)
The aim of this paper is to obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for ..~" to be of
the weak type and extra-weak type on the weighted Orlicz space. Now we recall the concept of
weighted Orlicz space.
Let ~ ( t ) be a Young's function, the well-known Young's inequality is the following
'st <~ r

+ ~(t),

V s,t >/ O,

where ~ ( t ) is called Young's complementary function of ~ ( t ) , i.e. ,

~;(t) = s u p ( t r - ~ ( r ) ) .

Let w ( x ) be a weight on X , we call L t . , ( X ) = {f~ II f II t . . < o o / a s

a weighted Orlicz space,

We recall the weighted Holder inequality on the weighted Orlicz space as

IIxf(X)g(x)w(:c)d#l<~II f

II t.. ' II g II ~ . ~ .

In the following sections, we need the following lemmas.

Lemma 1[tj Let E be a d-bounded subset o f X and assume that for each x E E there exists
r ( x ) > 0 , then there exists a sequence {Bi} o f disjoint balls such that E C U 5K~Bj, where B i =

B ( x j , r ( x i ) ) and 5KZBj = B ( x j , 5Ktr(xt) ).

By Lemma 1 , we can get the following lemma easily.
Lemma 2

Let w (x) be a weight on X and ~ be a quasi-doubling measure on X + , then

~a((~.,, is o f weak type (1 , w l l , ~ ) , i.e. , there exists a constant c>O such that
~( { (:r,t) E X+:cC~Z...f(x,t) > 2}) ~< 7 x I f ( y ) Iw(y)d#
for each ,~>0.
Let ~ ( t ) be a Young's function, we introduce following functions on R+ 9

S t ( t ) -~ ~(t)
for t > 0 a n d / ~ ( 0 ) = St(0) = 0.

Approx. Theory & its Appl.

Lemma 3 [z]

15: 4, 1999

Let ~(t) be a Young' s function, then the follmz,ing estimates hold for every

~5(R,(t)) ~ ~(t) ~ ~5(2R~(t)) ;


9 (S~(t)) % ~(t) ~ ~ ( 2 S , ( t ) ) ~


S,(R~(t ) ) ~ t ~ 2S,(2R~(t)) ;


9 ()~S.(t) ) ~ c),~(t), for 0 ~ 2 ~ 1.


Theorem 1

Let ( X , d , p )

be a

Weak type inequality

homogeneou~ space, -~ be a quasi-doubling measure on X + ,

w ( x ) be a weight on X and ~ ( t ) , ~ ( t ) be Young's functions, then the following condition are

equivalent :
(1) There exsits c~'O such that for each f(x) am1 2 > 0 :

~( { (x,t) E X + ; ~ / ' f ( x , t ) > } Ir

(2) ( ~ , w ) EA~.~,, i.e. , there exists r


~ Cfx~(Cif(x)

such that


For each ball B ~ X and f ( x ) , by the doubling condition of/~, there exists a constant co
> 0 depend{ng only on the constants K,A and a, such that
1 9
/~ ~ {(x,t) E X + ; c g * f ( x , t ) > Co/a(~3)~_ I [ f ( y ) , d l a } .
By ( 1 ) , we get

7a(]3)~ I cott(1)~-.In'fld#) ~ Ix~( clf (x) l ) w(x)dl~.

For fixed r

and k E N , let f ( x ) = c - l S . ( ~ x )

l ,E,={xEB.w(x)~l/k}.

f~(x) =f(x)ZE,(x), The last inequality and (b) of Lemma 3 tell us that

~(b)~( Col2(B)l-.f J'dtz) ~ cIE llr(S,( ~


~<-/c f f~d/~,
which in turn implies that

) )w(x)dll


Liu Zongguang: Weak Type Inequalities for Fractional Maximal Operator




Since g(B\U Ek)=0 and the constant on the right hand side of the last inequality does not dei--1

pend on k, let k--*oo, we get

sup sup,>oco/~(B)
'-'''~'r R.[ ,(B-~l-or176
I BS, (

) d ) = c < oo,

where r = (coc)-~.
(2) =~(1)
For each e>0 and B = B ( x , r ) C X , Young's inequality and A~,~,condition give that




([f(Y) t)w(y)dtz + _ _

< p(B)'-'I.

Let ~=e~g(B) 1-" go( If(y) l)w(y)d~

(~(.v)) ~(y,d'u


V, then

~,(A,-.; Ifey)ida' ~ <, + --1

R~'f~o, ~I,~S'(If(y)l)~(Y)dl')"
Taking the supremum in r for r > t ,

we get

J:.f(x.t) <~<, + ~o1--R~'t [l~;..~(Ifl)(x,t)).

By the weak type (1 ,w;1 ,p) of r162

we have

~( { (x,t):.//::'f (x,t) > 2r ) ~ ~( { (x,t):R~(1..d:; lfl )(x,t) ) ~ r162 )


~({(x,t):~.~';..,~(!fi)(x,t) > eL/~(t0E,) })


f ~t"([f(y)l)w(y)dt~

C~.o r
<~ <p(-~-oe,)jx~(
In virture of this, we obtain

-~( { (x,t) :Jg'f (x,t) > ~} ) ~(,t) ~ Ceo x ~ ( ~ If(x) I )w(x)dlz.

This completes the proof of the Theorem 1.
Remark 1.

V ~( t ) ,

In the Theorem 1,we put ~P(t)=~(t) and notice R~(t)"--~t) and S#(t)'-.

where ~(t) -- ;o~x)ds and 9~(s) is a left-continuous nondecreasing function satisfing

l i m i t ) =oo and lira ~ t ) = O, then the following conditions are equivlent:




Approx. Theory ~ its Appl.

15: 4, 1999

c I xO(If(x)
~( { (x,t) E X+ . . ~ ( ' f ( z , t ) > ~l}) ~ ~--~
sup sup ~ . , / Z ( / ~ ) i _ . I






This is Theorem 1 in E43, where it is assumed that ~(t) satisfies A~ condition, i.e. , # ( 2 t ) ~

for all t > 0 .

3 Extra-weak type inequality

Theorem 2

Let ( x , d , / a ) be a homogeneous space with a quasi-doubling measure ~ on

X+, w ( x ) a weight on X and ~ ( t ) a Young's function, then the following conditions are equvialent :

(1) There exists c>O such that for each 2>0

(2) ( ~ , w ) E E'~, i.e. , there exists r

such that



and f ( x )

--E,~o/z = c <



For each ball B C X and each integer k > 0 , we put El--- { x E B : w ( x ) > l / k }

and g j ( x ) =

Se /Z(B)t_-~w(x) ] Z~, ( x ) , where r., is a positive number which will be chosen later. Similar to
the proof of (1)=}(2) of Theorem 1 in w 2, we obtain


On the other hand, we have

= ~(--~-T'JC'~/z(B)'--7:~(:,,)


f -,(x)d..

1 S

If/z(~)~_. sg~(x)d/z >t coc, by (d) of Lemma 3, it follows that

r -,(x)d,.</z(~i/,(x)d/z
if fr

] w (x)d/z.

I d/z

Liu Zongguang. Weak Type Inequalities for Fractional Maximal Operator


If/x(/~) ~_9 I g,(x)d/x ~ coc, then





Choosing r

) w ( x ) d t ~ coc~Iz~( I~(B)a_.w(x)~(]~) }w(x)dl~ + coc~-~(~3).

small enough such that c,cr

f ~(


we then obtain
I w(x).


Since the right hand side of the last inquality does not depend on ~, thus we have
sup~ ~{

Iw(x),lJ(B-7~w(x) ) ~(-~al~ <. oo.

i.e., (~,w) E ~ .
For each ball B=B(x,r), by Young's inequality and ~ , we get

w(y) . j_ 1 ~

~w(y) .

Taking the supremum


~ ( I f ( y ) I)w(yld/~ + ~tos

r~t, we conclude that



-I- r


{(x,t) E X+:~'R'~

~ -b_.....Ac
} C {(x,t) E X+...~';.o~(lfl)(x,t) ~ 1}.

Since ..~r;., is of weak type (1 ,w;1 ,~), we get

~({(x,t) E X+..~'.f (x,D > i}) = ~ {(x,t) E X+ 88

) (x,t) >

~o I

~<~( <(x,t) E X+,.~'~,.~( 1~+c I1"1/;(x,t) > 1)1

~Ix~P(lq'c~ If(x) I ) w(x)dt~.
This completes the proof of Theorem 2.

Remark 2. If ~(t)=t(lq-log+t)l/P,fl>O, then the conclusion of our Theorem 2 is the

same as that of Theorem 2 in [4"].

This work was finished during my visiting at Hangzhou University,

the author expresses his gratitude to Prof. Wang Silei for his enthusiastic guidance.

Approx. Theory ~ its Appl.


15. 4, 1999



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[ 3]

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['4] Lai Qinsheng, Weighted Weak Type Inequalities for the Fractional Maximal Operator on Space of
Homogeneous Space (in Chinese), Acta Math. Siniea, 32(1989), 448- 456.

Department of Mathematics
Huaihua Teacher's College,
H u n a n , 418008

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