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7:22 AM 1/15/2014

Photo Reading Manual


1.Starting point Image map (mind map)

In the center you have the Photo Reading System.
Then branching out you have PREPARE, PREVIEW, PHOTO READ, ACTIVATE, and RAPIDREA
Branching out from that you have PREPARE - (state of mind and purpose), PREVIEW
- (survey, triger words and review), PHOTO READ (enter accelerated learning stat
e, affirm, photo focus, matain steady state and the closing), ACTIVATE - (mind m
ap, dip, super read, mind probing), and RAPIDREAD


1. PREPARE - get ready know what you what to accomplish.
2. Enter ACCELERATED LEARNING STATE - be relaxed physically and mentally.
3. KNOW, CONCERTRATE, BELIEVE, REMEMBER - know (really know what material you wa
nt to understand
4. PHOTO FOCUS - concertrate on the whole page as you flip.
5. STAY IN PHOTO READING FOCUS - many steps to stay focus.
6. FINISH - when finish know that you know the material (this will help you acti


Here is a few tricks to get into this focus (This is simular as looking a a magi
c eye or stereogram photo.
1. hold your hands out like a goal with thumbs toward each other and index finge
rs pointed upward.
Now set your focus in the middle as in the air space between the field goal.
2. stare at a page as to focus your vision on the whole page not any other mater
ial outside the page just the page and hold that vision.
When doing the Photo Reading stay calm relaxed not relaxed as going to fall asle
ep but more as like getting focused in studying something important to you.
note: anyone can have a photographic memory you just have to want it and be crea
tive in your minds eye.

Temporary skipping to Activating, (when activating or to activate) You need to b

reath in a relax, and let the words you have read come to you (it will seem diff
erent at first and you will get better over time).
This is where you can help your mind remembering - (focus, imagery) think of the
book, everything about the book, open the book, see pages, the whole page, loca
tion of words, and of the word you are remembering; at first to check yourself,
as a gauge or to (know) look up your word's location, on the page that you remem
bered in the book that you read.

note: when photo reading you can (read as in one section at a time, or read as i
n multiple sections at a time, or read as in whole pages at a time instantly)
remember: creative remembering of objects in mind.

5. Learning Process
In your learing process you have four levels that you go through.
1. UNCONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE - you start out with fear, relize there is a problem
but dont know where to start to handle it.
2. CONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE - the knowing there is a problem and attempting to do
something about it but not succeded yet.
3. CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE - have attemped to workout the problem and are succeedin
g but not making it a habit.
4. Excellence - your succeeding has paid off and it is now a easy habit (natural

6. To read well you need to do two things (know your purpose, be in a relaxed ph
oto reading state)
Ask your self these questions.
What am i trying to get out of the material?
How important is it, does it mean to me?
Ask more specific questions.
What do I need or really want to get out of the material?
is it a summary/specific material.
How much time am im willing to commit to get the info right now?
say I can and will accomplish what I set my mind to.

To help you get into and stay in to relaxed focused photo reading state use the
Tangerine Technique
The Tangerine Technique:
1. Know the tangerine, in you hand, everything about it weight, color, texture,
2. Put the tangerine on the top back of your head, know that it is there
3. Your vision is encompassing more of your visual field.
4. open your eyes, remember the tangerine is still on the back of your head, now
read. (this is called a trigger in psychology)
remember: relax get relaxed and focused.

1. Survey - 30 seconds for short articles and up to 3 minutes for long ones. Ti
tle, headers, bold print, first and last paragraphs
For a book take 3 to 5 minutes to preview.
front and back cover, front and back flaps, foreword, preface, table of contents
, index, skim the first and last pages. copyright date and other details that co
uld be relevant to you.
Get the gist of the book or main point of the artical.
2. Trigger words - skim pages examine a page every 20 pages or so, look for key
words that grab attention that are important. take in 20 to 25 words, if you lik
e them write them down.
3. Review -think on the words their relevance and relationship to what you will
be reading.

8. Super Reading and Dipping

Super reading - entails quickly moving through large amounts of text, giving yo
ur mind the chance to sort out and fixate on words that carry meaning.
When you combine super reading with a well defined purpose, your mind will be at
tracted to key words, phrases, selections, and ideas. You bypass whatever is uni
Dipping - allows you to fluently read selected passages you feel will answer
your questions. It is your chance to pause and savor the important facts and ide
as as you choose.

Steps to Super Read

1. When reading turn to a section that attracts you, in an article it maybe the
2. State your purpose, relax get it to photo reading relaxing.
3. your eyes should easily move down the page and notice the words.
4. increase speed, when you begin to wander stay relaxed.
5. before you think you are done, relax let your mind soak in the material.
notes: think of what you noticed, if what you noticed was the the process of rea
ding and not the contents of the text, make sure your purpose is related to what
you read, if your purpose is to vague or to wide, change your purpose to be mor
e detailed to what you are looking for specifically.
notes: you may need to super read multiple times narrowing down what is meaningf
ul and not to redefine your purpose.
be sensitivity to your mind's subtle communication. Like following a hunch or in
tuition, allow yourself to be guided to the specific answers you seek.
You might be aware of an eye movement toward some part of the page, a gut feelin
g urging you to stop, an inner voice, or a picture in your mind.
Stay relaxed it will help you stay focused and staying focused when help your co
When you fall out being focused you think on the process of photo reading and no
t the experience of it.
It is common to be in and out of a focused relaxed state.
so ask and and answer specific quesions to stay in the super reading state.
If you think you have missed somthing important then mind probe.
ask what is an example of something I have not noticed yet? or, what is another
example of somthing important to this topic?
Ask what is an example of something I want to remember?
Then super read and see what you find.
When you notice a word or idea that stands out, dip and read that section when n
When dipping for articles never read more than a paragraph or two at most before
you super read again, and for a book read only a page or two at a time.
Same with super reading, dipping look for specific answers. remember set a well

9. How to Photo Read

1. Prepare - State purpose - what you expect to get out of it.

2. Enter Accelerative Learning State - enter relaxed alertness for learning

3. KNOW, CONCERTRATE, BELIEVE, REMEMBER - Positive affirmations
As I photoread, my concentration is absolute.
All that I Photoread makes a lasting impression on my inner mind, and is availab
le to me.
I desire the information in this book (name the book). to accomplish my goal of
Put the tangerine on the top back of your head, know that it is there
Your vision is encompassing more of your visual field.
remember the tangerine is still on the back of your head
relax and see right through the center of the book noticing the whole book and s
ee beyond the book.
5. STAY IN PHOTO READING FOCUS - be aware of being focused and relaxed and turn
pages in a constant movment.
6. FINISH - when finish know that you know the material, I
acknowledge all feelings evoked by this experience and allow my inner mind and b
ody to process them....and I am curious in how many ways I will notice how this
information supports me." Invite the conscious mind to let go while your inner m
ind processes all that you have PhotoRead.
notes: notice details of the book, pages, words, as like using peripheral vision
of the whole book.
notes: activation techniques
including various mind probing exercises, super reading, dipping, and mind mappi
You may need multiple steps of activation and super reading to all of the inform
ation you are looking for.
Mind Probe
Play with the physical book, letting yourself wander through the pages. Formulat
e questions that you are curious about and want to answer.
Super Read
Super read sections that attract you.
Dip into and read select passages as you are moved to do so, but never more than
a page or two at a time. Search for the specific answers you desire.
Mind Map
Activate the material through mind mapping, dreaming, acting,
drawing, discussing, recognition games, or in any other comfortable way.

You must learn when and how to modify questions you are asking depending upon th
e information you have and the information you want.
Mind probing by forming questions will activate your mind effectively and bring
more information into conscious awareness.
Super Read and Dip Along the Train of Thought
In one type of scheme an author first describes a problem, then later in the tex
t explains how to solve the problem. If you want the author's steps for solving
the problem, you can bypass what you do not need and move quickly to the place f
or dipping and achieving your goal.
author's train of thought - The problem,The main argument about where the proble
m comes from, a solution emerges to suggest a remedy for the problem
The theory of multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner from Harvard Un
iversity identifies seven intelligences that deserve recognition in all learning
1) Linguistic Intelligence
Sensitivity to the meaning and order of words. Language experts, writers, and pu
blic speakers use this intelligence.
2) Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Ability in mathematics and other complex logical systems. Computer
technologists, engineers, and scientists are drawn from this group.
3) Musical Intelligence
Ability to understand and create music. Musicians, composers, and dancers show a
heightened musical intelligence.
4) Spatial Intelligence
Ability to perceive the visual world accurately and recreate (or alter) it in th
e mind or on paper. Designers, architects, and air traffic controllers specializ
e in this intelligence.
5) Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Ability to use the body in a skilled way for self-expression, goal attainment, o
r entertainment. Athletes, dancers, and actors excel in this intelligence.
6) Interpersonal Intelligence
Ability to perceive and understand other individuals their moods, desires, and mot
ivations. Business leaders, politicians, teachers, and therapists use this intel
7) Intrapersonal Intelligence
Understanding personal emotions, values, and philosophy. People who write intros
pectively, counsellors, inventors, and religious leaders are skilled in this int
References: Frames of Mind, by Howard Gardner and The Everyday Genius, by Peter

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