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This new sport is a combination of both Basketball and football.
Game period 70 minutes: each half 35 mins. 2 time outs and an interval.
Ball is tossed to start the game just as in basketball. Its tossed after every
scoring like in football.
1. The Ace: players are permitted to use both hands and legs. Upon
receiving a pass, they can keep the ball until 40 seconds before
passing to others. Because Ace position is exclusively for people who
are the most athletic in the team.
2. The keeper: same as that of football, but the keeper is not permitted to
cross the keeper line under any circumstance. They can use both
hands and legs.
3. Libero: the players who play libero can play anywhere in the field and
hold the ball for any length of time. He can only use hands. Scoring is
not permitted.
4. Rearguard: the rearguards are weak players who are swift in short
range movements. So they are only permitted to hold the ball for 20
seconds. They are not permitted to cross the half-line, use their legs
and make offensive plays.
5. Forward: forwards can hold the ball until 2mins of the game because
they are the primary part of offense. They are permitted to use only
their hands and take the ball to the front so that the Ace can score
6. Wingman: players shouldnt go out of the wing region and the others
players shouldnt come into this region except liberoes. They can hold
the ball for 1minute. Wingmen should only use their foot.
Note: In a confrontation between wingman and libero, the liberos
purpose is only to distract the wingman so that the ball goes out of either
the boundary or wingman line. A libero can steal the ball from a wingman
only when the ball is in mid-air.
1. when a player steals a ball he can hold the ball for +20 seconds longer.
2. When a libero forces a wingman out of the wingman line his teams ace
or wingman will have a free kick.

3. A wingman is permitted to score in the last ten minutes of each half in

the game. This is called turnover period.
1. when a libero steals the ball he immediately has to pass the ball within
20 seconds.
2. If a wingman misses 3 shots in the turnover period, he isnt allowed to
scored anymore in the remaining.
1. Libero-Wingman foul: if a libero forces the wingman out of the
wingman line with pressure and slight contact, a one-on-one match
is held to assign a point.
2. Charging/Rough screen: a throw or pass is granted for the opponents
near the 3- point line.
1. Out of bounds: throw for the opponent players.
2. Time off: holding the ball too long. Throw for the nearest opponent
3. Keeper crosses line: free kick
4. Wingman line: When a wingman comes out of the wingman line the
opponent team keeper takes the ball.

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