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Field Note

Date : Wednesday, May 4 , 2016

Topic : First Observation
Informan : Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin S.Pd
Place : Class VIII A
Time : 08:20-09:40
In this day, I did my research. Today is my first observation in MTS
Roudlotusysyubban Pati especially in Class VIII A. Mr.Baihaqi Zainuddin taught in
that class was started at 08:20 AM. I went to school at 06:30 because I was promised
to Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin that I could attend early before the teacher came to the
class. The teacher and I entered the class together at 08:20. After the teacher opened
the class, the teacher introduced me to all the students and the teacher also gave me a
time to tell about myself and my purpose came to this school. Then, the teacher asked
me to sit on the behind of the students. I can and I know all the teaching learning
process in the class.
Today Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin taught speaking material. The teacher start again to
opened the class by saying Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and the
students answered by Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh the teacher
said good morning students, how are you today? the students answered fine thank
you, and you? the teacher answered Im fine, too. After opening the class the
teacher gives the students motivation to study hard, because Final Examination would
come. The teacher checked the students attendance and she asked the students to
open the book. The teacher asked the students are you ready to start our meeting
today? The students answered yes sir. The teacher asks the students to read the
students hand book on page six about the simple narrative text with the title Stevens

Problem, the teacher said by English directly and explained to the students that they
must to discuss and remember and the teacher want to asked some students to tell in
front of the class. The teacher also asked the students some questions about Stevens
This material is aim to the students to try before they got a final assignment from the
English teacher about story telling. Here, the teacher is so communicatively because
the teacher gave warming up for the students to read first by teachers assistance. The
teacher asked the students to read the text again carefully, while asking them to
remember again about how the way the teacher read the text, about how he
pronounced the text and how he applied the intonation within the text. After that the
teacher gave the example how to retell the narrative story. The teacher gave the rule
about how to opening the presentation, how to present or conclude it become indirect
speech and how to close the presentation.

The teacher also gave the way to

remember it in a short time, by paragraph to paragraph.

After the teacher gave them example, the teacher divided the students by five groups
by jigsaw approach. Then, the teacher asked them to discuss in ten minutes to
remember and try to retell it. After ten minutes the teacher had chosen one student
from each group to retell in front of the class. At the last of the students who had
presenting the text, the students asked another group to ask something about the text,
each group one question and then they can answer the question by communicatively
each group and the teacher gave them stimulate if there is a hard question or hard
The questions from the text are;
1. What does Steven do to resolve his problem?
2. When the Steven Problem does is coming?
3. What was he like two months ago?

4. What does the short message stand for?

5. \Why was his physical condition down?
Finally the electric bell rang. The teacher gave conclusion about that meeting that
describes what were they done today. After that the teacher gave motivation for the
students. Last, the teacher said wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to
finish the meeting. Then, the students answered it with waalaikumussalam
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. The last the teacher said see you later, and the students
said see you. The teacher go out from the class and back to teacher office.

Field Note
Date : Friday, May 18 , 2016
Topic : First Observation
Informan : Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin S.Pd
Place : Class VIII A
Time : 08:20-09:40
In this day, I continue my research. Today is my second observation in MTS
Roudlotusysyubban Pati especially in Class VIII A. Mr.Baihaqi Zainuddin taught in
that class was started at 08:20 AM. I went to school at 06:30 because I was promised
to Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin that I could attend early before the teacher came to the
class. The teacher and I entered the class together at 08:20. After the teacher opened
the class, the teacher introduced me to all the students and the teacher also gave me a
time to tell about myself and my purpose came to this school. Then, the teacher asked
me to sit on the behind of the students. I can and I know all the teaching learning
process in the class.
Today Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin taught speaking material. The teacher start again to
opened the class by saying Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and the
students answered by Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh the teacher
said good morning students, how are you today? the students answered fine thank
you, and you? the teacher answered Im fine, too. After opening the class the
teacher gives the students motivation to study hard, because Final Examination would
come. The teacher checked the students attendance and she asked the students to
open the book. The teacher asked the students are you ready to start our meeting
today? The students answered yes sir. The teacher asks the students to read the
students hand book on page twenty five about the recreation.

Here the teacher chose several students to read the conversation on the book. In this
chance the teacher asked to the students to learn it and practice the dialogue between
two persons about recreation. Then, the teacher asked the students to read carefully
with good pronunciation and good expression.
The teacher asked the students to practice with their partner about the dialogue. After
that the teacher asked the students to change the name and the situation based on the
students own. After that the teacher asked some students to make conversation in the
front of the class. After that the teacher chose some students to practice in front of the
class with their partner as the sample for the others. The teacher also improves the
students by his expression.
After that the teacher continue the material about the recreation, because in this
meeting is not just focus on speaking the teacher also gave the reading material. Then
the students answer the exercises in the peace of the paper.
Finally the electric bell rang. The teacher gave conclusion about that meeting that
describes what were they done today. After that the teacher gave motivation for the
students. Last, the teacher said wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to
finish the meeting. Then, the students answered it with waalaikumussalam
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. The last the teacher said see you later, and the students
said see you. The teacher go out from the class and back to teacher office.

Field Note
Date : Wednesday, May 4 , 2016
Topic : First Observation
Informan : Mr. Baihaqi Zainuddin S.Pd
Place : Class VIII A
Time : 08:20-09:40
Today, I go to the school for continue my research. Mr Baihaqi Zainuddin teach at
08:20 until 10:35 . I arrive in the school at 06:30. Mr Baihaqi Zainuddin was coming
to the school because he was picket in that day. Before he taught in the classroom he
gave me some suggestion and gave me the material for that day.
When the time of 08:20 , the teacher and I entered the class to continue the study. As
usual I sat in the behind of the students. The teacher start again to opened the class by
saying Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and the students answered
by Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh the teacher said good
morning students, how are you today? the students answered fine thank you, and
you? the teacher answered Im fine, too. After opening the class the teacher gives
the students motivation to study hard, because Final Examination would come. The
teacher checked the students attendance and she asked the students to open the book.
The teacher asked the students are you ready to start our meeting today? The
students answered yes sir. The teacher asks the students to read the students hand
book on page twenty six and twenty seven about the visiting the zoo. In that day the
teacher was not focus on the hand book, but the teacher used LCD to explain the
material. The teacher explain the material directly and sometimes the teacher gave a
stimulate to the students with a questions and the students answer what the teacher
want, like do you ever come to the zoo? the students answer yes we do, can you

mention what kind of animals in the zoo? the students answer, lion, tiger, bear, dll.
But the teacher wants to know the kind of animal. With describing the picture, the
teacher give example of animals, between zebra and Lion, what differences.
Carnivore and herbivore.
After that the teacher asked the students to describe one of the animals that was
explained by the teacher in front of the class, after that the others asks some questions
from the picture to the presenter.
Finally the electric bell rang. The teacher gave conclusion about that meeting that
describes what were they done today. After that the teacher gave motivation for the
students. Last, the teacher said wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to
finish the meeting. Then, the students answered it with waalaikumussalam
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. The last the teacher said see you later, and the students
said see you. The teacher go out from the class and back to teacher office.

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