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Cloud OS: Build your

infrastructure on Windows Azure

Wesley Fernandes
Partner Technical Consultant

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About Your Presenter

Wesley Fernandes Vieira
Partner Technical Consultant -

Consultor de infraestrutura desde 2005

Desde 2008 como consultor na Microsoft (MCS)
Desde 2012 como Partner Technical Consultant
Especialista em Datacenter

About Your Presenter

Alfredo Fortenboher
Partner Technical Consultant -

15 anos de experincia em TI e telecomunicaes

Desde 2006 na Microsoft
Desde 2013 como Partner Technical Consultant
Especialista em Datacenter

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Shared Notes

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Roadmap Microsoft Cloud OS

Microsoft Cloud OS
There are more apps, more devices, and now,
more data than ever all driven by the rise
of cloud computing and the use of cloud
services. With these technologies playing an
ever present role in businesses, how can IT
drive more efficiency and deliver new forms of
value? Microsofts answer is the Cloud


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Cloud OS Building Blocks Sessions



Live sessions
27 Jan

Cloud OS Implementao e Configurao de Failover Cluster no Windows 2012 R2

03 Fev

CloudOS - Atualizao e preparao do Active Directory para o CloudOS

10 Fev

Cloud OS - Construa a sua infraestrutura hbrida com Windows Azure IaaS

17 Fev

Cloud OS Migrao de infraestrutura de plataformas de terceiros para Hyper-V e Windows Azure

On-Demand sessions
Cloud OS - Construo de solues: Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage

Cloud OS - Construo de solues: System Center 2012 R2

Cloud OS - Virtual Machine Manager, Service Templates

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Windows Azure IaaS
In this session we are
going to present how to
extend the corporate
infrastructure in a Hybrid
Cloud scenario by using
Windows Azure IaaS

Windows Azure
IaaS: Concepts

Virtual Machines

How to Create a
Windows Azure VM

Hybrid Deployment

and Storage

Monitoring VMs



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Windows Azure IaaS: Concepts

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Evolving Hosting Options

47 percent of new apps are onpremises

88 percent of sockets in corporate data

98 percent of large organizations

have some degree of virtualization

20 percent of organizations have

private clouds
Majority of cloud growth is IaaS

Majority of new cloud apps are Product

as a Service (PaaS)
Most efficient model for cloud

About 16 percent of new apps qualify

as Software as a Service (SaaS)
Business model, not hosting model;
there are on-premises SaaS apps

What is Windows Azure IaaS?

Infrastructure Services are the lower level of building blocks

Virtual Machines

Cloud Services
Virtual Networks

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Cloud Services, Roles and Instances

Cloud Service is a management, configuration, security,

networking and service model boundary

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Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines are roles with exactly one instance

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Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines: deliver on-demand, scalable compute

infrastructure when you need to quickly provision resources to

meet your growing business needs.
With Virtual Machines, you get choice of Windows Server and
Linux operating systems in multiple configurations on top of the
trustworthy Windows Azure foundation.
- Provision compute infrastructure at the pace your business requires
- Enterprise grade support with enterprise ready products
- Use the tools you know and be ready for tomorrow
- Monitor, alert and auto scale
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Virtual Machines and Cloud Services

Multiple Virtual Machines can be hosted within the same cloud


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Fault Domains and Update Domains

Fault Domains

Represent groups of resources anticipated to fail


i.e. Same rack, same server

Windows Azure Fabric spreads instances across fault at

least 2 fault domains

Update Domains

Represents groups of resources that will be updated

Host OS updates honour service update domains
Specified in service definition
Default of 5 (up to 20)

Fabric spreads role instances across Update

Domains and Fault Domains

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Storage Accounts
Gives your applications access to Windows Azure Blob, Table, and

Queue services located in a geographic region.

The storage account represents the highest level of the
namespace for accessing the storage services.
A storage account can contain more than 99TB of blob, queue,
and table data.
You can create many storage accounts for your Windows Azure

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Affinity Groups
Closely locate your compute,
network and storage resources in
the same datacenter
Get better performance
Get lower latency
Reduce egress costs
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Virtual Networks
Enables you to create a logically isolated section in Windows

Azure and securely connect it to your on-premises datacenter or a

single client machine using an IPsec connection.

Virtual Network makes it easy for you to take advantage of

Windows Azures scalable, on-demand infrastructure while

providing connectivity to data and applications on-premises,
including systems running on Windows Server, mainframes and

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Bringing all the concepts together

Availability Set - Frontend










Fault Domain

Fault Domain

Fault Domain

Availability Set - Backend


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Network Endpoints VIP (Virtual IP)

Input Endpoint
VIP: Input Endpoint

Load balanced endpoint. Stable VIP per cloud service.

Single port per endpoint
Supported protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP

Internal Endpoint
Instance-to-instance communication
Supported Protocols: TCP, UDP
Port ranges supported
Communication boundary = Deployment boundary

Internal Endpoint
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Port Forwarding Input Endpoints

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Virtual Machines

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Size of the Virtual Machines

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Platform Images
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
CentOS by Open Logic
Canonical Ubuntu
SUSE Linux Enterprise
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Microsoft and Partner Images

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Create a Virtual Machine

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How to Create a
Windows Azure VM Deployment

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Different elements

- Azure deployment
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Affinity Group

To create an affinity group, open the Settings area

of the Management Portal, click Affinity Groups,
and then click ADD

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Virtual Network
To create a Virtual Network, click in the lower lefthand corner of the screen, click New. In the
navigation pane, click Networks, and then click
Virtual Network. Click Custom Create to begin the
Name: name your virtual network.
Affinity Group: from the drop-down list, select Create a new affinity
group or select one created before.
Affinity groups are a way to physically group Windows Azure services
together at the same data center to increase performance. Only one
virtual network can be assigned an affinity group.
Region: from the drop-down list, select the desired region. Your virtual
network will be created at a datacenter located in the specified region.

Affinity Group Name: name the new affinity group.

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Virtual Network
DNS Servers: (optional) enter the DNS server name
and IP address that you want to use. This setting does
not create a DNS server, it refers to an already
existing DNS server.
Virtual Network Address Spaces: enter the
following info and then click the checkmark on the
lower right to configure your network. Address space
must be a private address range,,, or
Address Space: click CIDR in the upper right corner
to modify.
Add subnet: add subnets as needed.

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Cloud Service
Use Cloud Services to deploy an application as a
cloud service in Windows Azure
URL: enter a subdomain name to use in the
public URL for accessing your cloud service in
production deployments.
Region or Affinity Group: select the geographic
region or affinity group to deploy the cloud
service to.
After creating the Cloud Service, you can upload
a Certificate

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Cloud Service
Click Quick Start (the icon to the left of Dashboard) to open the Quick
Start page, shown below. (You can also deploy your cloud service by
using Upload on the dashboard.)
Click either New Production Deployment or New Staging Deployment.

Deployment name: enter a name for the new deployment.

Package: use Browse to select the service package file (.cspkg) to use.
Configuration: use Browse to select the service configure file (.cscfg) to use.

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Storage Account
Click Create New, click Storage, and then click
Quick Create
URL: enter a subdomain name to use in the storage
account URL. To access an object in storage,
you will append the object's location to the endpoint.
Region/Affinity Group: select a region or affinity
groupfor the storage. Select an affinity group instead
of a region if you want your storage services to be
in the same data center with other Windows Azure
services thatyou are using.
Geo-replication is enabled by default so that, in the event of a major disaster in the primary location, storage fails over to a
secondary location. A secondary location in the same region is assigned and cannot be changed. After a geo-failover, the
secondary location becomes the primary location for the storage account, and stored data is replicated to a new secondary

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Virtual Machine
Click Create New, click Compute, click Virtual Machine
and then From Gallery.
Image: is a template that you use to create a new virtual
machine. An image doesnt have specific settings like a
running virtual machine, such as the computer name and user
account settings. If you use an image to create a virtual
machine, an operating system disk is automatically created
for the new virtual machine.
Disk: is a VHD that you can boot and mount as a running
version of an operating system. After an image is provisioned,
it becomes a disk. A disk is always created when you use an
image to create a virtual machine. Any VHD that is attached
to virtualized hardware and that is running as part of a
service is a disk.

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Virtual Machine
Select one image from Platform Images.
Version Release Date: If multiple versions of the image are available,
pick the version you want to use.

Virtual Machine Name: type the name that you want to use for
the virtual machine.
Size: select the size of the virtual machine. The size you should select
depends on the number of cores required to run your application.

New User Name: type a name for the administrative account that you want to use to manage the server.
New Password: type a strong password for the administrative account on the virtual machine. In Confirm Password, retype the
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Virtual Machine
Cloud Service: you can place virtual machines together under a cloud service to
provide robust applications,
Cloud Service DNS Name: type a name that uses between 3 and 24 lowercase
letters and numbers. This name becomes part of the URI that is used to contact
the virtual machine through the cloud service. If you selected an existing Cloud
Service, skip this.
Region/Affinity Group/Virtual Network: select where you want to locate the
virtual machine.
Virtual Network Subnets: this option is available if you configure your Virtual
Network before.
Storage Account: you can select a storage account where the VHD file is stored.
Availability Set: create an availability set if needed.

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Virtual Machine

Endpoints: new endpoints are created to allow connections

for Remote Desktop and Windows PowerShell remoting.
(Endpoints allow resources on the Internet or other virtual
networks to communicate with a virtual machine.) You can
add more endpoints now, or create them later.

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Logon in the Virtual Machine

In Virtual Machines, select the virtual machine.

On the command bar, click Connect.

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Configure Network Endpoints

Select the virtual machine that you want to configure and click Endpoints.
Click Add. Choose whether to add the endpoint to a load-balanced set and
then click the arrow to continue.
- In Name, type a name for the endpoint.
- In protocol, specify either TCP or UDP.
- In Public Port and Private Port, type port numbers that you want to use.
These port numbers can be different. The public port is the entry point for
communication from outside of Windows Azure and is used by the Windows
Azure load balancer. You can use the private port and firewall rules on the
virtual machine to redirect traffic in a way that is appropriate for your
- Click Create a load-balancing set if this
endpoint will be the first one in a load-balanced set.
Then, on the Configure the load-balanced set page,
specify a name, protocol, and probe details.
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Hybrid Deployments

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Extends your Datacenter

Point-to-Site connectivity: connect your Azure Virtual
Network directly with your computers through VPN.
Site-to-Site connectivity: extend your companys
network and connect it to Azure Virtual Machine

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Point-to-Site VPN
ADDRESS SPACE: The address space that you want
to assign to cross-premises clients connecting
through a point-to-site connection. Click to configure
and adjust the address space accordingly. Click add
address space to add additional address space.
Address space rules:
Address space must be private
Address space must be a private address range,
in CIDR notation,, or
Cannot overlap other virtual network or local
network sites
Required if you have selected to configure pointto-site connectivity
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Point-to-Site VPN
Virtual Network Address Spaces: you will create the private
address space for your new virtual network:
ADDRESS SPACE: The address space for your virtual network.

Click to configure and adjust the address space accordingly.

Click add address space to add additional address space.
Add subnet: The names and IPs for subnets to be created in your
virtual network. Click add subnet to add additional subnets.
Subnet rules:
Subnet IPs must be within the virtual network address space.
You can add multiple subnets to a virtual network.
Subnet IP addresses cannot overlap within the virtual network.
The smallest supported subnet is /29.
Adding a subnet is optional.
Add gateway subnet: Specify the IP addresses to be used for
your virtual network gateway subnet.
You can add one gateway subnet for your virtual network.
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Point-to-Site VPN
After clicking the checkmark, your virtual network will begin
to create.
When your virtual network has been created, you will see
Created listed under Status on the networks page in the
Management Portal.
Click Create Gateway, located at the bottom of the
Dashboard page.
A message will appear asking Do you want to create a
gateway for virtual network yournetwork. Click Yes to begin
creating the gateway.

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Point-to-Site VPN
Certificates are used to authenticate VPN clients for point-to-site VPNs. You must generate a self-signed root
certificate along with client certificates chained to the self-signed root certificate.
You can then install the client certificates on every client computer that requires connectivity.
Upload the root certificate to Management Portal. Verify that the certificate is in .cer format and that you are
uploading the root certificate and not a chained client certificate. You can upload up to 20 certificates in order to
support multiple certificate chains.

In the Management Portal, on the Certificates page for your virtual network, click Upload a root certificate.
On the Upload Certificate page, browse for the .cer VPN root certificate, and then click the checkmark.

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Point-to-Site VPN
Install the client certificate
A client certificate must be installed on every computer that you want to connect to the virtual network. On the
client computer, double-click the .pfx file in order to install it. Enter the password when requested. Do not modify
the installation location.
Once the client certificate has been installed, you can start the VPN client configuration.

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Point-to-Site VPN
Now you can download the VPN client to connect your computers to the Virtual Network

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Point-to-Site VPN
Start VPN connection from computer

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Site-to-Site VPN
On DNS Servers and VPN Connectivity, select
Configure site-to-site VPN.
DNS SERVERS: Enter the DNS server name and IP
address that you want to use for name resolution.
Typically this would be a DNS server that you use for
on-premises name resolution.
This setting does not create a DNS server.

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Site-to-Site VPN
On Site-To-Site Connectivity page, specify the VPN Device IP
address that you use for this virtual network and configure
the address space used for your site-to-site connection.
NAME: The name that you want to use to refer to your local
network site.
VPN DEVICE IP ADDRESS: This is the public-facing IPv4
address for your VPN device. Note that the VPN device
cannot be located behind a NAT.
ADDRESS SPACE: The address space that you want to
assign to cross-premises clients connecting through a siteto-site connection.
Click to configure and adjust the address space accordingly.
Click add address space to add additional address space.
Address space rules:
Cannot overlap other virtual network or local network
Required if you have selected to configure site-to-site
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Site-to-Site VPN
ADDRESS SPACE: The address space for your virtual
network. Address space rules:
Address space must be a private address range (, or
Cannot overlap other virtual network or local network
add subnet: The names and IPs for subnets to be created in
your virtual network. Subnet rules:
Subnet IPs must be within the virtual network address
You can add multiple subnets to a virtual network.
Subnet IP addresses cannot overlap within the virtual
The smallest supported subnet is /29.
Adding a subnet is optional.
add gateway subnet: Specify the IP addresses to be used for
your virtual
network gateway subnet. You can add one gateway subnet
for your virtual network. Required.
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Site-to-Site VPN
After clicking the checkmark, your virtual network will begin to
When your virtual network has been created, you will see
Created listed under Status on the networks page in the
Management Portal.
Click Create Gateway, located at the bottom of the Dashboard
There are two options: Static Routing or Dynamic Routing.
Select Dynamic Routing if you want to use this virtual network
for point-to-site connections in addition to site-to-site.
Note that the Gateway creation it may take up to 15 minutes.

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Site-to-Site VPN
After the gateway has been created, youll need to gather
the following information that will be used to configure the
VPN device:
Gateway IP address: is located on the virtual network
Shared key: is located on the virtual network DASHBOARD
Click Manage Key at the bottom of the screen, and then copy
key displayed in the dialog box.
VPN device configuration script template: on DASHBOARD
left pane.
Select the vendor, platform, and operating system for your
VPN device.

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Site-to-Site VPN
Configure the VPN device: the device that you have selected to use is compatible with virtual network. Check MSDN
article for device compatibility.
To configure the VPN device:

Modify the VPN configuration script. You will configure the following:
Security policies
Incoming tunnel
Outgoing tunnel
Run the modified VPN configuration script to configure your VPN device.
Test your connection

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Disks and Storage

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VM disk layout

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VM disk layout

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VM disk layout

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Persistent Disk Management


OS Disk

Data Disk

Host Cache Default ReadWrite


Max Capacity

127 GB

1 TB

Imaging Capable



Hot Update

Cache Setting
Requires Reboot

Change Cache Without

Reboot, Add/Remove without

C:\ = OS Disk

D:\ = Non-Persistent Cache Disk

E:\, F:\. G:\ ... Data Disks

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Attach an Empty Disk to a VM

Select Virtual Machine and click Attach and select Attach
Empty Disk.
The Virtual Machine Name, Storage Location, File Name,
and Host Cache Preference are already defined for you.
Enter the size that you want for the disk.

All disks are created from a VHD file in Windows Azure storage. You can provide a
name for the VHD file that is added to storage, but Windows Azure generates the
name of the disk automatically.
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Add an existing VHD disk to a VM

Select Virtual Machine and click Attach and select Attach Disk.
Select the data disk that you want to attach to the virtual machine

You can upload and attach a data disk that already contains data to the
virtual machine. The virtual machine is not stopped to add the disk.
You are limited in the number of disks that you can attach to a virtual
machine based on the size of the machine.
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Monitoring VMs

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Configure monitoring for cloud services

Select the Cloud Service and MONITOR tab.
- Add Metrics and select your metric for the source

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Configure Rules (alerts)

Select the Cloud Service, MONITOR tab and click in a
Add Rule and define the alert options and conditions

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Monitoring metrics available

Cloud Services
- Monitoring metrics from the cloud service host operating system
- Performance counters collected from the cloud service guest virtual machine
- Web endpoint status metrics
Virtual Machines
- Monitoring metrics from the virtual machine host operating system
- Web endpoint status metrics
Web Sites
- Web site alert rules on monitoring metrics from web site endpoint status.

Mobile Services
- Mobile service alert rules on monitoring metrics from mobile endpoint status.
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Create a Virtual Machine Environment

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System Center Integration

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System Center integration

Connect App Controller to a Windows Azure subscription
- On the Clouds page, click Connect and then click Windows Azure Subscription.
- In the Connect dialog box, enter a name for this subscription. This name is displayed in the Name column
of the Clouds page.
- Add an optional description in the Description text box.
- In the Subscription ID field, enter the subscription ID for this connection. The Windows Azure subscription
ID is a GUID and can be found in the Windows Azure Management Portal.
- To import the required management certificate, select the Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file for the
public key you uploaded to Windows Azure and enter the password for the certificate.
- Click OK to create the connection.

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SM Data

CI Connector


OM Data


VMM/OM Integration

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Windows Azure Pack

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IT Admin

Windows Azure


IT Admin

In your datacenter

IT Admin

In your datacenter

IT Admin


Tenant experience






Tenant experience







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Study Reference Links

Windows Azure Portal

Start your Azure Trial

Windows Azure SLA

Introduction To Windows Azure Training

Windows Azure - MSDN Blogs

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Study Reference Links

Windows Azure Training Kit

Hybrid Networking Offerings in Windows Azure

Windows Azure Active Directory


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Partner Services Contact Information

Thank you!

2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for
informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentations. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on
the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN

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