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Kentucky Standards for Cloudy With a Chance of

Meatballs WebQuest
Kentucky Learner Goals & Academic Expectations:

2.29 Students demonstrate skills that promote individual well-being and healthy family relationships.
2.31 Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills they need to remain physically healthy and to
accept responsibility for their own physical well-being.
3.2 Students demonstrate the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
2.31 Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills they need to remain physically healthy and to
accept responsibility for their own physical well-being.
3.2 Students will demonstrate the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Program of Studies:
Students will understand that making connections involves thinking beyond the text and applying the text
to a variety of situations. Connections may be expressed as comparisons, analogies, inferences, or the
synthesis of ideas.
Students will understand that weather data can be organized and represented in ways that reveal
patterns needed for making predictions about the future, but the weather is so complex that it cannot
always be predicted beyond being more or less likely to occur.
Students will analyze weather data to make predictions about future weather
Students will assess the accuracy of weather predictions and the evidence used to support the
predictions made by each other and meteorologists
Students will understand that responsibility to oneself promotes health enhancing behaviors
Students will describe the relationship between personal health behaviors and individual well-being
Students will describe how individual behaviors and choices of diet, exercise and rest affect the body
Students will understand that positive health habits prevent the spreading of diseases and injuries to self
and others
Students will understand that proper nutrition is essential to growth and development.

Core Content for Assessment:

Students will make generalizations and/or predictions about weather changes from day to day and over
seasons based on weather data. Weather changes from day to day and over seasons. Weather can be
described by observations and measurable quantities such as temperature, wind direction, wind speed
and precipitation. Data can be displayed and used to make predictions.
Students will describe how an individual’s behavior and choices relating to diet, exercise and rest affect
body systems (e.g., circulatory, respiratory, digestive)
Students will explain how strategies (e.g., diet, exercise, rest, immunizations) and good hygiene practices
(e.g., hand washing, brushing teeth, using tissues, not sharing personal items, adequate protection from
ultraviolet rays) promote good health and prevent communicable (cold, flu/influenza, measles, strep throat,
lice) and non-communicable (heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, asthma) diseases.
Students will identify foods containing nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats), which are important in the
growth and development of healthy bodies

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