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El problema es cuando estas manipulaciones no son advertidas, y en el caso que voy a describir a
continuacion mucho menos, pues estan realizadas para engaar con el unico fin de sacar provecho
Les voy a hablar de dos manipulaciones actualmentes comunes y conocidas por muchos
coleccionistas de billete espaol, el sello del aguila de san juan y las alteraciones qumicas de color
en algunos billetes del periodo republicano espaol.
En primer lugar hablaremos sobre el sello del aguila de san juan. Comencemos por el principio, este
sello es un sello en tinta de color rojo, cuyo protagonista es la llamada aguila de san juan, una figura
identificativa del periodo del general franco. Este sello se puede ver actualmente en muchos billetes
espaoles, del periodo republicano, en portales de venta online principalmente, pero nunca existi
realmente. Se supone que este sello se pona en los billetes republicanos para validarlos o destacar
la victoria del bando del general franco sobre la repblica, pero esto nunca ocurri. Todo comenz
en 1990 aproximadamente, fu cuando se comenzaron a ver estos sellos de tinta sobre billetes
republicanos, los primeros que se vieron causaron gran curiosidad entre los coleccionistas y por
aquel entonces eran los billetes con este sello eran piezas muy exclusivas y raras y se pagaban
cantidades altas por ellas. Cada vez se iban viendo mas billetes con este sello, que anteriormente no
se habian visto, hasta que finalmente se descubrio que en realidad durante el periodo del general
franco nunca se uso este sello en los billetes, este sello es y sigue siendo puesto por particulares con
el unico proposito de incrementar el valor del billete, la mayora de las veces se hace en billetes de
poco valor, aunque se han visto en billetes clsicos raros como las 1000 pesetas del 10 de mayo de
1907 P#61 y en las 50 pesetas de 1905 P#56. A partir del momento en que se descubrio que no era
un sello autentico el precio y la credibilidad de este sello comenzo a caer hasta hoy en dia, aun hoy
muchos incautos compran los billetes con este sello por un precio algo superior al de los billetes que
no lo tienen, la mayora por desconocimiento, y a da de hoy se siguen sellando billetes con este
sello. Hay mas tipos de sellos de tinta que se ponen de manera fraudulenta en los billetes del
periodo republicano espaol, pero el del aguila de san juan es el mas comn.
El segundo lugar lo ocupan las manipulaciones qumicas. Estas manipulaciones seguramente no

suenen de otros billetes, pero son bastante comunes en algunos billetes espaoles, se dan en dos
billetes, las 50 pesetas de 1935 P#88, y en el reverso de las 100 pesetas de 1970 P#152.
En el caso del billete de 50 pesetas de 1935 encargado en el periodo republicano espaol a BWC
por el banco de espaa se pueden ver ejemplares con diferentes colores de anverso principalmente,
la alteracion de color mas comun es la roja y la azul. El billete original tiene un color de anverso
morado, pero hace tiempo se descubrio que aplicandole ciertos quimicos al billete, este cambiaba de
color, debido seguramente a la mala calidad de la tinta del anverso, actualmente podemos encontrar
billetes de colores rojo, amarillo, azul, blanco e incluso billetes con doble color alterado, es decir
dos colores que no son los originales. Este caso al igual que el del sello del aguila de san juan est
provocado con el unico proposito de aumentar el valor del billete y ofertarlo como una rareza, que
en realidad no es. Las unicas variantes de color reales de este billete son los specimenes que BWC
realiz en color rojo y con numeracion 0000000.
El caso de las 100 pesetas de 1970 es algo diferente. Podemos encontrar algunos billetes con el
reverso de color verde, solo la parte central del reverso o incluso todo el reverso. Entre los
coleccionistas de billete espaol se comenta que cuando se producan estos billetes realmente sali
una serie de este modo por un error de los operarios en las tintas, o bien porque un operario lo
realizo de forma intencionada, hay quien afirma que ha visto paquetes de estos billetes con el
reverso verde sellados de fbrica. Pero estas teoras no estan en absoluto confirmadas, y en su
mayor parte son billetes manipulados quimicamente para ser vendidos como rarezas.
The story of two manipulations in Spanish notes
Many of us are accustomed to the manipulations of the notes, the notes washed, cleaned, pressed or
restored of other ways are common in the maket. This is not a problem by itself, if always its warne
d when you are going to buy the note.
The problem is when these manipulations are not warned, and
in the case that i will describe below much less, because they are made to fool with the purpose of
obtain more money.
We are going to talk about two common actualmentes manipulations known to many collectors of S
panish notes, the seal of the eagle of "San Juan" and chemical manipulations of color in some notes
of Spanish republican period.
First we are goin to talk about the seal of the eagle of "San
Juan". First, this is a red ink stamp, whose protagonist is the called eagle of "San
Juan", an identification figure of General
Franco period. This seal can currently be seen in many Spanish notes
of the republican period, mainly in online
sales portals, but this stamp never really existed. Its supposed that this stamp was put on some of th
e republican notes for validation or highlight the victory of general
Franco side against the republic, but it never happened.
It all began in 1990 when we star to see these ink stamps on republican
notes, the first notes with this stamp caused curiosity among collectors and were sold as if they wer
e very unique and rare pieces, some collectors pay high amounts of money for them. Increasingly
were seeing more
notes with this seal which had not previously been seen, until finally it was discovered that in the pe
riod of the general
Franco this ink stamps was never used, this stamp is and remains placed by individuals for the sole
purpose of increasing the value of the notes, the majority is done
in common notes that don't cost much money, but have been seen in rare classic notes like 1000

pesetas of May 1907 P#61 (the angel note) and 50 pesetas of 1905 P#56.
From the moment it was discovered that was not a
real stamp the price and credibility of this stamp began to fall until today, even today many collector
buy notes with this fake stamp for a price somewhat higher than the notes that dont have, mostly be
cause of ignorance, and today are still sealing notes with this ink stamp.
There are more types of fake ink stamps put on the notes
of the Spanish republican period, but the eagle of "San Juan" is the most common.
The second place is occupied by chemical manipulations. These certainly are not common in notes
of other countries, but they are quite common in some Spanish notes, the 50 pesetas of 1935 P#88
and on the reverse of the 100 pesetas of 1970 P#152.
In the case of ticket 50 pesetas,
1935 commissioned in the Spanish Republican period BWC by the Bank of Spain can
be seen specimens with different colors of obverse mainly alteration of the most common color is re
d and blue. The original ticket has
a purple color front, but while it was discovered that certain chemicals applying the ticket, this chan
ged color, probably due to the poor quality of the ink on the front, we can now find tickets colors re
d, yellow,
blue white and even discolored bills double, ie two colors are not the originals. This case like the ea
gle seal san juan is caused for the sole purpose of increasing the value of the ticket
and offer it as an oddity, it actually is not. The only real color variants of this ticket
are specimenes BWC held in red and numbered 0000000.
The case of the 100 pesetas 1970 is somewhat different. We can find some tickets with the back
of green, only the central part of the back or even the entire back. Collectors of Spanish airline is sai
d that when these bills were produced a series actually came this way by an error
of operators in inks, or because an operator intentionally perform what some claim to have seen pac
kages these notes with the green side factory sealed. But these theories are not at all confirmed,
and for the most part are chemically manipulated tickets to be sold as oddities.

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