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Field Pom - Mustang Sally

Hold 12345 stand up 6 hold 78

Contagion center out arms touchdown to wrap 12345678
Left arm half T, right arm T 1 switch 2 switch 3 switch & switch 4 down 5 right arm broken T left
arm T 6 touchdown 7 left arm broken T right arm T 8
Fists together towards left side of body 1 right arm broken high V 2 left arm broken high V 3 high
V 4 fists together towards left side of body 5 right arm broken low V 6 left arm broken high V 7
low V 8
Fists together at right side of body 1 left arm high V 2 right arm cross in front of body 3 high V 4
fists together at right side of body 5 left arm low V 6 right arm cross over body 7 low V 8
Fists together punching out 1 low V 2 hips 34 ball change & 5 side kick 6 turn around 78
Shake at home 1234 diagonals with right arm up 5 home 6 switch 7 home 8
Fists together punching out 1 home 2 rocket 3 low V 4 arms up 56 wrap around head 78
Group 1: Home and step 1 point right foot out and low V 2 step and home 3 point left foot out
and high V 4 rocket and feet close 5 roll 678
Point right foot out and L arms left arm up 12 roll up to the side 3456 cabbage patch to front 78
Punch right arm up and step left 1 punch left arm and step right 2 triplet step 3 and 4 arms to
right side in rocket 5 left posse and arms into T 6 prep 78
Chaine 12 sunburst 34 turn to the back and hold 5678
Group 2: Home and step 3 point right foot out and low V 4 step and home 5 point left foot out
and high V 6 rocket and feet close 7 roll 812
Point right foot out and L arms left arm up 34 roll up to the side 5678
Cabbage patch to front 12
Punch right arm up and step left 3 punch right arm up step left 4 triplet step 5 and 6 arms to
right side in rocket 7 left posse and arms to T 8
Prep 12 chaine 34 sunburst 56 turn to back and hold 78
Group 3: Home and step 5 point right foot out and low V 6 step and home 7 point left foot out
and high V 8
rocket and feet close 1 roll 234 point right foot out and L arms left arm up 56 roll up to the side
7812 cabbage patch to the front 34 punch right arm up and step left 5 punch left arm up and
step right 6 triplet step 7 and 8
Arms to right side in rocket 1 left posse and arms to T 2 prep 34 chaine 56 sunburst and turn to
back 78
All together: facing back marching at home 12 punch low V twice 34 punch T twice 56 punch
high V twice and turn to front 78
Right deodorant arm 12 left deodorant arm 34 left three step turn 5678
K arms left arm up 1 K arms right arm up 2 left arm swings up to high V and feet close 34 step
front and rocket arms to front 5 posse right leg and arms to low V 6 step out to right side and
arms in rocket to left side 7 flick and arms in an L 8
Check arms high 1 switch 2 check arms low 3 switch 4 switch 5 switch & switch 6 swing left arm
around and left foot to a dig 78
Group 1: Step out and touchdown to left side 1 right arm up in L arm 2 left arm up in L arm 3
touchdown to front 4 step to back 56 hold 78

Group 2: Step out and touchdown to left side 3 right arm up in L arm 4 left arm up in L arm 5
touchdown to front 6 step to back 78
Line by line: right arm up in L arms and left foot popped 12345678
All together: Marching with left arm up in L arms 12 switch to right arm up 34 touchdown 56 low
V 78
Right arm deodorant swipe 12 left arm deodorant swipe 34 both arms cross 56 tuck 78
Group 1: ball change arms out in a T 12 pas de bourre arms to touchdown and prep 345 turn
78 land out in second 1
Group 2: same thing but one full 8 count later
All together: right arm to half V and left arm in low V 1 rocket to left side 2 swing right arm back
around to rocket 34 right arm to half V and left arm in low V 5 rocket to left side 6 swing right
arm back around 78
Move to levels 1234 rocket up 56 pose 78

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