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1It is rewarding to see County Judge Ed Emmett acknowledge, in effect, that the prior

Republican Tax Assessor-Collector/Voter Registrars have made such a politicized mess of tht
office that its duties need to be transferred to another (unelected) county official – a County
Elections Administrator. Democrats have been screaming for some time about the unlawful
partisan activities of the Voter Registrar’s Office (even filing suit over it). Apparently Judge
Emmett agrees.

But I’m not sure the best solution is to remove the office from accountability to the voters. And it
is very suspicious that the county judge has had this epiphany just when Democrats are poised to
win those offices (Tax Assessor/Voter Registrar and County Clerk) for the first time in 20 years.
Where was Judge Emmett on this issue before the candidates of the Republican establishment
lost primary election contests for those positions?

Having said that, there may be some merit to the idea of a County Elections Administrator (at
least, potentially enough to justify exploration and discussion), BUT it is absolutely imperative
that the position of Elections Administrator not be created or filled until after the Tax Assessor-
Collector/Voter Registrar, County Clerk, and County Judge (all of whom are members of the five
person commission which selects the Elections Administrator) are elected in November and
sworn into office next January. That way it is them – the officials just elected by the voters
(likely three Democrats) – who will get to select the Elections Administrator, instead of lame
duck office holders who will not be serving in those positions in the future (one of whom was
just defeated at the polls). If the office of County Elections Administrator is to enjoy any kind of
public trust and confidence – which is indispensable to its effectiveness and justification – it
must not be viewed as a last ditch effort by departing officeholders to influence for years to come
the conduct of elections in Harris County – especially if three Republicans who select the person
are no longer public officials at the time the office begins operations. And for sure two of the
incumbents won’t be as they have either been defeated for re-election already or are not seeking
election in November.

Those are just my thoughts – not the official (or even unofficial) position of the Harris County
Democratic Party, but I assure you I will personally vigorously oppose any effort to allow the
current, outgoing Voter Registrar and County Clerk (who will not be accountable to the voters in
the future for their selection, should they be permitted to vote on that person), and the county
judge who is running for reelection, to hand pick some unelected and unaccountable-to-the-
voters person to fill this position. At a minimum, it is imperative that the officials elected in
November – not the ones who won’t be around any more – select this person.

Ed Emmett shouldn’t be allowed to pull a Rod Blagojevich on this one.

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