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Research Studio - ArBst-in-Residence Program

We know more than we think

Dancing with Care

with Alice Sheppard

What makes you open your self to the care of another?

When is it all right to stop caring for another? Care
feeds us or it weighs on; we take it, give it, yield to it
and/or resist it. When is care a care or a burden?
When and how is care a joy? How we understand care
in its many dimensions is inuenced by how we
experience race, class, gender, disability, and sexuality.
In this residency, Alice Sheppard will create a dance
piece exploring care and caring. The piece will be
performed by dancers from CRIPSiE (the CollaboraBve
Radically Integrated Performers Society in Edmonton)
and the Brown, Black and Fierce! CollecBve.

Open Rehearsals
Friday Aug 12 & Wednesday Aug 17
2-4pm, 6-8pm
Join us in our open rehearsals to witness Alices creaBve process of
building an integrated dance work with members of CRIPSiE and
Brown, Black and Fierce!

Final Showing
Friday August 19 @ 7pm

Talk, Open Rehearsals, and Final

Showing held at the
Arts-based Research Studio
4-104 EducaBon North,
University of Alberta

Thursday August 18, 12-2 pm

So much arBsBc work by disabled arBsts is promoted

as inspiraBonal recreaBonal or therapeuBc acBvity
by individuals who have overcome their disabiliBes or who wont let disability stop them. The consequences of these approaches make it harder to
discover the history of dance by disabled arBsts and
to situate it in its criBcal interpreBve contexts. In this
part talk/part performance event, Alice Sheppard
engages quesBons of embodiment, aestheBcs, and
virtuosity through the lenses of disability, race, and
gender. For Sheppard, a black, queer disabled
dancer, race and disability are not just a subject matter around which art can be made; they are the generaBve and creaBve forces in her choreographic and
performance work.


Between Earth and Sky: Moving Together

Saturday August 13, 1-4pm

Loca%on***: La Girandole (in La Cite

Francophone - #12, 8627 rue MarieAnne-Gaboury, Edmonton)
By acBvely engaging with the ground and the air, this
workshop begins a journey about connecBon
through movement. How do bodies and minds
meet? And what happens when they do?
This workshop is presented in collabora%on with
Solidance Inclusive Recrea%on Society, and is
pay-what-you-can (suggested $5 dona%on)

photo Credit Britten Traughber

Alice creates movement that challenges convenBonal

understandings of disabled and dancing bodies.
Alices work has been commissioned by CRIPSiE, Full
Radius Dance Company, and MOMENTA Dance Company. Alices most recent project, is a collaboraBon
with dancer Laurel Lawson, lighBng and video arBst
Michael Maag, and professors Sara Hendren,
Yevgeniya Zastavker, and students of Olin College.

Special thanks to the Edmonton Community Founda6on

for their support of this crea6on intensive

For more informaBon, visit
or contact Lindsay Eales

The ABR Studio strives to be an accessible and inclusive space.

Please be scents-ible with the air we share.

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