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Volume 3, 22 November 30, 2002

A Fact Sheet

Becoming an Employer of Choice:

What Does It Mean?
It has been said that the best companies hire the best employees. If the
best employees decide to work for certain companies, the n there must be
Highlights commonalities among comp a-
nies that enable them to
Common attributes of em- boast of being included in a
ployer of choice are: list of best companies. The
-Recognize employees as purpose of this issue of The Employer of Choice
their most valuable re- Workplace is to highlight char-
sources. acteristics retail and manufac-
-Continually seek ways to turing companies have in com-
improve. mon that make them the choice
-Stresses leadership at of places to work by employ-
every level. ees.
Just as the term
-Provides assurances of
“employer of choice” is called
company confidence and
responsibility. by various names, it also
means different things to
various stakeholder groups.
FOR FREE ASSISTANCE To stockholders, this term Companies that consistently have large pools of
may mean dividends and applicants for job openings and a low employee
profit sharing. To CEOs and turnover rate generally are good places to work.
Dr. Jacquelyn P. Robinson
Workforce Development Specialist upper management, being an
State Headquarters employer of choice means the board is pleased with the market share and
216 Extension Hall the bottom line. To supervisors, it may mean having enough work to keep
Auburn University, AL 36849
Telephone (334) 844-5353 production running or sales up. To workers, it can mean being valued as
FAX (334) 844-9022 an employee.
In actuality, the idea of being an employer of choice is really a percep-
tion about the establishment—a perception commonly held by workers,
vendors, stock holders, and the general public. Companies who generally
have a large applicant pool share common traits. First, these companies
recognize their employees as their most valuable resources. They recognize
that company success depends on the employees feeling empowered, moti-

Visit the Workforce Development web page at


vated, and trained. Employees are treated with to success, not a result of success. Further, many small
respect and dignity and are en- companies strongly believe
couraged to continue their per- that employee empowerment
“The idea of being an employer and recognition programs are
sonal and career development.
Employee Assistance Programs of choice is really a only for larger companies.
(EAP) are also commonplace. Sec- They fail to realize that the
ond, these companies continually perception . . . commonly held by utilization of programs and
seek ways to improve —ways to incentive to motivate and en-
increase productivity, improve or-
workers, vendors, stockholders, courage employees is one of
the methods used by for-
ganizationally, and continually and the general public.” merly small companies to be-
evaluate processes. Third, leader-
come larger companies.
ship is stressed at every level. Each employee is
expected to communicate effectively, including lis-
Free assistance is available. There is no cost
tening to other viewpoints and processing infor-
for the services of the Alabama Cooperative Exten-
mation, and access and adapt to changing situa-
sion System. The development and retention of a
tions. Fourth, company confidence and responsi- high performance workforce requires a substantial
bility are assured. Management works diligently commitment over time. The Alabama Cooperative
to guarantee financial solvency. By communicat- Extension System is ready to assist employers
ing regularly with employees, trust between em- evaluate their current situation and help custom
ployees and management is fostered. When e m- design programs to produce a high performance
ployees are hired they completely understand workforce, thus increasing profits.
company expectations, evaluation procedures,
and promotion possibilities. The company tends
For more information about setting up one of
to include family members, and sometime s the these workshops, contact Dr. Jacquelyn P. Robin-
broader community, in company sponsored son, Workforce Development Specialist, at 334-844-
events. 5353 or
Most companies that enjoy large applicant
pools also enjoy healthy profits, a better than av- Dr. Jacquelyn P. Robinson
erage share of the market, and more efficient pro-
cedures from accounting to production to sales. Workforce Development Specialist
They also tend to experience less worker turn-
Alabama Cooperative Extension System
over. The reason for these measurable successes is
consistently providing employees with a good, safe
working environment and streamlining business,
sales, and production procedures. While many com-
panies see employee empowerment and recognition
programs as “fluff,” the experience of the most suc-
cessful companies is that programs to train, moti-
vate, recognize, and support employees are essential

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914,
and other related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative Extension Sy s-
tem (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers educational programs, materials, and equal opportunity
employment to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.

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