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Volume 3, Issue 1 March 2010

If I then, your
Lord and Teacher,
have washed your

John 13:14-15
feet, you also ought
to wash one an-
other’s feet. For I
have given you an
Lutheran Bible Translators
example, that you
also should do just
as I have done to


We have now been in France for 7 months which is roughly the half-way
mark of our time here. The tentative date for our move to Cameroon is the end of October 2010. In order for us
to be ready for that move, a few things need to happen.

Here in France, we are continuing to work hard to learn this beautiful (and somewhat challenging) French language.
Our language learning situation has changed somewhat since the last newsletter we sent out. We have both reached
the final level at the school which means we are now splitting the weeks so that Kory goes three days a week and Cara
goes two days a week. The rest of the time, we study on our own by reading, listening to the radio, watching T.V.,
and talking with native speakers. We have also found a private tutor; Cara will begin this month by spending a few
hours each week with him. It is exciting to be at the point in our learning where we participate more easily with the
culture around us– it is not easy to listen to the radio or watch T.V. but with some patience it is manageable. Our con-
versations can go a little deeper now that we can express our opinions and desires. Please continue to pray for our
language learning and that our motivation would remain high. Pray also for our health as we have been pass-
ing around a cold for about 2 months and we are VERY ready to be done with it.

Across the ocean, Cara’s parents packed up and delivered our belongings to the shipping site in January. Our belong-
ings will begin their long journey by boat at the beginning of March. Pray that everything would arrive in Camer-
oon in good condition.

Around the world, we have hundreds of people praying for us and for the Nizaa people in Cameroon. We are hum-
bled by your support of this ministry. It is such a joy to see the way Christ uses the Church to make all of this hap-
pen– we are just the feet and cannot walk anywhere without the
rest of you! Praise the Lord that our monthly financial sup-
port has increased! Pray that in His time and way, we would
receive the needed funds for our vehicle (see back for more

The kids are quickly becoming good friends. It’s Cara and our friend Anna (missionary with Wycliffe Bible
fun to see them interact more now that Lucy is Translators) in front of our school on a beautiful snowy day.
getting older! She turns 1 on March 31.
Accurate, Beautiful, Our House and Vehicle in Cameroon
and Clear
One day in class last month, our pro- When we arrive in Cameroon, we
fessor gave us the word poisson will need a quality vehicle that can
which means ‘fish’ and told us to de- handle the not-so-paved roads in
fine it in French without using a dic- Cameroon. We are in need of
tionary. Of course, in order to define about $20,000 more in order to
a term like poisson, you have to know buy the vehicle we are looking at.
the word for ‘gills’, ‘fins’, and We will also, obviously, need a
‘scales’, things that define precisely place to live and furniture to go in-
what poisson is. No one in the class side. We recently spent a large amount of our housing fund on solar panels
knew these terms, so we had to find and accessories to power the electricity of our house. We anticipate needing
ways to explain it. Of course, de- a bit more money to buy things like beds, chairs, and cabinets. For this rea-
scriptions can only go so far. They son, our household set-up fund has been re-opened.
may give an idea of what poisson is,
but it can also create misconceptions. Trip to Cameroon!
For instance, we said that it lived un-
der water and could only breathe un- On May 2 (which happens to be Sam’s third birthday!), Kory will leave for
der water, people keep them as pets, two weeks to go to Cameroon! He will travel with our supervisor, David
they live in groups, they do not have Maffett. They will land in the capital city, Yaoundé, then fly to Ngaoundéré
feet, we can eat them, and they lay for meetings with the leaders of our partner church in Cameroon, the EELC
little eggs. In our opinion, we had (L'Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne au Cameroun). Afterward, they will travel
accurately portrayed it, but our pro- with the head of the translation department of the church, Daniel Touka, and
fessor said that from our description,
Martin Weber, a fellow LBT missionary, to visit the town we hope to move
she pictured a legless chicken which
lives under water. Not exactly what to, Galim. There, they will continue research of where will be the best place
we wanted her to picture. Precision to locate and begin to get acquainted with leaders and potential partners in
is essential in defining terms and will translation work for the Nizaa.
be important as we go about transla- Please begin to pray for his
tion work in Cameroon. Without it, visit, that these initial meet-
the Word of God may easily be mis- ings would set the stage for
understood and misconstrued. Thus,
God’s Word becoming acces-
we must strive to translate not only
beautifully and accurately, but also sible to the Nizaa.
clearly. May God guide us and all
others involved in Bible translation to The mission of
ensure that His Word is understood. LBT is to help
David, Kory, and Sam during David’s recent visit to see us in France
bring people to
faith in Jesus
Christ by making
the Word of God
Write to us at: Send financial support to: available to those
Kory, Cara, Sam, Lucy and Fay Lutheran Bible Translators who do not yet
11 rue de la Libération P.O. Box 2050 have it in the lan-
73000 Barberaz Aurora, IL 60507-2050 guage of their
FRANCE (Make checks out to Lutheran hearts. For more Bible Translators and write Fay information on ministry or Fay Vehicle on the LBT go to
memo line)

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