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Bnttonia, 34(3), 1982. pp. 351-354.

9 1982, by the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458

Dfirdano de Andrade-Lima (1919-1981)
Dfirdano de Andrade-Lima, expert on plants of the arid Brazilian Northeast,
died of a heart attack on September 13, 1981 while attending the "V Reuni~o
Nordestina de Bot~nica" at Aracajti, Sergipe. He was born in the State of Parafba
on September 2, 1919. Dfirdano, a founding member of the Brazilian Botanical
Society, was a frequent contributor to national and international botanical congresses. He presented many of the results of his varied research projects at
congresses where he transmitted his love of the northeastern Brazilian Flora to
future generations of botanists. He had a gift for communication that was especially apparent when he reported on his research.
Dfirdano received an undergraduate degree in Agronomy at the School of Agriculture of Pernambuco in 1943 and a Master of Science degree at the State
University of New York College of Forestry in 1954. His early years were influenced by another great Brazilian botanist, Adolfo Ducke, with whom he studied
the plants of Pernambuco and Paralba in 1952. He persisted in his studies of the
plants of northeastern Brazil and, at the time of his death, was the leading authority on the arid thorn-scrub vegetation of the northeast known as "caatinga."
His publications include 74 titles, many of which relate to plants of the "caatinga." Two, " O gradiente vegetacional das caatingas e fireas anexas'" and "'The
Caatinga dominium," were recently submitted to the "Revista Brasileira de Bot~nica" and will be published posthumously. Another, nearly completed, is a
book entitled A caatinga em flor in which Dzirdano describes and illustrates 100
of the most common of "caatinga" plants. In this, he hoped to replace the commonly held notion of "caatinga" as a horrid, forbidding vegetation with a picture
of the beauty of "caatinga" in flower. In recent years, Dfirdano's interest in
"caatinga" became even more intense. Just a month before his death he visited
the " C h a c o " of Argentina and Paraguay where he described the relationship of
Chaco vegetation to "caatinga."
Dfirdano was also interested in Amazonian plants and their relationship to those
of the wet forests of eastern Brazil. He visited Amazonia in 1948, 1953 and 1955
and in 1966 he established the close relationship of these two floras with his
"Contribuiqao ao estudo do paralelismo da flora amazrnica-nordestina. Inst. Pesq.
Agron. Nova. Srr. Publ. Bol. Trcn. (Recife). 19.
Equally as important as his contribution to the knowledge of the plants of
northeastern Brazil are those he made as a teacher. He taught numerous courses
throughout his career and gave many inspiring lectures in English as well as
Portuguese. From 1976 to 1981 he was Coordinator of the Master of Science
Program at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco where he was the thesis
advisor for 21 Masters candidates.
Dfirdano was an energetic administrator. He was the curator of the herbarium
of the "Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecufiria" (IPA) where his
collections make up the greater part of this fine herbarium. Among his many tasks
as curator was the supervision of "Projeto Flora Nordeste" which includes an
active collecting program as well as computerization of all data found in the
herbaria of the northeast. In 1961, Dfirdano served from March to September as
the director of the "Jardim Bot~nico de Rio de Janeiro."
Dfirdano's love for botany is reflected in the names of his five daughters: Myrcia, Rtibia, Silene, Erica and Cfissia.
Recently, Dfirdano purchased a small plot of land outside Recife to which he



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w o u l d r e t r e a t on t h o s e w e e k e n d s he w a s n o t in the field. H e r e , he h a d p l a n t e d
t h e a b u n d a n t fruit t r e e s o f the r e g i o n as well as m a n y o f his b e l o v e d p l a n t s o f
t h e " c a a t i n g a . " H e p l a n n e d to l i v e t h e r e in his r e t i r e m e n t an d p e a c e f u l l y c o n t i n u e
r e s e a r c h a n d writing a b o u t the p l a n t s o f n o r t h e a s t e r n Br azi l . W e , w h o l o v e d h i m
as a f r i e n d , g r i e v e that t h e s e d r e a m s w e r e n e v e r to b e f u l f i l l e d . - - G H I L L E A N T.
PRANCE a n d SCOTT A. MORL N e w Y o r k B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n .

Publications of Dfirdano de Andrade-Lima

S i n c e m a n y o f his i m p o r t a n t p u b l i c a t i o n s w e r e in j o u r n a l s n o t well k n o w n
o u t s i d e n o r t h e a s t e r n B r a z il , w e i n c l u d e a list o f his p u b l i c a t i o n s . W e ar e g r a t e f u l
to his w i d o w D i v a f o r p r o v i d i n g us with the m a t e r i a l o n w h i c h this is b a s e d .

As ilhas de Silo Francisco e a flora da Ilha do Estrcito. Bol. Seer. Agric. (Recife) 14(1): 72-98.
Panoramas de uma viagem de estudos. Bol. Sccr. Agric. (Recife) 14(4): 367-372.
O perigo dos nomes vulgares. Revista Agric. (Recife) 1(4): 5-6.
Indice dos principals g~neros indfgenas e exdticos das angiospermas no Brasil. Bol. Seer.
Agric. (Recife) 15(2): 258-343.
1948. Colaboraq~o no trabalho: A Mucunfi Vermelha. Publ. Lab. Fisiol. Fac. Medicina da Univ. do
Recife. Page 23.
1948. Serra Negra. Bol. Secr. Agric. (Recife) 15(3-4): 388-397. (Co-author)
1949. Lista de suscetiveis da alga Cephaleuros mycoidea Karst. em Pernambuco. Bol. Secr. Agric.
(Recife) 16(1-2): 32-46. (Co-author)
1949. A arborizaq~o das estradas e cidades. Primeiro Congresso Municipalidades de Pernambuco.
1950. Catfilogo de berbfirio da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Tapera. Bol. Secr. Agric. (Recife)
17(3-4): 241-319.
1951. Catfilogo do herbfirio da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Tapera. Bol. Secr. Agric. (Recife)
18(3-4): 35--80.
1951. A flora da praia de Boa Viagem. Bol. Secr. Agric. (Recife) 18(1-2): 121-125.
1951. Lista dos nomes vulgares de espdcies do berbario Pickel. Bol. Secr. Agric. (Recife) 18(1-2):
1953. Primeira contribuiqfio para o conhecimento da flora do campo de Santo Agostinho. Anais do
IV Congr. Nacional de Botanica da SBB. Pages 48-57.
1953. Notas sobre a dispersfio de algumas espdcies vegetais no Brasil. Anais Soc. Biol. Pernambuco
11(1): 25-49.
1954. Contribution to the study of the flora of Pernambuco, Brazil. Univ. Rural de Pernambuco,
Monogr'afia I. Recife.
1956. A cobertura vegetal de Estaqfio Experimental de Cedro, Pernambuco. Comun. Tdcn. 2. Recife.
1956. Nota Prrvia sobre a melhoria de coberturas vegetais pelo emprrgo de herbicidas seletivos. Bol.
Inform. ETA. Proj. 20.1(1): 12-14. (Co-author)
1957. Estudos fitogeogrfificos de Pernambuco. Inst. Pesq. Agron. Nova S6r. Publ. Bol. Tecn. (Recife)
2. 1 mapa.
1957. Notas para a fenologia da zona da mata de Pernambuco. Revista de Biologia (Lisboa) 1(2):
1958. O Pau de Jangada em Pernambuco. Revista Agric. (Recife) 1(1): 7.
1959. Viagem aos campos de Monte Alegre, Para: Bol. Trcn. Inst. Agron. 36: 99-149.
1960. Estudos fitogeogrfificos de Pernambuco. 2a ed., Arch. Inst. Pesq. Agron. 5: 305-341.
1960. Tipos de floresta de Pernambuco. Anais da AGB 12: 69-85.
1962. A vegeta~fio da ilha de Santo Aleixo, Pernambuco. Cadernos da Fac. Fil. Pernambuco 7.
1963. A fitogeografia do Brasil: caracteristicas, problemas e perspectivas. Revista Brasil. Geogr.
25(4): 493-496.
1964. Notas para a fitogeografia de Mossor6, Grossos e Areia Branca. Anais da AGB 13: 29--48.
1964. Esboqo fitoecol6gico de alguns "brejos" de Pernambuco. Inst. Pesq. Agron. Nova S6r. Publ.
Bol. Tdcn. (Recife) 8.
1964. Bromeliaceae de Pernambuco. Inst. Pesq. Agron. Nova Srr. Publ. Bol. Tdcn. (Recife) 8.
1964. Nota sobre a dispersfio conhecida de Podocarpus, no Brasil. Inst. Pesq. Agron. Nova Sdr.
Publ. Bol. Tecn. (Recife) 8.




1964. Contribui~ilo a dinfimica da flora do Brasil. Arch. Inst. Ciencias da Terra 2: 15, Univ. do Recife.
1965. Primeiros resultados sobre o Estado Quimico da Euphorbia phosphorea. Anais do Inst. de
Quimica da Univ. do Recife 1(2): 91-94. Recife. (with Martins Filho & E. P. Carrazoni)
1966. Vegetation of Brazil. Anais do IX Congr. Intern. de Pastagens (Silo Paulo) 1: 29-38.
1966. Cactaceae de Pernambuco. Anais do IX Congr. Intern. de Pastagens (Silo Paulo) 2: 1453-1458.
1966. Estudo criticodanomenclaturafitogeogrfifiaLatino-Americana.RevistaGeogr. (Rio de Janeiro)
63: 109-116.
1966. Folha da 'Wegetaqilo" do Brasil. Atlas Nacional de Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Geografla,
IBGE, Rio de Janeiro.
1966. Contribuiq~o ao estudo do paralelismo da flora Amaz6nico-Nordestina. Inst. Pesq. Agron.
Nova S6r. Publ. Bol. T6cn. (Recife) 19.
1966. Plantas ~'invasoras" da zona da mata de Pernambuco. Anais do XVII Congr. Nacional Botanica
da SBB (Brasflia).
1967. Substfincias antimicrobianas de plantas superiores. Revista do Instit. de Antibi6ticos (Recife)
7 N(I-2): 3-9. (with O. Gonqalves de Lima et al.)
1968. Flora de Pernambuco. Angiospermae--2. Anais do XIX Congr. Nacional Botfinica da SBB
(Fortaleza). Pages 49-65. (with Ana Mafia de Barros Lima)
1968. Nota pr6via sobre a ocorr6ncia de latex em Rhizophora mangle L. Anais do XIX Congr.
Nacional Botfinica da SBB (Fortaleza). Page 173.
1969. As matas do Engenho Silo Paulo, Para~a. Anais do XX Congr. Nacional Botfinica da SBB
(Goigmia). Pages 25-32.
1969. Pterid6fitas que ocorrem nas floras extra-Amaz6nica e Amaz6nica do Brasil e proximidades.
Anais do XX Congres. Nacional Bot~nica da SBB (Goifinia). Pages 33-40.
1970. Levantamento das plantas odoriferas do Nordeste. Revista Symposium da Univ. Cat61ica de
Pernambuco (Recife) 12(1): 120-122.
1970. Recursos vegetais de Pernambuco. Bol. T6cn. do Inst. Pesq. Agron. (Recife) 14: 1-13.
1970. Flora e fauna do Nordeste. In: Biologia do Nordeste, Unid. I, cap. 2. Pages 33-51. CECINE,
Univ. Fed. Pernambuco, (Recife). 1a ed. (with O. Frota Pessoa et al.)
1971. Flora e fauna do Nordeste. In: Biologia do Nordeste I v., Unid. I, cap. 2. Pages 41-60. CECINE. Univ. Fed. Pernambuco (Recife). 2nd ed. (with O. Frota-Pessoa et al.)
1971. Flora de Pernambuco. Podocarpaceae. Revista Ci6ncia e Cultura (Silo Paulo) 23(3): 337.
1971. Observables preliminares sobre a mata do Buraquinho, Jo~o Pessoa, Para~a. Anais do ICB,
Univ. Fed. Rural de Pernambuco (Recife) 1(1): 47-61. (with M. G. Rocha)
1971. Flora de Pernambuco---I---Caryophyllaceae. Inst. Pesq. Agron. de Pernambuco (Recife). (with
A. M. Giulietti)
1971. Vegeta~ilo da firea Jaguaquara-Maracfis, Bahia. Revista Ci6ncia e Cultura (Silo Paulo) 23(3):
1972. Algumas consideraq6es sobre a cultura do cedro no Brasil. Bol. T6cn. do Inst. Pesq. Agron.
(Recife) 54: 1-20.
1972. Vegetaqilo. In: Levantamento socioecon6mico em ~treas do baixo e m6dio Silo Francisco 2:
43-57. IJNPS/SUVALE, Recife. (with R. Caldos et al.)
1972. Um pouco de ecologia para o Nordeste. Edit. Univ. Fed. Pernambuco (Recife).
1973. Tragos gerais da fitogeografia do agreste de Pernambuco. Anais do XXIII Congr. Nacional Bot.
da SBB (Recife). Pages 185-188.
1974. Capacidade madeireira de tr~s propriedades nos municipios de Agua Preta, PE e Porto Calvo,
A1. Mem. Inst. Bloc. UFPE, Recife t(1): 329-356. (with Osvaldo Carneiro de Lira)
1974. A Familia Surianaceae (Stylobasiaceae) no Brasil. Revista Bras. Biol. (Rio de Janeiro) 34(4):
1975. A vegetaqfio da bacia do Rio Grande. Bahia. Nota Preliminar. Revista Bras. Biol. (Rio de
Janeiro) 35(2): 223-232.
1975. Wild cotton in northeast Brazil. Biotropica 7(1): 42-54. (with B. Pickersgill & S. C. H. Barrett)
1977. A flora de fireas erodidas de calcfirio bambui, em Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia. Revista Bras.
Biol. (Rio de Janeiro) 37(1): 179-194.
1977. Marcgrave's Brazilian herbarium collected 1638-44. Bot. Tidsskr. 71(3-4): 121-160. (with A.
F. Maule, T. M. Pedersen & K. Rahn)
1977. Preservation of the flora of Northeastern Brazil. Pages 234-239. In: G. T. Prance & T. S. Elias,
editors. Extinction is forever. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.



[VOL. 34

19"77-. Exame da situaqfio atual dos componentes dos ecossistemas de Nordeste brasileiro e atividade
humana. Pages 169-174. In: Encontro regional de fauna e recursos faunisticos. Coord. FBCN,
IBDF, Recife.
1977. A Caatinga como firea de pastoreio. In: SUPREN, recursos naturals, meio ambiente e polui~fio.
1~ v. Fund. Inst. Gras. Geogr. Estat. Ser. Rec. Nat. e Meio Ambiente 2, Rio de Janeiro,
1978. As forma~6es vegetais da bacia do Parna~a. In: R. C. Lins. Bacia do Parna~a: aspectos
fisiogrfificos. Recife. Inst. Joaquim Nabuco de Pesquisas Socials. (S6rie Estudos e Pesquisas
1978. Stomatal aperture of the plants grown in a Brazilian desert. Caatinga. Environ. Control in Biol.
16(4): 113-118. (with co-authors)
1978. Flora e vegetaqfio terrestres da firea programa Suape. Communicaqfio T6cnica n. 5, CONDEPE
(mimeographed). (with J. D. de Medeiros Costa)
1979. Consideraq6es a respeito das mudan~as paleo-ambientais na distribui~o de algumas esp6cies
vegetais e animals no Brasil. Anais Acad. Bras. Ci6nc. 47 (suplemento): 411--464 (with J. J.
Bigarella and P. J. Riehs)
1979. A flora e a vegetaq~o da firea Janga-Maranguape, Paulista. Anais do XXX Congres. Nacional
da SBB. (Campo Grande.) MS.
1979. Colabora~fio em UNESCO. Tropical grazing land ecosystems. Natural Resources Research
XV1. Paris.
1982. Paleoenvironmental changes in Brazil. Pages 27-40. In: G. T. Prance, editor. Biological diversification in the tropics. Columbia Univ. Press, New York. (with J. J. Bigarella)
1982. Present-day forest refuges in northeastern Brazil. Pages 245-251. In: G. T. Prance, editor.
Biological diversification in the tropics. Columbia Univ. Press, New York..
In press. O gradiente vegetacional das Caatingas e Areas Anexas. Revista Bras. Bot. S~o Paulo.
In press. The caatinga dominium. Revista Bras. Bot. S~to Paulo.
In press. A bot~nica na carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha. Rodrigu6sia.

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