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Oracle Financials

Receivables Create a Customer Profile

Why use Customer Proles?

CustomerProles are used to group customers with similar credit worthiness, businessvolume, and payment cycles. For each
prole class you can dene informationsuch as credit limits, payment terms, statement cycles, invoicing, and
discountinformation. You can also dene amount limits for your nance charges,dunning, and statements for each currency
which you dobusiness.

Dene your standard customer proles in the Customer ProleClasses window. These proles contain generic options you ca
use to group your
customers into broad categories. For example, you might dene three categories:one for prompt paying customers with
favorable credit limits; one for latepaying customers with high nance charge rates; and a third for customers whomostly pa
time, with discount incentives for early payment. You can also usethe prole class DEFAULT, which the system provides.

Assign a proleclass to each of your customers and addresses in the Customers window. Thecustomer prole class you assig
provides the default values, then you canoptionally customize these values to meet your specic requirements for
eachcustomer or address. If a prole is assigned to both a customer and one of thatcustomers addresses, the options set fo
the address take precedence over thoseset at the customer level.
Navigation:AR Manager > Customers > Prole Class




See the screenshots below. Clink the images to enlarge.

The following section will explain the variouselds that we see on the Prole Setup screen:
Fields Available at theCustomer Prole Class, Customer Account, or Site Level
AutomaticCash Rule Set: Determines the sequence of AutoCash Rules that PostQuickCash uses to update the customers
account balances. If an Automatic CashRule Set is not dened at the prole class or customer account or site level,then
Receivables uses the Automatic Cash Rule Set that you specify in the SystemOptions window.

AutoReceipts IncludeDisputed Items: Check the AutoReceipts Include Disputed Items check boxto include debit items that h
been placed in dispute when you createautomatic receipts for customers.

Balance Forward Billing: To send a single,consolidated bill to customers assigned to this prole class, select the Enablecheck
box. If you select the Enable check box, select the bill level and type ofprinting format for the balance forward bill.
BillLevel: The level, account or site, at which you can generate balanceforward bills.
Selecting Account as the Bill Level at the customerprole class or account prole level lets you generate a single
consolidatedaccount level bill for all sites (with Balance Forward Billing enabled) for anoperating unit.

The Bill Level at the site prole level is a read-onlyeld, defaulted from the account prole level. To generate site level bills,yo
must select Site as the bill level at the customer prole class or accountprole level and enable Balance Forward Billing at the

Collector Name: Enter adefault Collector for customer accounts or sites.

Credit Analyst: Select thedefault credit analyst for customer accounts or sites. The credit analyst isresponsible for monitorin




the creditworthiness of the account and for assistingin the resolution of credit-related issues. Oracle Credit
Managementautomatically assigns this analyst to credit review requests.

Credit Classication: Select the defaultcredit classication for customers assigned to this prole class. Updatedclassication
are assigned to the customer, either in Credit Management orthrough the Assign Customer Credit Classication concurrent
program. CreditManagement uses the credit classication for credit reviews.
Note: When a credit review is performed for acustomer who has relationships with other customer accounts and sites,
CreditManagement consolidates this information in the casefolder.

Credit Check: Ifyou select the Credit Check box, then Oracle Order Management will check thecustomers credit before creat
a new order, provided that the Payment Termand Order Type associated with the order also require credit checking.Receivab
does not check your customers credit when you create transactionsin Receivables.

Credit Limit:The total amount of credit in this currency to give to customers with thisprole. This eld is used by Oracle Orde
Management. If credit checking isactive for this customer and their outstanding credit balance exceeds thisamount, then all n
orders for this customer are automatically put on hold inOracle Order Management.

A customers outstanding credit balance iscalculated using Credit Check Rules that you dene in Oracle
OrderManagement.Formore information, see: Dene Credit Checking Rules in the Oracle OrderManagement Implementatio
Note:If you are using Oracle Credit Management, then you should update credit limitsonly via the submission of credit
recommendations following a creditreview.
Currency: Thecurrency for which you want to dene amount limits. You dene currencies inthe Currencies window.
Dunning:To enable Oracle Advanced Collections to send dunning letters to customers withpast due items, check the Send
Dunning Letters check box.
EnableLate Charges: To assess late charges for customer accounts or sites,select the Enable Late Charges box.
GroupingRule: Enter the grouping rule to use for customers.

Match Receipts By: Enter a Match Receipts byrule to indicate the document type that customers will use to match receiptsw
invoices during AutoLockbox validation (optional).

Minimum and Maximum Charge Per Invoice: If thelate charge amount that Receivables calculates for a past due debit item i
thiscurrency is outside the entered range, then Receivables assesses the enteredminimum or maximum charge.

MinimumCustomer Balance: If the customer balance of past due items in thiscurrency is less than the minimum amount th
you specify here, then Receivablesdoes not assess late charges. Receivables ignores this option when the selectedlate charge
calculation method is Average Daily Balance.
MinimumInvoice Balance: If the balance of a past due invoice in this currency isless than the minimum invoice amount that
specify here, then Receivablesdoes not assess late charges on this item.

MinimumReceipt Amount: Oracle Receivables does not generate automatic receiptsin this currency that is less than this
amount. You can also dene a minimumreceipt amount for a receipt method. Receivables will use the larger of the twominim
receipt amounts when creating automatic receipts.

MinimumStatement Amount: The minimum outstanding balance in this currency that acustomer must exceed in order for
Receivables to generate a statement. Forexample, if you enter 100 in U.S. dollars, then Receivables does not generate
astatement if the customers outstanding balance is less than or equal to 100USD. The default minimum statement amount i




Order Credit Limit: The maximum amount of anindividual order. This eld is used by Oracle Order Management. If
creditchecking is active for this customer and they exceed this amount on a new order,all new orders for this customer are p
on credit hold in Oracle Order Management.

The default order credit limit is the amount you enter inthe Credit Limit eld. If you enter a Credit Limit, you must either ente
anOrder Credit Limit or accept the default. The limit per order must be less thanor equal to the Credit Limit. You must enter
Credit Limit before entering an
Order Credit Limit.
Note: If you areusing Oracle Credit Management, then you should update credit limits only viathe submission of credit
recommendations following a creditreview.

Remainder RuleSet: Enter a Remainder Rule Set to specify how Post QuickCash applies anyleftover receipt amounts created
partial receipt application (optional). Ifyou do not enter a Remainder Rule Set, Receivables marks the remaining

Review Cycle: Selecta review cycle period from the list of values. The periodic review cyclespecies how often to perform a c
review in Credit Management. Forexample, you can specify that the creditworthiness of an account is reviewedeach month.

Receipt Grace Days:Enter the number of Receipt Grace Days that you allow customers with thisprole to be overdue on rece
before they will be assessed late charges. Forexample, if you enter 10, customers have 10 days beyond the transaction due
dateto pay before they incur a penalty or late charges.
Note:Receipt grace days aect whether late charges are calculated for balanceforward bills using the Average Daily Balance

Send Credit Balance: To send statements tocustomers, even if they have a credit balance, select the Send Credit Balanceche
Statements: To sendstatements to customers, select the Send Statement check box.

Statement Cycle: If you select the SendStatement check box, enter a Statement Cycle. Statement cycles indicate howoften to
print your statements.

TaxPrinting: To indicate how to print tax on invoices for customers to whomyou assign this prole class, enter a Tax Printing
value. If you did not entera default Tax Printing value in the System Options window and you do not specifyone here, then
Receivables uses Total Tax Only as the default value when youprint invoices.

Payment Terms:Enter the default payment terms for customers. The payment terms available forselection depend on wheth
you enabled balance forward billing.

Toenable the update of default payment terms when entering transactions forcustomers, check the Override Terms check bo
To provide discount incentivesfor early payment to customers using this prole class, check the AllowDiscount check box. If y
allow discounts, enter the number of Discount GraceDays after the discount term date that customers using this prole class
cantake. If you do not allow discounts, Receivables skips this eld.

Tolerance: Enter the credit check tolerance(percentage over the credit limit). If a customer account exceeds this tolerancewh
credit checking is performed, then new orders for this account are put onhold. Fields Available Only at the Customer Account
These elds are available only at the customer account proleor customer account site prole level, in the Customer set

Account Status: Thestatus of this account. You can dene additional account statuses in theReceivables Lookups window by
selecting the lookup type Account Status.




ClearingDays: You can enter a number of Clearing Days (optional) in the Customerset of pages. This is the number of days th
will take for a bank to clear areceipt that has been remitted (for factored receipts, this is also the numberof days after the
maturity date when the customer risk of non-payment iseliminated).
Collectible (% ):The percentage amount of this customers account balance that you expect tocollect regularly.

Credit Hold:If credit checking is active for your customer and the customer exceeds itscredit limit, then all new orders for the
customer are put on hold in OrderManagement, and Order Management automatically initiates a credit reviewrequest.

If the credit analyst determines that a customer should beplaced on credit hold, then Credit Management automatically place
the customer
on credit hold by selecting the Credit Hold check box on the Account Prolesubtab of the Accounts Overview page.
After you place the credit hold,you cannot create new orders in Order Management, nor can you create invoicesfor this
customer in Oracle Projects. However, you can still create newtransactions for this customer in Receivables.

Attention: Youcan use the Credit Hold check box to manually place customer accounts or siteson credit hold. If you use Cred
Management, however, then do not make manualupdates because Credit Management automatically updates thisbox.

CreditRating: The credit rating for this customer. You can dene additionalcredit rating names in the Receivables Lookups
window by selecting the lookuptype Credit rating for customers.
Attention: Credit Management does not usethe credit rating for credit reviews. Instead, it uses the credit classicationthat is
assigned to the customer either in Credit Management, or through theAssign Customer Credit Classication concurrent prog

MinimumDunning Amount: If a customer has a past due balance in this currencythat is greater than the minimum dunning
amount specied for this currency,then Oracle Advanced Collections selects this customer for dunning, providedthat the sco
engine or strategy uses this value.

Attention:If you have dened a dunning site for a customer and have set
theAR_USE_STATEMENTS_AND_DUNNING_SITE_PROFILE prole option to Yes, you mustdene a minimum dunning amount f
the customer.

MinimumDunning Invoice Amount: You can also dene the minimum invoice amount ina specic currency for a customer
account or site. If a customer does not haveany past due items in a specic currency with balances greater than the
minimuminvoice amount that you specify for this currency, then Advanced Collectionsdoes not select this customer for dunn
in this currency.

For example,a customers site has a minimum dunning amount of $100 and a minimum dunninginvoice amount of $40. If th
site has four past due USD invoices, each with abalance of $30, then Advanced Collections will not select this site for dunning
this currency, even though its total past due balance ($120) exceeds itsminimum dunning amount.

Next CreditReview: The next credit review date for an account is calculated basedupon the last review date and the review c
period. All eligible accountsmeeting the criteria are selected when you submit the Periodic Credit Reviewconcurrent program
Credit Management.
Risk Code: The credit risk code foryour customer. You can dene additional risk codes in the Receivables Lookupswindow by
selecting the lookup type Customer credit risk.
Note: These content is from Oracle AR Documentation asof Feb2012

Relevant SQL Query:

SELECT *FROMar_customer_prole_classes_v
WHERE prole_calss_name =TRAINING





All content present on this website is property of and subject to international copyright laws. 2012-2014


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