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English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-14
The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. It is the only
planet in our galaxy that has enough water to support life. Unfortunately our planet is
suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too late. The major
problems that are facing our world today are population and pollution.
One of the problems facing our world is population. It began about ten thousand years ago
when the humans settled and began farming. The farming provides more food for the people
thus making the population grow. Now we are about 6 billion in population and in a few years
we will be around 10 to 11 billion. Therefore, our population will almost double in size. This
means that we will need more food to support us.
A study in 1986 by Peter Vitonesk, a Stanford biologist, showed that the humans are
already consuming about 38.8 of what is possible for us to eat. Thus, if the population keeps
increasing, the percentage will increase also, making us closer and closer to the biophysical
limits. By studying the earths capacity, Dr. Cornell, another biologist, believes that we are
already crowded for this world. He believes that our world can only support two million
people. Not only this, but population can cause complicated problems to the countries with
very high population. These countries will need more schools to educate its people, they will
need more hospitals and public health to take care of their people, and they will need more
water and more soil for farming to feed all the people. In order to solve the population
growth problem, people should be educated. Once people are educated they will be aware of
the problems they cause when they have more than two children. Therefore the next
generation should be educated and aware of what is going around them.
Pollution is another major factor that is threatening our world today. One example of
pollution is nitrogen. Humans are adding about 130 to 150 million tons over the 90 to 150
tons that are produced by the nitrogen cycle. This excess in nitrogen causes coastal waters and
estuaries to grow toxic algae, killing the fish and trapping the solar heat in the air. Another
example of pollution is methane. Methane is produced by gases released by cows, termite
mounds or by the bottom of rice paddy. If found in the air methane is very poisonous. By
raising more cattle, cutting more tropical forests, thus increasing the amount of termites, and
by growing more rice, the methane concentration in the air is almost twice higher than it was
160,000 years ago.

100. Which

of the following statement is true according to the passage?


Pollution seems to be a more vital problem than population growth.


According to Dr. Cornell, our world can host more people.


In our galaxy, there is no other planet apart from the earth in terms of having adequate


Though the population increases, there is no need for more food.

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-14


The problem of population had already existed before people began farming

Aadaki sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi


When she referred in her paper to "bio-complexity, many in the audience scratched their heads and
---- what that word meant.
A) expected

B) suspected
D) improved


Pollution could one day endanger the world's ---- of oxygen.

A) exploitation
D) recovery


B) supply

B) decay

B) linked
D) kept

B) wrapped up
D) cleared away

B) found out
D) taken down

C) let down
E) worked out

Japan spends a huge amount on its fire service but ---- return has extraordinary low rates of damage
---- fire.
A) out of / over
D) by / for


C) made up
E) sealed off

The Government has ---- a set of new policies and measures which are designed to combat violence
in the big towns.
A) got off


C) composed
E) completed

Almost all the villages in New Guinea are surrounded by shrubby zones where people have ---- the
original rain forest and planted gardens.
A) kept out


C) absorption
E) process

Atoms are ---- of electrons and a nucleus containing protons and neutrons.
A) joined


C) extinction
E) decline

Acetic acid is used as a food ---- and flavouring material, and also in the manufacture of white lead.
A) preservative
D) solution


C) wondered
E) rejected

B) on / through

C) for / over
E) in / from

Although we can learn something about ourselves ---- introspection and self-perception, we can
probably learn more about ourselves by comparing ourselves ---- other people.
A) in / towards
D) for/ to

B) by / at

C) through / with
E) under / from

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-14

Aadaki kutularda birinci stunda verilen kelimeleri ikinci stundaki e anlamllar ile

1. [__] immune
2. [__] impact
3. [__] impair
4. [__] impede
5. [__] imperative
6. [__] implement
7. [__] implicate
8. [__] imply
9. [__] impose on
10. [__] impotence

a. inability
b. resistant
c. urgent
d. connect, associate
e. spoil
f. hint
g. carry out
h. prevent
i. place on, levy
j. effect

1. [__] impoverish
2. [__] impress
3. [__] impulsive
4. [__] inadequate
5. [__] inadvertently
6. [__] inborn
7. [__] incentive
8. [__] incline
9. [__] incredible
10. [__] indefinitely

a. slope
b. unintentionally
c. motivation
d. affect, cause to admire
e. forever, without limits
f. insufficient
g. unbelievable
h. make poor
i. instinctive
j. innate

1. [__] indict
2. [__] indifferent
3. [__] indispensible
4. [__] induce
5. [__] indulge
6. [__] inept
7. [__] infer
8. [__] inferior
9. [__] infinite
10. [__] inflict

a. conclude
b. tempt, cause
c. inappropriate
d. unlimited
e. uninterested
f. lower
g. accuse
h. impose
i. enjoy too much
j. essential


a. live
b. receive
c. arrival, flow
d. first
e. clever
f. start
g. hamper

[__] influence
[__] influx
[__] infringe
[__] ingenious
[__] inhabit
[__] inherent
[__] inherit

English Exam Center

Worksheets / Lesson-14

8. [__] inhibit
9. [__] initial
10. [__] initiate

h. affect
i. violate, breach
j. inborn

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