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9, 1959
Infant Is Treated
Lions Club President Market HasRagged Regretful American May
Rockefeller Sparks Program
•r j*t n w\ I •!/ "** Mrs. Cora Bierline, 69, wife of merce will have a 12 noon lunch-
Kittanning Chamber of Com-
To Address C of C
Support Following
FREEPORT—Firemen took two-
year-old Susie Stacy to Allegheny
For Drinking Gasoline
Be Man Without Country
John c
I /I
I lit
ll/ltl/n llll/AnilA
I /llWn IllVrilllr
I Kllll A - Bierline of 127 Sampson eon Thursday at the Steim Hotel.
I rilllC Street, died at 1 p.m. Tuesday Paul Breon, president of Kittan-
VI I I I I V (Sept. s, 1959) in Armstrong Coun- ning Lions Club, will speak on "The Severe Shake-out
Valley Hospital, Tarentum, to have
her stomach pumped this morning.
The daughter of the Robert Sta-
las Petrulli, who renounced his
American citizenship in hopes of
State Department legal experts
called the case unprecedented.
They searched for ways to help
NEW YORK (UPI^v. Nel-,Tuesday with Mayor Robert F M^gfRS^ffi S5 Role of the Kittanning Lions Club NEW YORK (UPI) — Stocks cys of Washington St. swallowed becoming a Soviet national but Petrulli out of his dilemma but
son A Rockefeller sparked today Wagner and 30 other official* and , " ^ in the Better Tomorrow of the met mild support at the opening an unknown amount of motor gaso- now regrets it, appeared today to said the law seemed stacked
a statewide crash program pro- ; civic leaders. The program inc lud-j >• Bie Iin was born June 21 Kittanning Area." today in moderate trading. line which her father had placed be a man without a country. against the Valley Stream, N.Y.,
v-ding for the construction of ,ed plans for improved probation ^ President Paul Bradigan will Small gains predominated in in a container to clean fishing man who got carried away by
the list following Tuesday's sharp equipment. what he saw in Russia as a tour-
youth* labor camps and e*panW and parole . ~~ «™}|}X; ald^annah Me^nSames! preside.
of detention facilities in an effort, work laws to allow joungsteis H •
t turn the rising tide of juvenile | year. ancI oktei-^ '^. *f £\S£to$te M£* ££!*£
member of Dames of setback, which wiped more than
$4,GOO,090,000 from market values. Kickbacks Case ist.
Petrulli formally renounced his
U.S. citizenship last week during
er me
- - ,. iSi^^fH^aeers
State authorities are making * i p ! f f i £ a there wo^ be Surviving besides her husband
survey of sites for the camps, j ™™ >™tn
Woman's Auxiliary of V.P.W.
are one son, William T. Flanders
Death Car's
The advance was ragged and
lagged conviction. A few issues
were off sharply in the list, in-
Driver Held
cluding McGraw - Hill and Olin
UN Rushes District Attorney a trip to Moscow. Tuesday, he
said he had done "a stupid .thing"
and asked if he could come back
which will be modelled on the pu utn
f Sinnamahoning; O ne daughter, Mathieson. The former was off 2 Removal Is Asked to this country.
Civilian Conservation C o r p s !
camps for unemployed V^ "
during the depression years of Jtoe ; f
1930's. Rockefeller said he hopes : t
that some existing faribm «m|P
itservaUon De- Mrs. Clifford (Frieda) Olinger, Kit-
°£ £ tanning: four
with t he pur- great grandchildren; one brother,
vocationai Ralph James of Fresno, Cal. ; three
f f ^el°?ba° areas. The 'sisters. Mrs. Lydia Edwards of
grandchildren and 11
points on a 12,500-share block.
By Grand Jury
The steels stood out on the up-
side, helped by President Eisen-
hower's plea to both sides in the
Laos Survey BEAVEE FALLS, Pa. (UPI)—
A Pittsburgh attorney, defending
former State Sen. Samuel G. Neff
The State Department'was wait-
ing for the official documents on
what they called a "freak" case.
These papers, including Petrulli's
renunciation of his oath of alle-
be convened into camps, possibly,-^ ^\.
by next January .
rehensive program to combat ; The
e rehabilitaton
rehabilitation oof yyouths
The governor announced a com-;lenced for minor Offense5. .
The i^fe^t
i^fe^t youth
youth arrest
o u t s sen- ! Pittsburgh
arrest for for horn-
| 0 f Detroit, ,Mich. .
horn- jj FriendsFriends may
Armstrong County Grand Jury steel strike to end the strike.
m operate camps foriW ilkinsburg; Mrs. Lillie Oliver of today returned a true bill against Youris;stown rose a point on 1,000
and Mrs. Sarah Salada Joseph 0. Serafine on a charge of shares. U.S. Steel firmed.
involuntary manslaughter in the In the motors, General Motors
may ccall at the Merwin June auto death of 17-year-old Carl eased on 2,000 shares. Chrysler UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (UPI)
Team Plans against charges of kickbacks, will
file a petition asking removal of
Beaver County Dist. Atty. Rich-
ard P. Steward as prosecutor in
giance to the United States, were
en route to Washington from the
embassy in Moscow. They were
expected to.arrive Saturday.
teen-age crime after a meeting ,10106 ; if , idp occurr
occurred^j Tuesday
mesuay when vvuen po-j (Smith) funeral
yu-|iomun; iuuciai home,uuiuc, where
nucic servociv- jj_ H. PetruspetTUS 01 of roru
Ford my. City. firmed. Ford
firmed, rora was uncnangeu unchanged iu at —U.N. authorities rushed plans to- the case. One State Department .official
I lice nabbed Angel Davila, a 20-! ices will be held at 1:30 p.m. Fri- The 20-year-old driver of the|go% on 1,200 shares. Douglas lost day -to get a team to Laos by Atty. Louis Glasso contended said "he's a man without a coun-
year-old unemployed Puerto Ri-'.day. The Rev. Robert H. Thurau, death car was prosecuted by State iy4 on 1,200 shares in the air- this week end to investigate Steward would be placed in an try at the moment, but very
Humid /.tm
can, shortly
'111 after
U l l c H i M - l U j CTU

aftpr he allegedly jphD,

i. wv-i VU

iPhD. pastor
^-w* i uaj . .LIII, A.\,\. y.

nastor of St. John's Lutheran T^«««

A I - U L>I_.I u


Q^ •RiMio.-H
j. HM*. n u ,

Richard pP. Pfalash

stabbed Estelle Green, 41, a Ne-j Church, will conduct the service. Petrus was killed instantly when Fractional gains appeared in munists from North Viet Nam.
Balash /^oftc
crafts. charges of an invasion by Com- unusual situation if he prosecutes
a libel suit filed by Neff against
State Auditor Gen. Charles G.
frankly we don't know too much
about the case. It's squarely in
the laps of the legal people."
: sro, to death on a Bronx street-1 Burial will be made in the fam Serafine lost control of his auto General Electric, Polaroid, Sin- /The government of Argentina,
Weather Predicted i corner. Police said Davila de-: ny plot in Kittanning cemetery. and crashed into a telephone pole clair, Zenith, Curtiss-Wright, Unit- Italy, Japan and Tunisia, the four
i scribed Miss Green as his com-
imon-law wife and said she had
on Route 66 near Paradise Beach. ed Aircraft, Lockheed, Thiokol, nations designated as investiga-
Smith, Deputy Auditor J. Alex
Jacobs and Ralph Temple, Beav-
er Valley Times editor.
The legal experts said their ini-
tial reading of the law indicate^
very little flexibility that wouln_
Mrs. Eleanor Kijowski The grand jury failed to find General Tire (on 2,300 shares), tors by the .Security Council, were
In Area Thurs 1
been nagging him to go to work. Mrs. Eleanor (Kondrc) Kijow- true bills against three defend- Reynolds Metals, Georgia Pacific expected to assign members of
ski, 37, of 912 Fifth Ave., Ford 21HLS* ants: (on
\vii J-1,000
ivvv shares),
on«,L oo/ Studebaker their U.N. delegations to look into
ukrt*«w^uv--*-•* (
Glasso said Steward would be
forced to prosecute Neff on charg-
es filed by Smith against the for-
permit them to disregard the ac-"
tion Petrulli already had taken.
The question turned on whether
City, died in her home at 9:50 —John Caulifield, prosecuted by [Packard, (on 2,000 shares) United the situation.
United Press International
Clear skies and warm tempera-
tures were forecast for Pennsyl-
Civil Court Jury p,m. yesterday (Sept. 8, 1959) fol- Ethel Reese on charges of at- Fruit (on 1,000 shares) Texas In
«ms a a long
lung illness.
u.iu^aa. tempeted rape
lempelcU I'dptJ and assault with in- struments, and International
They will be accompanied by
Pa- aides of their own choice and a
mer lawmaker and other county
Democrats and Highway Depart-
ment workers.
the renunciation was completed
when Petrulli signed it or be-
comes effective when it is accept-
per (on 1,200 shares.)
vania tonisht followed by humid
weather with scattered afternoon
showers Thursday in all but east-
Returns Verdict She was born Nov. 10, 1921, in j tent to ravish.
Charleroi, a daughter of Steve and —Albert Grice, prosecuted by Motorola lost a point, Interna- tariat.
Anna (Benyak) tTnn/^iT>
A-nvii /t3om7«jL-\ Kondrc. Both Pnfh hor her Jesse T _ ~ Cousins n^,»«;«». fin on oa /»Viafcro
charge nf as- tional Harvester was off a major The party is expected to leave
of flK-
staff chosen by the U.N. secre- Smith issued a 55-page report
charging Neff and several others
had accepted kickbacks from
ed by the State Department in
fraction. Litton rose a point. Rails, this week. Italian Ambassador ~One official said "the law
em section a.
Low temperatures tonight will In Second Trial parents were born in Czechoslo- sault with intent to kill.
vakia. •Phillip Rbsenberger, prosecut- which hit a new 1959 low Tues Egidio Ortona said he hoped the
ST lUlUp

Her father died Sept. 2, 1958. ed by A. W. Winters on a charge Of i day in their average, were mixed investigation could be completed
i\.U.3CllUt:i&Cl , ^/IUOV-WIAU n^.iw** *"» « -._.. __ ~ , -- ^
equipment contractors.
While Steward and Neff are
Democrats, they are bitter politi-
looked to me as if it's all over
for him at this stage." But he
ranse from 63 to 72 in western An Armstrong County civil court ji Surviving are her mother, Mrs. violation of the Uniform Commer- at the opening. Most of the gains within two weeks, clearing the quickly added that there might be
sections, 60 to 68 in central areas Isteve Kondrc of Ford City; four r-tal Code ™ tni5 ^roup appeared in issues way for a prompt report to the cal opponents. However, Steward other considerations not immedi-
and near 70 in eastern portions. \ sisters, Mrs, Mary Stolar of Ford The grand jury returned true outside the group used to compile Security Council. had no comment on Glassb's ac- ately apparent.
Skies will be mostly sunny in the railroad average. , Although official spokesmen in tion. Glasso plans to confer with
' an aauto accident
utoau a e n eSept p i . City, Mrs.. Rose Station of Ford bills against:
the capital of Laos reported ear- Beaver County Judges Morgan H.
SSt S ? cSeTSLrl^im to which Calvin E. W
thundershowers in the afternoon in, deceased, eceased. ^was
Mrs Pauline
as iwure,
P. MiUer brOUEht 'lone
r ought ,
Mrs stephanie Maglienti of

Jackson Heights, Long Is- charge.

N _ j and Mrs_ ^ pi. by Edith Eishell on a paternity
Joel Faulker, prosecuted
lier this week that Communist in-
vaders had withdrawn from the
Sohn and Robert McCleary.
Steward had ordered the ar-
rests of three men on charges of
Gl Loan Racket
the north-east portion. High will; Pauine . i e r country, Laotian delegate Thepa-
range from 85 to 95. ;an action last jear to coUect dam- j
Partly cloudy skies wift hot, hu-jages for injuries suffered by her Friends will be received at
• N_ ^
Frank —Richard Isaac Shaw, prose-
cuted by Mary C. Felhauer on a PITTSBURGH (UPI)—Livestock thay Vilaihongs said here he be-
paternity charge. Cattle: 25; steady. C h o i c e lieved some foreign Reds still
extortion and conspiracy to ex-
tort in connection with the kick-
back charges. They were Robert
Charges Are Filed
mid weather wffl prevaa to cen-! husband in the accident. Montgom- Faykosh funeral home in Ford —Leonard McGill, prosecuted by steers 28-29; good 26-27.50; stan- were on his country's soil.
ra areas
areas Thursday with a chance ;ery was driving the vehicle when City after 7 o'clock tonight.
of afternoon or evening thunder-; it left the road and crashed Funeral services will be held at neglect to support an illegitimate choice 25-27; good 24.50-26; stan-
(Ji Vi ^tw*i*i*3 "". ] *" --.v - i
UllCt Ai OCi V l ^ C O
Esther Mae McCall on a charge of dard 24-26; utility 22-24: heifers mishes,
\Y iiO. WC 11CAW ttW
"In many areas we have skir-
clashes and casualties,"
Yoho, former Neff aide; James
Macry, former secretary-treasur-
er of the Beaver County Demo-
By Government
showers and the high 88 to 96. j through an iron railing on a bridge Ho]v Trinity church in Ford City child. dard 22-24; utility 20-22; c o w s he said. "I am not going to tell cratic Committee, and Leon Ka- PITTSBURGH (UPI) — The
In eastern sections, skies will be! near Echo. Montgomery was killed jat 9 a _ m _ SatUrday with Rev. —Paul Cyphert, prosecuted by standard 18-19; commercial 17-18; you whether the Vietnamese, are
leta, White Twp. Each was placed federal government has filed su:
mostly fair hot and more humid,;in the accident. The jury in last|Matthew Yanosek, pastor of the Sarah S. Chestnut on a charge of utility 17-18; bulls, good fat beef athere or not, but I am sure quite
few of them are." •under $5,000 bond by Justice, of against a Pittsburgh real estate
Thursday with the high in the low-i year's trial found for the.defend-j c j lurc i, > officiating. statutory rape. 19-20; commercial 23-24; utility 22- the Peace Frank Storar for hear- broker, a Westmoreland . County
er go's.
__ (Wr ii ant
o n t oand
nrlM Mrs. Miller flDDRaled
r s MillfT appealed tO to the
the Tntprmonf- Interment irill will hpbe madp
made in in Holy
Hnlv —Richard Greenawalt, prose- 23; cutters 19-21. Ortona, who is this month's (Pa.) man and a West Virginia
ings Friday.
\ ridge of high pressure over; state Supreme Court, Trinity cemetery. cuted by Sarah S. Chestnut on a Hogs: 275; .50 higher. 160-180 president of the Security Council, attorney for allegedly operating a
the Mid Atlantic States was ex- i The high court granted the plain- charge of statutory rape. Ibs 14.23-15.25; 180-200 Ibs 15.25- met Tuesday with ambassadors GI loan racket.
—William L. Har.tman, prose- 15.50; 200-220 Ibs 15.2545.50; meat Mario Amadeo of Argentina, Koto
pecte*d to continue its domination' yj a new trial. The second trial
iiCIU. j Co LCI utij fcji-iw*v*
Mrs. Charles M. Wallace
Of the state's weather pattern inoj w a s neid yesterday before Judge 1 Mrs. Margaret C. Wallace of cuted by C. E. Montgomery on type. 15.75; 220-250 Ibs300-350
S »^fc«**o'—i ».*.»«. A.AW.QM.UI- «•. , . . —~—— - — -
15-15.50: Matsudaira of Japan and Mongi
Slim of Tunisia to rough out plans
Births . . . Filed in U.S. District Court
Tuesday, the suit asked for $155,-
Friday. Frank Graff. The jury again East Brady, " wife of the late Char- charges of assault and battery and 250-300 Ibs for the investigation. Armstrong County Memorial 250 damages from Sidney Klein,
tuna for
ior the
cue defendant. lies M. Wallace, died Monday (Sept. aggravated assault and battery. 12.50-13.75;, 100-150 Ibs 11.25-13.75; Hospital officials today announced operator of the Standard Real
uciciiuant. ------ •• ----- * --- --------- - r j
roughs 9.50-13. The Italian prnbassador said it
The suit was brought by Mrs. 7, 1959) at a hospital in Cleveland, —Kenneth Holizna, prosecuted by the following births: Estate Co.; his former partner,
Kittanning Receives Miller as successor to her husband i Ohio, as the result of a fall.
. ijaie
Dale E. Spang .&. apang on urarges 01
charges of as-
member of the East sault and battery and aggravated lamb,,20-22, medium to food
no- Sheep:
unct.^. 100;
-v«, steady.
-..-.—„ - c- h o
^ i c _ e will be up to the investigators to
decide how .to. operate and wheth- A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Eugene Spirer, Irwin and R. D.
Kenneth Darwood Mont- >T>,-arf f er to send observers to the border ert Bowser, Kittanning. RD 4, at Halbritter, a Kingwood, W. Va.
Safety Recognition
Uiiv-. n nu «i iii^jnu>_,.*. UA i/ui^ .uuuu OAliJiL CW-IW UCvw^Ci j **•
Av*,iiu^i/ common lambs 7-11; ewes
gomery, administrator of the es- Brady Presbyterian Church and of | assault and battery.
the Clarion Chapter, Daughters of —Charles Hugh Callen, prose- 3.50-6; wethers 4-9. areas attacked by the Reds. 1:11 p.m., Sept. 8, 1959. attorney.
. . . ... ., tate of"James H.Montgomery. Calves: 25; steady. Good to A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. The government alleged that
Kittanning police chief W. M. i la the American Revolution. cuted by Joseph A. Sasala on two choice 34-35; medium 30-32; culls Waiter Boyer, Kittanning RD 2, at Klain's firm, after purchasing
Bowers said his office has received j ; Surviving are two daughters, charges UiUgCo of burglary.
UL uuigia.ij. -"- --- • . 1 1 Erie's 1st Polio Death 2:38 p.m., Sept. 8, 1959. homes in Bretz, W. Va., arranged
a plaque in recognition of the j
town's driver ?nd pedestrian safe- j , 122-year-old Hurt Mrs. Charlotte Richards of Cleve- —George Petroskey, prosecuted I and common la-1
land and Mrs. Jean Bishop of Alli- by Karl W. Seyler on a charge of ERIE, Pa. (UPI)—-Erie County
recorded its first polio death of
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Dick with the Waynesburg branch of
Mechling, Kittanning RD 1, at First Federal Savings & Loan Co.
ty record during 1958.
The plaque commends Kittan-
When Car Upsets
son Park, Pittsburgh; four
children and a sister, Mrs. Char- cial Code.
lotte Hildebrand of Butler.
grand- violation of the Uniform
The case of Ray Asfle, prose-
Egg Prices
1959 when a Wesleyyille man died
in St. Vincent's Hospital.
5:46 p.m., Sept. 8, 1959. to grant guaranteed GI mort-
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard gages on the homes.
for "Its
-~ outstanding
-------— -. record Friends are being received at cuted by Gust Zanos on a charge of Market steady to firm. Offer- William Mason, married and Lawrence, Kittanning RD 3, at The complaint also charged that
W ui 6 X— . . i - 6:45 p.m., Sept. 8, 1959.
larceny, was puj>i,yvueu. postponed. ings of top quality large barely the father of a son, died Tues- the trio had gotten the loans frau-
~, .j" 'r io-K-'w '=;« as rpoortpd in!! AA 22-vear-old 22-year-old Kittanning tw RD J.\UK
2 ! the family• iamu* it»iucm,c residency iu in .muau
Broad 01...St., larcenj, day. He had never received Salk dulently and that veterans said
« L ^rtpitrian Brenm a> driver is listed in satisfactory con- ;East Brady, where services will bet Leonard McGill entered a plea adequate to short. Demand fair to vaccine inoculations. KIWANIANS PICNIC to have bought the homes never
the AAA pedestrian program ap : ariyer ^^ v ab Armstrong
AIUI&UUUK County ^vuiivj jj-.~— held at — 2- p.m. j..— . . Thursday.
-. ------ ., . Her
— ^. pas-
,— - of .ui guilty
guui-jr on vn aa.charge
yume^ ofw* neglect
uveic^u to™ i good. Supplies oi mediums a. Kittanning Kiwanis Club families; intended to occupy them,
pr 1S!U
- .. «.„ *~™ v« r, f iMpmnrial Hospital
Hosoital from injuries
injuries tor, the Rev. Robert L. Read, win support an .illegitimate
]tor, illegitimate child. He He! smalls adequate.. Demand fair Mason became ill last Wednes-
Bowers said the town has n iiospiiai ™°' were picnic guests of Dr. and Mrs.j After the loans were defaulted,
aalu uuc L^JWII .111*0 iiuu .....w------—
had a pedestrian death since 1948: suffered yesterday when
was to have been prosecuted by A large white 53-58, mostly 54- day and had obtained chiroprac-
Robert H. Yockey last night at|Klain would enter claims with the
Helen Bureau. 57; brown and mixed 50-57, most- tic treatment. When a physician
nor a death caused by a motor ve- turned his car near t.hP their home on East Brady Road. A j Veterans Administration for the
Run"intersection on Route 66. | cemetery. Arrangements are •in ly 53-57; A medium white 36-42, was summoned, he diagnosed the
number of Ford City Kiwanians', money due him on the homes, the
hicle since 1952. Hospital officials said Ronald j charge of the Buchele funeral mostly 38-40; brown and mixed 35- case as polio an Mason was ad-
Gov. Lawrence Plans neck wounds.
Walker suffered face, wrist and home, East Brady.
Charles R. Heffelfinger
MORA Club Plans
42; A small white 24-28; B large mitted to the hospital.
White 37-46.
joined in the outing. suit said.

Post-election Rest
State Police, who estimated darn-
to Walker's car at S200, said Charles R. Heffelfinger, 65, of
apparently"lost"control of the;Ford City RD 2 died in the Oak- To Paint T Fence
Marriage License
David L. Lawrence's plans call, ^.pytu- „.,-
" intersection and;land Veterans Hospital, Pitts-!
^ vc*
A iuto
••• ***^ YMCA

paint the
Applications u
PLEASE . . .
for a vacaion of several weeks overturned, 8, 1959. He had been a hospital fence in front of the YMCA. Armstrong County
after the Nov. 3 general elections.
The governor's office said Law-
sa.iciu for iui the past JHA
LUC psiai, six weeks.
wcco.0. Smiley Caldwell, president,_ask-, i Russell Eugene Smith of Indi- NOTE . . .
rence may go to Georgia, Florida
or Mexico—"some place to get a
The Almanac Mr. Heffelfinger was born Jan. ed members to meet at the 'Y at ana to Marian Eileen Varner of
21, 1894, in Plumcreek Township, a! 8 a. m. Thursday to do the work. ^tiznB..
lot of sunshine." son of William E. and Sue (Ank-! In casef of rain Friday wm ^ the WUliam Rush Solomon Jr. of THIS
'-" ° ''"" Pittsburgh to Jean Bentley Me-
discussed at Mon- Causland of Leechburg.
Members of the 252~nd day of the year, Witt _... of St. John's Lutheran Church, day's meeting which was the first; Howard Lemond Kunkle of STARTS
113 more days in 1959.
James Arthur Ashe The moon is in its first quarter. I.
: Shay, and a veteran of World War of the year were bus trip to see the \ Creekside RD 1 to Lois Valgene MOVIE
Autumn leaves in northern Penn-j
The morning stars are Mercury! Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Beu-;Isylvania on which wives would be- Schrecengost of Shelocta RD 1.
VFW Auxiliary and Venus. iah M. (Dunmire) Heffelfinger. other sight-seeing trips;
Nelson Lee Schrecengost of NOT
are requested to meet1 at The evening stars are Mars, Friends may call at the Merwin and swimming party at the "Y". Shelocta RD 1 to Dorothy Lou-
ise Brown of Creekside RD 1.
7:30 o'clock tonight, Sept. Jupiter and Saturn. _
9, at Merwin funeral home
! (Smith) funeral home after 7 tWs!""£hg'n"ext"r"eguiar meeting of the
On this datetne:n tehistory: miea evening, and from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. i club wi^ ^e held at 2 p. m. Sept. ton to Mildred Maxine Bowser
Edwr.rd Carl Barrett of Day- RECOMMEND
In l-'S. ™ V • Military services will be held at! 21
to hold services for Sister States becan* dLaa^ LeQ ; the funeral home at 3:30 p.m. Fri- blub membership to open to re- of Stanley Dayton RD 2.
Cora Berline. Tr7:i/r. ™, hnm
J'- tired men or men over 65, years of ( Leechburg to Catherine Marie
Joseph Rakovan of FOR
PRES. EALMA BUZZARD In 1830 Charts Durant known Burial will be made in the iam-j age . "Y" membership is not re-j Balbo of Leechburg.
as 'the first professional American ily plot in St. Michael's Lutheran quired. ."..—• , Clyde Cummings of Creekside
Last year was the first full year i RD i to Betty Jane Frailey of
aeronaut, made a balloon flight cemetery, Brick Church.
of operation and ended with a
CAMBRIA COUNTY fro'm New York City to Perth
Am'ooy, N.J. membership near 120 from many
Shelocta RD 1.
Norman George Brunner of UNDER
In 1850, California was admit- Notable Deaths communities in Armstrong County. Cowansville RD 1 to Dorothy
ted into the Union as the 31st
Li 1393, Mrs. Grover Ceveland
From Everywhere
Mae Wolfe of Kittanning.
Vernon Robert Kammerdiener
Hospital Notes
of Templeton to Una Jean Rob-
became the first isdy of the land United Press International inson of Templeton RD 1.
ever t-o become a mother in the CORTLAND, N.Y. — Frank Armstrong County Memorial Clyde McCann of Elizabeth RD
White House. • ' place, 73, former librarian of the Kittanning 2 to Rachel Elizabeth Quarato of
-^ THurs., Sept 10 if Li 1819, almost the er.tire police yf_~. yor^ Academy of Medicine, Admitted: j Vanderegrift.
irce of Boston walked out on 3^ Tuesday. Melda Ann Boyer, Kittanning RD Albert Karl Kalmar of Leech-
TED MACK strike. burg RD 1 to Shirley Ann Mey-
and the In 1926, the National Broadcast- CINCINNATI—James J. Heekin,! Gertrude E. Bowser, Kittanning ers of Leechburg RD 1.
ORIGINAL AMATEUR Company was organized :n 37>, chairman of the board of jQ 4 Robert Melvin Hileman of
HOUR C:ty to produce nation- Heekin Can Co., died Monday, j rj eme tri Nichola, 1330 Johnston North Apollo to Sharon Lynn
ID the Arena at 8:00 P. M. radio broadcasts. ~ ; . , .. 'Ave., Kittanning Shaffer of Vandergrift.
^•EW YORK — Mrs. Adelaide: An'gelo «„„!„ T.ahini Latini, Feme Dr., Kittan Raymond Parks McKinney of
if Sat, Sept. 12 * for today: Ca'.vin Coo- Wallach ___ _
Enrich, an interior deco-;
: "There is no right to rator"recognized here and in Eu-i ninWilda Mechling, Kittanning RD ; shetler Rural Valley RD 1 to Zelda Ruth

O f p vUra i valley
, -r%T\ nUial V CLUCJ' J.LJ-* i uv *j^*u« »«u

SLIM JOHNSON the public safety oy rope as an authority on English _ .. . •• , I _ RD• . I.^^
Country Music Show and anywhere, any furniture and pewter, died Tues-/ Laura Pyle, New Bethlehem RD; tanning RD 2 to JeannetteofWan- Donald Eugene Alcorn Kit-
FEATHER.MAN of da Arnold of Milford.
TV's Hnwd.v Doody Teen-age Girl Hurt Alexander B. Zellefrow, 316
Cleveland St., Kittanning £ C' f\'~~
In the Arena at 8:00 P. M.
On Head by Baseball Grader Catches hre | Robert H. Boyd, Kittanning RD OT OlX L)l6S
FREEPORT—A State Highways 1
FREEPORT — Thirteen-year-oid Depanrnep.t grader caught fire this Helen Baum, 430 Union Ave., ! IRWIN, Pa. 'UPD — A 35-year-
Phyllis White, struck on the head morii i n g as road workers were pav- Kittanning old mother of six died Tuesday
66. by a baseball last week during a jng a center strip on the Butler Beulah I. Harkleroad, Rural night in her North Huntinsrton
game between Freeport Merchants p-^e just west of here on Route, Valley RD 1 Twp. home of injuries sustained
J *• DRIVE-IN and Kansas City Monarchs, .was 356. j Isaac Jackson, 2005 Manor Dr., !in a fall.
ROUTE 66 TOWARD CROOKED CR£H DAM taken bv firemen Sunday, night to Freeport Fire Chief Clyde Leri Ford City i A c c o r d i n g to Westmore-
Allegheny Valley Hospital, Taren- said damages were light. Oil Benjamin Waugaman, Vernon land County Coroner Stephen D.
STARTS TONITE turn, for further transfusions and caught fire and damaged the ig- Hotel, Kittanninj? i Yoney, Mrs. Mary Griffith slipped
observation. n„.-.,..
i t c r o, , n_ .* hu _e grader.
,„ j^ - FlorenceA E.
"Plrtron/* r: fGiff,
»1 Worthington ! in her bathroom and hit the bath-
Miriam P. Lawrence, Kittan- tub. Death was due to a broken
Since being struck by the base- ning RD 3 neck and internal injuries.
ball, she has been bleeding inter-' Ronald Walke:1, Kittanning RD 2
na!ly and has required four trans- (Contimiedfrorn^ Page One) Kevin R. Wyant, Adrian RD 1
fusions. She is a daughter of the and haa diverse backgrounds,"
William Whites. the President said.
Larry Snoop, Rural Valley
Lorotta E. Reynolds, Vander- Y's Men To Meet
Contract negotiations have been grift RD 2 Members of the Y's Men's Club
i eadlocked over the USW's de- Discharged:
Gravel Truck Burns I mand for a "substantial" wage in-i John Wolfe, Kittanning MR 10, ing at 6:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
; crease and the industry's ln-;pj n e jfjn
will hold their weekly dinner meet-
Armstrong County YMCA. Volley-
Rayburn Twp. firemen answered sistence on a settlement with no | Laura Stewart, Mahoning RD 1 ball and swimming will follow the
a fire alarm this morning near increase in total labor costs as a j Andrea Dangaix, 2032 Ridge business meeting. Warren A. Koer-
Kiddieland Park on Route 28-66 means of fighting inflation. . i Ave , Arnold, bel, president of the organization
where a truck driven by Terry McDonald and Cooper used al- Jonn John j.
J. Turek,
Tur Cadogan isaid.

Reddinger of Distant was on fire.
the same words in
.. «^« « , . * • 4 .* f , An »\A K

' Harry
»*t/w«H f

XIO.I i J A. "• Troup,

•« ^yifictinrti

*.i uu^. 1168


Ross •»Ave..
*' " *-""« • -•«
f« *M»

•' '•'• • ...... - J J

Firemen said construction workers pat were lPorA CUy viola McNichol, General BRANDT HOSTS DELEGATES
on the Route Wj KittanninK by-pass . i Delivery, Ford City Ronald C. BERLIN (UPD-West Uorlln
had the fire under control by the said steel
Kittanning MR 10, Butler Wj]]y BraJj(||. prcslded
time they arrived. Firemen re- Eberhart and baby girl, Tuesday at a city hall reception
Gary Cooper ported extensive damage to the £ ^''VT un^t™ted" wh^e-1: Box 36, Climax. in honor of American representa-
Technicolor motor and cabin of the gravel * h1i.rza.inW with the ob- tives returning from the Inter-
trunlc w-inuu iMiiidiJjiiiK wiui mi, uu , ntr*r nonnnwn
"NORTHWEST MOUNTED - -jjective of achieving a reasonable ATOM PACT APPROVED parliamentary Union Congress at
I settlement." VIENNA (UPI)—The cabinet Warsaw. Brandt asked the visi-
POLICE" Published «Tery afternoon eieept I Cooper said the industry has has approved an agreement be- tors, who Included Sen. Prank
by Simpsons' Publishing
Co.. Inc, 115-121 | been "trying lor weeks and will tween Austria and the United Church (D-Idaho) and Sen. Thom-
Burt Lancaster North Grant AT*., try again with continued determi- States on the exchange of aid in as Hennings (D-Mo.) to convey »nd JOSEPH N. WELCH M Judf* W««f
Kltunnlng, Penna. nation to achieve a settlement developing atomic energy for his thanks for American aid to
"DISERT FURY" Second-class postags p»ld M which is Jn the best interests of peaceful uses, it was announced the reconstruction program of this
Kltunnlng, Pennsylvania. city.
all concerned." Tuesday.

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