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1. La verdadera historia del asesinato de un rico hombre de negocios.

El 22 de junio de 1938 fue Jeremy travers' 60 cumpleaos. l

cenaron en su pas con su esposa, amanda a su hija, Barbara, su
socio de negocios, Gordon Smith, y su secretaria, Claudia simeone.
A la maana siguiente cuando amanda travers fue a su marido.
2. inspector granger llegaron alrededor de las 9:00. era un hombre
alto con un grande negro bigote. Amanda, Barbara, Claudia, y
Gordon estaban en el saln. El Inspector lleg. 'Mr travers muri
entre la medianoche anoche y siete horas de esta maana
dijo.alguien en esta sala lo mat". l miraba uno por uno, pero
nadie habla.
3. 'Mrs travers. Quiero hablar con usted primero. Entrar en la
biblioteca conmigo, por favor." amanda travers seguido el inspector
en la biblioteca y me sent. "Lo que hizo su marido hacer despus
de la cena anoche? Cuando terminamos la cena Jeremy dijo que
estaba cansado, y l fue a la cama. No se vaya a la cama? No, no
me fui a dar un paseo en el jardn. A qu hora has de ir a la
cama? Aproximadamente la cuarta parte de los 12. Fue su marido
dormido? No s, inspector. Nosotrosdormimos en distintos
4. Ha odo nada cuando estabas en tu habitacin? S, he odo
jeremy la puerta del dormitorio. Se abri. Pens que se trataba de
Jeremy. A continuacin, se cierra de nuevo. He ledo en la cama
durante media hora y luego me fui a dormir. "a qu hora te hiciste
esta maana? Me levant a aproximadamente 7.15. desayun y a
las 8.00 me llev a mi marido una taza de t. Lo encontr en la
cama. l estaba muerto. Dime, la Sra. travers, te encanta tu
marido? Jeremy es fue difcil hombre. Pero, usted amar, Sra.
travers? No, inspector, yo odiaba a l.
5.Qu hiciste despus de la cena, ayer por la tarde? Despus de
la cena? Yo jugaba cartas con Gordon, y luego me fui a la cama.

A qu hora fue eso? Era aproximadamente la mitad de las once.

Recuerdo que mir mi reloj. No se oye nada en vuestro padre
habitacin? No, no he odo nada Tienes problemas con tu padre?
No, no hay ningn problema en absoluto. Mi padre era un hombre
maravilloso y un padre perfecto. Muchas gracias, seorita travers .
Luego el inspector cuestion barbara travers.
6. siguiente el inspector interrog Gordon Smith: qu hiciste
despus de la cena, Gordon? Yo jugaba cartas con Barbara.
Entonces ella fue a la cama. No se vaya a la cama? No. me qued
en el saln, y yo tena un vaso de whisky. Despus me fui a la
cama. A qu hora fue eso? No recuerdo exactamente. Yo no mire
el tiempo. No se oye nada durante la noche? No, no lo hice. Yo
estaba muy cansado. Dorm muy bien. Usted y el Sr. travers eran
socios de negocios, no son ustedes? S, inspector, es. Y ahora es
su negocio. Escuchar, inspector, Yo no mat a Jeremy. Fue mi
pareja y era mi amigo.
7. Por ltimo, el inspector pregunt Claudia Simeone. Inspector:
qu hiciste ayer por la tarde, despus de la cena? Claudia: me fui
a mi habitacin y tena un bao y me fui a la cama. Inspector: Qu
hora es? Claudia: aproximadamente 11.00 inspector: Has odo
algo? Claudia: S, he odo que alguien vaya a jeremy's room. Fue
alrededor de las 12.00 horas. inspector: quien era? Claudia: fue
amanda, su esposa. Inspector: Are you sure? Usted ve su?
Claudia: Bueno, no puedo no verla, pero estoy seguro de que era
8. inspector: usted seor travers secretaria, Claudia? Claudia: S,
era yo. Inspector: se acaba su secretaria? Claudia: a qu te
refieres? Inspector: estuviste en amor con el Seor travers?
Claudia: no, yo no estaba. Inspector: la verdad por favor, Claudia.
Claudia: muy bien, inspector. S, yo estaba enel amor con l y me
dijo que estaba enamorado whitme. l dijo que era estpido. He

credo en l. Me usaba, inspector! Yo estaba muy ungry con l.

Inspector: matarlo? Claudia: no, inspector, me encant Jeremy.
9. beforedinner, Gordon hadadrink con Jeremy en la biblioteca
gordon cheers, Jeremy. Feliz cumpleaos. Jeremy ah, gracias,
Gordon. Gordon escuchar,Jeremy, me gustara hablar con usted
acerca de Barbara. Jeremy barbara? Cul es el problema?
Gordon no es exactamente una.
1. the true story of the murder of a rich businessman. june 22nd 1938 was
jeremy travers` sixtieth birthday. he had dinner at his country with his wife,
amanda his daughter, barbara, his business partner, gordon smith, and his
secretary, claudia simeone. next morning when amanda travers went to her
2. inspector granger arrived at about 9:00. he was a tall man with a big
black moustache. amanda, barbara, claudia, and gordon were in the living
room. the inspector came in. mr travers died between midnight last night
and seven oclock this morning he said.somebody in this room killed him.
He looked at them one by one but nobody spoke.
3. Mrs travers. I want to talk to you first. Come into the library with me,
please. amanda travers followed the inspector into the library and they sat
down. what did your husband do after dinner last night? When we finished
dinner Jeremy said he was tired and he went to bed. Did you go to bed
then? No, i didnt. i went for a walk in the garden. What time did you go to
bed? About quarter to twelve. Was your husband asleep? I dont know,
inspector. Wewe slept in separate romos.
4. did you Heard anything when you were in your room? Yes, i Heard jeremy
s bedroom door. It opened. I thought it was Jeremy. Then it closed again. I
read in bed for half an hour and then i went to sleep. what time did you get
up this morning? I got up at about 7.15. i had breakfast and at 8.00 i took
my husband a cup of tea. I found him in bed. He was dead. Tell me, Mrs
travers, did you love your husband? Jeremy is was a difficult man. But did
you love him, Mrs travers? No, inspector, i hated him.
5. what did you do after dinner yesterday evening? After dinner? I played
cards with gordon, and then i went to bed. What time was that? It was about
half past eleven. I remembered i looked at my watch. Did you hear
anything in your fathers room? No, i did not hear anything did you have
any problems with your father? No, no problems at all. My father was a
wonderful man and a perfect father. Thank you, miss travers . then the
inspector questioned barbara travers.
6. next the inspector questioned gordon Smith: what did you do after
dinner, gordon? I played cards with barbara. Then she went to bed. Did you

go to bed then? No. I stayed in the sitting room and i had a glass of whisky.
Then i went to bed. What time was that? I do not remember exactly. I did
not look at the time. Did you hear anything during the night? No, i did not. I
was very tired. I slept very well. You and Mr travers were business partners,
were not you? Yes, inspector, it is. And now it is your business. Listen,
inspector, i did not kill Jeremy. He was my partner and he was my friend.
7. finally the inspector questioned Claudia Simeone. Inspector: what did you
do yesterday evening, after dinner? Claudia: i went to my room and i had a
bath and i went to bed. Inspector: what time was that? Claudia: about
11.00 inspector: did you hear anything? Claudia: yes, i heard somebody go
into jeremys room. It was about 12.00. inspector: who was it? Claudia: it
was amanda, his wife. Inspector: are you sure? Did you see her? Claudia:
well, no i did not see her, but i am sure it was amanda.
8. inspector: you were Mr travers secretary, claudia? Claudia: yes, i was.
Inspector: were you just his secretary? Claudia: what do you mean?
Inspector: were you in love with Mr travers? Claudia: no, i was not.
Inspector: the truth please, claudia. Claudia: very well, inspector. Yes, i was
in love with him and he said he was in love whitme. He said he was stupid. I
believed him. He used me, inspector! I was very ungry whit him. Inspector:
did you kill him? Claudia: no, inspector, i loved jeremy.
9. beforedinner, gordon hadadrink with jeremy in the library gordon cheers,
jeremy. Happy birthday. Jeremy ah, thanks, gordon. Gordon listen,jeremy, i
want to talk to you about barbara. Jeremy barbara? Whats the problem?
Gordon its not exactly a.

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