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SUPER RESULTS WITH OUR “HOT” SET THE HOW AND WHY OF THE VALVE Every Thursday Ss Wireless Vol. XVIII. No, 465 Saturday, May 9, 1931 Crtear Wireless A MAY 9, 1951 is recommended ed with extraordinary of simular detign he ull space ashlee Bustated explanatory toilet, which Crecommended for the “GENTURY SUPER” COS LEWCOS RADIO PRODUCTS FOR BETTER RECEPTION THE LONDON ELECTHIC WIRE COMPANY AND SHITHS. LIMITED, CHURCH ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON, £1 You will Help Yourself and Help Us by Mentioning “A.W." to Advertisers MAY_9, 1931 D.C. Mains 733 Users can_now get A-C- mains efhiciency in the Mew DESIGNED AS AD< SUPER-POWER PENTODEOUTPUT WILL OPERATE A MOVING COM. LOUD SPEAKER HIGHLY SELECTIVE AND SENSITIVE, FOREIGNSTATION INDOOR AERIAL HANDSOME SOLID Pert Cera chia tet ot wae ‘4-VALVES, ALL- CTRIC D.C. MAINS OPERATED WITHOUT HUM CONFORMS TO RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE INSTITUTION Or ELECTRICAL AMPLIFICATION » MADE IN ENGLAND. ‘Sold yall Witcets Deane Here is a new GECoPHONE all-electric receiver which provides an entirely fresh outlook in radio enjoyment for those served by Direct Current electricity supply. Its performance is amazing—yielding immense range with perfect selectivity and powerful strength with delightful purity of tone. Add to these the advantage of fone tuning knob, the beauty of a solid walnut cabinet and oF the low price of £25—and you have a set of outstanding quality and value. Fillin gad post this coupon fer leaflet in full colour givin; particulars of GECEPHONE ‘D.C, ALL ELECTRIC RECEIVER. HIRE PURCHASE Terms: Deposit 2200, 12 monthly Payments of 6.19.5 “Aidvt, of The General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London W.C.2. ‘Advertitere Appreciate Mention of “A.W.” with Your Order Crete Wires SPECIFIED FOR THE “CENTURY SUPER” The Coils chosen by Mr. W. James for his “Century Super” are made specially by Wright & Weaire, Ltd., the oldest component manufacturers in the industry The outstanding performance of this receiver is only made possible by the use of Wearite ting tags lard valve pin b ordinary 4-pin valve holders ric 2/9 COMPONENTS WRIGHT & WEAIRE, LTD. 740 HIGH ROAD, TOTTENHAM, N.17 Teephone + Toten 347.8:9 Don't Forset to Sav That You Seu MAY 9, 1951 ADDITIONAL WEARITE COMPONENTS FOR THE “CENTURY SUPER” WEARITE, DUAL-RANGE FRAME AERIAL WEARITE THREE- POINT SHORTING SWITCH WEARITE GRID. LEAK HOLDER GENUINE PAXOLIN PANELS MAHOGANY OR BLACK FINISH vCal” © 5/9 te ald oA MAY 9, 1931 25 (rater Wi CHANGE OVER TO MAZDA... ‘A deve combination $.215 HL270 L210" P.220 oF P2200 20-916 86 t0/6 43/6 THE AMAZING RADIO VALVES EDISWAN RADIO \y abl Ses tha Your Order estar Henk Simple facts for Velve Users How Cossor ensures distortionless reproduction ‘Over 50 types of Cossor Valves ere available from any Wireless Shop fo suit all 2, 4, and 6 volt Battery operated and AC. Mains Receivers Costor 2 volt (Battery Operated) Power Valves omer 38 3 vl #5 Canara Pa, 9 Save 10/6 736 MAY 9, 1931 CcOSSOR res ice Fi = | tel A Fi Fy Ei 3 mI ce 2 Serene HE quality of the reproduction of your Receiver is largely controlled by its output valve which is called upon to handle very considerable grid swings. it is unable to do this, distortion is inevitable. Cossor Power Valves are specially designed fo meet these exacling requirements. As you can see from the characteristics of the Cossor 215P the long siraight porlion of the curve will handle very Targe inpu's with the assurance of perfect quality. Uniformity of characteristics is ensured by the special insulated bridge method of construc- tion which retains the various elements in life-long alignment. This method of construc- {ion is found in no ether make of valve. To be certain therefore of obtaining the maxi« mum volume with crystal clear reproduction choose a Cossor Power Valve in one of the several types available. “‘COSSOR i OEWEEDR: (VALVES To Enoure Speedy Delivery, Mention “A.W.” to Advertisers No, 465. Vol. XVII MAY 9, 1938 im if se ~ Earoe Radiovision oe Ne Tue Leapinc Rapio Weekty FoR THE IKREYNER BSc AMEE || CONSTRUCTOR, LISTENER & EXPERIMENTER. Reseancr Consuaran: WJAMES. EWS: &-GOSSID:or tHe: WEEK NO SUMMER FADING every one of them had to be pronounced S summer and sommer-time introduced Somehow or other, ‘by the announcers dE ce ear mecca el eet Whereas itis quite easy for any one eritic Spell Bi'bad weathes, ausee et we stivet £0 be familiar with one, two. ot possibly Indoors and searched for stations instead three languages, it is quite impossible for ‘of making the garden tidy or cleaning the the announcers to Know all languages.” So PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Page ows and Gotsip at Making’a Simple Tone-changer "739 4s "That Oia Set Worth While? TAL car! And have you noticed that despite 5 the B.B.C For the Neweomer ie ‘the long evenings the stations stil come Bare On. Your Wavelength its folling in? "Formerly we always talked of THE PRINCE AGAIN Atmancoester Broadcasting House 747 summer effect." and. prepared. for a "PYHE PRINCE OF WALES witt be | What "You Should Know About dart of stations from May to September, heatd by National listeners on May or, |p, Valvs il Pip Rldgeivay Teits the Cen hut with ‘the good sets we now have, when his speech at the banguet given by | Phe Ridges “0 the hummer effet” a pack number.” the Landon Executive Commie of the | gt etn ie mae ee ANNOUNCERS, AGAIN! Aires, will be relayed from Dorchester | without Feat or Favour Ee HIE. announcer frequently has to House." A speech worth tearing, by a | Gating Stations withthe Century ‘ake his decision rapidiy and seldom Prince with « fine browdeasting voice 1 Super 332 das time to. refer to. a uaetteer, OF Jn My Wiecéss De 338 waiversal pronouncing dictionary (which hateaggl tagiod Fig Columbia, Model 32 Console 758 ‘oes not exist), so we may not be surprised OHN HENRY, the first of English ragio | More,Abogt the" Reglonal Sup- it he does the lest he can and giver us a J comedians, & vbting Australia with his | RSS cS ani‘Questons "Heo purely Inglish version, In the frst three nis giving sketches every evening | Broadcast Telephony oo Inonths of the present year there appeared from sUW. He was the frst cofedian £0 fn the news or in the programmes ever hroadeast in this countey-~his Rest broad ST oTqgugI a a TOI and since then he le ‘lion original words o Seven Iuendved foseign sastes pr words taker rom at least a doen foreign languages, a0 for brondeasting ‘ANEW 3 Wrinteenns the wes eae vor wil be put in ad tetore the Neglonal Sheane compte Mga! Motan, Sore tne cay iext year. The preset BGS pone lt Setn eae Biltipean tt owes of at eat 1p Liowats Tr the new Ie evry: Ht Sota as tet to Mabel Constan- which it is designed. We are thinking of es ame ull tntonees many of wom, even toe MEANT ES tien to Bane petaeneote b actress." Here «+ STEALING ** Cl N ze seri Hee" STEALING “ CROWD NowseS Bebe aE pecTATORS at Brooknnds sweet) Some te Se ale dint they re un Weer hece "Duper in bee Homoh's pay Spend taaoey ” Hecoeds vere being taken, bya tok of the racing arth apple of oval and themes of te hoe its il orm a leground of sound forthcoming production oe Gmatenr Wireless "NEWS : &: GOS SID-ortHe WE RUBBISH? CCORDING to 9 sei “allot rubbish, Bat you in to itt you dont want to! Pictonea BBC, APPREK , the air is newidn' t Swng IATION THE. appreciations of musical brosa- casts which swell the B.C. 's posthag to the largest extent are Joreph Lewis Memories programmes, Arig sever ‘A RARE BIRD! AA New York sation recently broadcast the song fof the troupieal~a rare bled feom the Amazon foreat dstict, and of ‘which only two are in pity. The Hite broadcaster is here sting ‘ontop of the Inundred congratulatory letters on one sich progratumerecentiyetven,lireeletersalone Fepresented. thirty ve, seventy-000. ad fone humved and wendy Intent. There Seno doubt above the fact that: these ‘Memories programmes are popula; but don't let's have too many of them ‘THIS STATIC" BUSINESS OLLOWING spon a recent Berlin casa ‘wero a Hales was smoned for causing radio interference with & faulty Irie dese, t fe announced that the author Hes of oné of the Beigan towns have mee Interterence with radio soeption an indict able offence with heavy fine oF one week as the. pentlty. “Also ave hear that a Cais notel proprietress ha ‘been nat S00 anes foe caving interference with ado progranimes by suing lt eleteie Erimophone motor. "Theyre very sai {in manmade staie in "furin” parts but Linfrtinately not so strict fa England | SPONSORED. PROGRAMMES. "AGAIN? SL 300 miles fom London is Laser ‘borg Nt presnt thir stato Boasts iitowatt transmitter on 222 metres ite tecentiy completed is a giant tran: initer in Lemur havingan serial power 2338 of 100 kilowatts, We naturally want to Know why such a big transmitter # needed far nu small country. Perhaps its 0 ch other cowntrien, including England, Some syndicate is sand to be preparing for radio advertising on an interaational scale fan the metlintof propagation fai to bs Lisemburg. The Tangnage. problem sy be solved by announcing one might in Fronch, the next night in Gorman, the next i Spaish, and so on throng the week to ipa to ail the surrosnains contri, TE there is 8 serions attempt to put this idea Into. practice wwe imagine longer wave tengeh will be sowshe WIRED WIREL Ss URSLIONS are being asked at the moment a9 to the Done sides of thone st3ponsible for the listeners exchanges now So widely in tise, Ib is suggested that rldition to senting ovee BPC. programme: the “relay ehiet™ may quite exsity make Announceinents through a mierophone, ‘And if qusouncenente re made, what ist Stop them rontainina sadvertising, matter? ‘THAT SOCIAL SURVEY SOME time ago a cortain sell manning committe miggested to the TLIC. that ‘nation-wide mrvey Of the habit and es ‘toms of listeners ond provide a wseto Indes on whieh (o base trasmision tines educational tatters, This scheme evidently seared Savoy Hill, for the sux gestion has not been acted. upon. But we Understand that BBC. advisers are now laying with the idea of condicting such En espesiment on a very limited seale, Out fn view is that while the IIB. relies only on its correspondence to gange the Seeeptability of the present progeamines fe will tend 40 be. mised, for a fairly re presentative section of the people dacs not ake the ttouble to write, THE WAVE. CHANG Midland Regional, Glaygowe and IX charged over wave all sorts of pretty litt X1NCI Manchester Iengths recen ay 9.1701 EK |—Continued reception problems have. cropped. up. Glasgow liteners report diffeulty at night in separating Glasgow from London and Midiand Regional stations on each side of I Manchester listeners, just_a few of them, inave ad some trouble in tuning op POOR ABERDEEN E awe more than a little sympath At the ‘present timo for scottish listeners who must uafortunately soffer for a few month as the result of rexional Scheme developments. “Thus, when the North National station starts up soon ont jor metres, Aberdeen, which at present franemits on that wavelength, willbe relegated to the national common. wave Tenth of 288 metres. We understand that Special synchronising gear will be installed it the Aberdeen station sn otder to avoul rch deterioration in range ax posse, Listeners should have no ‘ilhentty in re adjesting their sets from 3or metres “to 258 metres. AIL the same, We expect Tistences are eagerly awaiting’ the nplction “of the Regional station at Fallin, Te is now well on the way LONG WAVES SCORE HIE. Superiatity of the, longer aves Tengths of the mediam band is amply demonstrated at the present time by any London listener who tares to tune £0 479 metres in’ the evening when Manchester Z2Nis transmitting on thatwavelongthwith 4 power of only 12 kilowatts, Although nearly 200. miler away thie low-power Station can be received st fat loudspeaker Strength on 1 good three-valver with am Indoor aerial, "Under these reception eonlitions Manchester 22" was very Seldom heard when if was on the much Shorter wavelength of 76 metres, Onite Anumiber of northern listeners have writen to the BBC. asking why Moorside F is'so weak during the evening. programme hours! "Of course, Moorside Hage is not transmitting then and listeners are hearing the old 22 gear “UNCLE ARTHUR” AGAIN Arthur Burrows, ihe fest BBC ‘snnouncer and fasting tn this country, “came back from Genes wa recently and Irondesstashort fallen He doce rot seem to have oat any of his rmlcrophone per ‘onalty on finshed fasts tment which vil act fea tome changer and feolate the speaker from the HLT. WW thacis sta evelyansncur sks wen B9 maar Wires MAKING A SIMPLE TONE CHANGER FOR YOUR SPEAKER Here are constructional details of a little unit which any amateur can make and which, fitted to the output side of your sel, acts as a tone changer and as an output transformer, insulat- ing the speaker from the high-tension current. redncingmotar-h trouble cotnmon from the maine, bu fenced swith 1 battery whieh is nota y to sets which work COMPONENTS FOR TONE CHANGER Gra choke Coupled arrangement A third advantage and perlps one which Wial'thersare hie mainensons, First ishemmt wadiobriowss hat it embles thopoviion of uy, an output tansormer the tone and correctly fo m Speaker with the power valve 50000 ohms {Ths ls very pleasing for two Penonsy ous f YA that by Chensng ine correct inp on sreatest power i passed ono the speaker State gencal level f tone i sate tance and.acondenver wo that atthe turn of snob the sone can be change Iigh-tension OutpuF Simple ‘To Make B c D Obviously this is a control well worth having.” In this simple output unit and tone changer a tapped output transformer is"osed in conjunction with a variable resistance and a Large fixed condenser, Th ‘iret shoves hos these parts reconnected ‘The ciccult of the tone changer in the loud-spoaker leads prevents damage to the spoalrr as may ari tlw the sets Suddenly sisitched on oF off and there fs Surge of a relatively” large high-tension the resistance and condenser being placed tuurrent, also as the speaker is insulated jn series acrovs the primary of the tray from the steady direct curzene Je is NOt forme Iikely to become demagaet Tr an accompanying panel at ‘Avsecond advantage in htting an outpnt recommended parts for the eonstewet this unit and a word of wend inasmuch as itis very neve to the electrical valerie Clhaning condenser, for instance Dosatierofatad fob, andthe Tesitnnce has # avaxiinam valle fr go.000 ohms. These have been founvion est tobe the best valves ule margin of tone sry to adlere The tone ; PO The unit is shown mate ap on 2 small hasebond with the ter mninals and tone conten! mounted ona. vertical strip of ‘ebonite Thisis 4 convenient form of co struction bu, of course theunit may be buitinto the set itselt provided there istoom forthe three fin parts. without un deena Tethe unit is income sated in att existing te ceiver then take eate that the output ot phiced tooclose tony other parts in. the set ‘sith which it may couple © epsenosno 512! ‘The layout and witing diagram ofthe tone hanger. A fall-size blueprint is avalale price Bd "equieed Ebonite panel, 69, by 3, (Becol Trelleborg, Potter) Baseboard, Gm, by 4 in, (Camco, Clarion) 50,000-ahm variable resistance (Re geistat, Colvern Varley, Rotoroha) fop-mfd. fixed condenser (1.CC Dubiiter, Grabam-Farish, Liscen, Ormond} Tapped output iti General, ‘Six terminals, marked: L.S.+ S=., “Output (). (Belting Lee Gis, Bete). Connecting wire an ‘ransformer slooving (Lew indwetively When the tone cha a and connected up, make a preliminary test of the tappings in order to fd. the most Shitable ratio, Jn many cases a saping ill be found to give snitable resales and thes for normal working i will not le hiecessary to towel the tone control Knols Wien trying for the best tapping the unit should be worked with the resistance sel at "full in,”” 30 that the full 50,000-0hms {5 placed in series with the condenser A rear view ofthe tone hanger for which only three" components are 401 Alot Te Radio Pats de donee eeu dans hate autorun Teh, of course, Radio Paes, and you are ound to know ie bostuse you are ted tonya metves. Perhaps, also, because iis as often repeated, yon have caught the words "Radio Pais rolled out a Sorvo Reraadio Peery “Tie average Bat istener ss to roly only on the music for the ext of the enter {Ginment, the amaoxncsmenty being. 9 inch “double Dutch" ei an extra ordinary thing that listeners know many European capitals only. by tho type of inuste most frequently bruadeast ad Dy Gir alt readings What You Miss Just imagine a 1.15.C, listener setting out to'enjoy an evening’s programme without funderstanding a word of what is said! Imagine hav distracting every song, every rulio. play, and every vatdeville hour would be if one covid not understand the Words; yet that is just the sort of doubtfal pleasure that we all mist Ho content with fetting from the Feropean stations if we Hove not a smattering of the Jangaage. GETTING FROM FOREIGN STATIONS By brushing up your knowledge of one or two foreign languages you can make far more enjoyable use of foreign-station reception 4 MORE 1 do not want to snggest that we should all start to learn an international langage, for, unfortunately, there aze several inter” national Langvages, which confuses the Tssue at the oatset, Because we are all inlined to mental laziness, T'do not sug- fest, either, that we can find even wireless fethealling'enongh to make us take up extensive langoage courses, Easy “ Brushing-up”” Thavo been investigating various means of carrying out the brushing-up process recently, and I should like to bring several fof thent to your notice, People with radio gramopbones and. gramophones are fort nate, because now there are several series ‘of recor ised which you ea put on and listen to in the ordinary way, petting quite deal of enjoyment from them and'at the Same time making the foreign language as ‘enjoyable a Es Some time ago the Daily Mait printed a series of "Brish up Your French" talks, Which “are. stso available in book form: Xow, the fist twenty-five conversations Ihave becn recorded by Columbin on five dblesided 30-39. records, and the set favaikiblo with the accompanying. peinte talks. “The Linguaphone Institute & making a special appeal (0 witcless enthusiasts also through tre medium of gramophone records, Anil n this pleasant way you can "Swot up finy Language from German to Chinese 2nd Esperanto t0 Afeskaans MAY 9, 1931 FUN “The great thing with a couse such as the Lingtsaphone is that, because yor bear the records on yous gramophone of through the same loudspeaker of your radio-geamo= phone through which the foreign stations fome, You can understand the perfect Accent, and in brashing up your knowledge ‘of the language you yoursell speale with a correct aecent because you never hear & ‘word wrongly pronounced A Good French Course pated only in thor- ronch stations emophone record there is" yet Scheme, drganiced “ly Puyles,. the booke people, and. known as the Peylophone Course. ‘Tike this, because in the Foylo phone records there are thee woices—two nen and ane woman-—and they all sound Nery *"Radio-Parisash.” The Herlty people make a great point of the slogan “Listen ‘and. Learn,” and “T believe that they make speci arrangements for people who, taking the course, cam also Inten-an to tho ore stations and get tional "pronunciation practice Namittedly. not everybody wants to goin for foreignstation reception so thorowhly ns to take upa full come on any particular Tanguage, but from personal experience fan assure yor that there is ar more pleasure in being able to say, not " That i Heilseng, became at is on 76.5 metres, Ine" That is Heilbbers, bcicse Pendersfond fat the ainouncer said KW “4931ETHER SEARCHER” COMPETITION We Increase the Money Prizes List of Chief Prize-Winners Ptave,tet pleasurejaannooncing | Ue prizes tothe number aignay afer FH ete egieBtkee [Wale cmpentor have he advantag Statice” “compotion, Rests wil | ot hoateertin Femember the we asc any oiler of the Tose Kehr Searchee "to snd ox 8 cout ui hist de cee Insital number of the competitors to lm hel eta, we paying ears boll rove tos of comer dealt, Eirinacr'sa that we were annie to siely isha incenton sana iter pes of & total alte ooo Ween betongeen, hotever whe $e say te we are soraeding, tnstead, Tvoaty-ono prizes, totalling to°f53, and, bi eto, fortes congestion prizes i Seeachy 90 that dnstent of the £90 Ing ines pres. We ave tread the pizeind therein ff the high standard ‘the set im general the “consequent ile found ouractves in attempting to restrict “The chle peze-winners are as follows 1st Prize" Cheque for Twenty Pounds. Wa F, Wation, 42 Ramsbury Road, St Athan. 2nd Prize" Cheque for ‘Ten, Pounds. ‘Lawrence G. B: Davin, 66 Salford Read, Streatham itl, 8.2 sed rize Cheyas for Five Pounds.— Nun. Rossel, 146. Finchley” Lave, Hendon, NW 4h Prise: “Cheque for Three Pounds ‘Chat. Wabetild, 65 Coston's Avenue, Greenford, Mia. sth Prize" Chowuc for Two, Pounds. — BTA. Jeaner, 19 Ansdell Road, Peck ham, E15, We have added a sitth prize, in which fone competities aru bracketed. equally ach rocbives J¢ tos, the names Bern eS, hunfords Selon, Hrsine Roath oinen Tia Harry Los, Brean Down, Rarohanvon JL Batis 5 Tawi, 9 Pipers Ross, Wo A'price of {U cael goes to eleven other compotitrs, vo in Wales, ones Tecan! Sitcen keneschit,fowr in London, onc in'Glowecsterhire, and. one av Warsi 23Gloworster Court, Kew, a hittie esol ae oF 38 to each OF She in Donan three in"tex, four 18 Hunts, onc in Hereford, one alert, on In Heland, one in th le of Mo Wits, vo im Yorkie, aad! tem ia Pantin nave alecaly Beet poste Th nest week's eau we shall repeuce Featers with photographs o all the prizes MAY 9, 1931 SOME HINTS ON USING 7Al ORT MODERN VALVES IN OLD SETS ti WHILE? Asks ALAN HUNTER, in this article of interest to all constructors using sets designed two or three years ago not to scrap; that the sstion not easily answered Bye many amateurs ising appiratiy two oF three Yeats old. Tean quite appreciate. the : GRID BIAS Fig A sungesed a ittitude of the reader with a set that, ia spite ofits antiquity. continues to provide the tocal station and a sprinkting of foreign: fers at loud-speaker strength. Why should Se sob be serapped ‘Obviously it should not, but the snag is that valves do not hist for ever: and when ‘umedern valve fe put it aah od set several linpleasant things’ can happen. Osalty ray become terible, the high-frequency Stages may" become unstable, and the ont put valve may’ be hopelessly overloded by fhe increased amplitestion developed by todern valves An old set may be worth while before any NEUTRARSNG ‘coND™ Fig. 2. ‘Adding an external tuned circult will Timprove selectivity ation resistance feed Tor the transformer attempt is made to bring i up to date, dnt fuiee hopeless when new valves ate hited Fortunately, iv ol sets itis the exception 19 find high-frequency amplifying. Valves, Nibree-valver of Hvo oF thee years ago is more likely 8 havea detector and ‘two Tow-frequency stager than a high frequency valve follow ed byadetoctorand ane low-frequency valve. T say this iy fortunate because the fitting of new valves to an old set without high-feequeney Ampliieation is often well worth while, wheres ts the instability result. Ig from a clange-over fof valves in high-fe fiweney sets often iva ves so anich stent alteration ttt one would be better advised to build an entirely ‘Let tis consider a sct with wh have oon the most popirkie sec vest detector, either anoile-bend ot leyegrid, resistance-eapmelty coupled. to ‘8 lonctrequeney-amplifying Valve, 10 turn franstormer-compled «oan outpit power Valve, Suppose wwe fe this set with mew Tro-volt hnteery valves, What shall Wo Choose as at detector We hive a wide choice now, impedances ouging from 50,000 10 £2,000 obs ein, LF VALVE Sintable under various detection conditions Htwe intend to keep to a fairy high value ‘ot “anode” resistance. in the” resistance: Capacity conpling, and the maximum seas tivity wanted, a gh-impedance. valve will be chosen, not beeasse there is any advantage it high iempedanco but becatse foniy sith a high impedance can we get a Tigh magaitication fetor fin these days, an impedance ‘ints is quite high enough, for vill provide, for thi cation of 95. HC th Particularly clove to Powibly a lower impedance, say hms, would be better, because with « Tower impedanee valve we cai obtain & Tanger ged swing, anda larger geld swing means that a strong signal can be handled without overloading. A good valve with Bn impedance of 20,000" ohms “should provides magnitieation of 20. Now we shall probably’ ind the values of the rosistance-capacity-coupling unre atter the detector are all wrong for sch Moxlera Of the anode ‘icgohm, wher ‘lim resistance at most may be 5 mogohms, whoreas a r-megohint Teak would be preferable, The coupling condenser is probably. too. small: a 003. ricrofarad should be fitted. What valves should be used alter this coupling? " Well, there aze two considera tions. “Fiesty, wo want to avoid o¥e for owing tothe high magmnifcat rst valve the vollage applied to the second valve may be quite considerable Por thi rid swing of 10 of so volts is advisable, Such & valve Would have an impedance around. 10.000 ‘ohms. But there i another eonsiderstion: this. loweimpedance valve passes about 5 milliamperes with maximum anode volts iad proper ged bias, Will the primary. of the Eransformer, which follows ‘his valve remember, pass Such @ current Without siturating the core: Probably not; unless the transformer is a particularly good specimen the primary Cafvent Limit is two oF three muillianperes Here a slight alteration as shown by Fis. 1 is worth while, It consists in resistance: feeding the transformer. By this means the anode current is diverted rot te primary and only the low-frequency signal Current flows through it. The only draw (Continued at foot of next page) as we need only 1 Then the gril leak DET. VALVE * TO LE VALVE BY-PASS Fig. 3. “An anode by-pass condenser wil prevent instablty Elst Hes 742 RT : | For the Newcomer to Wireless : A I) ASi@thetose a presente tint E || raust operate my set from’ batteries Wiyobadsie me what to get? Ne wil thie shout he wave le ments fan of atthe, eyo pr Bly: anoye are heated bp ourent Supplied trom an accumulator” Howe teutyatves fo you nant fo uss and of Tint dass om thiking of theese at Wal winiete de yttage you wane toeot an apes forthe st to aes Sha Tro quarter ty ampere forthe Hat on, gr foal hein ther. fee; ll be between ampere fo Chet ales ano ampee with Fore tinal yom dnt want spond mich nthe ecmtaor anil hen go for toorvele valves Int i you aout tind sponding tle extra wit a view qo get's beter performance that stelle wil be orth your we The two-oll accumulator appeals to “18 THAT OLD SET WORTH WHILE?” (Continued from preceding page) Ihack ont this rangement is the voltage llrop across the reintance, "Because of this a fairly high value of anode volts must be employed, say 150 ots, Asstonng he nor step-up ratio ia the transformer, something furly considerable in signal vos willbe passed on to the thie salve, at least when nearby signals are Tring receive, Here a petoct i cletnitely Paled out. Such a valve requires anly a Sal Yottage inp, av in sek using oly ‘ne lowefrequensy stages" Jn the last two for three years the number of power valves Tin ont bypothetical set, a valvo with 2 ssid swing of not fess that 20 volts save Ente, "NNalve with this swing will avoid xertoaing al consequent distortion. ‘There 1 litte merit in a hha uid swing amd whe is mons iniportate is the ondistorted Ac. output. A valve such as the D2, will Conform with grid-swing requirements ar Sul deliver 00 to 400" mibiwad you know I haven’t eleetrie light me I must say, partly on account of the with which Tcan camry ft round 9 the charging st ‘wo single-cell have one in charge ‘Quite sound seould recommend accumulators with capacity of ampere hou. exchange one for the ether you will flvays. he sure of hhaving plenty. of filament "juice ‘nly one accum Something. larger fay, 60 ampere valves. where Aaceumolator Fs at least ‘And battery ‘You may not batterion are m standard, double Tre ecomomy, battery best abl ‘which your set eit ivi which Tesjuirements Ihe direct result of putt aset by tse of meslem valves willbe great olume, better quality and probably i roves” sensitiv ments may entail iodern re fan external tm Shown by Fig. 2, rrcans of a net Some Simple S Or more simple methods may doth running cost, Singlotuned civeuit with eaction is Bot ‘goxd enough either for mod tion owls. BATTERIES fon a battery which lasts for six weeks When you ean Inay for 17s. Gd. one that ‘ation. “Also T ean buy willda the work for tree months. With ‘accumulators so as t0 your set you will probably use 120 of use and one under 430 volts of high-tension, for T know that you value quality. ‘This means a reasons. Ta that case pretty hewvy detin on the h Dattery and T would recommend you ¢9 purchave one of at least treble capacity And preferably of the largest capacity obtainae, ‘You are talking about dey high-ten sion batteries, aren't you? Suppose that Tigo in for a igh-tension accumulator. ‘You'll find one of those excellent x0 long as you purchase m good one. out will be ‘wise again not to. go for the sinallest expwcity but to boy something rather bigger. One goad reason for this Be that the barging rate of larger capacity HLT. accumulators is reason bly big-and that there is not se much pout 20 of 30 actual So long as you regularly available, nalator T 1F yo bac ould sgsest ‘with a capacity of, Tours, and with G.vole you need. a theee-ell ud go for this capacity shont the. high-tonsion mow that high-tension nade in. four capacities, risk of thelr being dasnaged by a extelest fe, treble, aud quadruple, charging station onsite iit buying the "Anil the grid battery? leto stand up to the load ‘Buy one of good make of the orlinary Fmposes. Obvionsly, for small capacity sive and malke a castro foolish to spend 135. Gc rule to renew it every nine months, to average volume as shown by Tig. 3. This wll improve detection ancl may evsly proven instability fn the lowefrequency stages, The values of the grid Teal and condenser for detection have also been mod fed during the last year oF s0, Instead of the 0003. Ierotarid fied condenser that vse to be accepted as standard sve nove nse 7 fieoforad capacity. "And the iegohme rid lose might swell be replaced with one The lowering of valve impetances ax meant a corresponding riae. in anode Cherent. A three valver: with salves sich fs | have recommended would certainly ried a domble-enparity- high tension hatter Ir the stanvdard-expeity type of tery 1 neve life into fy, Dt sacl improve: Toss of sensitivity and an Tho. simple valves oF gest ling yoset by fod cient ‘coupling it t0 diye cones suggestions, tick; ty shortening the aerial of inserting sel, as voltage Will quickly. fall after a A ooot-inierofarad fixed cumdenser in the few ‘weeks ronning, ‘Then the improve fevial lead, or a tappeel coil Han wntappsed ments ee t9 the valves wll be more than ‘ne is used at present bllwee hy the ieterioescion in the. power Teenction methonts have improved appre Supply ciably in the lit year or 80, Drobably-a "From what T have said, raters will Sotabte omission in the set wehave in suid appreciate that mating am old set worth Fran anode by-pass condenser, “Connect while is mostly a question of fitting nev’ fooormicrofaral fixed condenser hetwven valver. at the htting of ew valves the anle of the detector valve and exethy entaiis many litle difteulte: AT LAST | RAVE NADE, 7 COME AND SEE TT MY DEAR! DONT vou THINK THATS java 3 Gace Weg, THE CENTURY SUPER'S AMAZING RESULTS OBTAINED WITH THE AID OF MULLARD VALVES Wt was necessary to use Mullard Valves for the ‘Century Super’ to censure ils great performance. Mullard valves were selecied for their elicient and consistent service, for their reliability and for their economy. The Mullard types which are used in this new and highly selective receiver can be bough! now from your dealer, PMALF 8/6, PMAHF 8/6, P.M.12 20/-, P.MA2 20/-, PMH? 8/6, PM.2 10/6. ‘Advt, The Mullard Wiel: Service Co, Le, Milo Road, London, W.C2 rks Advertisers Appreciate Mention of “A.W.” with Your Order Grnatar Wire 744 MAY 9, 1901 New-Betfer-and of Universal Utility. teFor the HE. stages of on sereen grid portables For the detector position in nearly all battery operated receivers For the HLF. position in most neutralised -H.F. receivers efor the detector position many portables Me smeang el TEP interlocking mica bridge and very large slectrode. area of HLZ, For the initial LA. stage in practically every Detector = two L.F. receiver efor che initial LF stage of many portables MARCONI HL2 CHARACTERISTICS Amplifeaton are Marconi HL2 is a new 2-voie Impedance 16,000 ohms general purpose valve of excep- Mutual Conductance = 1.5 MA Vole Clonally high eficiency, designed to provide greater amplifiction in modern circuits than Is obtainable from existing valves in this class les high mutual conductance (5 MA/volt), high amplifi- Cation factor and small current consumption render it particularly suitable for portable receivers, where its definite antimicro- phonic properties, obta ned by the use of a special Inter-locked electrodeassembly,are ofrealvalue Marconi_ Valves THE VALVES THE ag EXPERTS USE“ ADVERTISEMENT OF THE MARCONIPHOME COMPANY LID., 119 TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, wat Fitment Volts = = = = = = 20 Filament Current ~ = = 1 amp. Anode Volts = 150 max, To Eneure Speedy Delicery, Mention “A.W.” to Advertiser MAY 9, 1931 45 es Ord~ Car Waileneh | A—~~ LOUD-SPEAKER CUT-OFF Piotr evening bat vo alti consoles on test nl Tas comparing tiie relative merits as tegsnds selectivity, Gu toning one of the sets to. Midland Regional f was surprised to find Want a Heterodyne ‘whistle had apparently just Started up “near this stition. A. ew Ininutes Before Tad been Istening ¢0 Midian Regional nthe other set and {here had certainly not been a heterodyne So as a matter of interest Tsitehisd back. 4 this cet su fond the heterodyne ad Aisappeated azatn. HETERODYNES AND LOUD- SPEAKER RESPONSE ‘OW, this particular Retetodyae note Nos cP Eee mney na ‘did-not take yne long to reulie that ons Sl he sets had lone speator with sharp tot in frequency reponse, jst below tie frequency of the interfcronee. Tit Tittle tert males me wonder whether loude Speakers capable of very bigh-note response fate weaily desirable tn these days of hetero: fivae inderieronce. There ance be mane camples of sight heteradyning causing very high frequency sudiie note that Sclually emmaln dnautible ules the Loads Speatot is particularly good ‘Weis interesting to record that the lo: speater on which the heterodyne note Could be heard was a moving eo whereas fhe loudspeaker withthe high note eat-olf ‘was an ordinary Uslanicedarmature cone CONSOLE. SETS HEAR a good deal these days, as T expect the reader does slo, of the ‘ominge papaste of tho console st, By console meant a, petesta cabinet com fining these per supply and Io Speaker, but not hecessariy the arial irc the nestnes of ach sets il have St sttong appeal and the purchase ofa eet fontaine ouiepeatet wil presaabte imply that the lontapeaker. Wilt match ‘he outst valve of the eases But there {sta drach to this type of sct not often mentioned, possibly ‘because it Ie not Tealised, T'inow many tsteners whose reception & done in one room but whose set sin anothet room. And quite often wien Lam asked 40 recommend a. set the stipulation iade for an esternl loudspeaker for this Mery reason. ‘Tsuagest that set-maers con: Centating on. consoles sho mae. pro- Nisin oF the conection of am exteraal Tudrspenker WASTING THE HT. RECENTLY advised a friend of mine, who has a fve-valver, to try the effect of using a high-tension eliminator instead, ofa dry-cell battery. Tmict him again the thier day, and asked him what he thought Of the change, "Simply marvellous," ho ‘especialy on the distant stations, Programmes which used to want a bit of coaxing, now come roaring’ ia unless T tise the volume control.” So far, $0 poor. ‘Then hee went on to say that one might he switched off the filament current, which he Sul takes from am accumulator, but clean forgot the HLT. eliminator, which was Tete in circuit for about twenty hots until the Oversight was discovered, “He was now wondering how much is mistake would fost his. Tras at once able to assure him fiat he wouldn't notice ang effect in the nest quarters bill from the Electric Supply ©. COUNTING THE cost © ong asthe wales inthe et are not iit Ta ada ofthe sup ae Tae opeerentad aad helo hes Mrerrent A informer nak poss: Tce uatulproerey of anata sauptine lac te feet Greamsances Nien he stony Geely open ts nary wing ae oly tat inal Enea jut asap to magnets te or Shick dor as an atfonati Cok the comity cee ses thet th peiney enplbe fst enough ene 83 Rhine? loaa'a oo ove “He the {ao i qutlon the story Coat a Asien sd wr throne ht ot act, to that con ertnt consumed as tat Shen bye’ dimen ef the reckiying Sone "fab “woul be apprnnctay Deieat stole orgaitinalt mame oul of Grout hou ts woul atoant {eesbout onetent atau which ater ML Soca aoa fo a vow of bea MAGNETOSTRICIION HME plesoclectre crt was serly Teen Sita uatl the s caine foun ao ao a as, anciy elite Arar alee Sneed frou the iioratny fa the Yarn SP los tn nel cco SER possess fee property ot magnet ME eaatel ee 2 gto: IT ody rene tteater nga Moya Mety heh ogee ae the INES ofan oppid agian Eo ‘Spon and cotton seer tons: iy Tong the length ad breadth oo Host 8 anttnt wath ei ith eld ofthe np ed. Se cerca feamestal equeney ati the magnons ell ack STtun so tko ho gase ent Ach bo ued as musts Otel rts Carre as. tela Brose ta tala, "Witn so nay" ew” walons Tomlng ‘on tbe ahr tals quotton ot Sahilbigg te cae regency B eroning Store anf nose inpostht aw tana of nig helo netics. VALVE TROUBLE RECENTLY came across a case where ‘a mains-driven set gave excellont recep- {on for sont litto time after being plugged into the mains, and then proceeded gradu- ally but very definitely to “give up the ghost”, the signals dying away to a: mere {shusper. The symptoms rather pointed. t0 Some defective part gradually” breaking. ‘down under the ellect of increasing. tem. perature, but a earful seacch failed to hd Any circuit component at fault. "The ystery was finally solved when, a8 a Tast resort, the existing valves were replaced by fresh ones, All the trouble at once dis- appeared. ‘Tho trouble was caused by one ‘othe valves suifering from what 4 called “rid emission.” Under the influence of ‘the Tieat radiafod from the filament, the rid gradually reashes a temperature where {stares to emit electrons in Trge quantities fon its on account, and ia opposition to hose coming” froma. the. cathode. The result i6 utter coafusion insido the valve anda wholesaletoss in signal strength, The defective valve was returned to the makers ‘and was, needless to say, promptly replaced. ‘THE FUTURE OF DESIGN WONDER how much longer broadcast receivers will temai in their present dorm? Commercial recelvers are changing ‘hele. appearance completely and ate feadally’ becoming more aed more like felephioue repeaters ‘There fs great deal to bo said for this constructions Alt the fpparatus is mounted on panels which sre INonssd one above the other ma racle Each lunit complete and i simply" provided Sth pat butpot and bate eae Tealiy hot recewer contains several of ese racks side by side, “The system 6 one of considerable Mex Ditty ahd Tam aot at all sue that shall hot do something of the sore myselt. Ni ‘Reyner has hind recelver of this typo at [Etre for some fine, but fe was not watt th other day that I enw 4 approschine its fall glory. ollowing telephone practice the equipmicat is subdivided, the varions parts belng eross-connected sn all sorts of ‘ways, "At the bottom are the power pale povwer amplifier.” Hlgher wp are the ‘Meet pads and sing pase wile fn top isthe roeiver whieh fa two panels fo Wels. The equipment ico eotesins TLE, and Lif. chock ossillators which con be vntrodaced ia various parts of the ei" eait, SIMPLE MODIFICATION Tie pine tout the whole ting tint ‘any one unit ean be taken ont, modified ‘to meet some requirement which experience shows to be necessary and relnserted with fut causing any upheaval whatever, “We ‘90 not all require quite as much elabors ‘tion, but one cannot help belag strucl: by the neatness of the system, and Tam wort. fering whether oat fatare tecelvers may ROE develop on these lines, at any fate as far fa the real ham is conceraed. ‘THE “REGGIES ” NQUIRIES show that there isa bit of a ‘ight between "London Reg." and 7% MAY 8, 1991 On Your Wavelength! (continued) Midland Reg" in the area extending from the most northerly parts of London swell Into the ‘Midlands, ‘Those “with very Selective sets are not greatly troubled, bit the erystalisers and users of Brondiyetaned valve sets are having rather a poor time, Since they cannot zet either programme free from the other. “One type of set which sooms. to he worse affected than almost any other is the cheap portable.” Not so ‘wery Tong ago erovels of people invested in sich receivers, mainly betauso they were cheap and simple to operate. In the early part of the year I saw scores of them ia ations shop windows offered at almost incredible prices—four-valvers for example, at under’ a fiver apiece. Those. who Thought them wero, without a doubt, alighted with their bargains at the time but’ probably now they are wiser and A CONTRAST NX the other hand, the really good portable of np-towdate design has not tho slightest didieulty in separating. the {iva stations at quite short range. My place 4s fifteen miles from Broolemans Park and bout forty fom Daventry, vt the port: ble that Mrs. Thermion”” has for he ‘own use bring in either "Midland Reg.” “London Ref.” at will and quite clear of any interferonco." It 3 the of, old story. Sood wireless goods aro alreuly s0 eheapp that anything offered at bargain prices ainly ought to be looket at several {umes before aay money lea And, whatever youl do nowilays, you Shouta always buy ith am eye to the Rot iaralistant futne, Don't forget, for instance, that "Northern Nat” will De starting in before Tong. Again, shoakl you lbve in What wil be the service axcas of the ‘trin stations that will complete tle resional chain, bear in mid that you aro likely to ‘warn more seletivity thai the average sot ‘sualy offers to separate high-power tin ILLUMINATING TOLD you that I had rocontty spent a Short time in Devon and that Pad been Surprise to find haxs well 5X veaa received Invevery place whore T teed a wireless set ‘There sotms to ho no doubt that 5XX'e service area at all times of tho year has & Tulinsot atleast 239 miles now fo reception. bo long a8 one TT. stage is used, Were the power of the station pat up, as I have hiten soegested, to 100 illowatts and were the station used as the only national transmitter, 1e-could probably’ serve. the ‘whole country adequately and would have ‘very large area where no IL.P. at all was heeded. “The more I move about the country and tho wider my experience of Feception under the regional scheme, 3 fae as it has gone at prevent, the mare con- inced Tam of the nnsasndness of trying to jam nine British high-power trans taissions into the broadeast bend. Tam convineed ‘that by far the sovndest plan ‘would be for the 1.B.C. to limit itself to a Joo kilowatt sXX_for tho National pro- gramme and live stations of from 25 to 5 kilowatts ou the matiun bund far the Regional prograonme GIVING THE LEAD HAT causet so much trouble at Lbrowdeastinig conferences is that repre sentatives. of every country turn up imbued with the idea that all axe going to Stand by their sights at all costs. Great Britain as one loo’ and nine median ‘wavelenutlis, and the 1845C.s hea is that she shall jolly well stick to them. Sine ideas are held about their awn wavelengths by tho Hronch, Germans, and exerytaxdy else. If our people went to the next ont ference prepared to Say: "Look here, the ition at present in Isurape is absolwtely. Hidieulous, "There are far more stations than there ought to be and the mutibet continually increasing.” We are prepared £0 five up four of our wavelengths it other Countries will make ‘similar "sterifces.” Don't you think that if this happened there ‘Would be a different spirit altogether and ‘that we might hope to obtain peace rather than the presont state of War in tho ether? THE ONE FLY GOMERHENG. 1 ik, ou be doe ‘those ines, ‘There is however, hangin, rer the Luture of European broadeasti, fa threat which fy still ss stall that tow people have tealisd wht importauce i Inay assume before this time next year One country has so far stood outside all conferences and has tefosed to fall into finy wavelength scheme, This is Russi Ai you looke at any report of the Brascels Laboratory published last year, you ill see that Russian stations ‘have lho hein Say in on channels between doe signed to European stations, and if Aoany longalistance worke yor will have ud sonie esperionee of the hoterodyacs that they have been ‘causing, None of the Rusian inediumewave stations is" using le power, but at least ‘and possibly as inany ay” sixty tip to 190 kilowatt nateuctod fa R= ft oth: COIL HINT [Never inert oe remove plugcla coils fg the manner shown Below Cone ‘wal treatment dn this way fe apt to disturb the turns and may break the winding, sell away from, the plug xing» Handle cous and valves by the ase CONFUSION WORSE GONFOUNDED FPO show you what teoubte they may ‘aune I Xould: mention one saitance which may have escaped you. sometimes, dehon Vesna has been coming in particu larly wel, you may have notced st rather fiat “hetervdyste whistle, Ihe" station tating thi heterodyne is Archangel {tet sail fellow.” Thinke what won appt to" that whistle if Archanel poses st son kilowatt tammitter The Feailt of putting from forty t> sisty high omer Kinsian stations nto. the media Waveduind Bi likely to be 02 very great Importance. these stations srlect. as ‘er Russian stations has ede te past “hanmelsin between those alloted under the Prague Plan the net eect wl bo to roduc the irequency separation for Europe Ire Sv kiloeycles to 4 over the greater part of the broadeast Gaird, One nonls to be no Prophet to foretell thatthe reeiving set of The" future. wll require super seecta ity A" determined effort should he made to duce the Russian to vend eprentativer to the nes canferenc LOOKING FOR A SHORT MERE is one tip, by the way, that T ‘would like to give som slout tracking, owin @ highstension short if onc wt those weleimic manifestations vectrs iM sot receiving set. Naturally, yout have got t pass a curreut throwule the HLT. leads i Drader to fin jst where the lea is: Dut da pot use the highstension buttery 13 93p this current, ot you may ‘Loa Ba to ie ant to otfor expensive thing. My Sn ancthod is this. ddsconnect the high tenon batery fast about as quihly co C cn tet soiteing oly and i385 place L fake, tao citer oa” Rashfainp eA or an old aid batery tat hs atl volt oF iho left int ony ean thon trl where the Short ts occurring Just as euclly with th ietp of voltmete, unliuoater, or a wos, amd you don't run th Hie ul tue tc sammeter fr shor tracking toad prosaution to. place a spgetth estan! with value of 1900 chs In Series with Tn this way son protect th Short it tify for example. you do Sf lliapencs wish renal Eite”therr ahs means yebubly ist bigh-tensint postive ld era divert Contact with some earthed point. "On the bother hand), ifyau get penetica'y no rea ‘with the resistance, yun can remove it ad mnake.ja-t a Micky vontact ot rst to fee what happens, Shonld the needle wie fo right over. connect up and see what the Feading is. leit is, s4y.-1 millismpere and there are 44 voll driving the current you. know that theze isa resistance of beter, 4,000 td §,000 obmis in incu somewhere This indicates that the short is somewhere etween earth and the plate end of tho primary oCan LP, transtormer THERMION, MAY 9, 1891 747 : Clenteae Wirelesy i AROUND THE STATIONS AT MANCHESTER BROADCASTING HOUSE An Inside View of the Northern Broadcasting Centre, by ““A.W.'s" Special Commissioner a obetn style, sused by the spealer fitted uuoucers for ‘the ordinary (Cominued in jrd eaten of net THEN Avarece Wixctess rece e North f we have at North to That purpose for which the Manchester Hote in Piccadilly in the Pn re not eonteal noe renjent for the artistes, and there was a een the to enable the (Top ett) The artistes? wating oom at Man- Chester, Cente of the extensive Ia sil an nro | ne aetna at the Scottish | eamgemente which tink 49 with Savoy Hil Tight) A view from | the gallery of the big. | No. 1 studio at Mane chester which ie used | for. large orchestral broadcasts, Thesilence | cabinet i in the corner phones lsseen suspend fon cables above the nto Hides THE HOW AND WHY OF RADIO—XXXV 748 MAY 9, 1930 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VALVES Here is another of “ HOTSPOT'S” weekly articles, written specially for beginners who’ want simple and practical explanations of the underlying principles of radio PIE next few articles in this series are to he devoted fo an elementary survey of valves, for whatever may be said about bother components in tho cet, the valve is stil by far the most important. If we carefully break the glass bulb of a modern receiving valve (I have just done this to illostrate my text) the coastruetion “lselosed something hike Tig. © Further examination shows ‘that the outer strictuge #4 thin metal shell, This Anode Grid Filament A B c Fig.2. Connections for anode, geld and filament of threc-clectrodevaives fs the anode, Inside it ie mounted a long thin wire wonnd in the form of a yrid—and that is what it called, Thea right at the centre, inside the grid, is a Vishaped wire ‘whieh is the filament There are thus, ina simplo valve such as this, three separate parts, called elee- trodes.” One, the filament at the centre, Sorronded by, two, the grid, in tur Surrounded by, three, the ancd Tn the specimen I have just broken and filustrated by Tig. 14, this triple structure is held up by ste stout metal supports, embedded igi in the glass pineh. In {his valve it ts quite easy to see that four wires go right Orough the pinch and Fear Assure eaders that these four wires come ‘out to the four valve pine at the bottom of ‘the bakelige base, in which the pith is, Iiteraily, stuck, ‘One cf the Wires comes from the anode, another from the grid and the remaining thro from the twa ends of the Hlament. Here we come up against a est dficulty why bas the filiment two leads and the ‘other two electroder—anode. and. gtid-— ‘only one each? The answer is this The filament has to be heated, by sending a current through it, and this ean only be done by connecting its two ends to a battery. ‘For the action of the valve, the anode bas to receive a positive charge and that is, applisd by connecting one en of the bat: ‘ery-—the positive endothe anode, every Dart of wich secives this charge, no mat. {er at what point 3 i applied, So with the grid; or some functipns of the valve the grid’ must be positively charged, for others. negatively. "Whichever charge is ‘wanted cain be applied by connecting part of tho grid to oue ead of a sultabis Dattery.. Then the whole grid, Dike. the anode, assumes the potential applied to any given point Tee cate to carry om our dissection, ‘tho structure of the grid en easily be seen as shorn by Fig. mp. T think beginners ‘would do very well t follow miy plant take a valve to pisces. Then atthe Tig, 1 stage it will be clear how the flaniont forms the centre of things and. bow the grid comes between the mamient nd sno The velation beteeen the sisment ged anode structure of Tg. with the pins the hase ofthe valve can be sen from Fig 2. In this diagram the snde connection shown ne a, taken to the pin set distinctly spat from the other three. "At is shown the connection of the gd, talento tho pa Airectly opposite the ancde pin Ate is Shown how the tio ends of the Riament a {ken to the two pins on each side of th til and ane pits ‘This ireversible formation of the valve pins prevents the valve being’ wrongly Fig. 1, The construction of 2 three- ‘icetrode valve inserted, If the pins were interchangeable it would be easy to bura out the filament hy" inverting. the ‘walve so that the two filament pins came across the high-tension battery ‘So mich for the internal construction of anormal threeelectrode valve, One thing wwe did not see on breuking the glass—the Yacuum! Te iy necessary to exhaust. all trace of air from the valve, othersse, just as in an electeiclight bulb, the hlantent ‘wotrkd Be rap comstinied. “The silvery Coating note! on the inside of the bulls consists of oxide of mauinesiom. Asmat piece of magiesiam is left an the bub when, Weis seated nel evsenated, an as a fa precaution this i allowed to ignite, Tn Burning it uses up any sesidual gases and Low Fig. 3, Comparison between eicuit symbol ‘nd valve holder Aeponits itself as an oxide om the inside of ‘he bal, Before Gnishing this introduction, 1 should lke beginners to compare the eieait Symbol for a theee-electrode valve with the ‘onncetions ona valve holder, At Fig. 3 fn be seen the connection between the three parts of the symbol—anode, grid and Silament--and the for sockets on valve holder. oreo “AT MANCHESTER BROAD- CASTING HOUSE (Continued om preceding page) ofthe raon can be pled in to one ofthe fone checking receivers ‘pron the top oor is the small room hosing” the dramatic control appara scl tor radio play production, ind here ‘asin there i plot toving-coll pecker up tear the ceing!in one of the erners of the ‘he varions switching and Jade-in and fade-out nppurstus i of the very. latest tupe developed by the BBC. engineers for ele own, particular requirements ‘Cables go out to Manchester, t0 Sloorside age, Lontton, Leeds, Neweastle und many citer centres and the importance of the Manchester Broadcasting’ Howse “as. a ‘egionol contre cannot be overestimated. Air Liveing, as North Regional Director, {sound to bes penonalty who willasuine Increasing importance is the’ ope "Of Moorside Edge widens ” 9, 1931 Mr. Philip Ridgeway, with an YY Ekta pation se sow rmonaged to get?” T asked Me Ridgeway when T civght him at Savoy Hill last week after a rehearsal for one ot the Para He started to count up on his Gngers an then hed ‘Serivusy,” he sad, “if 1 told you, yo might. think that 1 was) exaggerating ‘Specially 23 Tam not an expert As you know, Thad yout "Century" set rade up fot me by a frlond who ssid that Ties bound to whack the portable set bith atch I have Boon wasn striving 80 ct tonal "Nd he sight too. No, Eid not make up the "Century" mgsclf, but since T have Na the set working [ have experiniented {jute bit andthe layout hokey 0 simple that Tam sure even [could make up 2 tt Tike its in fact, some of the Tarade people who hav heard my. *Century Norking at home. have been enthusiastic nit 1 andl when this broadcast series is finished during ‘may Dreak, intermingled swith other work I ight try my hand at The sollering ron. T promise you shal se PHILIP RIDGEWAY TESTS The“CENTURY SUPER" of “Ridgeway Parade” fame, has been trying out the “Century Super” during the past few days and here he describes his experiences with the set in an entertainin AMATEUR WIRELESS representative. 749 interview cannot ligand which I believe are unknowa ‘quantities 19 the experts who make wp the foreign stations lists Would you beliove it? Sometimes after coming back from Savoy Hill L have sat up until two ‘snd three o'clock an. the morning. Stations have been coming in all thewhite. T over dreameat thst there were so many stations on the ether, of Hat they: ‘worked 9 late at night Another surprising thing i the large number of stitions which 1 have logged And which have given announcements in Fnglish. Une I ried the "Century" Tid nat know that there ere so many stations ‘whit gave programmes which were quite to the average Englishman. fos their programme to use 4 familiar Savoy-hil term, Fntelig ‘This, of course, ineres value and makes it all the more essential that nowadays you should rave a ood set Iike the "Century" en which vow eam get wide number of stations. I should be the Inst person to say that you need. have Set which will only get FLTLC. stations! Exeryone wants a set which gives n choice fof Continental programnics, even thos by their announcements Because my wile Inxs been impatient at my wasting 50 time a the set shen [ought to be preparing pow material for brosdessting, and sb om ‘she works it (00, of course. Its Suc an easy set to tine became the two knobs ove practically in stop. Like the strength Control to, for T have to cut down the Volume on the stronger stations like Rome. The tone i exceptionally” good, and although my previons set, a fve-valver also food in this nespect, the Century” certainly” as it beaten. 1 do know enougih about \iless to realise that in the ordinary way You want large batteries and a big power Yalve to get a niew fone, but my “Century” ewworking off onlyars0-vole battery. and the Volume is greut enough if L want to dance A friend of mine wha is a very eet wires fam langhed when T told him that Twas actually Istening to Mablacker. He said it wasn't pensible because Tandon, frowns the German. station, no matter ‘slut set one wes. Anyway, 1 have shown him that it can be done sind for the fist tate in my life [feel ike a real wireless expert! hy frst hone-buite “Century” set! they "may not always be so good as the I asked Mr. Ridgeway if there were Hue about the number of stations T Teel BAEC. item, and, on the “Century,” any nations be confi get, and he thomsh have logget 1 have hel hteraily dozens atany rate, your can do this fora while, blloreigiers-the namevol which Lad seen "T have hed Iellsberg, Breslau, Betlin, "Ves," he said, adopting. the “ Rams fn station lists, Int Ubud never dreamed Rome, Mili, Vienna, “Alani, Moscow, bottom tone well kapwh to tstencrs, "the fhat people ia this country could yet, Radio Waris, barcelona,” said fly station 1 can't get fs Rawrtenstal thcept ot the most expensive commerciti way, reading from a scrap of paper Nor can anyone tbe, and perhaps be See Al faany things that T have had pocket book, "and there ate dosent of the only one who has tried” laws may Seen of stations, 400, Which simply be his next attempt INTERVALVE COUPLINGS sjueney aide, itis better to use SCREBNING WIT ge 8s SEE amino ies better to nse choke or reste uplng for the fiat valve, and ra former forthe second, “If the arrangement Be reversed, trouble is bikely t0 be expert any hum’ inthe output. from the Getector, this wile accented aero the transformer, before being passed on #0 thet valve. By placing the transormst ge lint. the relative amplifention of any 2 tuned-anode helore tuned ransfornict oupling, unless bath stages are thoroughly ecoupied "from the nisins supply 3B. EUROPE AT YOUR ELBOW WITH THE “CENTURY SUPER” NEW material designed for sereening high-frequency components consist: Se paper couted with an extremely thie ayer of aluminium," Electrically the ‘niterial is equivalent to sheet aluminivm, Dut i much more convenient to. handle eean easily be cut to any required shape, find if necessary glued on 10 a. Wood ‘of honite former UAL, Genoa is testing on gay metres with a iow to taking ‘op this positon inthe vwaveband, i face MAY 9, 1991 HOW GOOD CAN WE MAKE TELEVISION IMAGES? Wititegageenttviincntqusin alt that in ody fo tani rts of the wort, along hocs that may the apparatus ast be abla to haadle of may iprowiie us with tel Sion bts pcos perfection are possible hrovgl normal broale 1 of a. second ‘ti could b conresponding ‘onal to then SNticments, “Teleision pretives ot about this foey received some very int mamta rutsently high Irequeney, the quality are Mlusteated in this article. The {om the Bell Telephone Lal Feceved.pictore will spjeat coarse, juse_as compare with the pictures obtained. over the Son Gough the picture tad been divided into commercial ee-photo sal processesof tele photography, as lager elements at the begining. The impor. Syo,eoo clement weed D that point tounderstand isthatyno matte Rowe paces as tees early perect the senting sad seceiving spar requency band. with a sidth of 4,000,000 Shall clestents of equal site: “Tie lee: ralus shay bes the best“picture that tad be cycles, ejuivaton 0 oo ordinary broadcasting re transmitting machine dees aot yeccived will depend upon the avaiable {re- channid picture atonce, Dut ts focused on quency band. igs ahows the det Only one anil aves ata time, passing rapidly potgraphs, corespondiny slong row siter ow unt the nhuie picture ise Television vadeasting) ch been sane a ach font area fs viewed in tusn, an elece iinet tric npulseisproduced, thestrength depending «forkiloyele broadcast Tighe or shige of tise particular 3.4 and sao the mane pict At thet 1 the Spparate spese hike divided into gy ne van ‘ments than Fig. 2 loments, corresponding to ements, requitog #60 and ing channels respecte Which the picture cuneate aze sent Seay telah ntted in one-sisteenth propery trans riot being ture elements Asan example, one wight broadcasting thal, With fisting the total channel sina ding to these dark and ight between two. ne ‘bands TEments woul bestrong ad weak respect ove foo eae tuo. Clemente de hig cursent is therefore the sleuly ‘entents sent per secon each cyte represents twa pitire element eis the fe hse ih eequene Rober of Det ae the reader will ‘These ve reproductions throw intresting light on the amount of detail possible with perfected television appar THequency channels, "The corfesponding amounts of dela! for another pctare are shown at the top ‘mis pages MAY 9, 1931 Bl A Weekly Programme Criticim—By SYDNEY MOSELEY. THE WRONG ATMOSPHERE A STRIKING PLAY WEEE Hse weten a these aan ahont “ compereing” still holds good These Two Paes” are watlly a good tue, Dost they vertainly dit ‘not shine tm inte ducing the other turns Cluide Hulbsrt, who ean sometimes be funny, inaines that all he blo Say was “Have a dnate in order to make 1 lash T songiv protst ageiyst this drt propaga, wnconscionsas it mas be, in 50 hiany 1.23.C. broadest Concept after concert pasty put Homes." Theso modern” yous “things mine that you cannot have a jolly tie at 2 party anes from begining to tid it question of "ifeing your ello This #4 matter af poly which should not be foe to smaller et, AST met boty Sie faa Hamitton an Compton Mackenzie out iu Gallipoli, [was particularly intrested ia the broadcosting hwhat they eatled "a disension As T anticipated, it was searcely a dis- cussion but in opportunity. for Sir Tan Hamitton to. justify himsclt again, with mt Mackenzie acting as © goon! and ‘pectil fil. A real disekssion on Gall poll would be between an Easterser like Sie lan and a Westerter, of whoa the heard both John Gielgad and Harman Geisewood in tte tithe pare of Clemence Diane's Ii Shakespeare’ A. steiling vl arresting play." aan dane) mich hicientiy dnd attractively thin T thought posit have paid lots of tribute to Griewood id he did very Well, cont ‘doublable a figure as Joha Gielgi, but the latter, wiho was recently aecused of at being a tature " Bing Lev, "as certainly hone mature as Will Shakespeage. that Harman Grivewoud, a matter of fact, the honours fell in Harsison, who really touch the iting as Ane Hathaway. The rest of the easte were worthy of great play which wa» prosmieed with Val Gietgua’s usuat eticienty ently knows! more about pliyers tan princes, 1 fistenel to the Theodora (iitter Trio — fa name T have never seen before in the ftictal programme enabice the BKC Lilet to ae discove Know. As scion as the wireless they Ose friend Leonssd Henry was Dis most bling mou the "Up Tver That was am am commentator Rowaley at the Cup Final There This is good policy in searching these male names fin ts go fare al Paces Tenest Lo bright things This, to, parts, but the weather wee all against the Wane Ajello sing Just as ively that seem to be ghing at the rain.” Whee (fc usually wae | | I i | i | | i i | | i | | KEEPING THE LEADS sHoRT It you ae designing your own st sven take ist pal fy Kop cae seeing 2 So a pe, terminals tos set, one of whlch, a8 Can Sees be sen, is only one inch or so away ‘rom the gala terminal with which 1 connects. “The fixed condenser at the ‘acts is placed om its sige 40 that Its terminal, too, cam be connceted with very short ‘eee, by the ppresetive of pp are other neve for it fresh Anil yin nover bul she could tied words ‘esr in pronnctions of ort. Tiere wats also 4 sl song sho ‘was te ihe in NEW TALENT SEA SHANTIES Gillie Potter goos the vay of all come diane-—upand down, Histalk about "The vith about the Press" was a’ exam fs say’ that somebody whose "horses Wit except when they Tose” may bes state nent of fact, but is hardly ip, T went up to the studio to sees wells twat, Sir James Sexton, Bou Tillett snd the Chorus put over Sea Shanties, They nude a great effort, although swith a cok, was pl Binsin to see ht hi ist T Uhought At to the col but I went inte the padded box in the studio and. put on ‘he Garphones snd found L could ca? every swort—ineluding. the downright dana Eth aots the ond swear word they ltt s, Silvio Sideti and Gaby Valle, in the afternoon, and Aart thet over ‘the swineless at night. Both “have excellent full vores, but somehow they Sang to better effect i the hall han at the dip. "There tno doubt tht we int, hhucry’ on television 1 ss two sin 1 have heat Henry Aimy, but dlite't ‘ite tognise hint inthe impression a iy Teawsrence Anders “the pure tones of the Tykestey o'Drize Band were noticeable althogle nt is now called Lila sther slowly the walle in Time wis tale Edinburgh ‘Town Council propose take no action with regard to Droad relay scheme. The Post Office author had posnted ont it they were stsneopoly ranting of mitter of the BB Edinburgh puikdings since 1924, has beet transferred to. new: premises. tthe St Cuthbert Cooperative Association, Port Harnilton, ainburgh. the Esl ‘ransiniteer will remain at ity new site ut Ith replaced by the high-power Scott: Roginal station nove being built at Falkirk, he Edinburgh tra which wis situated at. the University emeemecoceeennennenneenseneyntennansensensentenenmrenrenrenramranrets GETTING THE STAT. with the ry easy to wise thi set, using the ing given im the Bo DIe sues (Nos, 403 annd 464 Commence, the work panel from the baseboard. “In some in Stances a length of wire can be used (9 fonnect a number "of points without teing it, Wires numbered x to 7, for instance, need not be separate wires but a single lens Joined to the terminals of the valve holders These are a number of Hesable wires for connscting the batteries ‘These should be Carefully marked in order that a mistake the frame, guid of the frst valve the connections ‘of the black eolonred sire, of the wire having the 752 ‘CENTURY SU A STATIO! EACH DE AND H GET By W. JE ral on the frame aerial connecting strip, as lack intnlating tab, goes to the anode it joins with the centre tap of the frame, termina] of the owiliating valve and. the Ono side of the tuning condenser gocs to blive one goes to the yeid 0: this valve and C0 minal on thestrip. Thisside is ined the thning condenser. ‘The red wire goes 40 the frame aerial only and does not con rect with the cireut, Terminal 1 gots to the tuning condenser and the Note partictlarly oscillator, The Here is the Sreut of the Century. Sa peek ange VALVES TO USE IN THE “CENTURY SUPER” eb. condensers with ‘Tiny Nor" Petar Scoit, Lisson, Ormond, Resal-Rat, Cin) ‘S00bd-ohe wineewoand potentiometer (Coke worm Sovereign, Regenistat, Rotor. "Thece-peint "shorting switeh (Readi-Rad, \Wernte Bulgin, He Meojamine Lisson Juni Set of superheferodyne calls (West, Sh valee holders (Telsen, Wearlte, Lissen, Lotus, Benjamin, WA, Cli ‘alle cll base (Peta-Seott, Weal lye L-n(. fixed condensers (Dubie, Lissen, ree ‘Two’ .0Ol-mfd. xed condensers (FCC, Listen, Teen, Daler, Formo) ‘low-motion movement (J.B. Shshino temic afterword wien theft [What Deter: nd Yih Cnr || Beri die Wait ere being jewel toehe see, Nowe | "Breet Nhdin'iiie siuceni iii, || fram showin sho the grid biasiwiresand be sure they are fg Oxgny 1116, Eta Bi'2003 | [itelvattery so the i ba 3 Second buecor Cnoie sort, r- | fetmnectons sone ont Rises Guan ide anes | [een Tere are two forms of oscillator unit, | gum Hbsioy Own itso, Mada 7 [gen nels connecting tags with coloured tabs | pistea@llatg IMIR: Eta vss. foriientieationand he othec ho ewble | srmediae, Stages Nasco G2 QvresTeaving the eat, these wes being | Ses8C, Eta Comer 2138 Sour stats Sista tate it | ised, the ends being pushed into the | Pewer: Osram P15, 1} to the acmicrotarcd sned condenser and to COMPONENTS REQUIRED FOR THE “CENTURY SUPER” spect cabinet and tasehoor and wooden |, 0002:mi, fixed condense Formo, Lise, | WA 2 1.4.23, 174 ney, Dublcr, Readiited, Crakam Farle.” | GB. lak holder (Readi-Ra, Weatis, Lissen, Bulgin, Dubiber, Forme: T-meg, grid-leak fn Fave Loweffequsney trensformer (Teleen “Ace, Liseen, Vatiey, Pervanis, Burton, Leweos i Terminal strip with thre small terminals for baseboard mounting (Peto-Scott 15,000 and 20,000-ohm spagheti resistances uewcos, Bulgin, ReadiRady Turner, Grab TFusecholder and fuse (Bulgin, Rea Five yards of thin ex (Leweos) Eight wender plugs marked: 1 2B peilng-Lee, ci, Bel ad Connecting wire and sieving (Jilin, Rea [Frame aerial (Peto-Scot, Lewcos, Wearte ACCESSORIES ce (H-T-H., Amplion, Mullard, pot. (Eyer Realy, Pastis, ryder, Lissen, Fuller, ‘One rid-biae battery, & voit ver Parinix, Drydes, Lisen’ Fuller ‘One’ Zsolt ‘accumulator Patti Ra ome | When the wisiog fs finished ft. tho fose bull and then ‘thesupersheterodyne cis. Note particu Tarly that one of the coil units has 0 foanection from the topoftheean, ‘This 4 the fest coil an should be plugged into the sight-hand foil older looking at the back of the ect The next two evil nits have Heute coming out of thei tops. They ase i terchangeable The following valved have been Used during: initial ‘estan afl isto Suitable walves is sven in the aceon paring panel \MES Tn the. oscillator position a Melland PMILE “(imped Bnco 12,000 ohms, amplification. factor Tn). Vor the fit detector a PSHE 00 ohms and 18). In the two scree grid stage ioe the fie Mullard VMi2 valves und cone etector se 9. PANEL with TMe a the outpat states The SAPs waive ist small. power” valve having an inipedance of 4,400 eh with na on fatinr ot 75, Used with wt hish-tenion of 120 vl the grid bins shout be negative 9 oF do.g volts when the corrent i betwen fant millkimporer The secon Secon anny ne Seppe with abo BY ooo SHI Tina the conn B ss mithsinpers Dor the fiat detecibr we reraout too volt ce Hos, a the comme oral quite sma soy tn ape of'a tle tone ikon th cnetltoe is nok conmcted atl n> Signal in ing. sched Tho ged BAe or thot salve is taken thom Gi and may bee gor 3 voles Both values shuld. bo tried’ when as listening to a distant station and. the 753 Ligh-tension at HLT-42 ovght also to bo adjusted, ‘With the powerful stations no great diference in the volume willbe noted over SS range of anode voltages but the valve Saunt be accurately st when listening to weaker sign Frame Connections Plug H.T.++2 ts connected to i€ the noted dt the two actoon gd val tometer As the total resi Shins, the ctrrent lowing throtgh fl boy miliamperes, with a high-tnsion of Tolls The two. screemgrad valves themselves pass about 1.5 mullismperes Fro ie tured sell down, There i alo the os which is. supplied. tr tap HT p2, and this takes Shout» million Wits the batteries connecter fas shown in the diagrams an the Towdespeaker joined to he set, switch on by operating the Switch on the frote. panel et the switeh of the ‘sell. stor to its mild position and the frame serial to mediuin waves, The frame serial, the way, ie connected. iy three flexible. wires. which Should be as short as possi= Die and’ be sure they are connected to the right tere Iminals on tho. terminal Strip, “The centre tap oes to the contre ter Ininal and. the two futer ends may be taken ‘to the outside terminals, i€ aot mettoring mich which way ound ‘hey ire jolted, althotgh the cllect of reversing them cml be tried, Tuning Hf vou now tora up the volume vou trol, vet the frame terial tuning ext onsen, say, halfway ad slaudy move the owilstor ting condenser, yon Swill eae when tho oscillate Trough into tune Ty rushing noise i there 4 Station working This rushing roise is ‘too wl Known to need doseription ‘ue primary tothe Slight satmunpherc 3 pile sehen the ei wt is in the vole ise as Lod iS posible, without, Towever, eiavin the Twa views of the Deat-requeney anyplie fier to encllate. Te cam usually he ae to century Soper’ whieh make appar ent the simple construction nd few parts requzed Crate ley es oscillate, as the potentiometer circuit, to Which the sereens of the sereen-grid vaives are comnectod, is 50 arranged that slightly more than the normal voltage call Be ‘plied ‘You must turn the oscilla 1 verystowly. Adjustments Having heard a station, try adjusting the voltage applied through tapping H.T.-+ 1, and also the grid bias at G.B—1. “Tey Dias of —3 volts for instance, and then Alter the high-tension at TUT, 1 to sule Then try a bias of 1-5 volts and again alter the voltage applied through HT t- In this way you Wl sot the fest detector comeetly and obtain the maximum sensi ued on age 760) asa enaensnnsemeemenomnsensatmnoeneeneenvanennet sansa an saneenennsansaneantenvanveneateensenvenveneaneenienvenvencenvenvanceneanvenren late Wires 74 aay 9 180 THE BATTERY & AERIAL CONNECTIONS FOR THE “CENTURY SUPER” A HELPFUL PICTURE PS Bit FRAME hy AERIAL MAY 8, 1951 155 Clemcine Wireless GET IT FROM READY RADIO COME: AND HEAR———IT! You are cordially invited to call for a free demonstration of the ‘Cen ‘ury Super” at our Showrooms at 169 Borough High Street, London Bridge, S.EI. Come and year it! KITA £6:18:6 Cy um 2/8 THE CENTURY SUPER Compr ty IMMEDIATE DESPATCH ORDER FORM ro: Ready Radio (RR. Lta,), 159 Borough High St., London Bridge, SEA ASH ORDER. leon. ORDER. Pies t ited PURCHASE ORDER. IT REQUIRED a You will Help Yourself and Help Us by Mentioning “A.W.” to Advertisers New Valve Holders WO of three new makes of valve Iholdoes to are prove that our manmgau- turers can do @ good job. The valves sold pins must fe fitted to sosnd holders. Some‘of those tow on sale are nob very Satislatory, the contacts being too weak fand flimsy’ ‘They’ give trouble in use Good holders are worth paying for and the poor ones are deat at any price ‘Those Terminals T often wonder why so many terminals Fated to transformers, oils, and other parts areround. The hexagon aut, with a slotted head, ae used by some malkers ea 20 much mote satisfactory job that 1 should have thought the old-fashioned cizeular terminal init would have been discarded long ago. ‘A New Reaction Condenser 1 suppose we all consider at times ‘whether to ft a plain reaction condenser oF fone ofthe uiferentiat type. There ice times when fe seers by careful test that the differentia! has no advantage over the plait type and the, of course, the diderence in costs a big point ‘Actually, most detectors seem to work best when there is a condenser across the anole sand filament and wheter this aes the form of part of a iillerential of a Separate fixed condenser i a matter {OF cell experiment. We. mast obtain smooth reaction and good ‘detection as well, When in donbt it i the better plan to use a dilerential Changing the G.B. Battery How often shoutd a grid-bias battery be hanged? “That is a question which we all have to answer, bue Fam afraid the answers show ywide differences of opinion ‘Sime say every six montis, others sayy ‘yearly intervals, amd others reckon that il battery is od Tor the life of the st. fe noted that one battery may bo ood fora fewe noth only, while another i Perfectly satistactory after a year’s use Bor testing I prefers low-resistance volt Iter and i€ the voltage falls rapidly T ‘howe the battery away Those who have no voltmeter are ina limeule position unless they ean have fhe battery tested for them, For safety the battery, ought to be discarded. after six rion’ Service, unless testing shows {610 be satisfactory When a high resistance develops and two ‘or more circuits are connected to the bat ‘ery, they are coupled arid poor results may Well’ be obtained, You may” get poor ‘quality or instabality, and sometimes a high Diced whistle may be traced to this cause 756 INMY WIRELESS DEN Weekty Tips- An LE, Matter There area numberof ways of connecting fa plain tuned irene to the anode of Sereen-grid "valve, The most popu appears to be the eieeuit which inches high-frequency choke in the avtode cites, which is coupled to the actual tuned creat Virongh a fed condenser, as indicated in ‘the accompanying diagram, ‘A point to note is that the high-tension fs nat applied to the tuned circuit. the fixed condenser iolating the Geewit from “° ‘This i the popular H.F. coupling refereed to ‘This condenser must therefore be of a type well able to withstand the full big fetmion. further points that as the choke iS connected across te tuned eirenit, any losses inthis component. will altect the fuming and the amount of the magi cation Te is rather sueprising what a Tange Alitlerence is to he. noted as. between Nations makes of chokes. Some are very od nnd otherssire oe constructed that their Anehusion ia a's lowers the eilertiveness It iv not to be womitered at that sinh dltlerences are found. Some ‘ehokes hse ft least tice as mich wire on them as thers. The former of some chokes I of food quality insulating minterial, and others in have poor So you see thatthe choke is at important Zomponent What Size Frame ? ‘You may often hear the remark passed that avery small feame acral i all that i CONSTRUCTIONAL ano THEORETICAL May 9, 1931 By WJAMES. needed for reception, powerful This may be true enough and the tnaing may scem very sharp whet a small fra Heused. ‘The fact remains, however, that 1 A hetter toverply- a fre of fae sie, as Usually the ratio of signal strength to noise is grenter than with the smullet frame in esperimenting with the. "Century Super" T found out several things about frame aetats * “The fact is Ua the set itself provides so uch mguification that a large frame is hot noaded rom the point of View of sual Strength M you try, did, however, S90 frames, one of fair size and one of small Sores Reception fs efinitely better with the larger aera Tncitentlly the presence of a outdoor netial affects the restlts. Its interesting to thine the “Super” to a station ind then to tne the outdoor aerial All you need ta SS you pas through the tung point quite a dillrence nthe results wil Fe noted ‘Those ‘The question is sometimes raised as to whether metal case ts better for condensers ixed Condensers Of the 1- or smicrofarad type than & Bakelite mould Personally, T-believe that electrically there is not mach to choose belies them, ‘The mannfacturers use. the metal cased type possibly because. they ste cheaper than types having a moulded case ‘Consiiering the parts used in condense and the fact tnt sealing is essential, i Will bec wnlerstood that suum cane is fesuatia. Sim fixed coudensers asnally Ihave a moulded case sud when this fora part of the constrmetion of the condenver Helv cheap units see possiils ‘Some fixed condensers tire well made in compact forms, The nctal elements ste Small and a large ee is not ent essential A site for the new Laipzig traninitter has been fount an the Beigh Tourhoosl of Pog, only Gvelve miles tron that city, Works on this station is to by started af once ‘Recording to an oficial m the Htaliin. Drowdeasting ‘thoriti new Palermo station will be opened Course of next month Its poster is 9 le watts (aerial). “Although wavelength of Zoo metres has been suggested. thete fs i ponsibility that it may elfect a exchange igh-power five issued the the with another Malian transmitter as. the Figure chosen would be unfavourable i wow of the geogeaphical sit MAY 9, 1991 PILOT KITS Pay the Postmanmit coste no more Me pe eee" — Everybody’s buying them for the CENTURY SUPER - HET because they include the specified Peto-Scott Frame Aerial on which “A.W.” obtained amazing results CASH *KIT“A == £5.6.6 with oder—Carroge Pat KiT-B* #9. "2 6" SPECIFIED ACCESSORIES SENT C.O.D. PETO-SCOTT CENTURY TRAME AERIAL) T EXPRESS ORDER FORM | To PETO-SCOTT CO. LTD. Please send me ¢.o.o,/casu/ie. AsO Sen FOR THESE SETA PARTS, C.0.0. Pay the Postman : & Mutiara valves for Het Peto-Seett Cabinet Leweos al Handone Prencetied baa Basel PETO-SCOTT CO. LTD. I] CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.0.1; Clurhensell 0108. 62 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W. Chdncery Sate. MANCHESTER: 33 WHITELOW. ROAD, CHORLTON. CUM-HARDY..P? Ghovlioiecwon Hardy) 2028.» NEWCASTLE. STAPTS:. 7 ALBANY. ROAD. Phot: 67100, Mention of “Amateur Wireless” to Adverticers will Eneure Prompt Attention Cmatear Wireless ISETS OF DISTINCTION Y recent remarks on the subject of Tonsoles hive come home to roost We ow have an extremely inexpensive console in Columbit model 332, just a hatice by the Columbie Grapliophone Co, td. Here wo have an instalation that i enticely seltcontainod exeept for the aerial fand rth connections And. judging by the steength of stations received dusing, may tests, only” a short indoor wire would be needed for the aerial At 2} guineas this pedestal sot is cer tainly remarkable value for money. Tt Works from A.C. mains of 200 to 230 volts ind Tam lad to say" that there i also fodel for D.C, rains A Compact Set The size of the cabinet can best be visualised if [say that were a normal three. valve allclectric sct stood. on top of cabinet cone loudspeaker, that would be About the space tls Columbia model, ‘There issortething very attractive about this cabinet It quite big enough for its job Int ss not so big that itwould be cumbersome inthestverage home of te-day ‘The nucleus of model 332 is a powerful theowalve alltectrs et Sereenod gr high-frequency tatve, & leaky Rransiarmer-coupied pentoe poster © There is another valve for converting the A.C. supply. into direct current or the thc receiving valves Tie set cannot be called expensive to run, Assuming eketricity ¥0.cOst Ol. per ta, tbe ACs model cae Ue Tun for Se por hour and the DC motel for #2. per T"ayent_ an interesting evening at the contre of this Columbus console Most of im are accommodated on an exciton Plate fitted stave the loud-speaber guile re are two tuning controls, which tale form of thumbopersted dials mounted Side By side, s0'that both cin bo rotated Smuliocously” “The righthand. dials abet in avekngths and the lt had comprising dah in degrees trom ta 100, T found the wavelength. calibrations usefully accurate. "They enabled me to fd most of the. powerful foreign. stations Without the nee for a Tot of preliminary skirmishing. The medium waves are calle brated in steps of 25 metres from 225 metees to sqo metres. The long saves go. from MAY 9, 1931 COLUMBIA ~~ Move1332 CONSOLE~~--- Makers: The Columbia Graphophone Co., Lid. Price: 23 Guineas 900 meties to 1,900 metres in steps of ‘In adiition to these two tuning controts whieh are, by the way illuminated while the set is in operation, there are two other important controls, an inteasiter oa. the feft and reaction on the right Rasy Control The intense really a predetector Yolurm: control and plays a teat part in Ue seperation of distant stations. “There is'a considerable degree of magnification inthis set and for many foreign stations ‘he use of reaction was found unnecessary provided that the intensifier was at iS ‘On the lefthand side of the eabinet is fa small plate carrying the mains on-off witch, the aerial and earth sockets anda Selectivity comtol in the form of an aerial rcs condenser. For a thece-valve cieult ‘one can hardly do with less controls than Ste fitted to this Columbia set. Tam glad {he miakers have not omitted any of them There is quite a. fale. inspresion. that simplicity of control isthe same thing as Absence of controls. Actually. ina three Yaiver any cutting down of conteols means either ertcal operation or Taek of ficienes quickly rows cused 0. the ‘operation of ‘the various Knobs. om the Ctemiin console inder_ review. Hts necessary to make intelligent use of the Selectivity ‘control and of the intensifier fontrol in order to. separate the sttions received. This applies especially when th Set is worked within 20 Ries of station Ike Dooku Par Selectivity Som idea of the scloctivity posite with tas set eben the selectivity and intensiti controls are sct to thelr halfway position, Sell be appreciated from he fact that Lone don Reyglonal them haul yosmetne sprcad Thus Strasbourg below London’ Regional ind Tosone above it were brought. 1 Clear of interference. Sottens, just above Midland Regional was tuned tw clear, which is good jeer. ‘On the tong waves 1 was able to get Readio. Paris an of Daventry, but con te use had to be ae of the Sul iary controls, The strength of Radio Paris and indovd of several other long-wave stations, was exceptionally good. TAS T have sad, this sct as good dee of sensitivity, which 4 not. foo. greatly Iopaired when the set is made setective obtained a g00d log of stations by turning alibrated lengths The quality of reproductiow is not the Liat to the requi-ed wave: least) attractive festure of ‘this console The makers have utilised a tench cone, riven by a powerfal balanced-armature unit. But ‘even this dacs not_catirely account for the extremely plessing bance ‘of tone noted diving tests. Possibly the fact that the loudspeaker ehisets is cone tained within 2 cabinet much Tanger than Js usual in a eabinet Ioud-speaker necounts for the absence of “boominess.”" Specch Js delightfully clear amd: music has @ fine sound tons, ‘Ser Teste AT THE QUEEN'S HALL YVR HESS was the soloist iu the ‘Schuman Concerto in A mnigor, tor Pianoforte and Orchestra, given by’ the TIBC. at their concert on April 20. She save a spirited andl brillant performance Arnoltl Bass No. "2. Sympinony has moments of great poetical icautes and the Conpose hitcell as seconded 2 enthust tie ovation at ity conciason, The «resest svccess ofthe evening. how ever, was Cota Ljungberg, who sag the Sous auld dincute part of Salome fa the final ene from "The Dance of the Seven iy Strauss. Her voice. pesos powcr and range, but Ts never Bacal A Gentury Super “ Gadget." "Cen. tury Super butiders should. note thal Messrs. Wright and Weaire are producing tmp, ready wire, catrving mt valve holders for the coils and valves of the set together sith aumerons other stall parts sch as arid fea clipe. "The te of Strip elininates'a get deal of Hie wicing And simplifies the constructional work i i bound 0 appeal al buliders of te Radio Strasbourg has 1 2 conspeted to suspend its relays of concerts bdcast from local calés and restatapts, as the proprictors of these establishments have Needed that such. transtnissiors indy their enstomers to listen to hem in their on homes Tt should be noted that, the cartoon shown an page 711 of "AW." Nou 404 fe Robert's. impression of Nell Melays the popular Seots comedian MAY 9, 1981 SAVE MONEY AND TROUBL BUYA ] JK OLSTER-BRANDES LT" Sup- ‘ply Units are the most econom= ical means of obtaining H.’ from either A.C. or D.C. electric supply mains; they overcome the necessity and continu: WT, Batteries. With a K- the Unit T. Supply remains constant and the performance of the receiver consistently good. Just as theK-B, INEXPENSIVE RADIO ‘fo KOLSTER-BRANDES LTD., CRAY WORKS, SIDCUP, KI Please sond me full details of the new K-B, HT, Supply Units, NAME 7 ADDRESS... th: name of the nearest K-B. dealer. SHE. “Regional Suppressor”, a simple int effective wave trap designed rie anasily for noe orth now North Kegianal Mation, bat applicable to any prograromes within ‘the 20 40.390 metro band, was Alsceibed in last wodk’s ue, and 1 men. tioned there hat T would give partic this week regarding the effectiveness of trapping andthe influenso on othe stations. ‘Ta becttctive, asvavetrap should absorb nergy” at tho "frequencies immediately Sound that to whieh Hes ane, hut should Exercise as ttle absorption as possible on ther frequencies only a ito removed Whoa contig the experiments om the Regional Suppresor tho well tied ejector principle war tilled. ‘This cam be wsed Inany form of set no mattor what the aerial coupling systom is and a3 willbe seen from tho! carves (Fig. 1), avery. sereiceable arrangement has been produced which will det the needs of the great majority of Tisteners ‘The Test Circuit ‘The cinnit for tho tests is ilusteated by Fig, 2. The laboratory standard totallye ‘screened oseilitor was employed to gener ate an dutifcial signal, "This. signal is tinder completo contzo, its strength being capable of variation from ‘a. whisper 9 ‘ever biwndeed millivolts per motre, this Itter value corresponding’ t0 the signal received froma Regional station at betveen five and ten miles range. The signal from ‘his oseilltor Is introduced into an artificial aerial eireuit having constants equal to that Of the average aerial ‘This artificial aerial circuit was coupled to a tapped six-pin coil which was tuned to the signal in dhe ordinary way, Tho Voltage developed aevoss (hi ciecult was ‘applied toa. Seositivo valve voltmeter, ‘and the signa} Strength was moasurod by ‘this means Measuring the Voltage ‘The fist test consisted in measuring the voltage across the circuit alone at different Hrequencles, ‘This, of course, is not con stant even though the input may be eo: Stant, because the magnification of the circuit deponds upon the ratio of inductance to capacity, Tt is well known that if'a ‘Small hi-frequeney voltage Is introduced into the eireuie from an anal for example the voltage actoss tho cireult Is many Beaune ign otags induced.” This 13 tho basis of tho whole ‘principle of tuning, and it is this property {Which enables us 0 select the stabon wo ‘rant and disrogard these which we do not require. ‘The extent of the magnification ‘cpenids upon the vatio of Inductance and capacity, the circuit being more effective ‘ith small condenser values." Consoquent ly as the wavelength is reduced, 80 the voltage across the circuit increases some Shae rapidly. ‘Most Feaders will have noticed this efloot fn tuning. their sets. The amount ‘of seaction required is usually quite small at ‘the bottont of the tuning range, and ine creases as we go towards the tap end of the Seale. This is eatiely due to the varying ‘magnification of the coil. Ta the experi ments being. described no. reaction was bmployed, of course, since this would inkro- ‘duce a variable factor into the results. ‘The 10 MORE ABOUT THE REGIONAL SUPPRESSOR The simple device described in last week's issue for cutling out the local station. By J.H. Reyner, B.Sc, AMEE. ‘oll was used sit stood and consequently ‘he voltage developed was meh greater at 300 metres. than’ at Goo. metres, Tho ctual variation is shown by the dotted Tine ia the curve, from wich it will be sen that there is a steady" snctease inthe Fig. ~The dipped cafe shows the ‘ec of the * Sup: ‘presor” on tung WAVELENGTH (res) ficiency of the circuit as we go towards the shorter wavelengtis Now we may tako this dotted line to represent the normal state of atlas. Tf wwe introduce any extra. cizeuit into’ the system and thea measure the voltage wh is developed, we cin, by comparing this Att feud = a oO = pee, leh (here Voltmeter Fig. 2,—Circut used for testing the ‘Regional Suppressor" voltage with that obtained from the coil alone, see at a glance whether any sevious ehange has resulted. ‘Consequently, the next part of the ex periment. consisted in. connecting the Regional Suppressor" in the lead between the artificial aerial and the coil, as shown atX ia Tig, 2. This duplicates practical Conditions, sites, as, was explained ast week, ths Suppressor is “connected in between the aerial and the aerial terminal of tho set. ‘The coil was tuned to. 475 Imetres, at which point the voltage deve" MAY 9,199" oped was just over 18 volts, The Sup: pressor wat then toned a5 caefully a posible tothe same wavelength when the Yoltage dropped to value so stall that it ond not be measured with accaracy, Tt ‘was in the neighbouriood of one tnd OFS normal value. The sravelength from {he oxelllator was then adjusted to varios Vales om either side ofthe 475 net mate, Bd the tuning circuit was cartully adjust {eh to give the muscimam daflection at ear point, Tewing the ‘Suppressor tuned t0 4s5_ metres. This again. sepresents. the Practical conditions in which one adjests The Suppresor to the intesfesing station, And thet carrion ont the ting ow one's civ inthe onlay anne “The voltages bse by this macs are shown hy the folie in the eure attached Te will be seen at once that we have mot nial arsnucment ftom Snspestion it willbe clear tt thedeparture rom the eat Eenot too serious, AP sy metres om either ido ofthe tuning point te signal stzenath hhasriseh again to vue, while at yo metres ‘ho ‘signal strength ath the Suppresor in ‘reat nexaeththesamessarenttestartd nthe otherside, equal signa strength i aot ached nil 385 meters, de to the fact that the voltage with, the coil alone Inn sing rapidly as. we dereraed the wavelength so tha the action othe Sup. pros hslightle mote pronomesd om the Taser wavelength site of the tuna ale Reading the Curve “These are the posts at which the signal strong is “eqial but the discrepancy Ibetwcon the routings not very gene for some distance clones Qaim hin. Aswehave Seth at25 metres on cach side of te tuning poini, tho voltage fe about so pe cent of Tike wormal and this means tha stant tations can ie heard quite well and tuned Jalsith the afl of lite rection nithoat culty, whereas without the Suppressor inaction they woul bo eompletelesirampe fe by the poserfil local. transmission. Pate result shows up one rather interest ing point which i not wally apprecised regarding wave traps. While a'cicuit of ie typo vemployed inthe Regional Suppresoe'™ undoubtedly euts down the sighal strength over band of wavelength fn each side of the actual tuning point, it {Snot always realised that Ht gio some thing in rota for this. The ene shows ‘hat just beyond the point where fhe signal Strengths age etal the voltage developed ‘withthe Suppressor ition is actuly roater han that with the oll alone Th fiference te admittedly” nok ery ert, being a matter of some ten or twelve per Cents onty ‘Te point which is maturalty of some interest show quickly the loa station can bbe foned ont with norinl erent hen tha "gional Suppresior” sn tse, Tt not possible to ay this with any degree of ertiinty from the results given an hs ttle. A comprehensive series of tests ‘would ave to bo taken, because the answer really depends very largely upon Local Cention and the distance Seoun the trate roitter, "General speaking, howsver, it nay: bo talon that if fhe strength fon the Regional station can te reduced 10. ono Bfticth ofits normal value, foreign stations can be tuned ia without mich ditcalty, Say 9.198 761 Grater Wiresy ath NI yee) 4 MIMS saa das Over a hundred programmes separ- Tiny tury Super” shows densers specified xamples of J The slow-motion taking no extra space. It is smooth in action, free from backlash, and controlled by a large knob. Super- hardened brass end. plates and hard aluminium vanes give abs spindle; pigtail to rotor. J.B. . “TINY No. 2.” saat for portabes oF USED AND PRECISION eps th ke INSTRUMENTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES the CENTURY SUPER Mverizement of Fs Thonass! Stst, Landon, St Tlepons> Hap. 9837 || THRILLING, motor || viviD REALITY CHASSIS of MoToR Cabinet stra for every them locally, send me nearest dealer MOTOR tH ||| UNrtsechassisesPeAKens i TEADE Rao & Eeotio LTD, 29 Farringdon ses lophon-MOTOR Suptr Unit eae 99 (6 Please mention “A.W. when Corresponding with Advertisers +1931 Ether Searcher” TIR—I have made up the “2o3¢ Ether Scarcher,” using a kit of components, ‘The receiver certainly works, but there is aio “punch from i and although 1 can Treat plenty of carrier waves, these cannot De revolved into stations, Can you suggest fn what sway ean improve my receiver ete results you claim? snd make Po. (Wa [As quite a number of read diate flowed the special nes ive. below a csume of the. various polats Sch have been explained and require ypecial inention. First, se that you have arvinged {our coils in their correct positions. ‘The two eis nearest the. aerial terminal of the ct Shoutd'eaeh have 9 fixed condenser im their Dases. “The other éoil nearest the detector Yaive holder, has no such fixed condenser Also cheeky "up' the ganged condensers. and ‘icertin whether the lowes edges of tae Bx plates ace making “contact withthe ect Eeeea sursounding the condensers, Thon tole to the sercengrid valve gidteoe holder” The ‘erminals on this companent nist not mals Esincetion withthe meta fo on te Baseboard HE you are not vsing the special 1. tra former recomend by the designer, try tho fect of isconnecting te No. 22 from the ferminal of the detectorvaive. by-pass cone Somers Ee may ‘aise be necestey te Deeks Nire No, ar fad conect a goed 11 choke Tetwoen’ the pointe thus, broken. Tetore attempting fo dang up te receiver cuits fesental fo umserest fly the Swab of enc frmming condenser. "It sometimes sppens that the niea between the plates ofthe fin ting condensers becomes dislodged, and tis ils the to plates of the trimmer €0 shore the main tuning condenser. Tieally, 38 Inperative that either the special HT. battery recommended bo eed of! a tipie-copacity ‘iyceal HLT. battery of aay “DG, Ether Searcher "” UIR—A mimber of friends and myself are interested in the D.C. version of the Maggi Ether Searcher,” but as we all have ‘ordinary battery-type'valves, we would like {0 know whether these can be incorporated in this particular design of receiver? WW. (Leigh-on-Sea), Tf you want fo melke up the “All-lectric ther Searcher" Js necessary that you ‘te the special valves recommended, Ordigery Datter-fype valves cannot be wsed ia th sign of'et. Ut you are uot prepared to goto tho expense of the new type of valves, dea ou should make up the battery model of tae ‘Deter Seacer” and use a simple 121, wae for D.C. mains, You cannot have a allman cf withont complications, when wing ordine bay batteny-type valves“, “all-electric Century Super "" GP pi eCentuny Super rcv i just the sot Yhave been waiting for and Yam prepared to go ahead and build it, provided f€ can be made alleloctric, Can you, therefore, advise what changes or Alterations are necessary to effect all-mains ‘working? 1.6. (Croydon ‘The design of an all-clectic set is rather & Knotty problem ‘aud "say design worked out fHeoreticlly aust necessueily be eaperimeated, with to ensure good results” We do not aad Cannot wndertake to advise venders in regard {6 the changes necessary to convert a battery ftpe set into an allelecttiowAC. sete Ob Teescarch Consultan, Alt. Janis, wow work {og om a design scl az yu require and wlien {is completed we shall public the deta the paged of this ourusl. Eo. ‘The “20s, Two Gi Sirs ae wp the receiver, but fail to got reception of kind. In going over the receiver conn tions, with the batteries connected up, T found that the tuning coil was quite wath, On disconnceting the batteries, the coil returned to normal and, so Tar as ean be 208. Two" ‘The gid condenser and leak wiring of the 208 Two" seen, no damage was done to the coil. Can you suggest where T have gone Wrong, Because, so far as my reading of your blue print 1 concerned, my witing i quite Correct G-D. (Kent) Tt seems that you have mistéad the wiring connections for ihe grid. condenser and geul Fealeand ay is dial to illustrat the con nections cleary ina witiag plan areangerweat Of drawing, we have shown a. perspective ‘Saving of the condenser and Ted ehd the SBumbered wiring connections to exch. Hf you, {Sil follow the wiring from this Mlustration, You will overcome your preseat trouble, “Eo. Adding the ‘Booster Speaker Unit” SIR—I have considered adding, the ‘Booster Speaker Unie” to my loud Speaker, but an amateur who Seoms better ENormed on the subject than myself tells ie that T shall probably experience distor. tion when the Unit is added to my two valver. He says, “AS your set already incorporates a stage of transformer-coupledt ‘A. SOLVE YOUR WIRELESS PROBLEMS LF, the extra transformer-cougled LF. stage will give ri. to distortion.” He her svgaests that 1 should make the fe RC. coupling, Can you, these te inthis matter’ HS. (Hammersmith), I you have a nondescript transformer in ol existing set thet no matter whit class of iransformer von irve inthe = Booster” ait stra ta fe, advise Gctortion. ‘When wsing tro good transformer Som should get quite stitactore resales. In Jane Case stort nd overionding ca easy ‘be remedicd bv the (allowing simple sspedient Disconnect the sce joining the secondary of rane one ote our frst Let teuntornee iiet EAP. wave anthem {mica of 5.0 fem conteo! to tins termina of the ot fotiner, “Take te other guter tera of the ‘alums consol to the wher secondary tern Tol of ie. transosmer (abich connscte to the ge tas) sau, fnally ake the centr to ‘min of the volun control to the grid term Tubof the bist EF. valve Bolder Salta ‘enable you t9 operate the set to olume with pissy. ILC. coupling ssoald not Deluna to fellow iu teansformerscowpled Le lage except in eaeeptional casts ib, ‘The 1931 Ether Searcher " IRI should like to say that your foge Ether Searches and ‘ore, {han you claims for good fone and Colum, aad a "aniversal provider” of stations ‘AP. (Brighton). ‘The New “‘ A.W." Grystal Set TR—You may’ be interested to. kuow tat as att experiment. Tmade the set described 1a "AW"" No, 459. the only diference ia construction Petng bing a home-made erystal detector aad ccatoelisker. London Regional could be heard, Rome, and" other Continental stations. This fs indeed a mest satisfactory result in Torquay. W. B.C, (Torquay) ‘The Best Receiver IR—T have submitted the “Century Super’” to extended fst atid nd itt be the’ best receiver your stil tas ver Produced, I Get it ovt with various valve Eombinations and I found the following to give very excellent reaults Conor st0LF (osilstor) Osram ifs (tt detect) Corsor 2586 (intermediate stage Osram Hibaro (and detector) Mallard Pate (tnt ont valve) or, alternatively, Osram Bayo (vith suit bie grid bia) i lage loudspeaker & used eartiet congratlations to Mt. James and to your sta By the way, T strongly advise a bigger ening dial Wi0h higher satio, a this freatly factitates tuning ‘Jay Coote (Eastbourne). MAY 9, 1951 ‘The “Century Super"* IR, —T have been a regular reader of Auarcen Winetess almost from the st copy published and have made and tested several of the sets described in your Wonderful paper. The “Century Super {ops the lot atid is, everyone will agree, the Inst word. When the 1931 Ether Searcher came out all readers, Lam sure, hough that the set of thete dreams had came tree, and T fam sure thousarids bave been built your Specification and are giving entire satisface don, Lan sure aseareen Winectss sill be catering for all if in the future appearing have circuits or (a) battery st (JA Callanains, and () last but not least, D.C. allanaine sets The popalarity of the paper can easily be seen ts seithin a sery short time yest 763 day, all the newsagents were sol out ICE. P. (Holyhead). Stations Roll In TR,—It may interest you to know that T have just built the "193¢ Ether Searcher," and to say that Tai pleased With it only to pat st mildly. The way MORE ABOUT THE “CENTURY SUPER” NEXT WEEK ‘ations soll im with the si nents aid without any ater too good to he trae, Thave not Lo the stations obtainable, bit mctear Warley hhave touched searly the fifty mark, and that without any special efort. Te is'a set T would recommend to anybody and I wish you all the success your paper deserves, W.E, (Woking). A Suggestion TR,--May I suggest that low-frequency Sitranstormers “be made. similar 0 Valves, vig, with four pegs a8 te So that. they” could be pl Yalve holder in the set. This sou sp to experimenters, enabling tent ation) without touching the wiring at all Gteowese, there world have t be agroenent Tetaccen lf makers sto whicl of the pegs ‘woul he sed for cach connection AHL {Holloway} lint male SEE IT AT THESE DEALERS’ SHOWROOMS: Ti” Ken 9 ish. Po LEICESTER, oad, 57S. Sets i LOUGHTON Livan. 9 Feat Gove, LUDLOW-—feke 10 Care 5 Se Soe PRESTON —itisvn Ci SAUSDURY.—Floal. 2 Fae 8 Compiete Lit of Parts ‘ALL BRITISH VOLTRON ELECTRIC LTD., Queensway, Ponders End. STILL SETTING THE PACE gat fo Seat same Sin separate Ihediumn end Tongewave windings the ‘westte HE “Century Super” is designed for frameaerial working, of course, dl a donblesrange frame is advisable so that the Set eam be used either for medium oF len wave tveption, The" AAW." Technical Sta has now had fan opportunity of testing three populae makes of frame on the market whieh a quite suitable for working with the " Cen fury Super," and very good results lave Deen obtained with each, The constene tonal details and general arrangement 0 rich type of frame are different Last weele the “Century Super” sas Iastrated working with the new Pst Sentt frame, @ very low-priced job and one which was spectally designed for the "Cen: ry." “This frame is not supplied with Dase, but fits into a boss on the top of th set Gahinet, where. very short flex. les Shute to connect up with the three termi als of the fist letectot The two winding sections of thie aerial aro concentri, bit on separate formers anda small” Gouble-pole double-throw ‘witch on the pedestal ofthe turns enables the user to switch over from long to short, On test we have found that this aerial is strongly sensitive to direction ony at the roinimates point, and this naturally is Convenience, tor while a fair degtee of ‘rections effect is helpful in. aiding the natural selectivity of the set, too sharp & 764 ay 5,290 THREE FRAMES FOR THE “CENTURY” A description of three popular frame aerials which are eminently suitable for use with the “ Century Super” divectional eect makes tone diictt placed in the station for the fame h wt plane carching accurately in order to select stations. Once a station was tuned in, then a many in Sent lances readjustment. of the trame's it preven ‘sition blped sl further to sharpen 8p desire plane tuning “The Lestcos frame The Wearite arial isofashightly diferent Iknoven Lewens frame net the to sections concentric, ‘ire, also has pattern trom the Peto-Seott and. Leweos ames, and om test has ae ven e& cellent resales The eo windings are on separate for amers, the special mediym-wave iin being spaced on tubiiar ebonite separator The connections from each of the ssindinss are tan nut in a ennvenient manner to a terminal strip at the base, The wave Winding is a right angles tothe lon wave wining, and 30 no absorption elect FRunticed ostinig to the witeot the kaigsave winding in the mediom-wave field, ‘The Lewcos frame aer- hich incorporates | neat svitehing r= rangement fr medium ‘and long waves switch on the very: meat base with which {he frame is provided conmects the winding desived. This serial, on test, was Toxin save a very good factor of elicieney, ad this increases the already sharp tuning Of the aerial stage. Tt was found that the frame tuning condenser, vsually not quite so sharp in its readings as the oscillator condenser, gave considerably finer eading and indicated a higher degree of natural selectivity on the part of the frame The arrangement of the Leweos frame is such that the vertical sections af the wind {ngs are long in comparison with the small Korizontal sections, fe was found here, too, The Wearite frame, tested with the ‘Century Super,” way foun to be particu Jae sensitise and selective, The. rotary switeh, with an engraved scale, in the centre ff the two windings, changes over from one lof turn to the other more noticeable reception, Bilt thon the point « the directional 6 EBONITE LOW FORMERS PANELS, TUBES BRITISH MADE NOTE—Formers tested before despatch THE BRITISH EBONITE CO., LTD. HANWELL, LONDON, W.7 RIGID—RELIABLE LOSS Bik vo Tevuarly ected by {he techaieal pee. “ASTRA” Dal bet fthee rvlon “Aa” “Pole” ¥ ds. 3 ia" Type 1 3 dam, 36 “Rite” pe No.2 Adam, 3 “ASTRA” PRODUCTS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS fend Ie MAY 9, 1931 aa De aaa TL) Coil Speaker of perfect reproduction and full volume Sar sel cet» peers We for pare wu LANCHESTER’S (tr cn7ta3 > CMI IN TA “AW.” GONDENSER WORLD'S Finest DIFFERENTIAL CONDENSER SOVEREIGN VOLUME CONTROL Recommended by “Amateur, Wireless" fr Greinthe”"Centuty Soper Convincing proot iSovereign qualty. Complete satisfaction (0 Ftc Avese, Esto 765 H&B GUARANTEED KITS 1H & B GUARANTEED. STANDARD KIT |SPECIAL KIT | Gash Price "35.16.10 MARVELLOUS VALUE, 100), EFFICIENCY, SIMPLE TO BUILD, 2 TUNING DIALS, NO EARTH, NO OUTDOOR AERIAL KITS NOW READY FOR. IMMEDIATE DISPATCH. RADIO Co. 1M, 36, 30, BEAK STREET, AREGENTST., LONDON, W.1 Don't Forest to Sav That You Sou it in A.W." BLUE PRINT! SIMPLE SCREENED-GRID RECEIVER ‘TB receiver as been denied in response co the many requests retelved Tron” constructors who "have ‘bulle our "imperial Three "and Wrould lke to build a Screened grid Receiver Incorporating our 731 Tuner. “The Fecelver i extremely simple to construct— | without any complications and has ahh degree St selecuty wien 2 tong range. There is no foil changing "and ‘surprising reste, wil be Sbuaned from this instrument ‘Ths Blueprint wl be ane free, but we should txteem ita favour i twa stamp sre enclored Teas Spproximatelyfulsize and is laid out for fey wiring. Wie Now. UNIVERSAL DUAL-WAVE This ener can be incorporsed in all eoceivers ind grontly creases the slecuiviy of 307 Se, fing out al nerference. Te has had excep Slomlly good press repores and is accepted the most filene ner posible TUNER PRICE 17/6 WATMEL WIRELESS CO., LTD. Ineral Works, High Sirs, Edgware phones ndgore 3 766 “THE CENTURY SUPER” (Continued from page 733) tivity, Afterwards you can try the effect of adjusting the vollages through HLT and HT. he voltages are aot criti fal, Dut i just as well to satisty yourseld that the best seults are being obtainel. To tune in station alter station is easy but do not forget that the setting of the foveilator condenser, in pitta, s sharp cand the controls ost be turned slo fatwa ‘eeping. them instep Te is of no. veal use. tuning hueriedly going rapidly over the ditty. for only the ore powerful stations will be heat Some frame avtiuls are must mone directional than others, so the frum shou! 1 he turned a ltele when tuning. Aa Sigal may be mae strong by sitering the invotion of the frame aerial Condenser Settings ‘he oscillator end frame aerial tuning condensers will not keop in step as regards Sial readings over the tuning range, but is docs not matter much. Yon had fe ir prepare a log, noting the readings ofthe ialsof the two condensers. No doubt yor will find it necessary to divide the seal Feslings at times, the tuning Wing 20 fine, Stations are actually to be heard in two positions of the oscillator condenser sehen {heseavelengtts fallwithin certain range [there is sound reson for this BE UP-TO-DATE AND BUILD THE “CENTURY SUPER” Suppose the frequency of the bext ie ‘queney amplifier i 136,200 eyeles and we wish to receive a station working om i fre Tseney of rang,an0 eyeles (goo metres). Then we turn the franic aerial to the st tion. adjusting its frequency to 1,000,000 fyeles. We also tune the osillator t0. 4 Frequeney" which can be 135,000 eycles above of flow, that js, to 1126,099 oF 7000 cycles With these igs of the orellator we shall hea with both of them we prodce fain the anode cnet of the rst detec mr wich has the frequency of the best Irequeney amplitier, Actually the anple fre i fan: broslly tuned sind so pases lsd of frequencies, at ts the central oF miricefreeney tt we ate Teerring Uo Tiyou understand this matter the oper tion Becomes extremely easy and you will Not worry why station is heard at U9 plieos of the oscillator Tuning Te would be pure chance if your own dist readings gree excietly with the published tes, as naturally the exact size of the frame aerial and the capacities of the tur ing condensers atfet the dial ending Then again the ovillator coils may dider bya fow per cent. Tive Tonyewavelongth coils are, of couse, secrately matelied and fare absolutely able ‘Wien you turn the aseillstor tothe long. wavelength position and also the frame Avril, you will have to tune just as care fully as when tuning over the medinm wave Tengths, Turn the disfsslowly-as betore, MAY 5 1991 or the short waves a special aerial coil fs novided and will be described liter. as itis Possible to bring in a number of the short. Wavelength stati Do not use a smallsize high-tension battery with this set, Use a lunge size possible and “about 220 volts It you Want to increase the alum of sound. larger power valve can be fled, Such valve f the Mallard PMa52, which with 220 volts at its aade passes a current of bout 12 millampores with a grit bits of ate volts The question now arises as to wether a snains unit cau be used for the high-tension Tests show that good nit fy suitable an the results will be perfectly satisfactory Bt moro of this in the nest Issue Probably there are. realers who have valves by thee ancl naturally went to ft them in the set af at all possible. They Shout" be" compared "withthe. valves Specited ‘and if heir characteristics ane Fughy correct, may be tried Choosing Your Valves et is obviously necessary 10. use good valves ina set of this description, so do not tre very old ones Do not use an old it bias battery, ether, av an old battery may give trol There 6 no choke-condenser output filter fn the set. athe earrent taken hy the power valve is not large. Do not use too long loudspeaker wires, however, as they: may fact av at aerial,” A fixed condemer of abot oo2-mirofarad connected Between the anode of the power valve and the fi nent wire helps to avokd trouble. Do not Thy the Fnudsspeaker wires nest the frame aerial wes, as there may be a little cowpl ing effect A ‘big point in the operation of the set és that thete is no deliberate reaction, The ‘tuning of the fame aerial not alfected by that of the oscillator, alehougy they mast hoth be tuned to receive a signal. The point is that a slight adjusterent may’ bo Inne to the team oF the oscil Lato withont Altering the volume control does not afiect the tuning f the set, as the eftciency fof the sereet geil valves only changed by this control. The tuning of the frame ete feutt may change a shatle as The aerial farmed, hut this ix becatse of the texibl tires going between the frame and the set Their tlative position alters ahtly as the frame is tuned anit so the tunis: condenser rag need slight adjustment. The ammount not sullicient to lose a station, however nil L_mention #f omlyecntae” yout nay Inrriedy swing the fame and not take care ta retune belore noting the strength “Tone ts ingely decided by the last stage, its high-tenston, grid biasaind, cf course, the Enud-spenker that is used. The Tow-fre fquency transformer and the detec also play @ part und am effort has i tovarrive af satisfuctory rests considering the cost, “The tone will be the same. or etter tian from other smaller sets but having equivalent low-irequency eireuits, This sper heterodyne gives goal quality as the citeuits are stable and satisactory parts are used. I stress this matter a {here are some who expect the quatity fom a Super heterodyne sot to be inferior.” This snot teve of the present Set MAY 9, 1931 SEVERAT. excerpts from the Pic SD" theatee play, Peily 0 be Wise, will be Played it the National. programme on Jray 33. Mary Eaton and Chorus will sing Looking. for a Sunbears,”" while Cicely Courtnesige and Neon Keys will. be heard in the ‘popular “"AU the King’s Horses." (On most evenings a Belgian transmission fon 43 metres cam be picked up between 8 find ve pan. BS.T. The broadcast emanates froma private station at Villelle le Hrayeux, near Binche. ‘The call is: Tei t experimentele, Radia Wallonia & Vivian Ellis, the composer of mimerons song suecesses in the West End. theatres, will play his own compositions throughout the National vaudeville, programme on May 10. Tex MeLead, “the spinner of ropes and yarns," makes a” welcome reappearance for te IC. in this pro: gramme, sind Leonard Henry willbe another tr “The Bugginses Mabel Constanduros and Michael Hogan to. witwill_ view the Variety Artistes’ Benevolent Fund Cont mand Performance at the London Pall dium on May 11 from the cinema pro: jsction-racm at the back of the auditors From this loophole they will give listeners a running conimentary on the turns Which are not selLesplanatory. Tecland possesses a population of roughly: 109,000, of which some 10,000 re registered Droadeast Ticence holders. As the pro- grammes of the Reykjavik: Station ‘are Aeveloped “it is expected that the per ‘centage of listeners will nexease ‘The National Orchestra of Wales i paying its first visit to Aberystieyth to take Partin the Cardigaushire Musial Festiva, {whiel is being held at the University Hall, ay 20. Avconcert in the afternoon by the orchestra, the Festiva Choir, Robert Parker and Myfanwy Elis, Wil Be broadeast from 4.25 04-45 pam In the evening a performance of Elijah being given but this wil not be broadcast An orchestral and choral concert will be cen rom the studio on Say Exsait University: Madrigal diuctod by foes Willams, sal ive une {compa madegals and folk songs From 9.3 t0 10.30 pan, on May 10, the Norther Statio Orchestes, shih on this evasion wil consist of samc thirty player Sil give a Hght orchestral concert nthe Slanchester and Leeds progeatne Massenet sas born oit May #3, 1842, and for three quarters of ah hour of bit annie ersary the Northern. Studio Orchestra Dill ply Selections from bis ork A religious service will be relayed ‘ron silgn'baptise Church, Tredegar, ot Slay avs pa A" Welsh service on the Daventry National wavelength will be relayed om Secunstan'schngeh, Feradale, om May 7. ‘On May 10 there will be a br concert jor Northera listener fon ssopm A programme entitled “Aloties of “yesteryear” wil be broadcast from the Beifast studios om May 28nd wil inclte Tom Kinniburgh ia a "Signor. ol" rogram, Joun Reorke in-an "bert Eekatee’ ogrommes” and” Alesander Mecredie in "Sims Reeves" programme The Light Orchestra wil pay Hara dances, ‘Guadriles and other OM! measures, The Northern Studio Orchestra, from Manchester athe Bramley. Ladiey Cher trom Leeds, will participate ina trohestral concert on Satheday, May’ 16 Tm Russia all letters addressed to the brondeasting ‘stations by. listeners are wel to be sent pont fe ran 15 t0 8d. Per Year! Tatinisis || BUILD THE Sspostaustntloniamontie |] “* CENTURY fortwo’ Veuss again breakdown SUPER” ‘hese ‘powerfol Urs ace" built by Spoctallts for every typeof Recelver HEAYBERD, 10, Feber CHEAP TO capauanes’| ]/RUN AS ANY THREE- VALVER LONDON, Ec2 Claatar Yinay A NECESSITY IN EVERY SET —THE VARIABLE COLVERSTAT Made by the manufacturers of Colvern Coils—a guarantee in soundness of construction—this component has established itself firmly in the world of radio and hhas been specified in numerous home-constructed sets. Specified for the “Century Super”. Wire wound, smooth in movement, silent in accion, constant in sexting. For all voltage regulation and volume. con- trol. In the following standard values 1,000, 2,500, §,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, "25,000 and 50,000 ohms. Price 5/6 COLVERN RADIO SEND FOR THE COLVERN BOOKLET At Cave Tiy Aarey: Roa Romford ish and the world’sbest. Thenew Belling-Lee ‘Spade "Terminal clips on to fy terminal, gripe it between po Shing prongs and “sayy pat? ithe terminal becomes. unscrewed connecting up a one-hand job. ‘The neaest connection to terminals ap ppd cll accumulatary teal deal for FReoksup lipped ont any screw or wire: Handles permanently engrave, ‘whole ex gripped, vite, tray and rubber “adin Connections” handbook 24 port fee BELLING-LEE Einar DOES YOUR SWITCH SPINDLE TURN ROUND ? SR cp 50. tour set “CRAGKLES!" Makes D, (Paves) 768 Sundar when the BLBC, stations ave Fines to be picked up trom the Conte, riThgae cette ewes Sou mag tani we atin the each oP nt SNCS dun sae fate spa ete eee tel to acs es cierto See Sunn pian fora ce Bia ompaitons in that of ae ‘et in ie Des SNfest prise. In the codse ul ths transmatsion i was dble to passim sevice the Ben Heli the bands. Such aa entertainaert ‘ile away the dreary hours of & wet Sunday ssternoon, On the other ham if you, want apm Bet Tor seal 'with French ef rat sonncn sian afew evenings ago la farsi, that con tation: Spain since the advent of he Repub nme, end up wth that conven Sutnary anthem. "La Marseiace fhean tine, you wil ind Madrid San Sebastnay iI Lawceiona feenty nll Yao ah Te scoms to end that our exis now Birvscls No. tsi Privately operated” Gn theo Firusels Nol'z om the lower way recentiy conser iment. T learn also. that tor make a" regular feature ofthe fasnus | Malines. “This relay 48 to: be earsied. out on | everr'Monday in June, August, sad September | ftom 9 to 70 pm. BST. Welkknowa tacaies | Chevalier Jo! Deni, alcesdy a fame name | fansite nthe tad Kinga not adopend © yom noticed any decrease fn stsength power was advertied as being 95 kilowatts, fine Tam told that the station hat never beet fallout.” As a matter of fact T am ‘on tai sera to the gna val for they aze till om rst might a Feud Speaker Votan vei thatthe trans mophone Thy way ol ines cet fron the fae Urania tacts hae te aad | and Mulhouse ¥ R190 ee. VU. mee TOCA a La) MAY 9, 1951 OUR LISTENING POST a say coorz By the way, Lhave boon able to confiem the fact that the “"Contary” ‘Super’ te avery Gincent short-wave, receivers "Ona ‘caval prcminary test, T found that mo aerial at fcasary. "to Tog. sch. stations as Rome Poman, or Boscov All that is nsoded Is a five or six turn centse tapped short-wave col fonnected wy tothe esting frame sera ferminale on the receiver. 1 had no dificult Insocttiag poweefl sgnais at any Bestattompe an, although tuning Sas exceedingly sharp, it Was juntas esi accomplished as when worl Ing oa the medi or long waves ny ieit will prove a Sovelaion, GOLDERING i now quite an any and Interesting job-— thanks to Flaxige at the nest, compact bttle Fluxite soldering set, "This contains a special “small-space Soldering” don. with non-heating metal handle: pocket blow-lamp; Fluxite: solder, te, and full instructions, is simple 10 tise’ and lasts for years in constant Tt costs only 7s 6d. and is obtainable at all ironmoagers and hardware stores. Fluxite is sold separately in tins at 8d rs. 4d, and 25. 84, anda new " Junior sive hats just been placed on the market at 44. per in If any dealer who has sent a remittance in connection with the new" Hornet" Wwo- vValver does not find his name appearing ta the Voltron announcement in this ise, he chekl communicate at once with Mess Voltron Flectrie Ltd. of Queensway, Done ders Tn, Middlesex.” Unfortunately part ff the Voitron mail received on April 29 is reported. stolen, and this may acount for the omission, @ WHEN SUBMITTING | QUERIES ..... MAY 9, 1931 WE TE ) R YOU ond tof Conducted by J. H. REYNER, B.Sc., A.M.LE.E. New Selfridge H-T. Battery Wide iat eed battery. marketed by the partment of Mesors. Selfridges ery is compact in size, measuring an HET, ‘radio. do This bat. in. By ‘One ofthe range of new Selfige » Rey ™ Wits tateres sin, by 33m, It delivers 99 vol: Row andl weighs 7 Ib. Itis very eonvenien at the standard of 7s inilee which conditi bejaved very well, lasting for 260 This b equivalent to capacity of 1 pers hours, a figure well in exces niniman which has been hidden from experience for standard = ct. batters The Uittery sells at 2 price of 75 and can be recommend nh ‘Felsen Differential Condenser NE of the neatestdillerstial conden ers we have tested lately fs the Telen product which has just been placed on the narket. This devi smbled sith ised paper diclectris, and is fibre end phat © pravided, Wh obtain a nd will undou! n tho pane ind Gealtogtthet ‘apselty is up 69 of in, by 113 in. 08 the stated hut Konductite Paper DiiStpeesgonadays ago mon Ihuseloard completely cove total foil This assists i011 hocassary for high-frequency purposes, si forms a very. convenient earthing plate We have veceived this woek a sample of Kondictite metallic paper, which 3s in tended. to be used dor this purpose, It Tosembless particulary robst hrand of toa Paper, btas far as we ould gather froma Inspection ‘of the samplo submicted it 15 maide of very thin shect of fol! backed ‘with paper board about 20 mils thick — tho thickness of an ordinary Visiting card ‘The sample supplied measured $ in, by 4 in,, and wo chocked the Tesistance from Tome to comer, but were unablo to obtain fny._measureabio roading, Te appoars, therefore, to havo a porfectly satistactory fonuetivity and. should bo suitablo Screening, Tho material appoars to sufler ono disadvantage comparod with an actwal metal sheet, which is that we found it impossible to. solder “any “connections ‘thorote. However, it is posible to over como this diiculty quite exity by inserting soldering tag under a screw bead and driving the screw homo, and as we ha sid, wo Hmagine that in other respes the! material” should Dahave povfectly fatisfetorily. “Tee prigo is distinctly Attractive, being only 23. for & piece 30, ‘nate. New Busco Switch WE Bee ey tae pestepul switeh known as tho Buses. Eh combines a pusheputl act if Site contact, and. We ‘wero somewhat npressed sith the. sumple in question , Wohave now rocsived a three-point sete sade by the same a similar principle The altel is rather the sae in general onsteuetion as the orizinal ovo-poke model. There is a plnger operated by the pst pull knob which carries a bride peo ut its rstromity, The ends of this bridge picer uae bent downwards, and when the plunger is pulled out the ends of this bridge piewe ix forced into two spring By. the provision of a eta spring firm sid operating on tached tu this bride pleco, contact now mado toa thied terminal cartiol on tho side of the moukling, so. Chat if plunger is pulled out all thro point Eonnectod together ‘We found that some fosve wes requined in rier to pull the plunger fata the position ‘shore the three gontacte wero connected ‘The Busco three-polt swith together, and tho addition of the extra contact has made the aetion somewhat harder, However, thero fs mo question that the contact is good, and being loaning is Tikely to remain i "LOOK FOR THE TRADE MARK ACE. BULGIN & Co. Lid. BRRSORIS ERES, | THE IDEAL CABINET for Portabte, Seaport ot Tre ot OAK 52,6; MAHOGANY 58)- LESS 10°), eer fo before June 1 ‘Only wis srosne tat pute ee (ese Hinlay TUNEWELL P You MUST Have WIRELESS MAGAZINE 4. Monthly new “PURATONE” process ort, ce WALVES 3/9 Power - 5/3 Superpower 6S Sereen-Grid 7/6 BRITISH MADE, FULLY GUARANTEED. RUBON LTD., 169 Now King's Ra, London, 8.W.6 MAY 9, 1931 SELECTION FROM OUR CATALOGUE Postcard Radio Ti FIRST IN 1924 Se S| Literature CENTURY SUPER BOER, hg Kita" HiT piri Kite id dtcleat ‘Changing Your Mains FE ges BS ies mers ver | thought how easy it is nowadays to ‘hange the supply to A.C. so that yon ean wort "standart A.Coperated set Trnot then site. through my Tree Cata Jogue Service to Wates for 2 copy of foller describinye a new converter [costing well wnder £10) which changes standard D.C. supplies o-an A.C. supply at 220-v0lts so cycles, This ia goal Kea, BAB Buy a New HT. Tsat new HLT” battery neeted? then if so pick re in the nes Geo There are stanular popular and. superpower batteries fom ‘which to choose and grid: bins batterice it three’ separate types 243 ‘Triotron Speakers ler wits are well-known toall homne-cunsteactors, bat I confess that ‘intl [ received the latest booldlet Idi not reali whut a wide range of completely ‘ssembled Triotren speakers is availabe Mealels aco ‘made which will suit any fuenishing scheme, and T advise you to get this Eo yiqes 35, 86 hed reine Bit New Gintes Sales 56 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, F. (attery Model) A KIT Ares Ss Build your Own Parts ‘Whos you have Built that new set why rot turn your attention to the construction ‘of a gont-looking cabinet to 0 with tt Messrs, Charles A. Oshora will ond. yon free, catalogue describing dozens of types ||| ‘sf consale enbinet, which, desired, ean be || Supplied ss a hit of parts 245 ||) Something New T ace that the Silvertown Co. are placing fon the market a new dry cell to be known athe Condor. This certainly appears t0 bie something quite new 246 Fluxite for Amateurs Tf you want to make a good jab of soldering the connections of your set thet you mast have a good flax, such as Flusite REPAIRS Thear that a new size tin of Flusite specially |] spy mule GULP, Tatme, Hesete ‘Segue Nos 142 ECE OP pe enn EAGT. ‘Ra, ata, 7. i ‘en } ‘eke for tailio amateur use has just been pro- || 46 Hours—TWEUE MonTia: GUARANTEE 247 ‘TRANSFORMER REPAIR CO. It you want a moderate priced all isp Eabine it Sr the" ney nts |[-_ OUR BLUEPRINT SERVICE {Bening the Cotumbis 332, which oan || Seu oni ed a ad avily New motel Gabbe egg || omaeene elara ae e (nse Ween PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS ‘ERENGE FER” wha nm chr ‘Depot are Sette searenee “Asan Wanna fies eae, Lane EC ERG we Hole sine’ Sets Sa Candee Et Pe tnd Baad Sutin le le Wore 722 ‘Thee Eee an Ve pl be ipe the dat of Saturday Hedy falowse Bose to any pat ofthe word” 3 mony 4p Of bom Be B47 12 mob, Ted onal Order Fas Ofiee Orde Chegss hdd be made payble to" Berna Jace Potion a” General Correspondence ic to be bse and fetes on one tide of the paper ony, “All athe ad dromings tobe on separate ches CContsibations. are says welcome, will be wom considered, sdf wed wl be pid for Communications shoud be added, ao. Seete thie mtr, ta Tbe Editor “Tip Adve terest Masse or The Fables, “Aratac Wen,” 8:0 Pater Lane Londen, PEA MIKES FOR HOME RECORDING Pulpit Podesta, 1218, Pedetal Boodeste, a strated ‘Microrhones ith ley ponetfulPubbe Addeessmodee ESP Sad 6 Cenaformers 6, Couplers 8], Valve Ampiier [opor Dana Repeater or Pate ‘dees wotky Home Recorder for Grae. ELECTRADIX RADIOS 218 Upper Thames Stet, London, F.CA ONDUCTITE MAY 9, 1931 FULL-SIZE BLUEPRINTS ORYSTAL SET (64) pe. coma St = AWE om cONE:VALVE SETS (1h ett. ahh Serger Sarees Garp re (O tea ‘Ainidin'Two D,"Tram) set wat EAREEVARVE SETS (ts, ae SERS REA Ch po mtn A Rte: AEB acy, Hest: RRB S8 0, va nga The (D5 te Breve Mab, an Eee Ecinorndio ACsiine (0,1) Ss WARIS senate CO f Henin eh Ix. eae SeTs tts oe. ee Sieger aR Eee wBepzatsh BME sen Ae ccacanamenne.ere ‘Amateur Wireless Blueprints Dept., S::/¢r/" DX THE STANDARD PLUG-IN COIL Sold eweryuhere from I= ‘DX COILS Lid, London, E8 MAY 9, 1931 A MISUNDERSTOOD, Cinatear Wires errr HOW TO MAKE YOURS A MAINS SET FOR LESS THAN 3 Which describes, the components required and. gives Singer of suiable cleats (I WE STINGHOUSE]@) METAL RECTIFIERS The Weringpin, akg A Sanby_ Sent terdon, Nt "Telephone: North 2418 ~~~: COUPON — esac Ruta TE) ur speaker gives musical note & M. LICHTENBERG, 4 Gt. Queen St, London, W.C.2 el You will Help Yourself and Help Us OUTPUT TRANSFORMER To safeguard your loud-speaker ‘And to improve its tone You can do ireparable damage to your receiving set by dowing excosive H'T- curfene %0\pate through your loudspeaker. Guard against the rsh by Gein s Brieah Genet Guipse Trantormer, which’ provides FIVE BATGS sos nce ee oh made tive ‘sipled for eveFy ype of et and speaker BRITISH GENERAL innuFacTUninG by Mention to Advertisers (lent Wiley ® av 9.2981 ae EVERYTHING ( CG EC anaes A NEW 2 VOLT GENERAL he Let Ads yA ik 4 HIS is an entirely new 2-volt general purpose valve “mica bonded ” elec: rodes arclocked or bonded ity together in a mica template, making for absolute i which gives consistency in characteristics between valve and valve, and feeedom from mictophonic or parasitic noises. The valve is, therefore, most suitable for use in. Portable Receivers as a highly efficient Detector — or first stage Low Feequency Amplific Its use is not confined to Portable Receivers, for its high ification factor and relatively Low, impe the maximum stage gain ia any 2-vole receiver. Characteristics Filament volts - = Filamentcurrent O.lamp. Amplification Factor 27 Impedance - *- 18,000 Vi ] Max. Anode Volts 150 Mutual Conductance 1.5 Price 8/6 MADE IN ENGLAND Sold by all Wireless Dealers. upped, London Rl So Ase for Sou Ais CANT

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