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The Full-Discharge-Instrument folder contains documentation that
explains how lawful money can be demanded by people by choice of
the option provided in HJR-192 and as codified in 12 USC 411, and to
demand a full discharge of the related obligations when said lawful
money as United States Notes in the form of Federal Reserve Notes are
presented as payment for same, to wit:
On April 5, 1933, the physical possession and legal title to lawful
money (gold) was taken from the people. But the people had to retain
the equitable title to this lawful money or else it would have
amounted to theft, and Congressman Louis Thomas McFaddens
charges of theft and treason on May 23, 1933 lodged with the Judiciary
would have required prosecution. These charges were mitigated by
the passing of HJR 192 on June 5, 1933 which provided for the
possibility of discharge upon payment of all obligations. This remedy
was subtly effected by two United States Codes: 1) 12 USC 411 which
provides access to this lawful money upon demand, and 2) 12 USC
95a(2) which assures full discharge of all obligations upon
assignment or transfer of payments to the United States. Later, the
State provided people a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) as evidence of
the peoples equitable title to their labor taken by the State at birth
(to mitigate similar charges of theft and involuntary servitude).
This COLB creates a PERSON identified by the NAME of an INFANT that
is presumed abandoned by the mother/informant at a birth event and,
after seven years of non-appearance/activity, is also presumed dead,
enabling the State to become the Executor of the INFANTs estate in
probate. However, this presumption of death always has the possibility
of being rebutted by a subsequent appearance of the INFANT as

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being alive. Therefore, this equitable title exists in the form of a
reversionary interest in this INFANTs property/labor estate.
Once Proof of Life* for INFANT is established, said reversionary
interest in the decedents estate re-vests in the INFANT as the living
beneficiary of same. Said INFANT must thereafter, in order to
honorably perform the terms of the 1933 constructive trust to
discharge obligations incurred by said

INFANT, assign or transfer (partially or wholly) said reversionary

interest, in the form of lawful money demanded (12 USC 411), to
the United States who, in turn, as trustee thereof, must then apply said
lawful money interest payment as full discharge of the obligation to
the extent thereof by operation of law (12 USC 95a(2)).
An indorsed bill is an instrument that performs
said assignment or transfer by said INFANT.
Notice that the amount on the original presentment is
a positive number representing the CREDIT of the NATION extended
by the people in the form of labor expended to produce all of the
products and services in the nation. The INFANT holds the equitable
title to this CREDIT, and is liable to release this credit to the United
States as payment. The presentment just needs the INFANTs
authorization/instruction added to it to properly transfer this equitable
title to the United States. Then both
the legal and equitable titles of both the credit and the obligation
amounts are now vested in that one piece of paper, and when that
signed instrument is returned to the party that sent it, then that party
is now the Holder in due course of the legal and equitable titles to

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both the asset and liability amounts for that account and must then
present that Lawful Money Full Discharge Instrument to the
United States as payment, or else, by refusal to present payment to
the United States or to provide in return evidence of dishonor of same
by the United States for acceptance for honor supra protest, the debt is
discharged by operation of law (UCC 3-603, as enacted in State general
statutes and codes) for the INFANT, and the person now holding that
instrument becomes liable for that payment as the Holder in Due
Course thereof.
Therefore, with said instrument being tendered in good faith and in
reliance on 12 USC 95a(2) and 12 USC 411, it is required by law that
the recipient of a Lawful Money Full Discharge Instrument make
presentment thereof to the United States Treasury as lawful
payment and full discharge to reduce our national debt and thereby
improve our national security, and in the event of dishonor of same by
the United States Treasury, to return

said instrument with cause for dishonor to allow for acceptance for
honor supra protest of same.
Misappropriation of such an instrument constitutes probable cause for
reporting embezzlement of public money to the authorities in
compliance with 18 USC 4 and 641. Note that certain federal and state
accounting procedures and regulations require timely ledgering of such
payments, usually within two business days.
A very clear and comprehensive explanation of this 12 USC 411
Federal Reserve Act Remedy can be seen here:

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A second video can be seen here:

Ever since June 5, 1933, we have had available in this country a NoCharge economy when Congress passed Joint Resolution HJR 192.
In HJR 192, there are 2 options presented for the payment of
#1 the Not Required to Pay option
This option delays payment of obligation by using IOUs, Federal
Reserve Notes (FRNs). This results in charges being ledgered in the
economy against those individuals who do not choose and use Option
#2 the Discharge Upon Payment option
This option provides instant substantive payment that immediately
discharges obligations if, and only if, said payment clearly includes a
demand that lawful money be tendered for the transaction, to wit:
lawful money and full discharge is demanded for all
transactions 12 USC 411, 95a(2)

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However, this option is cleverly worded so that this option is not
apparent to most people, and therefore not chosen and utilized, with
the diabolical intent of the elites of this world to institute and
perpetuate a worldwide slavery system perpetrated through liability
instruments that lead to perpetual indebtedness.
Nevertheless, this option has always been available to the American
people per the intention of the HJR 192 trust. It had to be, in order to
avoid the imposition of involuntary servitude through perpetual
indebtedness, which would, in turn, have triggered the same sort of
Divine Intervention that delivered our ancient Israelite ancestors in
Egypt, when the Pharaoh enslaved them and would not allow them to
keep the Feast (of Pentecost) in the wilderness.
Todays modern Pharaoh, and his agents, are being VERY careful
TODAY not to trigger this Divine Intervention because it will lead
directly to the fulfillment of the next 2 BIG EVENTS, Holydays #2 and
#3 (Pentecost) in the Creators Master Plan for man-kind to become
god-kind, and live forever in COOPERATION instead
of COMPETITION. Proof of their fear of Divine Intervention is seen in
their honoring the 1040-Relief technology. They cannot violate our
choice to use Lawful Money to avoid the FRN usage fee (aka income
tax) without triggering this Divine Intervention!! This RED LINE was
established in Mt 22:21, render to Caesar the things that are
Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods.
As more people awaken to Option #2 in HJR 192, this will initiate a new
banking paradigm that will enable the realization and manifestation of
the No-Charge economy that was established on June 5,1933 by
Congress (under the Creators direction) in resolution HJR 192,
Public Law 73-10. A No-Charge economy, based

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on COOPERATION instead of COMPETITION, can quickly restore
Americas economy and national security.

Gradually, this new banking paradigm will emerge based on people

accessing and depositing their own value through public asset
instruments operating as lawful money, and underwritten by the value
and subsequent monetization of the initial pledge of the peoples labor
at their birth, as evidenced by their holding of birth registration
certificates. Bills are exposed as credit vouchers which, upon
simple indorsement and demand for lawful money, are the lawfulmoney, full-discharge forgiveness instruments that fulfill the
discharge upon payment provision of Congresss June 5, 1933 HJR
192 resolution by effectively applying that said pledged value as a
setoff in accord with its corresponding legislation in 12 USC 411 and 12
USC 95a(2).
One can start creating and using these public asset instruments by
simply writing lawful money and full discharge is demanded for
all transactions 12 USC 411, 95a(2) on the face of ones checks
and deposit slips. By doing so, one is then and thereby creating
substantive evidence on the record that one is, from that starting
date onward, operating in a no-charge, no income tax economy,
fulfilling the intent of discharge upon payment provision of HJR 192,
June 5, 1933. Accordingly, bills can be indorsed on their face in this

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Then the No-Charge economy prophesied in Isaiah 55.1 will become
a reality, first among a very special group of people called to gather
together from all around the world, but eventually it will encompass all
nations on this planet. Those who are reading this message now are
among those being called to fulfill this mission. More information on
this mission can be found at:

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