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EcoDistrict Concept

Concepts of EcoDistrict on Urban Planning

How is the urban and architectural quality provided along the project? Are there some strong urban or architectural signals?

There are 3 primary nodes on Ampenan District namely (a) Segment 1: Ex-Seaport of
Ampenan, Pabean Street and Perlimaan (5 branchs intersection) is proposed to be location
for EcoDistrict 1; (b) Segment 2: Ex-Stanplat (Ex-City Bus Terminal) is proposed to be
location for EcoDistrict 2; (3) Segment 3: Bharata or ACC Modern Market and Niaga Loop
is proposed to be location for EcoDistrict 3. These nodes are interconnected and become a
strategic points in term of transportation until today.
Key elements that are need to be changed by using EcoDistrict Concepts are as
Building (In EcoDistrict 1 year 2014-2015):
1) Renovating old buildings facades including old warehouses in Segmet 1/EcoDistrict 1
are not only for prolonging the existence of old building to be more sustainable for the
long term but also in term of efforts to beautificate those facades integrated to the old
buildings to be more attractive for tourism. Segment 1 is highly prioritised because the
identity of Ampenan actually based on the characteristic of buildings on Pabean Street
so renovate the facades on this corridor means rejuvenate the landmark of Ampenan
2) Restoring the initial architectural designs on facades area along Segment 2 also
important because this corridor also has unique buildings as legacy from the past and
then strengthening the character of Ampenan that has old buildings that different from
other districts. These two items is already stated on RTBL and there will be financial
support from central government. However, technical assistance from EcoDistricts
experts is necessary in order to fill the gap of plans and designs on EcoDesigns that are
not yet take into account on RTBL.
3) Furthermore, renovating some buildings designed during Dutch colonial is indirectly
preserving the examples of eco-friendly building or green building or even passive
house building because most of Dutch style building were designed in accordance with
tropical situation that is why the roof-shape are 45 degrees and the walls are tall
creating natural air flow so no need additional energy for air conditioned system. Most of
them are two storeys building which had two function for family spaces on the second
floor and for entreprenuership on first building. It was an example on how to use spaces
efficiently in the middle of high density buidings. *Note: Details about plans and design
to build facades on this corridor can be find on RTBL Document.


Natural and Technological Risk (In EcoDistrict 1 year 2014-2015):

1) There are few consideration regarding natural risks such as Tsunami, Earthquake,
Flooding, west wind turbulence and the raise of sea level. Therefore, EcoDistrict project
and expert is expected to involve to give advanced technical assistance to meet urban
resilience;. There are some existing study that can be use to support experts to design
urban resilience such as Tsunami Map (made by Bappeda Kota Mataram and GIZ),
Multi Hazard Study and Maps (made by Bappeda and BNPB-RI), Microzonation of
Earthquake for Mataram (Made by Badan Geologi-Bandung and GIZ). It also expected
that experts could help local government to produce multihazard modeling that is useful
to give better understanding for the local who live in the coastal area dealing with
Mitigation and adaptation of natural disasters.
2) There are few considerations concerning technological risk especially in
telecommunication sector for example the increase of community tribunal to avoid the
constructions of scattered mobile celluler towers belongs to cell phone providers
(Bearing in mind the statement on previous chapters in which telecommunication sector
contributed significantly on GDRP so the supporting infrastructures).
The existence of Pertamina and its activities of loading and transfering numerous tanks
containing oil in everyday basis by using residential roads can be considering as
technical risk and it is needed technological solution to cope with vast risk that can be
occur. For example, to minimize impact of fireblast from Pertaminas facilities, the local
government already made a plan to divert the route of tanks fleed out of residential and
commercial area. In term of minimizing impact of bigger fireblast from oil bunkers that
close to residential area thus further perimeter area and safety plans should be made.

Consequently, advices from the EcoDistrict expert based on best practices from
European countries is required (needed).
EcoDistrict and Density:
1) High density of population on Proposed Location of EcoDistrict is inevitable and
persistent. But the population itself is unique amongst others district because it is home
to multiethnic community and a multitude of religions (already mentioned in previous
chapters). EcoDistrict Project will be able to enhance this potencies based on Frances
multi etnics long experiences dealing with immigrants from Morroco or Armenia as an
example or Singapore with Indians and Chinese immigrants.
The illustration of EcoDistrict Project perhaps not in shape of physical things but more
likely in non-physical like promoting best examples on how to accentuate multi etnics
potencies towards unity in diversity. For example, it is possible to initiate carnavals such
Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Carnaval in Brasil that festivy the multiethinics. In return
it will create an annual showbiz from its own community and hopefully will create
incomes and at the same time brings social interactions;
2) In term of physical superstructure, Government of Mataram City already build an
amphitheater in 2013 on Ex-Seaport location to provide space for public expression not
only for inhabitants in Ampenan District but also from outside of Ampenan. EcoDistrict
would be able to complete the amphitheater with other necessary equipments but nonelectrical based;
3) Another thing that can be realise by EcoDistrict intervention but not yet designed on
RTBL is constructing hydrant points that are compatible with hoses of firefighter in case
of fire because Ampenan District is known as the highest density of population and
building compare to other districts.
The current situation on Segment 1/EcoDistrict 1 can be observed on Graphs provided
on attachment pages, but example of perpective view of renovation can be display

Concepts on Segment 1: started from B point in 2014


View of 3D Perspective on Segment 1 from above: on B point in 2014

View of 3D Perspective on Segment 1 from pedestrian view: on B point in 2014

Features of Ampenan District and all segments on RTBL Document


Path mempunyai identitas yang
lebih baik kalau memiliki tujuan
yang besar (misalnya ke
pelabuhan, taman jangkar, alunalun dan lain-lain), serta ada
penampakan yang kuat (misalnya
fasade, pohon dan lain-lain) atau
ada belokan yang jelas.

District (Kawasan)
District mempunyai identitas yang
lebih baik jika batasnya dibentuk
dengan jelas tampilannya dan
dapat dilihat homogen, serta
fungsi dan posisinya jelas
(entrover/ekstrover atau berdiri
sendiri atau dikaitkan dengan
kondisi Kota Tua Ampenan,
elemen distrik yang Nampak
adalah kompleks Kota inti yaitu
berupa kumpulan bekas
pergudangan dengan jenis
bangunan yang homogen dengan
ukuran yang besar

Node (Simpul)
Node mempunyai identitas yang
lebih baik jika tempatnya memiliki
bentuk yang jelas (karena lebih
mudah diingat), serta tampilan
berbeda dari lingkungannya
(fungsi, bentuk). Node dapat
ditemukan pada perlimaan
Ampenan yang masih
memerlukan redesain untuk
mempertegas dan memper-kuat
rasa tempatnya sebagai sebuah
Edge (Tepian)
Edge (tepian) adalah elemen
linear yang tidak dipakai/dilihat
sebagai path. Edge berada pada
batas antara dua kawasan
tertentu dan berfungsi sebagai
pemutus linear, misalnya pantai,
tembok, batasan sungai, topografi
dan sebaginya


Landmark (Tengeran)
Landmark adalah elemen
eksternal dan merupakan bentuk
visual yang menonjol dari kota,
misalnya gunung atau bukit,
gedung tinggi, menara, tanda
tinggi, tempat ibadah, pohon
tinggi dan sebaginya. Di Ampenan
yang ditengarai sebagai
Landmark adalah Kawasan
Perliman dan Taman Jangkar

Concepts of EcoDistrict on Open Space

Is the open space used as a driver to develop a community identity? If yes explain

The expansion of Green Open Space by adding parks and vegetation on the streets
pedestrian are aimed merely to meet the standard of Spatial Masterplan that stated that a
city or regency should provide at least 30% of its total territory for green open space. In
proposed EcoDistrict Location or at Segment 1, the situation is similar with the situation
above even on RTBL plans where adding vegetation on street of Pabean is only for
replacing the old trees with the new suitable ones with surrounding heritages. Consequently,
EcoDistrict experts are expected to give a new perspective or even redesigning those plans
stated on RTBL so the quality of aesthetic things of the landscape (tata hijau) in form of
upgrading, infill and new development can be achieved. For example, in order to add open
green space in such a dense place like Ampenan thus green cooridors should be added not
only on the side of the roads but can be in form of green roof top both in public building and
private one.

Furthermore, in the near future green open spaces in EcoDistrict Location is aimed to
enhance its function as a recreational area (on the riverbanks), provide green shading in
front of facades (aso benefecial for street vendors), improving biodiversity in public spaces

or empty land along coastal area (mangrove plantation both for resilience and biodiversity
purposes). Finally it will be contribute for enhancing landscape quality and accessible for
public but it is not adresssed for developing community identity except for raising green
awareness for the locals.
How is the transition between private and public space managed?

There are fine lines between private and public space in Indonesian planning regime.
Components of Open Space are:
(1) System of Public Open Space (Sistem Ruang Terbuka Umum) (public owned-public
accessibility) are characterised by phisycal open spaces where people can be easily to
access because its belongs to the state or government. Those are for example:

Along the corridor of Jl.Yos Sudarso Jl. Niaga Jl. Pabean Jl. Saleh Sungkar
which is functioned as pedestrian ways (City Walk);

Parking areas on markets, roads sides, parks sides including on Ex-Seaport of

Ampenan which has largest parking area;

Along passive garden that is functioned as green line on Segment 2;

Sides of active garden on Statue of Anchor (Patung Jangkar) on Ex-Public Transport

Station (Stanplat);

Parking area on modern market (Pasar ACC or Bharata).

(2) System of Private Open Space (Sistem Ruang Terbuka Pribadi) (private ownershipprivate accessibility) are characterised by physical open spaces where the accessibility
is very limitted except by the owners or users only. Those are for example:

Open space on houses yards;

Open space on shops backyards usually functioned os private garden.

The only opportunity to manage or interfere on private property is in Citys Spatial

Masterplan (RTRW) of Mataram that regulate which type of space can be develop or not
including those private ones. Another possibility to regulate private ownership is on Detail of
Spatial Plan (RDTR) of Mataram City and its zoning regulation.
In case of proposed location of EcoDistrict 1, fortunetely, old buildings facades are
able to interfere by government by owners permission in advance. Therefore, it is a good
point because the implementation of RTBL can be more easy to conduct.
Have open spaces been designed to create secure and safe place ? If yes explain.

Open spaces on proposed EcoDistrict location is designed for creating secure and
safe places in some parts but in few open spaces it is not yet comply with safe standard
which is usually indicated by lack of street or park lights, very narrow pedestrians line and
parking space endangering both street users and pedestrians and fenced park space that
limitted public accessibility. On RTBL document, several open spaces on all segments are
recommended as public park so tourists and locals will have space for interaction,

recreational area and if it is possible for street vendors operation.


Green Open Space on street lines

- public space as buffer zone
- amenities
public space as active park
public space as public city walk

Green Open Space on Taman Jangkar or Stanplat

Green Open Space on arcade and pedestrian ways at
Jl. Yos Sudarso, Jl.Niaga dan Jl Pabean
Green Open Space on pedestrian ways Jl. Saleh
Green Open Space on nodes of pedestrian

Green Open Space on borders

Welcoming area

Green Open Space on off street parking areas

Green Open Space on modern market of .Pasar ACC or

Source: RTBL on KSKTA 2013

Private open spaces that would be functioned

as parking area on each parcel of land
Private open spaces that would be functioned
as parking area

- public space as public city walk

- amenities

Open Space
- linier
- plaza
- linier
- plaza
- linier
- linier
- plaza
- linier
- plaza

Apart from plans above, EcoDistrict experts are expected to be able to assist local
government to provide better open space that comply with secure and safe standardisation.
Furthermore, due to it lies nearby the ocean that has a potential natural hazard such as
Tsunami and west wind turbulence so it is also expected that EcoDistrict project would
contribute to develop resilient open spaces for protecting urban residents by redesigning
vegetations along coast line and planning the Tsunami warning system. As it is mentioned
on page 45, there were studies that Tsunami and Earthquake at Mataram City as it is stated

How has the visual pollution (advertising, PLN cable, Phone Cable, ) been managed ?

There is no clear plan on how to deal with visual pollution especially advertisings
boards along side the streets on all Segments. Some ideas to enhance the existence of
advertising boards role for adding the street lights capacity is to make a corporate regulation

that ensure all advertising boards should be equiped by LED lights so that in the midnight
street lights can be switch off replaced by lights from advertising boards. In the long run, this
action is expected to reach efficiency of energy. Recently, legislative people suggested
solution for increasing tax for making advertising boards so hopefully numbers of advertising
boards can be reduced and at the same time local government should manage location of
visual advertisement to reduce disturbance.
Other cables belongs to PLN and Telecommunication company is difficult to manage
(the possibility to install underground cables) due to authorisation from those companies
stated above. The current problem faces by local government is more about visual waste
that is ocure because of the advertisement of local candidates for legislative body (DPRD) of
Mataram City where almost all advertisement is embed on media i.e. trees, walls of parks
fences and shops, traffic lights pole and public buildings. Therefore, moment of RTBL
realisation and EcoDistrict project is in proposed EcoDistrict area hopefully would be able to
give solution coping with this visual pollutions. Below is the latest news about advertisement
board (reklame).

How has the open space been designed to provide easy and friendly access to disabled, pregnant woman and older people?

Most parks at proposed EcoDistrct location and almost all parks on Mataram City are
not yet designed for disabled, pregnant woman and older people perhaps because of these
people culturally are not comfortable using open space particularly public one. Based on this
fact, it is urgent to design parks and public facilities to be more friendly and more accessible
for disable, pregnant woman and seniors. For example, some parks can be equiped with
walking track, push bike track and therapy track. These are example of parks in Mataram

City that designed for health purposes.

Concepts of EcoDistrict on Transportation

Are the different functions and employment areas within the eco-district or close by easily accessible by public transportation or

It is admitted that not all parts and corners of Ampenan District or those segments on
RTBL can be access by current public transports that still rely on minivan or minibus or
tradisional mode known as Cidomo (Horse Cart or non-motorised vehicle) as it is need
relatively wide road similar to motorised vehicle such as cars and and minivan. Lacking of
accessibility situation has been increasing the number of motorcycle owner which is for
indivduals it is more accessible, low-priced and it has wider range of mobility to be use in
narrow streets in Ampenan District areas.
Recently, there is initiative from local legislative to make decree that regulate the route
of truck and bus for minimising accident and also controling the flow of these big vehicles.
For example, there are numerous of tourists buses passing the roads in Proposed Eco
District Location as well as trucks containing fuel, in one hand it is a benefit for the
commercial place of Ampenan District but in the other hands it is increase the risk and
accident as well.
333What developments have been planned in the eco-district to enhance the mobility by active ways (walk, bike) within and
towards the surroundings of the ecodistrict?

Ampenan District is the first advanced city and had the best infrastructures in Lombok

Island due to its primary sea port establishment in the past. Enhancing mobility and
accessibility is essential for the proposed EcoDistrict location since the Sea Port still
operated until today. Eventhough the Sea Port of Ampenan is closed long time ago around
1974, the development of mobility and accessibility should be carry on in order to comply
with its function as a place for trades and services including tourism (based on Spatial
Masterplan of Mataram City-RTRW). Consequently, infrastructures in all segments at
Ampenan District and surroundings have been planning through RTBL as latest updated
plan to meet it status as a strategic zone.
As it is stated on RTBL plan pedestrians line is putted on high priority to construct
because in the future when the restoration of the old buildings is done tourists are expected
to enjoy the city tour by walking along the pedestrians lines. Several reasons to underpin
pedestrian lines are as follows:
- Pedestrian lines that shaded by vegetations is aimed to comfort the pedestrians and it can
be use to support mobility of people without disturbance from vehicles. This is because all
nodes and intersections in proposed EcoDistrict location are reachable and close to each
other. At the end, it is hopefully would raise awareness of locals to use less vehicle for
healthy and efficiency purposes.
- Primary lines of pedestrian is integrated part of overall pedestrian line system.
- Pedestrian supporting character of its environmental and open public space.
- Managing pedestrian lead to enhance of facades beautification that attract tourists.
Below is the plan for better transportation in Proposed EcoDistrict Location based on

How has the dimensioning of the road been designed to address the flow of user within the ecodistrict ?

Pedestrian line plan on RTBL for Old City of Ampenan is stated below:
- The mobility of pedestrian is directed continously and able to reach every zone especially on

corridors along Jl Yos Sudarso Jl. Niaga Jl. Pabean Jl. Saleh Sungkar. On several
spots there will be resting points both for pedestrians and public transport shelters.
- Restoring Arcade function as a pathways for pedestrian on corridors Jl. Yos Sudarso,
Jl.Niaga and Jl.Pabean
- On pedestrian lines ramps are provided for disabled and seniors who use wheelchair. The
slope of ramps will be contructed no more than 20 to support wheelchair mobility.

Due to the designs of ramps are similar heights with pedestrians so bollards will be
installed in several points to prevent two wheels vehicle crossing the line for disable.

Roads that in line with pedestrians ways should be free from street vendors except some
points that recomended for micro business where the size of facilities of street vendors
will be designed as match as possible to the roads dimensions.

Pedestrians as much as possible should be escaped from pillars, trees or ellements of


building that halted the movement of pedestrians.

Is public transportation to be available in the district? What are the specifications (line, frequency, type of transportation...)? Is
the public transportation attractive to all type of users (poor and rich, older and disabled) ?

The existence of current public transportation such as minibus and Cidomo (Horse
Cart) will be continued due to Ampenans strategic location connecting southern part of
Lombok and northern part. However, Both Cidomo and Minibus have shortcomes, this types
of public transportation are unlikely to be effective to serve people who have disabilities or
seniors and they are not part of mass rapid transportation. In the near future where the hub
of Ampenan become more crowded, it is forecasted that Cidomo in particular known for its
slow-moving and often blocked other vehicles movement would not be a suitable mode to
support Ampenan District as the most important and bussy hub for tourism and public
transportation nodes in general although it can be catagorised as a green transportation.
The only way to prolong Cidomos operation is to promote it as mode of tourism
transportation which is believed has a unique values compare to other regions in the eastern
part of Indonesia.
EcoDistrict experts are expected to give advice dealing with green transportation that
is suitable for Ampenan District based on their experiences in the advanced coutries. Some
ideas or solution can be develop further for example prolonging Cidomos operation but
limitted in quantity (as a result of lack of grass) and perhaps it should be designed to comfort
the tourists or any kind of users. The other possibility is promoting the use of bicycle by
providing rented bicycle and cyclist lines on the several bussy streets. Minibus routes can
be manage so it will not overlap with Cidomoss route. Replacing minibuses fuel with gas or
electricity (battery) is possible because Pertamina and PLN Primary Station are located on
Ampenan District and it is their duty supporting surroundings environtment by using its

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Developing greener mass rapid transportation is also possible in the future, for
example bus that using energy from renewable sources such as bio diesel, bio fuel, gas or
electricity. Bio fuel can be produce from used vegetable oils from restaurants and street
vendors selling food, while gas and electricity (except non-wiring system) can be get from
Pertamina and PLN. It is believed that several green attributes can be achieved by designing
green transportation only as it is explained above.
Furthermore, green transportation will be attractive for tourism because non-polluted
and less-fumed vehicles are believed to be less harmful for passangers especially tourists.
For example, some Cidomo (Cart) are designed for tourists only, as a consequences, the
driver should be prepared to have foreign language skills and tour guide skills, the cart
should be beautify to be more clean comfortable for tourists and the green line lead to
tourism objects should be provide by local government. Less but not least, mass rapid
transportation should be circulated in regular way and certain amount of time otherwise the
increasing of motorcycle will continue.
What developments have been planned in the eco-district to regulate speed and secure the road for all transportation types?

There is no particular plan to limitted the speed of traffic on the streets in Mataram City
and specifically in Ampenan District. As a result, speeding is happening all the time and
bigger vehicles i.e. trucks and buses are allowed to use any kinds of roads that would
potentially endanger other users and pedestrians. By using experties of EcoDistrict,
proposed EcoDistrict location (Ampenan) can be a leading project of regulating speed and
creating safety codes for drivers and streets users. For example, EcoDistrict experts can
help local government to designing or installing active warning system for speeding such as
speeding camera and sounds alert system as well as electronic medias for traffic
information. Conventional warning system such as bord sign and traffic sign should also be
revitalised appropriately so it would bring more attention and obidience for the road users.
In general, there is a plan called Trans Mataram Masterplan made by Ministry of
Transportation and Communication of Republic of Indonesia in 2012 that ready to be
implemented. There will be a share program between central government (providing buses),
provincial government (providing operational cost) and local government (building shelters
and special tracks as well as other superstructures). Trans Mataram is planned as a mass
rapid transport that served Mataram City and surroundings including Senggigi tourism area
and International Airport of Lombok. This plan can be enhanced and re-evaluated by
EcoDistrict experts to fit with locals need.
What is the parking policy? How many car / motor parks in the eco-district, surface parking, silo parking, bike parks...? Where
are located the car / motor parks ?


Proposed EcoDistrict location is known for its limitted and unproportioned numbers of
parking area compare to the traffic and its population. Current parking spaces mostly using
lines shape i.e. on strret parking, pedestrians lines, paving pathways, shops arcades and
front facades of old buildings while polygons shape are very limitted such as markets
parking areas, shops yard and modern market areas. That is why local government provides
additional parking spaces on Ex-Harbour of Ampenan around 10 ares on 2013 to add
parking space for corridor of Jalan Pabean and Ex-Harbor of Ampenan (Segment
1/EcoDistrict 1). Number of motocycle and vehicle are remain unclear in Ampenan District.
On RTBL document, planning for utilising parking area as stated below:
a. On street parking system by providing area outside of constructed road on the backside
of or in front of buildings;
b. Off street parking system by providing parking inside the constructed road but it cannot
be operated any time on all corridors due to rapid development on that sides;
c. Providing parking space inside market area or on the ground level inside the market
Portrayed of parking system stated above can be see on the picture below:


Concepts of EcoDistrict on Building

How have the buildings been dimensioned to address each function needs?

Buildings in proposed EcoDistrict area are designed based on its function for example
on corridor Jalan Pabean old buildings can be catagorised as Rumah Toko (base level for
shop and second floor for house), Restaurant and House (first level for restaurant and
second level for house), warehouses (mostly one storey buildings and very close to the
harbor area), Ex-Bank of Indonesia a well designed building equiped by a giant steel
chambers for storing valuables things in the past and a lighthouse that still operated to warn
large ships to approach the bay. Behind the corridor of roads in all segments of RTBL are
housing, public services offices, banks and home industries that are build inside the houses
Are the buildings designed according to their usage to reduce energy needs? If yes, explain.

Old buildings were constructed to comply with local climate indicated by high
constructed walls and ceiling, 450 roof shape, proportional size ventilations, large size of
doors and windows, and sufficient capacity of drainage system. Shortcome is indentified
such as white pale wall layers mostly made from processed coral reef which is unstable in
the long run.
Those features made old buildings similar to green buildings or passive building in
case of energy efficiency because vast walls and high ceiling together with proportioned
ventilations create natural air circulation keeping room temperatur cool. High roof style
ensuring all rain water runoff immediately to the drainage pipelines so roof will always dry

quickly event after torrential rain and the roof-leakage can be avoid. High roof style also
keep interior building cool because heat from sunlight is cooling down inside the roof before
its halted by wooden or gypsum ceiling. Those old design prevent owners purchase Air
Conditioned (AC) system that use larger capacity of electricity than electric fan. For those
who already using Air Conditioned system, it is suggested that they installed low-energy
consumption of Air Conditioner and even for refrigerator which are currently available on the
market. In this case, using renewable energy from sollar cell as an example for generating
power for AC and refrigerator is difficult to address because these type of electricity require
stablise power supply. Other idea to keep the room temperature more stabil is suggesting
people to install LED bulb in each room especially in the room equiped with AC so that the
performance of AC is more effective.
It is estimated that there are more than 50 % of building along the corridor of Proposed
Eco District are catagorised as old building and on RTBL document those buildings are
further classified based on the time of construction.
Facades were designed to create shades and they were integrated with arcades that
functioned as pedestrians lines because the original street were narrow.
Currently, facades of old buildings are abused for motorcycle parking (due to lack of
vegetations along the street sides and avoiding petrol tanks traffic) and street vendors. In
addition, facades are worsened indicated by cracking walls, losing profiles, dirty pillars and
faded paint etc.
Most problems mentioned above will be renovated based on RTBL designs and it will
be financed by central government starting in 2014 for Segment 1 and the rest until 2016.
EcoDistrict experts are expected for enhancing designs on RTBL document. For
example, promoting solar cell energy in wider range such as for water heating system, water
pumping and lighting system or air cooling system especially for the low-income community
houses. In addition, most houses on the proposed EcoDistrict location are not yet design to
comply with passive building or towards resilience urban area preventing natural
catasthropic events such as earthquake (experts can give solution in this case). That is why
in 2013, Bappeda Kota Mataram together with Badan Geologi Bandung and GIZ-Germany
conducted study of Seismic Microzonation eventhough the probability of earthquake
occurance in Mataram is unsignificant. This seismic study further become reference for the
Mataram City Government to pass Building Code (Perda Bangunan dan Gedung) in 2014
towards resilience and safe buildings. At the same time, JICA-Japan also provide workshops
and techniques of constructing cheap house for low-income community by the program th so









Development for Seismic Resilience.

Warehouses are not yet designed in detalis according to the owners needs and

environment so EcoDistrict experts can assist local government to renovate warehouses and
if it is possible it can be changed into art galleries and memorabilia, antiquities musuems,
boutique hotels or small capacity cinema. Changing the function of these building has two
benefits. Firstly, it could be an opportunity to renovating and enhancing the construction of
the building for preservation reason. Secondly, it could be an opportunity to beautify the
building to stimulate the owners for reinventing their old assets (but with old architecture)
and at the end of the day it could attracts tourists to that area that possibly generating
Has the architecture been designed with bio climatism concepts ? Most specifically, how the sun path and solar protection have
been considered in the design? Has any OTTV or energy modelling calculation been performed?

Similar answer and explanation can be found on previous paragraph except for energy
modelling calculation is not yet take into account on RTBL document since it is not on
RTBLs consultants experties. Green building can be implement widely to the public as long
as socialisation of green building should be conducted first to achive better perspective of
people about green building benefit. Therefore, it is important to plan for promoting green
building both by using conventional way such as socialisation and other strategy by putting
substances of green building that suitable for tropical situation become local curriculum on
general high school or vocational high school specialised in construction.
How is the usage of AC managed? Explain.

Air Conditioned are widely use in Banks, offices and formal private building to comfort
clients accessing public services. So far there are no particular regulation for managing the
existence of possessing ACs because interior is part of RTBL aims. As the ideas of green
building beyond other conventional building, it is possible to change the habit of building
users. For example, promoting insulators and wall partition for housing that can reduced
heat, cold and sounds is strategic to be implemented in order to change the habit of building
owners. In this case, local architecture, interior designer, constructors association both in
local government and private sectors should be involved to promote ideas of green building
through introducing new green materials for building construction.
How is the usage of lighting managed? Explain.

Similar with AC, lighting also part of interior bussiness and it is highly private owned
area. Lighting for streets are public domain so it is managed by local government where LED
light is recommended to be installed on street lights. Reducing heat in households can be
start by reducing the use of high level-heat exposure comes from electronic equipements
such as ordinary lights, so it is essential to replace all conventional lights with LED based
What type of energy efficient devices have been installed for AC and lighting?

For ACs, there are no specific devices have been installed to reduce energy since AC
using high energy consumption. Lighting for houses on the other hands is more efficient of
energy usage since LED technology is use in wide range of interior feature. Some lights on

the street and parks are using solar cell energy for LED type of lights. Problems mostly
occur for solar cells maintenance and dry cell batterry storage capacity that is easy to
Are building users informed on how to use a green building efficiently? If yes, explain.

There are unclear guidelines of green building implementation in grass root hence it is
not yet become public awareness and vary from one person to person. The solution is green
building ideas shoud be use as norm, manual and guidlines in modern construction and in
public construction run by the government. Other idea is to put this knowledge into local
curriculum in the school for the long-term purposes.
Are the buildings equipped with low water consumption devices? If yes, explain.

Low water consumption devices are not yet available in Mataram City as well as
awareness of locals to use water wisely. For example, some people are using clean water
from PDAM pipe lines for washing motorcycle or vehicles others are neglecting the leakage
clean water on their neighborhood and failed to reported to the authority for improvement. To
promote low water consumption can be started by using exhibition that promoting low water
consumption and at the same time introducing products concerning low water consumption
especially for low-income community.
Are the buildings supplied with renewal energy? If yes, explain.

Only few houses belongs to high income people and some prominence hotels or
offices that use renewable energy i.e. capturing solar cell energy on the roof top. Most of
houses rely on conventional electricity cable network supplied by PLN, in worse case some
houses tapping electricity power from their neighbors inappropriately so it tends to create
high potential of fire. Using renewable energy should be initiated by government concern to
use it in its offices to raise awareness of local people to use renewable energy in any forms
such as wind, solar and current.
How have the building comfort and health issues been considered during the design phases?

Unhealthy houses usually failed to meet healthy standard house (indicated by solid
floor, well build insulator/wall construction, ergonomic, proporsioned number of ventilations
and unleak roof) issued by government although since decades ago government tried to
eradicate unhealthy houses by conducting dissemination on various media and school
subjects. Numbers of houses belongs to low-income community failed to meet healthy
standard since they have insufficient financial support to improve their houses. Hence
bamboo based house are their solution for shelters.
Have materials been assessed before being chosen? If yes, how (grey energy, life cycle analysis)?

Building material is highly considered before some inhabitants build their houses. This
is because location of Ampenan District is nearby the coastline typically identified as it high
level of humidity and also it has high corrosive effect on metal materials so constructing new

building should pay attention on this fact. However, factors for intances grey energy and life
cycle analysis are far from consideration except for formal buildings. That is why Building
Code regulation is highly prioritised to complete in 2014 as guidence in construction matter.
This can be achieve by introducing materials that can be sustain based on its location
especially where humidity is the big issues in the tropical countries to suit with construction
Concepts of EcoDistrict on Energy
How have sobriety and energy efficiency issues (to consume better and less) been integrated in the eco-district design?
Building? Transportation? Waste Water treatment? Solid Waste treatment? Open space lighting ?..

As it is explained on previous paragraphs, some improvement plans and solutions

based on green city attributes for the proposed EcoDistrict location can be realise but not
necessarily can be integrated to each other. Energy efficiency issues however can be a key
success factor to integrate all attributes of green city (EcoDistrict).
In term of street and open space lightings, promoting LED technology and using
various types of renewable energies for lighting the streets and parks is possible in
Ampenan District. Problems lies on lack of local experties, knowledge and experience to put
into action especially in maintenance. Lighting for households is more likely to realise by
installing dry cell batterry that long lasting and low priced. While, communal power plant
using renewable sources could also possible to develop such as methane gas from waste,
bio fuel from used cooking oil, wind turbine, solar cell plants and the hardest one sea current
In term of building, promoting renewable energy installed in each house or communal
plant is challenging but likely to realise. For example, air conditioned system on buildings
and houses can be establish as long as suitable technology is found and the cost is
available for the poor people. Additionally, almost all households in Mataram City already
using gas for cooking. The use of gas for cooking is interesting due to its availability on the
market and it is widely known as its better heat for cooking that can be reduced amount of
time of cooking. It is also avordable due to government subsidised and its character as it is
less fume compare to kerosene.
In term of transportation, as it is mentioned before, vehicles engine both for public
transportation and private one are possible to modify to comply with bio fuel, gas and
electricity. Recently, few group of fishermen using a 3 kgs container of gas for running their
motor boat which is more efficient and cheaper than using petrol or diesel. For that example,
state owned companies should support the research and development of alternative sources
of energy. Roads, cyclist tracks, pedestrians path ways and green lines should be designed
to encourage locals using bicycle or just walking from one point to another.
In term of waste water treatment, communal liquid waste installation especially off site

sewerage system by using aerobic methode is appropriate technology. However, this

treatment facility usually need non-stopped electricity supply for running the blowers on
oxidize chambers. Combination of solar cell and wind energy can be a better solution for
powering oxidation blowers. The bigger the installation the larger power plant is needed.
Figure presented below describe alternatives of liquid waste treatments in Indonesia.

In term of solid waste treatment, some people think that it is unlikely to run the
communal installation by using renewable energy although accumulation of methane gas
can be produced from organic solid waste.
What systems of renewable energy are planned at the building and/or district level?

At building level the most possible renewable energy is coming from solar cell because
of: 1) this methode can be installed on the roof of a house, 2) the size of solar cell can be
customize according to the size of roof, 3) it has zero noise during the operation, 4)
combining with LED technologies that require less energy supply, it can be lighting rooms
and at the same time powering LED TV. The most important thing after installing this
methode is maintenance the surfaces of solar cell should be keep clean ensuring optimal
capacity to absorb sun light energy besides to keep dry cell batterry in good condition for
storing electricity all day long. However, several electric devices such as air conditioned unit,
water pump unit and refrigerator unit on household are unlikely powered by solar energy
because they are relativelly using high amount of electric supply.
At Ampenan District level, combination of multi resources energy is possible to operate
but it should be in form of integrated power plants (required large area) because providing
large open area for power plants facilities is difficult to gain in Ampenan. The local
government can be a main supporter to provide large area for power plant as long it is useful
for the community and its long-term purposes.
How is the energy supply / demand managed at the district level ? Is there any grid management system ? If yes, describe.


Middle voltage of power distribution network on Ampenan District will be centered on

primary roads and lower voltage network will be put on every streets for meeting households
demands. Developing delectricity distribution is emphasized on primary station (very high
voltage) to smaller stations (middle to low voltage) and the networks are in line with streets
On high demand zone for instances commercial areas, offices, modern markets and
educational places, there is middle to high voltage of electric distribution is provided by PLN
while secondary networks distribution are provided to meet households demands.
For ensuring the continuity of electric distribution and avoiding total blackout, therefore,
double circuit units are build in certain nodes of distribution networks points. In case of error
occur in specific line/s, Double Circuit points ensuring not all distributions are affected
because total blackout can harmful for private and economic sectors.
Has the Green House Gas emission / Carbon foot print of the energy supply been assessed? What has been done to have a
cleaner energy at building level, at district level ?

Issues dealing with Green House Gas Emission/Carbon is not yet take into account
incuding appropriate measurement of carbon lead to mitigation and adaptation of global
catasthrope. In case of effort to create cleaner energy there are few steps has been done in
Ampenan District including building bio mass or bio gas based on local horse cattle in
northern part Ampenan District although the distribution of methane gas is very limitted only
for several houses. Though it is limitted but in the long run the goal for promoting and
replicating bio gas to the community will be more easier than no experience at all.

Concepts of EcoDistrict on Water

What measures are implemented to reduce fresh water consumption by district users? In term of user need control? In term of
water efficiency consumption?

There is no particuar regulation to reduce fresh water consumption but managing fresh
water supply for consumers of PDAM and regulate the use of deep ground water is
Generally, managing clean water distribution is done by regional government owned
company (PDAM Giri Menang) where current priority mostly addressed lower income
community, high density of houses, commercial buildings and public service offices. The
distribution it self based on gravitational looping pipelines system that in line with roads
networks. The weakness of this system mostly about the water pressure of water never
reach 1 atm especialy for Ampenan area as the furthest area from main reservoir except in
the middle of the night. However, the strengths of this system is less energy for distribution
and eventough there is a leakage on particular pipe the water distribution will still run.
The solution so far is lies on effort to control the consumption of clean water supply.
This effor is devided in two folds namely by the diamension of pipe and the average supply

per person a day. Dimension of pipe ranging from: 1) 18 mm to 12.5 mm for primary
distribution (offices and commercials); 2) 12.5 mm or below usually for secondary
distribution such as households and home/small scale industries; 3) clean water distribution
particularly for low income community in high density houses is provided in form of
communal reservoir unit to serve 20 households; 4) Hydrant in case of fire usually installed
in line with primary pipelines. Managing clean water distribution also based on average
person need per day basis for example: 1) connected pipeline for 120 liter per person per
day; and 2) connected pipeline for 30 liter per person per day.
In todays context, it is essential to increase current effort to be more effective to
sustain water supply but in the long run developing sources of clean water such as from
rivers and sea should be promotted.
What measures are implemented at the building level and district level to recycle the waste water into fresh water?

As it is stated on previous green attributtes explanation, there will be a plan for

recycling fresh water from rivers and storm water into clean fresh water by using renewable
energy. This recycling facility only served for district sub-district scale.
What measures are implemented at the building level and district level to secure a clean waste water treatment before
discharge in the natural environment?

It also stated on the previous explanations that liquid waste will be processed on
communal facilities by using both aerob and anaerob methode especially for high density
buildings where installing septic tank for each house is hard to implement due to lack of
land. Facilities on district level is better because one can measure the level of standard

on processed water before its dumped into rivers or secondary drainages


Concepts of EcoDistrict on Waste

What has been implemented to reduce the waste production in the district?

Several efforts already conducted on proposed EcoDistrict location and in Ampenan

District in general as it is explained on page 21-22 in Section D. Below there are concepts
based on Spatial Masterplan of Open Green Space 2012 of Mataram City to be offered to
the EcoDistrict experts for improving the environment to sustain better quality of life for the
Solid Waste:
Planning for coping with solid waste problems in Ampenan District should be focussed on:

Providing garbage bins on the pedestrian lines in every 200 meters of interval;


Garbage bins and containers should be placed in reachable posistion and easy to
access both for users and for maintenance from City Sanitation institution;


Garbage bins and containers planned to divided based on organic and non-organic
solid waste this two types of solid waste. Later on it will be developed based on various
types solid waste material such as paper, plastic, bottle (green, clear and brown), woods
and metal, this is aimed to made the recycling process easier;


Material of garbage bins and containers should be tough such as steel, stainless
steel, plastic and fiber glass;


Additional temporary waste collection points (TPST) is planned to be placed on

several points that is known as high amount of rubbish littering (around 6 m3/day) for
example on Modern Market of ACC/Bharata, Kebon Roek primary market and other
commercials points;


Domestic solid waste will be collected and transfered to temporary waste collection
points (TPST) by using small cart, three wheels motorcyles for narrow streets and
armroll trucks for wider roads.


Intensity of waste load by citys sanitation unit will be upscalled to meet the piles of
solid waste that tent to increase in Ampenan District. Waste load frequency is increase
to avoid decomposed of waste on the containers that pollute the air and harmful for
health issues. It also avoiding people to dump the solid waste into drainages and rivers;


Supporting Triple R (3 R) waste treatment units operated by local community will be

continued due to several best practices of groups of waste care units indicates
significant contribution for raising local community green awareness.

Liquid Waste:
Planning of liquid waste networks (sewage and sewerage) by using conventional system is
channelled to mix liquid waste and storm water by using drainage system due to small cost
reason (but harmful for rivers). However, in this proposed EcoDistrict location, channel for
liquid waste (grey and black water) and storm water will be seperated. Consequently, there
are several communal treatment facilities should be build for liquid waste water by using
aerobic and anaerobic methode of treatment before the liquid residues will be dumped into
river or drainage system. While at the same time, storm water would be channelled into
drainage system.
Drainage system will be developed mostly to reduce floods on the street that can be
harmful for the old buildings structures. Therefore, drainage system will be designed as an
integrated and connected system.
In order to develop networks of drainage system for Ampenan District there are few
things should be tak into account such as:
a. Open duct drainage system will be revitalise for along the streets side in high density
houses area but close duct drainage system suitable for narrow streets and bigger
roads. On primary roads, drainage system will be equiped with controlling basin in every

50 meters or on each nodes where water direction could be changed;

b. Utilising drainage system in effective way starting from tertiary, secondary and primary
drainage channel in order to absorb storm water as much as possible;
c. Avoiding multiple dismantling drainage structure to prolong drainage system.
What has been implemented to reuse and to recycle the waste production in the district?

Similar with previous statement mentioned above, reusing waste product mostly
conducted by Triple R treatment units but ony limitted solid waste can be change into
commodity such used plastic packaging that converting into bags, notebook covers or
kitchen utensils. In this case, those established Triple R treatment community should be
assisted to be able to produce more variety products by using various materials from solid
waste i.e. making mat from used plastic, briquet from wooden waste and decoration
products from mixed waste materials.
The most difficult waste to be converted or recycled into useful product is liquid waste.
It is possible to get composted substances from the residue of liquid waste treatment but the
demmand perhaps very low. In this stage, advance technology and knowledge is required to
develop liquid water treatment.
Concepts of EcoDistrict on Community
Have you performed a district stakeholder analysis to identify each community and understand their needs and problems? If
yes, what are the conclusions?

After several community meetings and Focussed Group Discussion (FGD) during
RTBL and Revitalisation of Ex-Seaport development project, in term of renovating heritage
buildings on proposed EcoDistrict location, the owners of old buildings (comprises of multi
ethnics groups) highly demanded mutual cooperation between local government and
building owners. Building owners in the near future will have a better living environment
situation and possibly have greater opportunity for investments or developing their current
enterprises. At the same time, local government will have great support from local
community to realise strategic zone of Ampenan Old City by emphasizing, preserving and
promoting heritage buildings, improving street furniture and infrstructures in general. In the
long run, economic multiplyer effect is expected to happen in Ampenan District thus at te
end of the day it will contribute to improve better life quality of citizens.
How are your culture and values maintained and valorised at the district level? What has been implemented to facilitate the
social life of the district between all communities?

Groups of multi ethnics and cultures are demanding for preserving their cultural events
and performances both for rituals or just as cultural expression. Paying attention to this facts,
Mataram City government in 2013 already built an amphitheatre in Ex-Seaport of Ampenan
supporting cultural events from each group of ethnic in Ampenan District such as Chinese
community with their Barongsai performance, Arab community with their Hadrah musical
performance and Sasaknese with their Gendang Beleq musical performance and many

Experts of EcoDistrict is expected to give advice on how this unique situation can be
establish for attracting international tourists by internationally promotions (Carnaval event a
la Mardi Gras in southern part of USA can be a best example).
How is the power of the social group used to foster a sustainable attitude within the life of the district?

In reality it is hard to guarantee that multi ethnics situation can be always give possitive
contribution especially for bonding the community. It should be understand that after the
Seaport is no longer operated in Ampenan, more or less the shared interest to pursue
economic development was faded away and the community have experienced decades of
recession. As a result, the term unity in diversity is become a challange for local government
to restore based on their cultural values. Fortunately, old informal leaders role in this area
are essential to gain support from most population and youngsters especially for
underpinning heritage objectives.
How are the different stakeholders involved to develop local solutions for social, economical and environmental issues ?

People of Ampenan are respectful and open minded due to their multi ethnics
background so new possitive thoughts and lesson learned brought by outsiders or various
stakeholders are likely to be realise as long as it is attainable. For example, most of local
non governmental organisation in term of environment and social issues can be found in
Ampenan. Bearing in mind that Ampenan was the first modern economic growth pole in
Lombok Island so the community really aware and ready to cooperate for finding economy
Key success factor to raise economic development in this area is rely on businessmen
in this area that need more opportunity to enhance diversification of their entrepreneurships.
The challenge perhaps more in issues of environment and social issues because developing
topics in this area are myriad.
What has been implemented to provide equal and easy access to education, health and housing for all stakeholders?

Facilities supporting education, health care and housing issues are provided mostly by
local government and few things by private and Christian community particularly for
education and health care that is accessible for all people. The ratio between population and
those facilities above is adequate enough but the quality should be reinvented and
developed all the time. Except for housing is axtremely difficult because the fringe of the
society can not aford to buy conventional houses due to low income situation contrast with
high price of land in Mataram City and further at Ampenan as the most populous district.
Local government and ministries of central government for this past two decades already
improving housing infrastructures as well as upgrading improper houses project for lower
income community.
Enhancing quality of healthcare units as an exampe is difficult especially dealing with
international standard providing medical services for foreigners or for international tourists.

At this point, experts of Eco District are hopefully can help local authorities to meet
international standard of medical services because Ampenan District will be developed as
tourism area.
What has been implemented to consider disabled, older people and pregnant woman issues?

Issues on disabed, seniors and pregnant woman are prominent in social community
development due to beliefs and cultural consideration but quite far behind in term of
infrastructures. Old people oftenly are determining factor to decide essential solutions for the
community and sometimes contribute for bonding multi ethnics situation towards secure and
conducive condition.
Organising seniors is likely to be a success factor or starting point for developing
Ampenan District. Community meeting by embracing seniors should be held to initiate steps
of changes. The rest will rely on how well all stakeholders primirily local government to
empower any gender types of adolescences.
Concepts of EcoDistrict on Economy Activity
How does the eco-district take part in the territory economic dynamism?

Enhancing RTBL document into green design by involving EcoDistrict project is a

primary key success factor sustaining and upgrading development in Ampenan District
because it will ensure the green citys attribute will be realised towards greener shape. In
return, as the city infrastructures are developed based on sounds of theories and practices
of green city, livelihood of local economic will increase significantly. It can be sure that
realising development in details means facing the real devils if the details are not well
planned but in this case masterplans documents, detailed engineering designs and
readiness criteria are provided and should be bring forward as key support factors for
minimizing uncertainties of implementation. Every initial unintentded results will be seen as
lesson learned and silver lining should be considered to enhance the next steps.
How does the eco-district enhance a local, social and solidarity based economy?

Paragraphs mentioned earlier explain about renovating heritage buildings and

revitalisation of Ex-Sea Port as key success factor transforming current local economic
situation into better achievement at the same time essentials infrastructures are being
developed. Another key success factors are Ampenan strategic location as hub of tourism
and tranportation (stated on national to local masterplans) as well as its unique values of
multi ethnics that wait to be empowerment
Which actions have been chosen to maintain and promote the use of traditional and local know-how, materials and short supply

Green Citys Attributes is believed as universal concepts possibly re-developing based

on local traditions, knowledge and circumstance. For example, prominent motto of Moslem

is believing cleanliness is part of faith which is suitable with norms of attributes of green city
that ensuring better environment quality.
How will the eco-district enhance local production and consumption? What has been implemented to promote access to local

Local production and consumption improvement and even gaining visitors are the next
effect to be occured after developing green attributes take into actions. In other words,
having successful in field of tangible green citys attributes lead to enhancing local
production and consumption and further it will automatically improve local peoples income
as well as job opportunities. It sounds like Rostovians but the infrastructures improvement is
the locomotive in this case.
What type of internet network is planned for the eco-district (high speed, fiber...) ?

There are several fiber optics provided by various telecommunication companies

crossing streets of Mataram City as the center including Ampenan District before the cable
networks distributed and circulating Lombok Island for transfering data and communication.
However, most population use wireless internet and cell phone networks for communication.
Both type of networks are additional key success factor to broadcast the promotion of
Ampenan District or proposed EcoDistrict location in the future. The challenge lies on how
locals can take advantages of latest network technology for making creative multi media and
on line advertising to promote Ampenans achievements in the near future.
What actions have been implemented to enhance the telecommunication?

Telecommunication network in Ampenan District and surroundings is designed to fulfil

the need of entire population for accessing telecommunication service. Until today, the
coverage of telecommunication in any form including internet access are available for the
citizens. Fact that should be recorded is the number of mobile phone users are far beyond
the number of home line (land line) users meaning that wireless networks even for
commercial thing is predicted to be increased compare to those who stick with yellow pages
provided by state owned company called PT. Telkom. People on household would probably
return using land line but in different form of line known as fibre optics connection that has
support multiple media and application such as cable television and internet at the same
In conclusion, concepts of EcoDistrict of Ampenan Old City is based on 9 Attributes of
Green City and EcoDistrict guidances besides plans that have already been issued based
on RTBL Designs. Those concepts have interrelationship to each other that is why
explaining one attribute can be related to others for example in term of Water and Waste.
For each explanation of attribute, there are expectations for EcoDistrict project to be
involved on Revitalisation of Strategic Zone of Ampenan Old City (KSKTA) either in form of

advices of experties or physical activities becouse there are few solution need non-physical
assitant i.e. redesign and online advertising. In building and basic infrastructure context as
an examples, there will be a three year financial support from Ministry of Public Works of
Republic of Indonesia through Directorate General of Housing and Settlement for project
implementation thus EcoDistrict activities are expected to underpin Proposed EcoDistrict
Location towards green district. Hopefully, in the near future EcoDistrict applications can be
replicated to other districts in Mataram City.
Criteria of EcoDistrict for Mataram City:
Ecodistrict Area
Urbanism Area
Green Open Space
Built Area for
Economy and
Human Activity


30 - 60
92.73 hectar
< 300
946 hectar



142.07 p/ha


16.10 % but with including vegetation along the street

sides can be achieved 20 %
58.98 %

for %

20 or more

20 or more


Office floor = 2.63 %

Commercial = 11.86 %
Public facilities = 16.84 %
Totally = 31.33 %


February 2014

Mayor of Mataram City

H. Ahyar Abduh


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