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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA FILED IN OFFICE CRIMINAL DIVISION a RECEIVED SEP 15 206 JEFFERSON COUNTY sep. 15 2016 ANNE-MARIE ADAMS: SPECIAL GRAND JURY ae ) anaes CLERK ‘CLERK State's Motion to Empanel a Special Grand Jury The State of Alabama, by and through the Attorney General, hereby asks this Court to empanel a special grand jury. In support of this request, the State offers the following: 1. The State of Alabama is considering certain matters that will require investigation and submission to a grand jury. 2, The testimony before the proposed grand jury will be extensive. 8, A regular grand jury will be inadequate because of its existing case load and because the jurors regularly eycle out of service. 4, Accordingly, the State asks for a special grand jury that will continue indefinitely until this Court specifically orders that it is dissolved. See Woyres v. State, 29 So. 2d 165, 168 (Ala. Ct. App. 1947) (holding that “a grand jury legally impaneled continues its legal existence until dissolved by order of court”); see also Ala, R. Crim. P. 12.2b) (providing authority to empanel special or additional grand juries having like powers as regular grand juries). In conclusion, the State respectfully asks this Court to empanel a special grand jury as goon as practicable. Respectfully submitted on September 13, 2016. ‘Luther Strange Attorney General BY: Miles Wi. Hart Deputy Attorney General 501 Washington Avenue Montgomery, AL 36104 384-242-7300 mihart@ago, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA FILED IN OFFICE CRIMINAE OIVISION INRE RECENV ED SEP 15 2316 JEFFERSON COUNTY oe ps wi tae SPECIAL GRAND JURY Ne MARIE ADAMS CLES RINE LER Order on State’s Motion to Empanel a Special Grand Jury ‘This Court has received the State’s motion to empanel a special grand jury. It hereby finds that appropriate grounds exist to empanel a special grand jury. See Ala. R. Crim. P. 12.2() (providing authority to empanel special or additional grand juries having like powers as regular grand juries). Furthermore, in accordance with Wryes v, State, 29 So. 2d 155, 158 (Ala. Ct. App. 1947), the Court holds that the special grand jury will continue indefinitely until this Court specifically orders that the special grand jury is dissolved. Therefore, the State's motion is GRANTED. ‘The Court hereby ORDERS that a specia} grand jury be drawn from the jury _ 17. 2016. AP. 2016. panel and assembled for orientation on. DONE and ORDERED on Greuit Judge

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