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Name : Indrayani

Class : XII IPS 1

Task : English (Making Explanation Text)


Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons that includes spring, summer
and winter. Some people call autumn, "fall," which refers to the leaves falling off
the trees during this season. The falling of the leaves begins when the leaves
change colors and go from being green, to burning red, golden yellow and vivid
orange. Then as autumn continues, the leaves begin to rain from the tree branches
signifying the end of the harvest time. Many people in Canada, the United States,
Japan, China and Korea travel around their home countries during autumn just to
watch the leaves change colors and fall off the trees because it is such a beautiful
site of nature. In fact the tourist season of leaf watching is a popular time to go
hiking, camping and enjoying being outside with nature since the temperatures are
mild, as the heat of summer has past and the chill of winter has yet to come
Autumn comes after summer but before winter, from the first day of
September to the last day of November. However the months of autumn depend
on what part of the world it is in relation to the equator. While it is autumn in

September through November in the United States, Europe, as well as all the other
countries in the Northern Hemisphere, for the Southern Hemisphere where
Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Africa and Asia lie, autumn comes from
March to May. At this time of year, the days start to get shorter as nights grow
longer, giving people less daylight to enjoy. For example, in the mornings as
children wait for the bus, they will notice in Autumn the sky is still dark when
before the sun had already come up
The history of autumn began with the time of harvest for people who
worked and depended on farming to survive. Autumn was even called "harvest" in
the 1500s because this was when fruits and vegetables were ready to be picked
and stored for the winter. People had to store foods so they would not starve when
the winter came, as the cold weather would kill all the plant life. So, the season of
autumn was an extremely important time of year. As society developed and people
moved off the farms and into cities to work in factories, the term "harvest" was
replaced with autumn, or fall.
Some holidays that fall during the time of autumn are Thanksgiving and
Halloween. Thanksgiving is a tradition that is symbolic of the Native Americans
feeding the first colonists who were not prepared with steady crops of vegetables
and fruits. We celebrate Thanksgiving to give thanks for the sharing of the harvest
during the first years of settlers. Halloween is a time where people decorate
pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, and make displays of cornhusks and hay bales,
also celebrating the harvest time of year. The Jewish holiday of Sukkot and the
Chinese Moon Festival are celebrated by other cultures to show appreciation for
the good food of the season and to get ready to settle indoors for the next season
of winter, which often keeps people indoors and isolated. This makes autumn
more of a fun and relaxing time as people anticipate the cold weather that is just
around the corner.

General Structure
a. General Statement
Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons that includes spring, summer
and winter. Some people call autumn, "fall," which refers to the leaves falling
off the trees during this season. The falling of the leaves begins when the
leaves change colors and go from being green, to burning red, golden yellow
and vivid orange. Then as autumn continues, the leaves begin to rain from the
tree branches signifying the end of the harvest time
b. Sequenced Statement
Autumn comes after summer but before winter, from the first day of
September to the last day of November. However the months of autumn
depend on what part of the world it is in relation to the equator. While it is
autumn in September through November in the United States, Europe, as well
as all the other countries in the Northern Hemisphere, for the Southern
Hemisphere where Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Africa and Asia lie,
autumn comes from March to May. At this time of year, the days start to get
shorter as nights grow longer, giving people less daylight to enjoy. For
example, in the mornings as children wait for the bus, they will notice in
Autumn the sky is still dark when before the sun had already come up
The history of autumn began with the time of harvest for people who
worked and depended on farming to survive. Autumn was even called
"harvest" in the 1500s because this was when fruits and vegetables were ready
to be picked and stored for the winter. People had to store foods so they would
not starve when the winter came, as the cold weather would kill all the plant
life. So, the season of autumn was an extremely important time of year. As

society developed and people moved off the farms and into cities to work in
factories, the term "harvest" was replaced with autumn, or fall.
c. Closing
Some holidays that fall during the time of autumn are Thanksgiving and
Halloween. Thanksgiving is a tradition that is symbolic of the Native
Americans feeding the first colonists who were not prepared with steady crops
of vegetables and fruits. We celebrate Thanksgiving to give thanks for the
sharing of the harvest during the first years of settlers. Halloween is a time
where people decorate pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, and make displays of
cornhusks and hay bales, also celebrating the harvest time of year. The Jewish
holiday of Sukkot and the Chinese Moon Festival are celebrated by other
cultures to show appreciation for the good food of the season and to get ready
to settle indoors for the next season of winter, which often keeps people
indoors and isolated. This makes autumn more of a fun and relaxing time as
people anticipate the cold weather that is just around the corner.

Passive Voice

Autumn was even called "harvest" in the 1500s because this was when fruits
and vegetables were ready to be picked



Musim gugur adalah salah satu dari empat musim sedang yang meliputi
musim semi, musim panas dan musim dingin. Beberapa orang menyebutnya
musim gugur, "jatuh," yang mengacu pada daun jatuh dari pohon-pohon selama
musim ini. Jatuhnya daun dimulai ketika daun berubah warna dan pergi dari
menjadi hijau, untuk membakar merah, emas oranye kuning dan hidup. Kemudian
sebagai musim gugur terus, daun mulai hujan dari cabang-cabang pohon yang
menandakan akhir dari waktu panen. Banyak orang di Kanada, Amerika Serikat,
Jepang, China dan Korea perjalanan sekitar negara asal mereka selama musim
gugur hanya untuk menonton daun berubah warna dan jatuh dari pohon karena itu
adalah situs yang indah alam. Bahkan musim turis daun menonton adalah waktu
yang populer untuk pergi hiking, berkemah dan menikmati berada di luar dengan
alam karena suhu yang ringan, seperti musim panas memiliki masa lalu dan
dinginnya musim dingin belum datang
Musim gugur datang setelah musim panas tapi sebelum musim dingin, dari
hari pertama September untuk hari terakhir bulan November. Namun bulan musim
gugur tergantung pada apa bagian dari dunia itu dalam kaitannya dengan
khatulistiwa. Sementara itu musim gugur pada bulan September sampai
November di Amerika Serikat, Eropa, serta semua negara-negara lain di belahan
bumi utara, untuk belahan bumi selatan di mana Australia, Selandia Baru, dan
sebagian Afrika dan Asia kebohongan, musim gugur datang dari bulan Maret
sampai Mungkin. Pada saat ini tahun, hari-hari mulai mendapatkan lebih pendek
sebagai malam tumbuh lagi, memberikan orang yang kurang siang hari untuk
menikmati. Misalnya, di pagi hari sebagai anak-anak menunggu bus, mereka akan
melihat di musim gugur langit masih gelap ketika sebelum matahari sudah datang
Sejarah musim gugur dimulai dengan waktu panen bagi orang-orang yang bekerja
dan bergantung pada pertanian untuk bertahan hidup. Autumn bahkan disebut
"panen" di tahun 1500-an karena ini adalah ketika buah-buahan dan sayuran yang
siap dipetik dan disimpan untuk musim dingin. Orang harus menyimpan makanan
sehingga mereka tidak akan kelaparan saat musim dingin datang, seperti cuaca
dingin akan membunuh semua kehidupan tanaman. Jadi, musim gugur adalah

waktu yang sangat penting tahun. Sebagai masyarakat berkembang dan orangorang pindah dari pertanian dan ke kota untuk bekerja di pabrik-pabrik, istilah
"panen" diganti dengan musim gugur, atau jatuh.
Beberapa hari libur yang jatuh pada masa musim gugur seperti
Thanksgiving dan Halloween. Thanksgiving adalah sebuah tradisi yang
merupakan simbol dari penduduk asli yang merupakan makanan koloni Amerika
pertama yang tidak siap dengan tanaman stabil berupa sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Kami merayakan Thanksgiving untuk mengucapkan terima kasih dari berbagi
panen selama tahun pertama pemukim. Halloween adalah waktu di mana orangorang menghias labu ke jack-o-lentera, dan membuat display dari cornhusks dan
bal jerami, juga merayakan panen tahun. Hari libur Yahudi Sukkot dan Festival
Moon Chinese dirayakan oleh budaya lain untuk menunjukkan penghargaan untuk
makanan yang baik musim ini dan bersiap-siap untuk menetap di dalam ruangan
untuk musim depan musim dingin, yang sering membuat orang di dalam ruangan
dan terisolasi. Hal ini membuat musim gugur lebih menyenangkan dan santai
waktu sebagai orang mengantisipasi cuaca dingin yang hanya sekitar sudut.

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