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Employees leave certain organisations to join other organisations, and this

poses as a phenomenon. Human resources is the only resource that
increases in quality and capacity the more it is utilised.The potential of
people is unlimited. Organisations cannot afford to ignore this valuable
resource in their planning, leading, organising and control activities.
However personal organisational factors have to come to the fore in
search of the understanding the problem affecting many organisations.
Employees leave certain employers and consider being employed
somewhere else. Job satisfaction has become very interesting and
attracted research of this kind. Production tend to be affected when
employees'well-being is ignored. The first part of the research will focuss
on personalities, needs,expectations,thenfollowedbyorganisational factors
and identification, discussions of such factors will take place
Each employee has a unique personality and employees'personalities
differ from one another. The differences mean that employees are not the
same and do not necessarily have the same needs at the same time. The
personalities among employees are the result of numerous variables that
have affected them. These variables include aspects such as the personal
enviroment in which they grew up, the culture to which they were exposed
and its needs, which, in turn, are the result of numerous other factors.
Individuals' personalities and needs constitute the basis of their
expectations of their job and of life in general. Because individuals have
different personalities they also have different expactations in life. This
may be observed in the way in which individuals pursue their personal
goals in an organisation. Individuals set certain personal goals they wish
to achieve in life on the basis of their unique personalities, needs and
expectations.Questions such as how,why and who will be used to
formulate investigative questions
To satisfy these needs and expectations and achieve these goals,
individuals have to work and earn money. Therefore individuals join
organisations with the sole purpose of achieving their personal goal, as
this will result in need satisfaction. Individuals'personal goals, in turn,
motivate them to behave in certain ways in the organisation. This
behaviour is personal and aimed at satisfying individuals' own needs and
goals, irrespective of the group with whom they identify.Therefore,
individuals continuously interact with the organisation where they are
employed in order to achieve their personal goals.Broad clasification will
be followed through out the research towards needs, expectations, goals.

A research in job satisfaction and knowledge of understanding the factors

that influence, contribute to the movement of employees from one
employer to another is of great concern to people who are responsible for
planning, organising, leading, control in all spheres of business. The ability
to identify and describe such factors would be very critical. Also, clear
methods of research would be practised throughout the research process.
Ethics and norms play a very important subject in this research. It is the
qualitative kind of research that will be undertaken to ensure that findings
lead to clear discussions and conclusions of every event
The goal to adhere to ethics would be to ensure that no one is harmed or
suffers adverse consequences from any research activities. Unethical
activities would be pervasive and include the violating no disclosure
agreements, breaking respondent confidentiality and misrepresenting
results.Lastly,hypothesis would be formulated in order to reach the
solution of how personal and organisational factors contribute to job
satisfaction.objective questions related to problem question will help to
write a meaningful research that does not only end by just writing but also
be of future reference purposes
Literature Review
Job satisfaction - As far back as 1954, Herzberg used the critical incident
technique to identify factors that made employees feel exceptionally good
or exceptionally bad about their jobs. Responses were generally consistant
and based on them. Herzberg developed the two-factor theory.
Also, McClelland's motivational theory dating back to 1962, considers
needs high attention has been put to his theory and attracted so much
research in achievement. He believed that it is a need that can be
learned which has a positive implications. He identified the need for
power, the need for affiliation, he concluded that top managers should
not have a high need for achievement and thus, have a high need for
affiliation. This view has been supported by other studies (e.gKreitner and
Kinicki2001 : 213)
Conducting a job satisfaction survey in an organisation tends to create
expectations in employees, that positive changes will be instituted, not
attending to obvious problems may aggravate any existing dissatisfaction.
However, research has found differences in the levels of satisfaction of
white-collar personnel (managerial and professional people) and bluecollar workers, older people and younger people, more experienced and
less experienced people, women and men, people belonging to the
minority and majority groups.

Qualitative method of research will suffice - this will relate to using
deductive approach - seeking to use existing theory to shape the
approach which i will adopt to the qualitative research process and to
aspects of data analysis. This method is very appropriate because i will
use observation and interviews as a means of collecting data and
explanation or description of events or data defines qualitative method of
Theresearch undertaken is generic and for that reason the aim is to
information in production sector of the economy and service sector. It will
be appropriate to deal with production employees and service employees
as to enable myself to answer the research objectives of research with
validand accurate information pertaining to the problem faced.
Employees at an operational level, middle and top level management will
be my target group. The operational employees will assist in trying to
complete my problem towards the research topic with their real problems
that exists in their organisation. Also, information regarding my research
topic will be sourced from trade union members. This will play an
important role in my research. They are well-informed people in terms of
organisations that understand the labour laws, they know grievances of
most of the employees n the country. They will possibly give me
information for my research because my research doesnot cause any
threat to them but contributes to their planning, organising, leading and
control activities for their members.
Most of my research will be based on overall observation. This topic
generally produces a sense of suspicion and threat to managers therefore
employees/workers may feel unsafe to be giving out information against
their organisations. Revealing my research topic to most of managers will
hinder my research. However, employees will be asked to answer
questions through questionnaires that i will distribute during lunch time.
High profile personnel will be interviewed telephonically for my previous
colleagues to get information that may be difficult to access. The research
will focus on identifying the possible factors that contribute to the
problem. Clear, informative discussion will suffice. The biggest problem
that i noticed faced by researchers is ethics and issues of access. In this
regard, three interviews will take place with top managers, the access
issue will be relying on written letters of request and try to explain my
position as a student in management studies.

The best instrument to be used in interviews will be tapes, this will lessen
time spent asking question when not understood. Data collected from
operational employees will be mostly in the form of questionnaires. These
will be checked and try to get answers that are accurate and valid. Also, i
will expect questionnaires to be given to both men and women, young and
adults, professional and unprofessional, experienced and unexperienced.
This method will give me a clear picture of what problem is experienced
by different group and size of the population studied.
As a point of departure, the factors that have been found to be the cause
of employees not willing to have a lifetime with certain employers have
been highlighted The following problems do occur - employers show that
they are dissatisfied with the work, low productivity, poor attitude towards
the enterprise, low morale, increased labour turnover, increased conflicts
and tension. Detailed findings explain how personal factors also refered to
growth factor contribute to problems as aforementioned.
Development - employees of lower level show great concerns towards
realising their goals. Some organisations do not have plans or facilities for
employee development, many employees at lower levels are very much
worried about their future, with modern life placing technology as an
important aspect. Employees who are aged 40 and above seen to be
affected my technology and they show worries, this technology
advancement show demand and pressure to such group of men and
women. These employees fail to meet changed job expectations/
requirements, they indicated to be superfluous and redundant.
Organisations that were observed seem to be employing youth for better
paying jobs - especially those that need specific skills at the expense of
old employees who are already in the industry. Human resources
management in certain organisation do not have assessment for the
opportunities for training and development. Those that does, they fail to
offer training applicable to the execution of the tasks. There is no
preparation of employees for higher position, there is totally no career
preparation. Development was identified as a self-actualisation, which
operates as an inner need or the upper needs. The age group of
employees aged between 40-60 indicated that they entered organisations
with great expectations and dreams. They gave everything to these
organisations but they have not reached anywhere, they didnt show hope
because they are old and being replaced. Employees of this category
showed boredom,they felt like they will never reach their destiny, they are
not proud of either themselves or the organisation.

Climate-Managers dont have time to create climate in which selfactualisation is possible; Instead they are busy developing themselves and
looking for power achievement. Also identified was certain organisation
that have plans structures for development but they do not implement it,
they do not have the strategies to implement development it is just
paperwork display and just shown to avoid labour issues or union
criticism during inspection.

One organisation observed did show great movement towards developing

its employees but they also focus on youth between ages of 20-35, they
even offer learnerships for people already employed by the organisation
and the best performing learners are promoted.
Job Itself
An individual employee joins an organisation by virtue of his or her
potential for reaching personal goals in that organisation by supplying
work and work potential. The most challenging factor, aspects among
employees was their feelings towards intrinsic and extrinsic needs but the
finding on this chapter focuses on intrinsic needs. The folllowing aspects
were very noticeably during the research relating to job itself :
Challenge - the more experienced gruop of employees responded to this
aspect. They appreciate jobs that offer challenge, it was noticed that
better paying jobs are probably more challenging than jobs that donot
require proper knowledge and skills. Such kind of jobs enable
employees(experienced) to enter into better psychological contract with
better pay demand pertaining to rewards
Variety - it has been difficult to find employees who have acquired
different skills and talents. Well noticed was workers at operational level,
were most of them deal with operation of machines and did not show to
be able to do tasks that are closely related to their job description. The
most difficult situation is the lower paid workers, their jobs are not divided
into smaller units.
Again jobs at both lower and middle level did not indicate job rotation employees at this category showed tediousness and boredom. It is
impossible to distribute unpleasant tasks.
Job enrichment , responsibilities are increased at lower level and these
workers are not compensated for extra responsibilities, instead, managers
use experienced lower employees to execute tasks that need to be
completed by them.

Autonomy - workers at lower level are heavily supervised they are hardly
left alone to execute their tasks, but employees who are highly
educatedand experienced are often left to do the task, these enjoy the
execution, because they experience freedom and discretion to plan &
schedule. Employees who are non autonomous think that they are not
trusted by their supervisors in terms of task execution.
Organisations are failing willing employees, they do not design proper
methods of doing jobespecialy for poorly trained employees. This
mismatch does exist in a number of organisations, workers are not used
according to their potential, such as intelligent skills, qualification,
experience and training. Employees at middle level who are managers
were noticed to be over utilised. Many do not cope with what is done, they
are very busy, yet in other organisations were there is weak management
system, workers were found doing personal work during work hours.
These are identified by poor administration.
Achievement - employees did not show any understanding of the goals of
the enterprise. This behaviour is not in accordance with goals of the
organisations. There is no linkage in jobs goals and goals of the
organisation. The few organisations observed did not implement any form
of communicating their goals to their employees. Employees did not even
know what is expected from them. They did not know, or understand the
standards they are supposed to maintain. They did not know
accountability especially the poorly educated ones. Very few employees
manage or attempt to achieve their goals because guidelines within
certain tasks are not spelt out. This is the reason why employees did not
assess their activities within the functioning of organisations.
Questionnaires that were distributed to operational employees indicated
that the most inexperienced employees do not know what they do, how
they do job activities. The question why they do such activities was poorly
answered . It is true that job guidelines are not clearly spelt out to most
employees. The most common problem found was failure to implement
induction process to new employees. Top managers are the most
employees that showed to have a need for achievement which is not in
line with pre research studies that has shown high need for power for top
managers. This category shows that some still need achievement and
power too.
Those employees who indicated to have a high need for achievement are
often the top performers in one the organisations were interview was
undertaken. These frequently demonstrated the following characteristics:
they set challenging yet attainable goals

they require regular and immediate feedback

they take calculated risks
they are problem solvers
they seek autonomy and freedom they perceive money as an indication of
their success rather than for its material value.
Feedback, question were presented to one supervisor, two middle level
managers and one top manager in a company of more than two hundred
employees, with less than twenty-five female and male of uneducated
group. The first person questioned was the supervisor, i asked him how
well any of his subordinates performs in a number of behavioural area, his
response was uncertain because he did not have performance profile for
his subordinates. He did not have any knowledge of how measurements
are carried out. Since the supervisor reports to the middle manager, and
then up to the top executives, it is obvious that the company does not
have feedback means.
Also, companies do not have the ability of identifying individuals'strength
and weaknesses, there are not critical key performance area being
emphasised. The individuals'behaviour on others is hardly recorded
though often highlighted. Communication from bottom to top level is not
smoothand not reliable. The supervisors manipulates information and just
just send biased information to the top management level. The top
executive thus fail to make good judgements on problems that face its
operational employees. Noticed was the fear in most of the company's
employees. Managers have coercive power and this is threatening its
workforce, it is difficult for employees to state their needs.
Where feedback is given it is not adequate pertaining to the real problem
experienced, there is lack of confidentiality , this is leading to lack of
honesty. Workers'aid indicate that whatever effort they put to worker it is
never taken into consideration, their effort and performance go unnoticed.
They argue that in terms of promotion, it is never the right person
promoted but the lazy, unpotential ones. Favouritism is the instrument
used to assess potential workers for promotion. The spirit of working is
very low. There is no congruency between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
Imagine employees who feel good about execution of tasks but having
nobody else to notice your achievement. Certain employees receive
ample praise from top managers yet clearly knowing that they do not
deserve it, team leaders suffer the most in this aspect because they are
not assessed and probably ambigous information is filled to the
administration personnel.

Engaged, it is basically hard for the employees to engaged in a highly

structured environment. This structure did express that there is little room
for creativity, autonomy and personal responsibility. Two of the companies
observed have employees not in the right jobs. There are no supportative
system and strategies. Also noticed was mistakes during selection,
placement or promotion decision. Failure to adhere to these principles
result in weak passion for commitment. A manager who seemed to be well
engaged with the organisation has proactive strategies but not willing to
grow, develop other low positioned employees. Such engaged manager is
not liked by most of people, subordinates say he is tough, hold people
accountable to their performance.
The most worry was the gearing of promotion, performance management,
recognition, compensation, training and career development. These
functions of organisation function are not all executed properly, most of
the personnel though experienced, they lack proper education. The failure
to put employees in engagement showed that such employees are less
satisfied and not loyal. This is resulting into decreased profits, bad-quality
products or services and less growth potential.
Recognition - organisation have individuals who are both willing and able
to put more effort and perform exceptional well, they have expectations,
perceptions, valued, beliefs that certain objections would be reached.
These individuals anticipate satisfaction of attaining goals, they help the
organisation to achieve its goals such as high production. They are very
creative, they also apply their initiatives. The most category of employees
heavily affected are the most skilled individuals.
Recognition is not equitable to their efforts, skills, qualifications and
experience. Recognition is often directed to managers or just a few and
the wrong individuals. Rewards and better salaries are not equivalent to
employees'level of effort, performance.
Favouratism is the ruling factor when managers are identifying deserving
employees for rewards and promotion.
Responsibility - one organisation was observed, information relating to
autonomy was found to be bad. Some experienced females, very
professional felt that they are not given responsibility to execute their
duties according to their job description, they also do not feel personally
responsible for the successful completion of the job. They revealed that
their bosses heavily monitor them, they feel, their experience is
prejudiced. Such organisations are noticed to be struggling to obtain highquality performance. Employees in administration position always resign,

labour turnover is uncontrollable, the organisation has low production

because of absenteeism.
Most of the workers who lack formal education do show that there is no
clear detailed exposition of responsibility based on job description.
Employees in this category work beyond their stipulated work hours and
no compensation is done. Managers badly keep records and reports.
Worker hardly have open environment to air their views or explain
grievances in the work situation.
Attachment, workers at low level were found to be better attached to the
organisation as compared to the educated, experienced workers. The low
level group of employees are very much concerned with satisfying
relationship with the organisation. Also noticed is that the professional
employees though respect the values and its accomplishments, they do
not have good history of the time with their employees. The contracted
employees, also do not have deep relationship with the organisation. The
other problem noticed because of lesser degree of attachment was that
employees are less willing to exert pro-social behaviour (citizenship
behaviour) on behalf of the organisation.
Individuals who are not committed are less drawn to the objectives, values
and goals of their employer. There is negative attitude towards the
organisation as well as the willingness to make a bigger effort on behalf of
the organisation. There is also no sacrifice in pursuit of the employer's
The following factors were found to be familiar:
work involvement, there is decrease in identification with and belief in the
goals of the organisation and this is leading to decrease in employees'
involvement in their work.
increased effort, few individuals at low level who seemed to be deeply
committed did show willingness to make bigger effort on behalf of the
organisation. This, bigger effort did show good result in outstanding
Organisational / Hygiene Factors:
Working Conditions
Organisational Policy and Administration
Interpersonal Relationship with Colleagues, Supervisors and Subordinates

Supervisors' Leadership
Work Security
Working Conditions :Safety - the most accident-prone employees
identified was the male and female under the age of 30. These showed a
lack psychomotoric and perceptual skills, they are impulsive and show
boredom. The few incidents that took place in a very big construction
company recording two deaths of men during work indicate that
machinery and equipment are badly serviced, the use of defective
equipment and inadequate mechanical protection. Organisations that
have safety programs do not have support and cooperation of manpower
management, the implementation of safety programs lack s proper
personnel and expertise.
Organisations are scared to appoint a safety representative, they fear that
his/her duties will hinder the organisational operation and fear that
workers will become very knowledgeable about their safety regulation.
Certain employees indicated that most of the incidents are kept under the
Health - organisation observed indicated that they are heavily concerned
with production and profits & disregard the health position of their
workers. The management does nothing to promote occupational health.
It is very common that programmes are on paper documents but these
programmes are never implemented.
There are no medical facilities on the premises.
There are no nurses or medical personnel to monitor employees' health
There are several employees of all age groups, male and female who are
victims of alcoholism, drug addiction and mental disturbances.
Employees at top level of management indicated work stress, they explain
that they have pressure to meet deadlines, the quality of work expected,
the number of clients per employee and clients nature. The most
government employees who face this dilemma are members of the police
force. Investors seem to bear most of this problem. They said they are
always having many clients to attend to and this results into change of
their behaviour and thus end up in drug & alcohol abuse.

The following emotional disorders were also noticed among managers anxiety, depression and anger. Burnout was found to be centered to
peolple/ workers who are goal-orientated. Problems appear when they
discover that the objectives they are pursuing are unattainable, such
people were found to be intense in everything they do, they set high
standards for themselves and usualy concentrate all their activities on
achieving certain objectives to the exclusion of all else, which often means
that they lead unbalanced lives.
Most employees at low level can cope with stress at work butthere are
some who suffer from these emotional disorders occasionally. A small
minority of these, however, approximately 3% need psychiatric treatment
because of the extent of their disturbances.
Organisational Policy & Administration
The following policies were fully studied and observed :
Compensation Policy - The objective of a compensation package is to
influence employee motivation in a positive manner so as to lead to
improved organisational performance and strategy. Organisations have
good compensation systems only on paper. There is no clear link between
compensation and performance. There is a great failure in achieving
employee pay satisfaction:
External equity - found is that employees employed in the same industry
but different organisation have different pay levels.
Internal equity - companies may make profit, reach high production level
but the pay does not relate to employer's high production level - there is
no fairness in the pay system.
Individual equity - employees were found to be doing / working the same
job and with the same performance but some are paid better than others.
Procedural equity - workers who are well skilled, highly educated have
their grievances attended quickly, have their pay queiriessorted faster as
compared to experienced but not well educated.
Some organisations show good salary packages that tempt people to
apply for the job.
Some organisations do not have systems that are able to retain good
Workers seem to be seeking employers who have good package systems
especially the well skilled and professional majority.

Other organisations do not have support needed to keep employees

motivated to perform at their best.
Organisations that have hard-working employees seldom reward good
salaries, they seem to focus on middle and top level managers. This take
place in the organisations that have bureaucratic structures.
The most competent employees of low level are poorly paid.
There is no construction of job grades - for this reason jobs of the same in
terms of importance are unrelatively paid.
Compensation survey is not practised in most organisations.
Certain organisations have a bad pay policy in the market.
A few organisations are able to attract above mediocre workers.
Money - it was noticed that money doesnot motivate employees but it is
observed that employees need money to satisfy their needs, it was found
that money provides physical and emotional security, it increases their
social capacity, gives status, makes more opportunities for personal
realisation accessible.
Most employees complain about the poorly design pay systems organisations struggle to link pay to performance goals. The following was
seen in most low-level employees:
Goal attainment is not under the control of the employee.
Goals are not quantitative and measurable.
Payments are not frequent and substantial.
Most employees who are poorly paid are noticed to be emotionally
stressed, because they are not able to supply basic needs to their
Employees aged 25 - 35, leave organisations to join better paying
organisations, so that they can use money to acquire better skills and
achieve more within work itself and outside work.
Money was found to be invariably able to satisfy virtually all
employees'needs, including so-called higher-level needs.
Though people have different needs of importance but money aid indicate
to such varying needs of importance.
Money was found to be the motivator of performance in an organisation.

Bonuses - do not exist in many struggling organisation. Big organisations

that have competitive advantage, pay cash bonuses to a defined group of
employees based on predetermined measures of group or organisational
performance. Employees who re-earn their performance bonus each year
are creating a compelling reason in improving instead of relaxing into an
entitlement mentality that is often the result of base pay increase
Organisations that use variable pay show to be retaining IT professionals
than organisations that use base pay. Variable pay seem to be attractive.
Most organisations still use autocratic, traditional styles of management
and seem not attracting many professionals. Based pay hardly produces
bonuses as compared to variable pay.
Organisations that: attract potential job applicants, motivate employees,
retain good employees, administer pay within legal constraints are those
that align compensation practices with business strategy and develop new
management philosophy.
Recruitment Policy - organisations have ugly draft of recruitment policy.
There is unfair discrimination practices in most organisations observed.
Not all jobs are open to all applicants, jobs are given on race, sex and
other grounds of discrimination prohibited by law.
Recruitment procedures are not followed.
Organisation hardly use internal recruitment for the top jobs.
Employees do not know the recruitment policies especially the majority of
uneducated by well skilled.
There is no advice of details of vacancies given to the employees that
might be in their wage packets.
Some organisations prefer to hire foreign skilled without consulting
Referals are often used as a sole method of recruitment, this causes unfair
promotion or disadvantaging of a particular group or individual.
Organisations are extremely blamed of using recruitment agents other
than trade union.
Promotion - it is usualy an advantage to both the enterprise and to the
person promoted.


Promotion is not fully promoted, employees'abilities are under utilised.

There is no personal growth and increased status and compensation.
Management programmes that allow individuals the opportunity to learn
about management and the problems of the enterprise.
No records of employees that are moved from technical or administrative
to managerial positions within the enterprise.
Organisations do not have assessment centres as a base to provide
evaluation of candidates by supervisors or managers.
Career development is focused to youth from 25 to 35 years of age.
Training is done through learnerships but the knowledge principles taught
do not apply to the skills that are in demand within the organisations,
learnerships just been identified, observed as the idea employers benefit
from the government rather than benefit the ideal learnership students.
Supervisors are not keen to complete performance appraisal, they are
scared of the talented , academic youth.
Interpersonal relationship with colleagues and supervisors, subordinates.
Critical aspects were noticed to be the leading factor, communication,
problem-solving, cooperation, motivation, change.
Communication - organisation do not have essential channels for
communication for the survival of organisation. There is not enough
effective communication among groups, such as supervisors and
subordinates and the employer. The top level management level the only
level enjoying effective communication because of their status.
Relationship between union members and the employer is very hostile in
most organisations because there is loss of effective communication.
The hostility, unfriendliness is often based on assumptions.
Strikes are caused by Human resources' failure to monitor issues that
affect employees.
Communication did not show to be the too used to reduce conflict to a
minimum and to increase the effectiveness of employees in carrying out
their daily tasks .
Organisations that do not foster effective communication result in low
production and less cooperation.


Employees do not give their best because there is no information passed

to them as to them as to what they, have to do, why they have to do it,
and to what extent they are achieving their targets.
Supervisors are not given benefiting information regarding feedback that
concerns their immediate subordinates.
Downward communication seem to be passed without biased down to
operational employees but upward communication is pre-judiced,
manipulated by supervisors so that they achieve personal agenda.
Grapevine distortion is very high in informal communication.
Regular formal communication is not serving to reduce distortion, and
workers come to expect an official version instead of giving credence to
Employees both young and old resist change when not professionally
Employees are not given enough time to evaluate proposals.
Progress of the organisation, branch, or sector workers are greatly
concerned with the results, whether positive or negative of their efforts in
their immediate job environment and they are concerned with the
progress of the organisation as a whole, however, employees argue that
such results are not communicated to them.
Employees think that failure to communicate results to them, it is an
indication that management does not recognise their contribution to the
results and there is no confirmation on their job security which was
noticed to be very important in the present economic climate.
Movement of people, appointment, transfers, and promotion is not
professional handled. Workers are always taken by surprise in
appointments, promotion and transfers without any pre-communication of
any procedures or plans.
Problem-solving - supervisors seem to be unprofessional in solving
problems and most lack proper training,thus lead to claims of unfair
labour practices or victimisation of employees. Decision making is not
decentralised and there is no attempt to involve lower level participants in
decision-making whenever possible.
Several employees have joined trade unions to protect and promote their
particular goals and interests.


Joining trade unions was explained by employees as the only means to

reduce frustration and anxiety, improve their opportunities and lead to the
achievement of a better standard of living. Groups, certain large
companies were observed to have diverse groups.
Employees emphasize that they join groups because there are goals they
can not achieve when alone.
Talents, skills, knowledge and power of various employees are pooled as
to attain goals.
Some join groups as a means to find respect, self-esteem by being
accepted by a highly valued group.
Where there are groupmanagers,they donot show expertise to manage
Group seem to be competitive and this brings unfriendliness thus losing
the objectives of the organisation.
Well managed groups do show good direction towards groups'goals and
the group show motivation.
Organisation of such (well managed) benefit in the work and activities of a
Innovation - group enhance creativity when people with a variety of
experience and expertise work on a common problem or task.
Speed - groups reduce the time required for product development.
Cost - self-managing teams have the ability to reduce costs and respond
faster to customer requests because they are able to make decisions
quickly to meet the demands of changing situations.
Quality - group or teams share accountability and commitment to their
joint effort with the consequence that excellent quality is primary goal of
work teams.
Supervisors - they control the activities of lower-level employees.
Supervisors do not only act as model and example to subordinates but
also form the link between higher-level management and lower-level
employees. Their roles were observed and noticed to be unfulfilling the
goals of both employees and employer.
Many supervisors fail to take part in facilitating his/her immediate
subordinates career planning. Some do not have good communication
skills, seemingly they were chosen because they are honest, hardworking

and lack the generic knowledge. They can not provide supportive
information to their subordinates in fear that they may be challenged by
young and academic employees who lack experience but have shown
potential in almost everything they do at work.
Most supervisor who were promoted because they have many years with
the organisation give threat to new employees and even use coercive
power over others, they target fast learners at work, who show greater
expectations, who are goal oriented, these fall to be victims of such
monstrous and evil supervisor to be.
Leadership - certain leaders do not have the agility to create a vision and
find it hard to excite people to achieve the impossible, most leaders were
described by employees as selfish and do not share knowledge with
employees. Several leaders tend to resign during hard times and were
identified as leaders who do not have inner strength.
Leaders observed seem to be lacking involvement in the exercise of
influence and not coercion. Managers in one of the organisation observed
are not effective because their leadership skills are not developed and
utilised. Most leaders lack integrity, corruption was noticed to be common,
because of such, they lack competitive advantage.
Most managers used outdated beliefs - they give detailed instructions,
supervise employees closely, use threats of punishment to control
behaviour. Employees treated this way tend to do just what is requiredof
them to stay out oftrouble. These employees start to abuse sick leave and
stay uncommited to the organisation or ts goal. Managers just focus on
task completion and results and fail to aim at quality production of goods
and services.
African Leadership Academy has a leader, during interviews with
educators and administration personnel they showed to be happy with
hm. He provides employees with opportunities, positive guidance and
recognition. They say that working with him makes them feel respected,
acknowledged and proud. The subsequent performance of these
employees reconfirms the original belief of the leader.
Leaders who are aged 50-65 seem to be laissez-faire leaders, they have
absolute minimum in both the job and interpersonal relationships. These
leaders were identified as lacking and avoids commitment to decision.
They also have shown little concern for production and little concern for
According to observation regarding leaders - poor leadership skills, traits
contribute to leaders failure to organise and spell out the task of group

members by indicating who should do what, when, where and how. They
even fail to understand task behaviour. Such leaders could not institute
well-defined organisational patterns, channels of communication and
procedures for the execution of tasks.
Organisation do not have programmes that provide support for open
channels of communication, socio-emotional support, psychological
stroking and facilitating of subordinates'behaviour. Organisations are not
willing to train leaders and these leaders find it hard to switch from being
an ordinary employee to being a team leader. Certain Organisation fail to
be competitive because they do not allow leaders who are
transformational or visionary to institutea meaningful change even though
they show to be credible and capable.
Work security - employees prefer working for organisations that have the
following benefits : health and life insurance, medical aid schemes and
pension funds.
Health and life insurance - most organisations do not offer such benefit
only a few large companies with a competitive edge seem to be offering
health and life insurance. Employees do not like to subsidised the
premium rates that employees may pay. Many employees are not covered
from episodes such as trauma experienced as a result of a life threatening
disease, disability of the employee and death of a spouse.
Medical Schemes - employees who were interviewed in two organisations
were all not having medical aid scheme cover. They have joined private
insurance companies to enable them to provide coverage for both
themselves and their dependants.
Pension Fund - many organisations have been operating for many years
yet no impression upon their employee the importance of managing their
investment in retirement. Employees interviewed have been moving from
one company to another looking for better offers and they have fears that
their provision for retirement will be totally inadequate. Most organisations
do not provide a pension or a provident fund to which employees
contribute a percentage of their wages, a portion which is subsidised by
the employer.
Status - employees who work in a group with same qualification and
experience are not given the same status by organisation, that makes
other employees to have a negative attitude towards other employees.
Whenever these groups meet to brainstorm ideas, those with lower status
hesitate to share ideas, and ultimately, criticise the ideas of others. Most


professionals are the employees who are involved in the need to have jobs
that give them status.
Some organisations do employ people with highest qualifications in the
market but do not pay according, this makes those that have no proper
qualifications but being paid almost equivalent with the qualified, to
regard themselves as better, this in turn is affecting the behaviour of most
professionals and end up leaving organisation to join other organisations
that have properly designed pay system that recognises people who are
academic excellent and having skills and experience.
Discussion & Conclusion
Modern work life is characterised by technological and other changes,
placing increasing demands and pressure on employees. When employees
are unable to meet changed job expectations or requirements, they
become superflous and redundant. In this respect, development refers to
development possibilities within job or position for a specific employee
with reference to the employees' personal growth and personal goals.
Development in careers is a formal approach to ensure that employees
with proper qualifications and experience are available when needed. To
realise this organisations need to support career development and be
committed to it. It must make policy decisions to make resources available
for promotion of development plans of employees. The human resources
department should take charge and coordinate all career development
programmes. This human resources department should provide
information tools and guidance so that employees can implement their
development activities. The immediate superior of the employee is of
cardinal importance in providing support, advice and feedback, but the
employee himself is ultimately responsible for his own.
Career Development - employees proceed from one job to another in a
certain sequence. Each day the employee is given, offered different
challenges and different issues from which something can be learned.
Development can take place when a person is assigned a job for which he
has not yet developed the necessary skills and he would learn the skills
while doing the job. Also, an employee might be transfered to enable him
to learn the skills and knowledge needed for a further promotion.
Career development programmes can use both formal and informal
Informal means would, for example, be on-the-job training or off-the-job
training, but with the organisation. Alternatively, it may be necessary for a
trainee to participate in off-the-job programmes away from the enterprise

for example seminars and short courses provided by technikons,

universities, the institute of personnel management. If an employee wants
to be successful in his career he/she must be on the constant lookout for
the best career opportunity. In addition, he will keep his options open, he
will not waste time working for a manager who procrastinates; he will
make sure that as a subordinate he/she is vital to his supervisor; he will go
for exposure and visibility in the organisation, he will be prepared to
present himself when jobs become vacant, he will leave the organisation if
the career development slows down too much; he will be ready to resign if
necessary and he will not let success in his present job jeopardise his
upward mobility.
By taking such action an employee may ensure that his career plans are
not hindered unduly.
Work itself, the task itself is the key to employee motivation, it provides a
framework from which jobs can be redesigned to make the incumbents
feel that they are doing meaningful and valuable work. Enriching certain
elements of the job leads to altered psychological states in the employees
that influence both their work performance and satisfaction positively.
The five dimensions explain the meaningfulness of the job responsibility
and the employees knowledge of the actual results of work activities
-Skill variety, the extent to which a job requires a person to do a variety of
tasks that require different skills and talents , instead of just feeding a
machine with raw materials. A typical machine operator can also become
responsible for routine maintenance of the machine, calculating wastage,
safety checks on the machine and quality of production
-Task identity, the extent to which a person is responsible for a completely
identifiable piece of work. A person who designs a piece of furniture, buys
the raw material, does all the carpentry has high task identity
-Task significance, the extent to which the job impacts on other people .
Employees who really understand how their jobs impact on customer
satisfaction , experience task significance
-Autonomy, the extent to which the job allows the person to experience
freedom and discretion to plan , schedule and execute the task . A
mechanic who decides independently what repairs need to be done , who
schedule his / her own day and decides how to do repairs, is working
-Feedback, the extent to which the person receives factual information on
how effectively the job is done . A credit controller who receives
information on the amounts of bad debts, number of bad customers

,average time it takes to respond on a credit application , and number of

queries outstanding knows exactly how well the job is done
Achievement, to accomplish something difficulty, to excel ones self.
People have need for achievement , some have low need, some have high
need for achievement. Those that have high need for achievement :
-They set realistic performance goals. They want and accept a high degree
of personal responsibility. They show a need for concrete feedback on
their actions. Certain employees make a greater effort toovercome
difficulties in order to achieve their goals
People with high need for achievement are often the top performers in an
organisation , they perceive money as an indication of their success rather
than for its material value only . Research propose that top managers
should have a low need for achievement whereas low level employees
should have a high need for achievement . Top level personnel should
strive for high need for power
Feedback, over the past decade feedback or the multi-rater system of
carrying out employee evaluation has revolutionised
performancemanagement . It is a questionnaire that asks many people
(supervisors, subordinates, peers, internal and external customers) to
respond to questions as to how well a specific individual performs in a
number of behavioural areas. The feedback is received from all those
around the employee in the organisation , from the employees
supervisors to the employees subordinates and peers . In some
instances, customers and suppliers are also included as ratees
The questionnaire normally consists of a number of statements rated on
scale and usually provides opportunity for individuals to also add text
comments. The feedback from respondents is collated into a report that
displays actual ratings given for each question as well as the average
response per question and for each competency. Feedback can be
valuable if it complies with the following requirements :
-Be thoroughly tested for reliability and consistency
-measure what it says it measures
-Be easy to use straightforward, and simple
-generate clear, detailed, and personalised feedback
-Guarantees confindentiality


Feedback is focused directly on the employees competency areas.

Although they are conducive to candidness and discussions , negative
feedback could result in :
-Employee completely neglecting the feedback
-The employee taking only positive feedback into account
-The employee being motivated by negative feedback
-The employee taking an interest only in feedback that is given by
someone considered really important (such as supervisors). Feedback
could provide excellent way of improving individual and organisational
performance, only managers may overcome some paradoxes, these
include : The paradox of rules in which colleagues juggle being both peer
and judge,the paradox of group performance , which steers between
assessing individuals , and the reality that much of today s work is done
by group, the paradox of measurement, arises because simple ,
straightforward, quantitative rating systems do not always produce the
most useful appraisals , the paradox of rewards ,which reveals that most
of people focus almost exclusively or reward outcomes during evaluations
, neglecting developmental issues
Feedback has the following advantages :
-individuals benefit from a holistic perspective of their performance
-individual strengths and weakness are identified
-critical key performance areas are re-emphasised
-the impact of individuals behaviour on others is highlighted
Disadvantages of feedback are also identified as :
-Feedback is followed by lack of adequate response from management
-can be bureaucratic and cumbersome
-Intimidation of respondents
-Lack of confidentiality leading to lack of honesty in providing feedback
Engagement,is a very contemporary concept in motivation. It focuses on
the all involved psychological commitment of an employee to the role he/
she fulfils in the organisation, and taps into employees motivation to try
harder and put in an extra effort . Engaged employees express
themselves physically , cognitively, and emotionally while they perform
their jobs and roles

Engagement is important because it has a positive outcome for both the

individual and the organisation. While engagement requires energy ,
time and effort, it is also important that individuals are able to
strategically manage their response to the environment and appropriately
disengage from their job and role on a periodic basis
Employees can not engage in a highly structured enviroment with little
room for creativity , autonomy and personal responsibility .Phelps and
Brossoit(2007) emphasise the elements of engagement as having the
right employees in the right jobs , leaders with the right skills and
supportive systems and strateges
When making selection , placement or promotion , and decision , it should
be ascertained whether there is a fit between employees motivation and
the job-organisation(motivation fit) Engaged employees demonstrate a
strong passion for commitment , identification with the job and
organisation. Engaged leaders act like proactive coaches who give
employees room to grow, develop and who give recognition for a job well
done. Engaged leaders are also tough , and hold people accountable for
their performance. Organisation functions such as employment,
promotion, performance management, recognition, compensation,
training, and career development should be geared towards fostering
The long term outcomes of engagement include more satisfied and loyal
customers, increased profits, better quality products or services, and
greater growth potential
Creativity, it is the ability to come up with novel ideas that are useful, in
order for organisations to adapt to a changing environment, employees
should be encouraged to become more creative. Research has shown that
creativity can be developed by carefully construing situational
(contextual) variables. Creativity is closely related to motivation , as the
same variables that are predicted to foster intrinsic motivation are also
associated with creative performance . The implication is that
organisations can simultaneously influence motivation and creativity
performance in an effective way. So far no studies have attempted to
identify the effect of intrinsic motivation on creativity . Controlling
environment is likely to inhibit creativity , with supervisory support and
trust (high quality relationships) enhanced creativity in employees
Recognition, it refers to the respect an employee enjoys among colleagues
in the organisation , which is the result of the status value of the job .
Also, organisations reward employees for good performance . The human
resources personnel should address the question of whether employees

are proud of their jobs, as this is the best indication of the status and
recognition they themselves give to the job.
Employees need love ,acceptance, friendship and the need to belong to a
group. Employees can hold social functions , encourage team work,
distribute an internal staff magazine or news letter, hold regular
department/office meetings and encourage canteen lunches and other
social gatherings
The extent to which the job allows the person to experience freedom and
discretion to plan, schedule execute the task puts recognition of
individuals ahead. An employee gains experience, responsibility by feeling
that she or he is personally responsible for the successful completion of
the job
Health, it is a condition characterised by the absence of diseases on the
other hand it could be more comprehensively described as a state of
physical, mental, and social well-being of the individual. In other words ,
health refers to the relationship between mans body and soul , his social
pattern . diseases , accidents or stress will be detrimental to an
employees health, This means that management must take care not only
of an employees physical well-being but also of his psychological well
Poor health among employees causes absenteeism and low productivity.
An organisation can greatly reduce loss by having both its employees and
its machinery checked regularly. The employees in turn can also benefit
from such a health programme in that he will loss fewer working days and
less pay as a result of absenteeism.
There are numerous elements to which an employee could be expected in
the work situation , which could have a detrimental effect on his health ,
these include toxic substances such as carbon monoxide , vinyl chloride,
caustics,hazardous substances and gases, radiation as well as excessive
nose and vibration , which may effect hearing and balance and cause
neurological balance problems, and extreme temperatures which may
cause respiratory problems . In addition , the employees well being could
be threatened by skin diseases, disorders of the kidneys and liver, blood
pressure problems and mental disturbances.
The responsibility to ensure that the work place , in such that occupational
health is promoted rests with management . They may achieve this by
introducing health programmes at the enterprise , which include the
following :


-medical facilities on the premises as well as medical personnel and

nurses who can monitor empolyees health regularly
-Liaison with people in the medical field for example , specialists and
health agencies , assists employees who are victims of alcoholism, drug
addiction and mental disturbances
-Specialised educational programmes deeling with nutrition , physical
exercise, weight control
-Particular attention to the cleanliness and appearance of the plant, this
essential for food handling.
-Proper first aid facilities for occupational injuries and diseases .
-Properly kept confidential medical records ,physical health, human
resources managers should today deal with a complex set of problems
threatening the health of employees in the work situation.
Alcoholism has a considerable effect on the employee and his work .
There is marked drop in both the quality and the quantity of his work, it is
interesting to note that the number of accidents at work does not increase
significantly , as an alcoholic tends to be more careful because he is
aware of the problem . Despite this, the labour turnover among alcoholics
is not exceptional high- contrary to public opinion . A significant factor ,
however, is that the morale of other employees is negatively affected
when they have to do the work of their alcoholic peers
There are two conceptions in regard to alcoholics, however, which are
particularly mistaken, namely that it is easy to recognise them and that
they are mainly blue- collar workers and those who have a low level of
education. The supervisor is not a professional psychiatrist, nor has he
had specialised training in identifying the problem . Four popular
techniques used to deal with alcoholics in the work place are disciplining ,
discharge, counselling within the organisation and referral to an agency
outside the enterprise . Drug abuse , up to now employees addicted to
drugs have received considerably less attention than those who abuse
alcohol. One of the reasons for this is simply because drug abuse has not
yet reached the proportions of alcohol abuse.Another reason is that
alcohol abuse is a problem among all age groups, whereas drug abuse is
generally restricted to the age group of 20- 25 years, among employees
who have been with the enterprise for less than four years .Futhermore,
drug addicts tend to try to influence their peers to use drugs as well,
which usually acts as a strong incentive for management to terminate
their services and get rid of them.

Programmes used to control drug abuse have the same approach as those
used for alcoholics. The emphasis falls on sensitivity on the part of the
supervisor so that he will be attuned to identifying the problem at an early
stage . Mental health can be defined as the state of mind an employee
displays , who is well adjusted, has an accurate perception of reality and is
able to adapt to lifes pressures and frustrations with reasonable ease.
Emotional disorders may be caused by physical illness , relationship with
with others outside the work situation ,and interaction and interaction
within the work situation. Emotional disorders may be the result of poor
relationship between supervisor, and subordinate, a poor motivational
climate , stress in the work situation.Work related factors such as too
much work and problems with clients may put too much pressure on an
employee, resulting in alcohol or drug abuse as a pathological reaction.
Safety, accidents at work may be described to two main factors, namely
unsafe working conditions or unsafe acts on the part of employees. Unsafe
working conditions include defective equipment , inadequate mechanical
protection , danger of explosions or fires , unsafe designs , unsafe
machines and unsafe locations of machinery and equipment . Unsafe acts
refer to the incorrect use of the tools and equipment , failure to adhere to
safety regulations . There is evidence that certain employees are more
accident prone than the average employee.Accident prone employees
are those who are under the age of 30, show a lack of psychomotoric and
perceptual skills , are also impulsive, generally bored .
The success of a safety programmes depends on the support and
cooperation of manpower management .Apart from the financial support
that is required for programme to work , it also needs moral support . The
success of a safety programme depends on how well employees and
supervisors work together and conform to safety rules and regulations
The following are the means that can be used to to avoid accidents :
-General adminstration of the work place , enough passages of the right
breadth; parts and equipment safely stored after use, flat and non slipery
surfaces ; materials safely stacked; fire extiguishers easily accessible ;
and workbenches tidy
-Handling of materials: safety of all means of conveyance ; safe loading of
all means of conveyance ; materials safely stored
-Electrical equipment: correctly stayed and earthed ; sufficient working
space around machines ; protective glasses worn; and gloves , protective
clothing worn

-Hand tools : in good working conditions ; properly stored; suitable for the
-Fire extiguishers : regularly serviced and identifiable ; readily accessible ;
in working condition

Unsafe acts include :

-Proper selection and placement of personnel : by eliminating accident
prone individuals during selection , unsafe acts could be restricted to a
large extent . Personality tests and measuring of muscle coordination are
other methods used to eliminate accidents prone individuals at an early
-Awareness campaign ; safely posters can be used to remind employees
constantly of the importance of their safety at work
-Training : training can contribute greatly towards the restriction of unsafe
practices . newly appointed empoyees in particular should be exposed to
intensive training . Older employees should also receive refresher training
periodically as such training fulfils an important function
-Positive reiforcement : employees should not only be encouraged to
adhere to safety measures ; they should also receive recognition if they
maintain a high level of safety in work place . it is the organisation that
benefits from a reduced accident rate , uninterupted production schedules
-Top management involvement : safety depends primarily on developing
safety awareness among employees . it is therefore essential for top
management to be involved with safety or it would be difficult to instil
such an awareness . This means that top management must be seen to be
involved , for example by insisting on regular safety checks on vehicles ,
by giving the safety officer responsibility for safety , proper status
Organisational policy , Adminstration :
Management and workers have different interests , objectives , and
needs . it is essential , therefore, that there should be written
documentation in form of a policy to regulate communication and
interaction between them. Company / Organisational policy forms the
basis upon which other policies and procedures in the organisation can be
drawn . The various levels of management in an organisation have
different policies , and depending on its size , these could vary from
simple to complex . Should an organisation be fairly small , it may

combine such documents for its own needs and purposes . Organisations
need to formulate short-term goals and strategies to achieve objectives .
The employment relations manager does not only do the formulation of an
employment relations policy or a human resources policy . It is the end
product of corporate planning and strategy formulation. Policy formulation
is the top managements responsibility , because the area of responsibility
of the top executive team is the optimum application and integration of
the resources . policy is depedent upon this intergration and application of
resources. Once a policy is formulated accepted , it is important to put in
writing and make it public , perhaps by publishing it in the in-house
magazine . This step is in itself proof of commitment to the policy . it is
easy to deny or reverse a policy that is merely part of the organisation s
culture . such informal policies are also open to manipulation or
misinterpretation , either accidentally or intentionally.
The failure of many organisation to develop formal company resources
and employment relations policies could be one of the reasons why there
is increasing labour unrest in South Africa. It is of cardinal importance for
the human resources manager to ensure that his or her organisation has
such policies and follows them. A policy provides proof of commitment,
and of preparedness to declare views and attitudes , and it sets limits of
behaviour .it shows the intention of the parties involved to honour these
declarations. It implies that there has been conscious and rational
consideration of the relationship between management and workers . It
recognises the security needs of workers and the interdependence of
workers and management in the organisation .it acknowledges that
workers are indispensable and that they are more than mere production
factors . At the same time, it recognises the rights of workers and the
obligations of managers .
The company policy therefore forms the basis for the development of all
other processes and procedures that determine the conduct of workers
and management in an organisation . An effective disciplinary procedure ,
for example can be drawn up only once an employment relations policy
has been formulated . An organisation therefore needs a policy statement
that indicates its approach and business philosophy , other terms in the
company policy statement could , for example , provide incentives to
ensure maximum productivity and encourage worker participation in
decision making that affects workers ; make provision for housing and for
educational projects for employees , and a statement of the organisations
right to manage these.


An organisation should also have a human resources policy , its terms

could include ; the aim to assist each employee in developing his or her
skills to the full, thus ensuring the employees job satisfaction and ability
to contribute to the organisation ; the intention to promote and preserve
at all times the dignity and self-esteem of each employee, and to develop
and maintain open lines of communication and personal contact between
the organisation and each employee. Human resources policy addresses
the needs of the individual within the organisation .Employment relations
is intended to regulate the relationship between management and the
workers , between management and organised labour ,between
management and the several external agencies that play a part in
employment relations .
Many organisation combine the two above mentioned types of policies.
The policies especially employment relations policy declares fundamental
values , beliefs , standards and philosophies (principles ) that underlie the
behaviour of the organisation

The policy should also cover the development of mutual; trust

and co-operation prevention of problems and disputes through
agreed dispute handling procedure, reduction of labour costs;
strengthening of managerial control; development of human
resources skills and management of productivity.
The policy statement should be universally acceptable to all
departments and should be in broad terms and in clear
The policy should be approved be approved and authorized by
the highest authority so that the policy carries eth weight of a
directive and the terms must be inviolate.
A distinction must be drawn between policies equal pay for
equal work and procedures such as grievances procedure.
Organizations should be extremely careful when drafting the
recruitment policy to prevent unfair discriminatory practices
being entered into as it would transgress the Employment Equity
Act and also lead to a employees in terms of the Labour
Relations Act. The following should eb the guidelines for policy.
All jobs should be open to all applicants irrespective of race,
sex or other grounds of discrimination prohibited by law.

Recruitment of candidate for affirmative action positions should

be done according to the provisions of the interim constitution
and relevant labour legislation.
In the case of closed shop agreement a representative trade
union is to be informed timeously of al vacancies
Internal recruitment should take precedence over external
Information regarding vacancies must be clearly stated to
relevant selection criteria to be applied.
Interpersonal relationship with colleagues of supervisors /
Interpersonal relations an be defined as the whole range of
human conduct between individuals who interact, as they are
involved in relationships of community co-operating , changing ,
problem solving and motivation in these relationships, each
employee tries to influence and adpt the behavior of the other
employees in order to satisfy his or her own needs.
An organization depends on groups for the achievement of its
goals, therefore it is organized accordingly. Contributions
interactions is a characteristic of group within the organization .
The ideal state of each group is of harmonious co-operation in
order to achieve the goals of the organizations. In practice,
however, groups are continuously in a state of conflict, mainly
because they are often competing with one another. If this
competition does not conceded with, or follow the direction of
goals of the orgnisation, it will adversely affect the organization.
Competition should be in line with the goals of the
organization, and this means that group objectives need to be
associated with these goals , bearing in mind those groups , as
subsystems of the organization and have the organization and
have their own goals.
Informal group formation determines group functions, and sets
informal group goals that may either help or hinder their
achievement of the goals of the organization. Interpersonal and
goals relations presents a great challenge for them because of
their effect on the functioning of an organization. The
employees immediate superior. This person , although he or
she is not expected to be a professional counselor, can and
should take part in facilitating his or her immediate
subordinates career planning .
The superior should act as communicator , counselor, appraiser,
coach and mentor, ensuring that the subordinates employer gets
the information necessary for furthering his or her career . It is
unfortunate that many superiors do not see it as part of their

duties assist in the career development of their subordinates

either they do not know how to go about it or they see every
subordinate as a potential threat to their own position and so
they give no assistance and may even exert a negative
Superiors control the activities of lower level employees and in
the charge they are responsible for carrying out the policy and
achieving the objectives of management .
Superiors not only act as a model and example to
subordinates but also form the link between higher- level
management and lower level employees. For this reason it is
essential that supervisors fulfill their role effectively.
Communication, the only way through which we can be
established and maintain relationships with other people , is
through communication. The more easily people in group the
more cohesiveness refers to the extent to which group members
are attracted to each other and vote to stay in the group .
communication is clearly a social process. A variety of social
influences effect the accuracy with which we perceive
These include differences in status, languages, frame or
reference, and expectations as well as selective listening,
premature judgments, and source ( reliability) .
Most people assume that they are good communicators. Yet,
most interpersonal problems stem from misunderstanding.
People do not formulate their messages accurately. People do
not listen attentively to what others say. Should it become
evident that communication is a problem in a group, it should
not be ignored but address through training.
Leadership , the success of out standing organization is almost
always associated with the efforts of one or more unique
individuals who are identified as leaders. These leaders did not
achieve fame through their own efforts, but through their
ability to inspire others to work towards the attainment of
organizational goals. Leaders have a tremendous influence on the
behavior and attitudes of others. Leaders articulate the vision of
the organization and inspire other to their efforts and skills at
realizing eth vision. Since leaders influence their followers
attitudes , beliefs and values , is imperative that they act
ethically. Without quality leadership, an organization can not
become a significant role player in the economy or in society.
Leadership is not restricted to specific positions or roles in the
organization, and different people serve as leaders in different

situations. Quality in leadership is achieved only if potential

leaders on all organizational level are identified, developed and
provided with opportunities to exercise their skills. The HR
manager has a vital role to play in development of
organization leaders .
Status, referes to relative social position a person has in
comparison to others in the group status is important bedcuase it
is a motivational factor and also influence the behaviou of those
who experience disparity between what they believe their status
is and what they believe other perceive their status to be status
can be formal or informal and is awarded as follows:
Scalar status refers to status obtained through an
individuals formal position in a group. A supervisor has
status owing to the authority associated with her or his
position .
Functional status is earned trough the task a person has to
fulfill in the group. A coputer technician , who is on a lowet
level in the organization heirachy, might have more status
than the manager owing to his or her ability to solve
evryones computer problems.
Achieved status is earned through hard work and effort, and
based on the individuals qualification and achievements. We
are all impressed when there is a professor in our midst.
A scribed status refers to innorn characteristic over which we
have limited or no control, such as attractiveness, gender,
build and age, .
Status differences can either facilitate or hinder group interaction.
They facilitate interaction when members perceive status differences
as equitable , that is they believe those with higher status rightfully
deserve more status . Lower status members in this case are more
willing to follow the derectives of high status members- consider the
training of departments as a ( command) group , where the training
manager has more status owing to his or her authority , exerptise ,
and still. Om the other hand, status deifferences might be in
appropriately supposed to work as equals. It happens for too often
that whne a group meets to brainstorm ideas, those with lowers
status hesitate to share ideas , and ultimately, critise the ideqs of
Work security


Life insuarance in south Africa this benefit is generally offered in

form of group insuarane with a life insuarance company, for all
employees of the organization in such a case to distinction is made
on the basis of individual employees physical conditions. The benefit
payable upon the death pf an employee while he is in the
organizations employ is usually based on his annual salary upon
death . This may vary from twice his annual salary to as much as
five times his annual salary.
In most cases the employer pays the premium or a large part of it.
Although the so-called blue-collar worker has traditionally received a
standard amount for life insuarance as a frindge, benefit there is a
tendency to bring this benefits more line with that of the so called
white-collar employees. Finally it must be pointed out that in
additional to take above mentioned benefit, there is a tendency to
offer employees life cover even after they have reached retirement
age . In such a case the amount for life cover will eb only a thid of
or at most half eth insures amount before retirement.
Medical aid schemes. Sloane ( 1983:322) state that the providing
some kind of health services insuarance, with an estimated 94 percent
of least larger organsaisations now offering both generally two types
of medical aid schemes are offered. The basic plan usually makesw
provision for a restricted number of hospital, surgical and medical
services, while the general plan provides for the cost of prolonged
treatment for more seniors conditions. In practice an organization will
have its employees contribution. These contribution are adjusted from
time to time to keep pace with increasing medical cost
Pensions, there are two basic pension plans which an employer may
ofer his employes under tha first plan the employees retirement
benefit is deriectly linked to his number of years of service and his
income. Such a formula may specify that the employee shold
multiply his number of years service by 1.5 percent multipled by his
average salary of r the last five years of service before retirement.
Whereas white collar employees pensions is predominately linked to
their incomes, a pension of a fiexd amount per year of service is
still paid in the case of employees who receive hourly wages.
The second basic pension is a contribution plan. This entails a group
annuity plan whereby the employer, and in most cases the
employee as well pays a fixed percentage of the employees income
into retirement fund when the employee retires, the capital sum plus
accumulated interest is used to pay him monthly pension.

The normal retirement age at most organizations, as well as in the

public sector, is 65 years. Recently there has been a tendency
towards earlier retirement programmes to prepare employees for
retirement programmes to prepare employees for retirement are
becoming important.
Money and wages ( compensation)
An organization is formed in order to fulfill a specific mission or
purpose without hiring persons who have the skills, knowledge,
aptitudes and interest to help the organization would thus design and
implement a reward system to attract workers with the requisite
skills, knowledge, and abilities that are considered necessary by the
organization to achieve its desired goals and objectives. But designing
and managing a reward system so that it benefits the organization is
rather a complex task such a reward system is rather includes
anything that an employee may value and desire and that the
employer is able and willing to offer in exchamnge for employee
contributions. The reward system is composed of two components .
The compensation component and the non compensation component
that is reward system is classified t (i) monetary payment and 9II) in
kind payment.
Organiastiona all hace different renumeration policies which is what
the organization or companies their competitive advantage. The
compensation system is a reward mechanisam that eminates from
the allocation, conversion and transfer for a portion of the revenue
of an organization to its workers an d staff for their monetary and inkind claims on goals and sevices.
Monetary claims on goods and services are wages or salries paid to
an employee in the form of monetary or a form that is quickly and
easily transferrable to money at eth discretion of the employee
Compensation programmes must be internally equitable that is they
must pay persons in proportion to the market value of their job .
They must be proportionally motivating to employees.
Organizations spend a very large proportion of their gross income on
paying the people who work for them, and a large amount of this
goes to the senior people who direct the business.
It is a accepted fact that people must be rewarded for the services
they provide for the majority of these rewards are monetary. Employee
pay satisfaction can be grouped into four categories.

External equity, which is how to pay relates to their companies in

the industry.
Internal equity which is how fair the pay is compared to the size
and profitability of the organization
Individual equity which measures the fairness of the pay based on
the performance of individuals working the same job.
Procedural equity, which measures the fairness of the decision
making process of pay distribution pay system should attract good
employees by structuring salary packages that tempt people to
apply for the job in the first place. The system should be able to
retain good workers, because if the system is good , many other
employers in the market place will be seeking the9r services as well.
Once in the job the compensation system must provide all the
support needed to keep the employee motivated to perform at his or
her best level .
The basic objective of salary and wage administration is to provide
and maintain a fait and reasonable salary and wage structure. During
this process conflict may arise regarding the price linked to each task
or job. Suh conflict may arise between employers, shareholders,
consumers and other groups. A successful wage and salary
programme is one which succeds in balancing these conflict and
intrest , so that the satisfaction of each person involved is assured
and dissastifaction kept to a minimum

Organisation must, therefore,not only recruit , employ , and induct new
individuals , but also ensure that they are attached to the organisation
and in particular , that they become involved in the pursuit of the goals of
the organisation . Employees will feel attached or involved with the
organisation if factors such as their immediate work enviroment , job
content are satisfactory . This will result in fewer resignation and reduced
absenteesim . A person joins and enters into a psychological contract with
an organisation on the basis of his or her personal needs and goals . The
intergration of personal goals with the goals of the organisation seems to
be the best way to uphold the contract .
Attachment to the organisations and involvement with the goals of the
organisation , greatly contribute to the success of the organisation


Development, in the fast moving world of the new milleminum , factors

such as global competition and the socio-economic challenges to the
organisation have brought a new dimension to the workplace training and
development .The days are gone when organisations could regard the
equiping of their workforce as a nice to have or an add- on activity just
because everybody else was doing it.For the organisation to survive in a
highly competitive marketplace , the decision to invest in the
development of their human resources ought to be a business decision .To
maximize their investment ,organisations will have to adapt a strategic
training approach and in doing so,move away from the notion that training
is an activity run by trainers somewhere in a lecture room .
Action learning , mixed mode training , and e-learning are also prominent
aspects that trainers should utilise in sharperning the skills of their
workforce to work optionally . Effective training requires much more than
instructor , a lecture room and learning material .Diversity training in the
current journey of South Africa to a brighter future has become extremely
important , various methods can be applied to gain maximum benefit ,
particularly by creating greator awareness in this regard . There is also a
close relationship between training and development and career
development, are means that enable employees to achieve their own
career goal. They need to plan their carer in terms of their own talents
and limitations .
Career planning and development need to be done painstakingly if an
employee is to gain the maximum benefit from his or her endeavours .
career management by organisations should be broad enough to meet the
specific career neds of individuals , yet specific enough to afford
employees flexible job experience .
Employee safety ,health:
Employee safety , health , and wellness are important issues . managers
have the responsibility of ensuring that workers are not unnecessry
endangered , and that they are fully aware of and properly trained and
prepared for unusual workplace risks . As society has experienced such
problems as chemical substance abuse , Hiv/ Aids , and the everincreasing stresseson the individual, so yoo have employees .There is
growing recognition that work is an important part of life, and that
organisations , by providing more than simply a safe place to work , can
have a positive impact on the physical and psychological well-being of
Leadership, many South African organisations have delivered leaders of
outstanding quality who have made a name for themselves and their

organisations.However , when we consider SouthAfricas poor rating in the

world competitive survey , it remains an indisputable fact that we do not
have sufficient quality leadership in our organisations . it is imperative
that people with leadership pontential are continously identified , trained ,
and developed to become effective leaders .The dynamic enviroment in
which organisations operate necessitates the ongoing development of all
leaders . it is also imperative that culture within the organisation is
established where employees form all levels are encouraged to take
initiative and assume leadership when the situation arises.
Interpersonal relationship


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