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1. Still remember with Government decision some time ago that will transfer the management of the high
school and CMS to the province? At that time, the Government argued the policy is set up by law No. 23 by
2014 about local Government to replace Law No. 32 of 2004. In the above-mentioned legislation, the
management of the high school and VOCATIONAL SCHOOL will be taken over a provincial Office of
This time the Director General of elementary and secondary education (Dirjen Dikdasmen), Ministry of
education and culture (Kemendikbud), Hamid Muhammad confirmed the takeover-related high school and
CMS to the provincial Office of education. According to him, the transfer of authority of secondary
education from the kabupaten/kota to the province is not something extraordinary. Authority assets
previously held government district/town remains state-owned.
"In this case the Ministry of finance will still remain the party responsible for these assets," said Hamid in a
press conference of national education and culture Rembuk (RPNK) the 2016 across education and Training
Center (Pusdiklat) Kemendikbud, Sawangan, Depok, Monday (22/2), as reported by
Different things just logging that will be assigned to the provincial government.
Hamid also said the link redirects with the politicization of the prospective head of the area while
Pemilukada. He said, there is no element of guarantee-guarantee so that the transfer of this power could be
completely free of politicization. This is because the dynamics of politics in Indonesia especially in areas
still outstanding.
The most important thing, said Hamid pelimpahan, its just the first priority. If there are further problems, he,
then this must be faced with as best as possible.
According to Hamid, the transfer of authority is basically so that local governments can be more focused.
District/city governments can better fix the focus of elementary education, early childhood education (OLD)
and public education (Dikmas). District/District Government expected to be able to manage it optimally and
While the provincial government can better prioritize his secondary education. In addition, the provincial
government is also expected to be able to hammer out a program initiated by the Central Government, i.e.
compulsory education (reasonable) 12.
As information, the Ministry of education and culture (Kemendikbud) will start implementing the
redirection of Government Affairs senior high school equivalents of kabupaten/kota to the province. A
planned effort started implemented this under Law Number 2017 23 2014 about local government.
2. President of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) confirms the attitude of the Government related forgiveness tax (a tax

amnesty) formulated in the draft law and are being discussed in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES for
the people's welfare through the acceptance of the State.
"I tell them that the tax amnesty related Government position is very clear that the Government wants to tax
amnesty real helpful for the national interest, for the benefit of our peoples, especially in terms of the
acceptance of the State," said the President of Joko Widodo while leading the meeting Limited forgiveness
of taxes in the President's Office Jakarta, Monday.
The President added that the Government still respects the legislation process in progress considering the
Pajam Forgiveness BILL currently discussed in Parliament.

The President also wants to expand the base of tax policy (tax based) into the future so that Indonesia will
have more data to tax payers in the country.
"With tax amnesty actually we want is the repatriation of capital from the outside towards the inside, there is
a capital inflow, there is a flow of money coming in," he said.
The President expects, there is a flow of money back into the country later can be used to drive the national
The purpose of the Government in implementing the "tax amnesty" was previously confirmed by the
Ministry of finance, namely for repatriation or withdraw an existing Indonesia citizens abroad.
In addition, Kemenkeu announced, to enhance the growth of the national tax base and increase national, i.e.
assets presented in the petition for remission of tax can be utilized for pemajakan to come.
The next thing, "tax amnesty" aims to increase tax revenue.
3. IUP exploration is the permissions granted to public inquiry, exploration activities, and the feasibility

study in order to mining. According to section 29 of the Government Regulation No. 23 of 2010 on the
implementation of the business activities of Mineral and Coal Mining ("PP 23/2010"), IUP exploration given
based on the application of business entities, cooperatives, and individuals who have earned the area
Licences (WIUP). In terms of exploration activities and the activities of the feasibility study, the holder of
the IUP exploration get mineral or coal tergali mandatory reporting to the giver of the IUP.
The Requirements For Obtaining An IUP Exploration
Article 23 PP 23/2010 IUP Exploration requirements arrange that include requirements for:
The environment; and
A. Administrative Requirements as mentioned in subparagraph a for business entities include:
a. for IUP metal mineral exploration and coal:
1. application letter;
2. composition of the Board of Directors and a list of shareholders; and
3. domicile affidavits.
b. To IUP nonmetallic mineral exploration of rocks:
1. application letter;
2. profile of the business entity;

3. deed of establishment of business entities engaged in the business of mining that has been authorized by
the competent authority;
4. the number of tax payer;
5. the composition of the Board of Directors and a list of shareholders; and
6. certificate of residency.
Administrative requirements as mentioned in subparagraph a for cooperatives include:
a. for IUP metal mineral exploration and coal:
1. application letter;
2. the arrangement of the Executive Board; and
3. domicile affidavits.
b. To IUP mineral exploration instead of metal and rocks:
1. application letter;
2. profile of the cooperative;
3. deed of establishment of a cooperative engaged in the business of mining that has been authorized by the
competent authority;
4. the number of tax payer;
5. the arrangement of the Executive Board; and
6. certificate of residency.
Administrative requirements as mentioned in subparagraph a for individual people, include:
a. for IUP metal mineral exploration and coal:
1. application letter; and
2. domicile affidavits.
b. To IUP mineral exploration instead of metal and rocks:
1. application letter;
2. resident card;
3. the number of tax payer; and
4. a certificate of residency.

Administrative requirements as mentioned in subparagraph a for corporate firms and corporate komanditer
a. for IUP metal mineral exploration and coal:
1. application letter;
2. the arrangement of the Executive Board and a list of shareholders; and
3. certificate
b. To IUP nonmetallic mineral exploration of rocks:
1. application letter;
2. company profile;
3. deed of establishment of companies engaged in the business of mining;
4. the number of tax payer;
5. composition of Executive Board and a list of shareholders; and
6. certificate of residency.
B. technical requirements referred to in subparagraph b for IUP exploration, include:
1. list of publications and an affidavit of the mining workforce and/or geology are experienced at least three
(3) years;
2. map WIUP equipped with latitude and longitude geographic coordinates in accordance with the
provisions of the applicable geographic information systems nationally,
C. environmental requirements referred to in subparagraph c to IUP Exploration include statement to comply
with the provisions of the legislation in the field of the protection and management of the environment.
D. Financial Requirements as stipulated in the letter d for IUP exploration, include:
1. proof of placement of guarantee of seriousness of the implementation activities of exploration; and
2. proof of payment of the compensation value price information data the results of the auction of mineral
coal or metal WIUP in accordance with the value of the auction bidding or proof of payment of the fee and
the payment of the printing area backup map WIUP minerals instead of metal or rock over the petition area.
5. National examination (UN) still remain to be implemented. Regular annual activities, pre-UN, teachers

and students are busy with the preparation for the UN, with add hours of instruction outside school hours
care and tutoring outside of school students to do any deal with UN. Post-UN, expression of students
sticking out like and grief be a thing that cannot be circumvented for students who graduate and not be
declared, so that the existence of the UN is always controversy.

One of the reasons why the setting of standards in the National final examination on the debate's existence is
due to the quality of and access to education in Indonesia that have not been evenly spread between the one
with the other. Those problems led to gaps in the quality of education between regions. We cannot equate the
quality of education in remote areas with educational facilities that are mediocre, even arguably not worthy
and restricted access with urban areas supported by facilities and infrastructure Department. Then if we
apply the same standards against the two areas with the opposite condition it can be said that we have acted
How can the area with multi condition limitations in terms of education can achieve educational standards
that are usually taken from areas with educational facilities which memadahi? These alternatives try to
provide solutions with the improvement of quality and equitable education against especially in areas left
behind before setting a standard of education that is nationwide.
The quality of education is not a matter of talk talk about the results, but also talk of problems related to the
Equalization of education. Quality the quality of education when it is of concern, especially in the issue of
equalization. The quality of education between regions can be measured from the pure Participation
Numbers (APM). The data of the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) of the 33 provinces in Indonesia 50%
among low APM still has from the national average, the level of junior high school (JUNIOR HIGH
SCHOOL) in NTT, NTB and new lows.
Judging that the Government alleged that the main target is to increase the quality of UN foot. With the hope
of equality with other countries in the pursuit of ketertingggalan from the countries of asia, even the world,
in addition, are expected to form a human Indonesia which has the intelligence of thought, creating human
ethical sublime, Indonesia and has a human resources (HR) ready-made as well as adopting noble.
Not to mention the events of the death of a student after following the UN due to the Stress of not being able
to answer the questions, be evidence of the potential negative impacts from the UN, even facts, back
mencuatnya stone ponari sanctity issues with berbondong-bondongnya students who will follow the UN is
the real proof will be UN sanctity, cheating in the mechanism of examination conducted by the students with
the spread of answers via SMS, in fact it was also carried out by members of the teacher who does not want
to see a weeping sore at the end of their learners struggle > offending yet again the question of the UN
budget each year is estimated to reach Rp 540 Billion more
And this is now also the most thrilling based on talks in various media, and also the talk of the community at
various occasions, there is a strong opinion that woke up that if we willed quality education then the UN
should still run. Without the UN, education will not be certifiable. And when graduation is only determined
by the school and teachers, meaning all students will graduate. If all the students pass, then it means that
education is not certifiable.
The hotel is very incorrect and contrary to the basic philosophy and the theory of education. This view has
been stunt the sense of education with the test and change the educational process be limited to mere
examination preparation.
Based on the research of Benjamin Bloom and Soedijarto found that learners learn behaviour is influenced
by the estimates of what will be tested. Therefore the national examination will lead to:
1. Students will learn, memorize, generally about what would
To be tested.
2. The teacher will teach learners how to answer a wide range of matter.
3. The school will strive compiled programs include conduct
guidance tests.
4. Parents will encourage his son to follow in the preparation of the national exam.
5. Local Governments in order to keep a good name in area, join the attempt
so that learners can pass all.
6. Book Publishers vying to publish a collection of reserved UN and
discussion ...
Such a condition as a result of the Organization of the national exam as a determinant of graduation, is
incompatible with the function and purpose of national education provided in Sisdiknas LAW No. 20 of

6. Basically the STUDENT sector in the structure of the school has different organissasi each other, but

usually the organizational structure within the STUDENT BODY consist of:
-Chairman of the Trustees
-Vice Chairman of the Trustees
-Chairman Of The Student Body
Osis-Vice Chairman
-Deputy Treasurer
-Coordinating and section Coordinator
OSIS is the only legitimate students organization container in the school. Therefore each school is obliged to
form Intra School Students Organization (OSIS), which has no relationship with the STUDENT in
organisatoris other schools and not be part or tool from other organizations that are outside of the school.
Example program the program in religious field such as ENOSIS commemorating the day a great day of
islam, held a race your adhaan, MTQ and iqomah. In order to instill a sense of love for the homeland,
usually OSIS provides activities such as the establishment of the paskibraka school, exploring nature. OSIS
also perform the MOS (student orientation), practice lines line up and Scouting.
To achieve the goal that has been set then it should be compiled in a program accomplishments efforts that
consist of steps-steps and stages stages, such as plans and schedule of activities and a budget plan.
The benefits of freedom of Association:
-Add to the experience
With join our Association can add science, multiply your friends and add to the experience.
-Establish a positive mental attitude, such as discipline, perseverance, honesty, and self confidence.
- Dll.
7. The role of education was given the parents should provide the basis for the education itself, the process

of socialization and life in the community. It is said so because since the birth of the child are on family
environment and under the care of her parents.
The role of education in early childhood is not only to provide many learning experiences such as happens in
adults but leaning more on optimizing the development of the quality of his intelligence. This education
covers the entire process of psychosocial stimulation is not limited to learning in the classroom or in the
school. Full understanding of education, development and the existence of the opportunity given to children
to indicate potential herself. Although the way indicated no seumum adult but it is our duty as parents to
provide a clear direction on the child. The role of education for children of this age should be considered for
making a program a planned and systematic way. Because at the time as it is now this child as much as
possible avoided from an influence that would make it the wrong direction.
Thus the child will be educated more intelligent and better develop the potential of him so that he will be a
positive thinking and open minded. We must therefore pay more attention to the problem of the education
paradigm that does not neglect the aspects of growth and development of early childhood and emphasized
the moral aspect. So the child will grow up to be more meaningful to the children of the family, community
and nation.

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