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Internal circulation only


Please remember to quote the formula in all calculations.


Using a = (v u)/t,


The shaded area on the figure represents the distance travelled by the car from
t = 10s to t = 16s.



a = (25 20)/4
= 1.3 ms-2 (2 s.f.)

The average speed of the car is the average distance covered per unit
time, given by dividing the total distance travelled by the total time taken.
From t = 6s to t = 16s, a larger average distance is travelled per unit time
(225 m in 10 s) compared to that from t = 0s to t = 20s (425 m in 20 s).




Internal circulation only


Chemical potential energy of the swimmer is converted to kinetic energy.



Using KE = 1/2 mv2,




As the swimmer moves in the water, she exerts a force on the water
which moves a distance parallel to the applied force, thus work is done
on the water.


The work done will be converted to kinetic energy of the water which will
eventually be converted to thermal energy / heat.




They travel at a speed of 3 x 108 m/s in vacuum. OR

They do not require a medium to propagate.




Visible light and infra-red radiation



Less radiation is emitted by the cooler filament.

The frequency of the emitted radiation decreases / the wavelength of the
radiation increases / a higher proportion of radiation with wavelength in
the red region is emitted.



Heat is conducted away from the metal filament through the metal
support which is a good conductor of heat. The heat is then conducted to
the glass support and the metal casing.



The nitrogen gas near the hot metal filament is heated up and expands.
Its density decreases and rises. The cooler, denser nitrogen gas will sink
to take its place. This process sets up a convection current which
removes heat from the metal filament.



KE = 1/2 x 60 x 0.802
= 19 J (2 s.f.)



Using = m/V, m = 0.0012 x 30 = 0.036 g

Hence density of the cold air = 0.036 / 20
= 0.0018 g/cm3



When the molecules in the cylinder collide with its inner walls, they exert
a force on the walls. Since pressure is the force acting per unit area, a
pressure is hence created.



In Fig. 4.2, the molecules have less kinetic energy as the temperature of
the air has decreased. They will collide with the inner walls of the
container with less force. However, the area of the inner walls has also
decreased since the piston has moved inwards. Hence, the pressure
does not change.


As the cylinder is cooled, the atmospheric pressure outside the piston is greater
than the pressure in the cylinder, hence the piston moves inwards.




Internal circulation only


Time = 95 s (accept 96 s)



The temperature of the sample is higher than that of the surroundings, hence
heat is transferred from the hotter region to the colder region.



During the change of state where the liquid solidifies, intermolecular forces of
attraction are formed between particles. As a result, latent heat of fusion is
given off by the sample. However, the kinetic energy of the particles remains
constant, hence the temperature of the sample remains constant.





Two rays drawn from the top of the object

Correct image drawn



The light rays drawn do not actually come from the image, hence this shows
that the image is virtual.



1. The image is now closer to the lens.

2. A less magnified image is formed.



Internal circulation only


Using 1/Reff = 1/R1 + 1/R2, 1/Reff = 1/(30 + 30) + 1/(10 + 30)

= (1/60 + 1/40)-1
= 24



Using V = RI,




The two 30 resistors connected in series have the same resistance,

thus the p.d. of 6V is shared equally between them.



Using V1 = V x R1/(R1 + R2),


I = 6/24
= 0.25 A

VCD = 6 x 30/(30 + 10)

= 4.5 V







VAC = 4.5 - 3.0

= 1.5 V


When the switch is closed, the magnetic field produced by the current
interacts with that of the permanent magnet.
By Flemings Left-Hand Rule, an upward force acts on the side of the coil
near to the N-pole, while a downward force acts on the other side,
causing the coil to rotate.


The split-ring commutator reverses the direction of the current after the
coil has turned 180.
By Flemings Left-Hand Rule, an upward force will continue to act on the
side of the coil near to the N-pole, while a downward force will act on the
other side. The coil hence continues to turn in the same direction.





(any crest is acceptable)


1. The amplitude (i.e. maximum moment) of the graph increases.

2. The period shown on the graph decreases.



Internal circulation only





Water waves with = 10 m travel at the same speed of 4.0 m/s in both
deep and shallow water.



For the range = 400 m to = 600 m, the speed of the water waves in
deep water increases with longer wavelengths. However, for the same
range of wavelength, the speed of water waves in shallow water
remain constant at 9.9 m/s.



The first wave to reach the ship is the fastest i.e. speed = 30.6 m/s.
Using speed = distance/time,


Time taken by the first wave = 2000 x 103 / 30.6

= 65000 s (2 s.f.)



Using v = f,



Time taken by the required wave = (4 x 3600) + 65359

= 79759 s

f = 30.6 / 600
= 0.051 Hz

Using speed = distance/time,




Speed of required wave = 2000 x 103/79759

= 25 m/s (2 s.f.)


From the table, the wavelength of the required wave is 400 m.


1. The ship oscillates up and down vertically in a periodic fashion.

2. The time taken by the ship to complete a vertical oscillation


1. A potentiometer that alters the
p.d. across a lamp
2. Correct circuit symbols must be
3. Ammeter in series with a lamp
and a voltmeter in parallel



Internal circulation only




1. The current can be increased by increasing the p.d. across the

lamp. This can be done by moving the jockey gradually from the left
side of the potential divider to the right side.


2. Since the lamp is a non-ohmic conductor, its resistance increases

with an increase in temperature. Hence, at high values of current
and p.d. where the temperature of the lamp is higher, the p.d. across
it will not be proportional to the current.



Using Q = It,

Q = 0.20 x (4.0 x 60)

= 48 C



Using V = W/Q,

V = 390/48
= 8.1 V





If wire A is connected to the live terminal, the switch connected to it will

disconnect the high voltage from the table lamp when the switch is turned
If wire B is connected to the live terminal instead, the table lamp will be live
even when the switch is turned off, and this may cause an electric shock to
any user who touches the table lamp.






The purpose of a fuse is to prevent excess current from flowing in the

When there is excess current in the circuit, the fuse will melt, hence
breaking open the circuit.
The electrical supply to the table lamp will then be cut off and
overheating of the wires / a fire will be prevented.
When the live wire touches the metal case, the current flows through
wire C which is the earth wire. This causes the fuse in the plug to blow
and the lamp will be disconnected from the live terminal. Hence, a
person who touches the case does not feel any shock.


Using P = V2/R,

R = 2302/100
= 530


From P = V2/R, for the same V,

P1R1 = P2R2
100 x R1 = 60 x R2
R1/ R2 = 0.60


Since the lamp is doubly insulated, the outer casing is a non-metal /

electrical insulator. Hence, even without the earth wire, the lamp is safe to







Internal circulation only




1. Bring the positively charged rod near to the metal plate.

2. With the charged rod still in place, connect the lead connected to
earth to the metal plate.
3. Without removing the charged rod, remove the lead connector from
the metal plate.
4. Finally, remove the charged rod.


When the positively charged rod is brought near the metal plate, the
electrons in the metal plate will be attracted and move to the end near
the rod since unlike charges attract.
When the metal plate is earthed by the lead connector, electrons from
the earth will flow into the metal plate to neutralise the positive charges
found on the right side of the plate. The metal plate will now have
excess electrons.
When the lead connector and then the charged rod are removed, the
excess electrons will distribute themselves evenly across the metal
plate which now becomes negatively charged.



The charge in these regions will be neutralised by electrons from the

earth since the inside of the drum is connected to earth.



1. The toner is also positively charged, and since like charges repel, it
does not stick to the positively charged regions of the drum.
2. The toner induces negative charges on the conducting regions of
the drum, hence it sticks to these regions as unlike charges attract.








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