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Our topic is Dark triad of personality

Now talking about the topic

Personality has been derived from the Latin word Persona which means
It is the combination of individual thoughts, characteristics , behaviours ,
attitude , idea & habits.
As Persona means mask hence it is something which one don't show to
others from front front - you are something and at the back you are a
totally new person .So one can be dark in nature/behaviours (Kind of
personality disorder)
Hence taking account of this the personality disorder is of three types :1) Machiavellianism
2) Narcissism
3) Psychopathy
Together these three personalities are referred as dark triad of personality.
The dark triad is a group of three personalities as mentioned previously and
here the term DARK implies these traits are malevolent qualities (wish to do
evil of others).
1) Machiavellianism :Machiavellianism is basically described as person's tendency to be
unemotional and hence a kind of personality to deceive and manipulate others
(one is focused on self interest)
Eg :- A personality of this kind of a person never told anyone the real reason
of doing something unless one feels it is useful to tell.
ie. In TV Show - Game of Thrones - Lord Varys & Lord Baelish character is
based on Machiavellianism.
2) Narcissism :-

Narcissism is basically lack of empathy ie. A personality disorder in

which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy ,
power ,prestige.
For Eg :- In Movie Sweet & Low Down (2000)- Sean Penns character is
based on Narcissism .
3) Psychopathy :Psychopathy is the personality disorder characterized by anti-social
behaviour or bold behaviour ie. A person consider himself above others
For Eg :- In Tv Show - Game of Thrones - Joffrey Baratheon character is
based on Psychopathy.

Hence passing to who will explain how these personality traits are manifested
in behavior of managers.
Thank You.

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