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EVP VY Gia Sal oe otto) FAs asd ra Be Ouliee NO.PRINT eal Fred Mesquita"'"’ This course is for aviation pr. i-traffic coptrollers (cperg measures (e vil). The! con! cd develo} Icao im ge profi inany Len ment ai in an aviatio’ bent joes io teal ss need inc! for ob onto pico language new uring 11% The SUude reading and listening texts gs ea speaking pragy P bg classigg Re is inter th foy he CD-R rts th Ed pronun cise participal e audiq Book fa suppoy tho, fined in ¥ particularly pilots anc fach and mal 4 D Language; iptors Js to increas} n specific s| din the re the sk io succeed function (ely, phras hat avial p pros tontoxt, tw ts an ol ots iy main fon the iO ting remerg pend jent’s fons if Parse in the form of es and langue po gs for >. study lassroom vit int guage the stu! b Book. bed to Fred Mesquita PRL ect he 12units in judent's Book Section 1 is based on an introducy vtheme ofthe seq base g text of provides Piening and Sectia sed on an yor fon Brn scenay sal oxts jg ara hory e: x ohraseol plain| 1 . 4 sanen ‘aD a my Bication ai extension o ou Uy They rai tion and exira Teme naterial t goof the Student's rit hes two sag Sec P practi on fil on Mision jon bes in tudeni§ Foht in ifimmmcspon ls of tho In speed wodel and taka charactg Fmation 'you enjoy tion Englit Henl¥ Emery Andy Robert, Fred Mesquita TECHNOLOGY ANIMALS UNIT 5 GRAVITY Jog and HEALTH ~~ Fred Mesquita unit 42 y Re SECURITY Renoers Pe Ore. fge and accuracy are Sulficient to communicate ‘effectively on common, concrete, Operational and work-related topics 4 Pre- Operation Elementary Y range consistin. 3 by words and Urs Performs at a level below th torms at aleve Performs at a levet below the Elementary 9 foros ata eee : si y ev Jrentary leve etary leve - Fred Mesquita ICAO RATING SCALE ters Ss arkers and connectors s fy immediate, and informative, Mates and maintains exchanges even when dealing with an formulaic spooch (ee interaciion, but this does noi preven effecive communication, Can make limited use znd oft Respot Phanges jemnorized utter anda di ete simple oul Fred Mesquita . Caan ut a repeal 3 se fewer‘ a ror rang ore f rn The ck Arevent repo rriscornny fer 70% ot Mt examined pilot tatty speat the instruc] 2 Nigpmersiandings by thy result in incorrect ready 3 Failure of the control incorrect readbac} 4 Either the contrg ‘confusing the cat Several fctors increased the FORE cf communicaton breckdown. The most important was the complety of the instructions. The follwing instruction, for ee ea . ~NZURSIOCN w cap’ contd ort tal : al hen] fe pec tunities PO Grou] ier Iintersecto Charte, Aleck of cause o nispr But tg ada mi uncerstanc, commu inway, eros ‘soon ers eight oc Pom ray ton tox un fe at Gul, ish can because J misuncerst yin Engi ny idtomatic | In English can ¢ Also, instuction ary dit The mes 2 Ho S We will turn g MS strong fe mistake up ong Wy Fo ‘port made ™ ations for tions short pilot roads back Win controlers wo sash, break wie ia words by I Fics Ask when oORcut a piece of information Include the full call sign when giving instruction or reading back Mait for complete aircraft identitcation folowing instructions ow waked Mesquita Fred Mesquita....... Student A : Find out fro He folowing z buldings and teatug them on yo + tea . 3 fn end match each problem © customs ofces wth one vactviy 2 + the national weathe a aan env ae ur the taxiw sstion othe 9 3 ic must uy Mict sate The ps sy 2 bea 4 Of en aig Pr inciuding the tay a Parting trate ¥ € rect column oy a Oo" Oo ee s A y = 2 naga oe = 4 Spd FX “9 . » ow led Mesquita NO PRINT » ow Fred Mesquita YO PRINT There's someboay taking of There aro signs showing the runways Compe ripton of thea Vocabulary 5 yrect form 1 D0 touching down on runway 27R 20 00 x aie 2 rica et 3 the far endo i 4 twoarcre p ran 5 bo oo + 2m. Poway 27. bortakoot oraor into poston 4 er he E nee mote ah Aley cles seam = ho rel . fi. ni : 7 |\ regs 2 paie, Dsus questions What factors increase the possibilty luce hots more oF less of a problem ~ Fred Mesquita....... 1 SResrange the 2 of aspect / your you /job/d 3. have/ which /wo airports ork fr a / usually golem /in/ en nen / 8 nla? on ton A ses 7 language / m8 9 / ha ye led my career in Aviation $ve RAN mid completa, OS ££ Va 3 ihe am off an runway 27F. 4 tog H ———— conn . ou Ered Mesquita INT unway 2 lower issued ir 2 (2) ne runway nd Avia H) j 1 isced th lt, and ( T Fine sign fo and (5) " b 8 on the o ki the same t g oun 1 Compiel too icato correct forn hen the pila realthal mS af AD . oN Oo, i 2 5 The 6 Whenr fe 7 Rese letters to Fes of Bipsh in an air fe ther of runwa rawaxity Ao that pla get to 2 runwe stabl cent area from et engines 5 naggl Pnbols thet around an aif y are and wi © menavept kml es and ‘on the grout 7 nittereosoni a plac ays, roads, 8 altremin the main airport Fred Mesquita > Fred Mesquita Mr What Why did neste Pago Pago at 03¢ 4 Why did he fly on his compass irom Ono. Noriolk island? When did the pilot rea his fight well. He Flo Pago at 0300, a Ours of daylight tact with thy journey. Apart from charts and: ri0-I-Lay, almost a compass, the only navigation ‘en route. Now his task was to fly the remaining 850 y A few hours later he Fe, this crossing was trip even for big jets. ec of the Norfolk NDB, an ndicated by waroached the p10 Fred Mesquita Lost 17 .« Fred Mesquita orton ~ Fred Mesquita »» Fred Mesquita Ls Fred Mesquita gency (2) ) hurt se we thout 4 Je ya Captain tes alter Journatist youl ds Captain Yes alist (4) andl . a Journalist (6) Captain fehad 1 jars wih a taste) 3 near-collision Boe! each 0 Finiemal Firning system hy or ally (4) say from danger The Bg he toward Airport fn the busi hm Sardin| Airport whe o London. J js: year nest and the Air AQ ui oh today (9) its report il nt the pi ing 747, wh 0 fast” as the JM began its Ie procedures a Alc or his speed. 22 Lost Fred Mesquita ATC 1G21Tiby ate Pilot pl may TAY. MAYDAY. Tit ik Centre, Roger emergency. Pilot Last known position was 10 miles n¢ Last know was 10m Pilot (3) a ATC 1G21. Pleas Pilot 15) ications ATC ices. (6) Match these vor se Je 6 fy ~ 8 follow Fro romorrbor thy Fol) RUISAC. (1) M ay ££ adio signal. We'll ous wt nia § below in tha fe categ Fred Mesquita 23 Wotk in pairs. Be ivantages ani However, Datalink, free text’ messag words to deal w when the pilot writt™ aviation communications. But sometimes do not underst@@e the e icate beyond simple routine not use the same words and abb when they do not spea 24 | TECHNOLOGY wanage a larger 4 Datalink Co bbreviatil he cre Words to deal yh non-routine tain shi pletely ‘cation esquita....... . “Fred Mesduita....... ‘Fred Mesquita O-PRINT asier tc directly toa pilots 2 Datalink allows pilots ang ATCs to ages for communications 3. The problem with ransmissi Speaker may t 4 Datalink allows y sing their ow] 5 Datalink has 1 ake b fast and to J on the frequency, 6 Dat ’ tex, 7 Datalink 6 ps and conttg 8 Iygan take time tc es bn messag Briers instruct Datalink eyston th the b Complete the un ce sta m te & fs wheing gis and pilots A of ollaeck-up, The airports agent NS: Prce urit The on-board CCTV cameras NZ nan SI and Tuga Fo tho tox: with tho v Bs. lap aircraft oo Fetronic inst ays. relatively reog pits FF soughivaiter traction} Pris. Where a trad) @) MBmerous mochenig ) Information, a ge 5 computer disp 6) to display ti 7) This (8) eration and 7 and (9) (10) the most pertinent information. They are: popular with airine companies as they \ 4) the need to (12) Fred Mesquita gommon prd (PAA) reported that two, He Preparing to land ag ‘ied nile] landings after a med neard : the damage y 19-passe gr argo worker: kes bound fo} by smugely port official rth about S| fs after can Indlers hea red rat in expey jal in sq untrie hc > hen’ a igh fected nat on es, Which fp October aft 1900 ofFar the ON st collapse op. twas ad 10 FAA record btanes hitting from 1.744 in 14 end arpor worried that the anim horities ar ‘ould make it dangerous planes to land. Thousan rabbits are living in tu beneath the aired and holes haye appeared fake Ee mm surface. T American esc Fes of the Rrincls from the cargo, Re plane's backup radio anc Arie favigational equipment stopped working, When opp. period lied in such 53 million in and whe fever a x d birds. The coy - wheepa ke sure that so hey canta hem planes struck wdlife 66 ke LSA deer ~ 652; coyotes ~ 198 alia house cats ~ 11. » om oF Fed Mesquita Fred Mesquita...-.. - haa : L >, rt IN Bi je I i ee owe» Fred Mesquita —— i Fred Mesquita ow «Fed Mesquita right and perfy site hanolebay were no See ciescent to just above the grounc. ge series of fight manoeuvres, pee the runway before m ing gently to the gral use it fal itot is th pry, you don’ yaw craft pilot to fly tht Randle ng we pot a lengthy proce hange di Pushing w several sets of spal controls, s you ad olf pilot said that when fixed-p jes prot how’ clFtofly he went lift. To ward, yol throug! ades before handl Ii you. Yol he learn elicopter orrigl jg ayaw si without tip) you! which cha rotay 0 upper bla There are no) ide standard iefinitions for uMalight aircraft. So 1 GEN-Ha fly boke sure you check the regulations th Ir Show, and your own country before you buy. in action, The fe GEN-Hg comes in kitform and.can oe Jt 109 f, rolled be assembled in 4ohours. 6 tpiaca ow oo Fred Mesquita Fred Mesquita ai \ ~ Fred Mesquita ..... 4 Make ate n to te frst part of a con ee” of f fo ditch th Field adopt lancing cog ontrol spee r The controller ve ne crew ack the pilot to swf om Fred Mesquita NO PRINT oie ~ Ered Mi esq u ita CHP 7 Flight safety is ms infusing H 8 Agrodrome controls see aircr yf of binoculars 9 Msiimd and ce igh the y ince of ice or is read ing chemi | > om as a rc i ther 5 busy NY 1 Steelie aly 2 The Airbus he ffm 7: fu ait vf ar rat IG tne aajec .o« Fred Mesquita Fred Mesqu a HEALTH | 49 et prof dealing Bicep at al a _.. Fred Me isto fore time in suppl time youy jectives. Telly you feel tke Male a B tat can c tolaw with st asons re mentioned, F ques Ratfect peg Fs that a kat home quita Fred Mesquita ..... ency Pmuesticns 1 Who do the flight 2 Why do thoy op. 3 What activity ca Listen agai 1 The sick pa ‘on holiday rip for f airborne pints rouble breathing 3 yp biood 1 update the medics he situation Work in pais. Try (o remember ine missiaguy Pcs mr bsit? und anytningg Frain assenger, Modieal aviser Captain Medical acvi Captain tl bleodiny Medical advisor er pulse? Captain 6) Medical adviser That's good. You can .o« Fred Mesquita condition ~ = ISS wy Fred Mesquita lepic itis caused asi tivity inthe brain, nis the lea oat resuite veral fighis hal asa For controllers ard oop can fl pining for fight & ’ ause lays i aa rest imp! won't be able to 58 0, sir she /taking at da oulenc air Je fatal incidef storms, ¢'| a Of iow, ory led take takin ain 1 | the ~o~ Fred Mesquita fired part of your body. 21 fA io Rae bio fe adm a i to prever 8 chine ty “| On arriving atthe destination, one passenger’ tag had smoke coming twas boaed 07 ts SO compartment and te quid aked onto the 2 axplosiva material black powder. The proniited, and _« Fred Mesquita ist Kop U Frost dificult th your work on ty Rou leave th Pin you find afi B would you putg Work in gre Work in pairs, Disc the questions jal firefighiing service hy? Why / Why Would you tks to werkin aerial telighting oper Why / Why not? Fred Mesquita __..- 2 Itanyone ord you fright ame a nNWrided heavily wong 2 Listen agein and repea he werd »« Fred Mesq PF PNE Wh PFET PNF PF NO PR INT Fred Mesquita ... bhibition ai R wiry ine words 3 inthe bd mustn't not allowed permitted —_prohi a tosy e wast 2 to enter ny time 3 You are seat dui landing 4 Carrying anything plane 5 Tye cabin passenad procedur tof anaccidg pring of every ti go92rs tying 108 Us are Preadable ps nt becau cpicig Er 0 tly a plane nse, 3 ken int rain a wus or 10 Fig y stare wi oer of een Functional Engh s anes! poe the words to mat sen / passend™ eit a 3. tell/ severe / we / passenger / MedLink [eam UA rm BAT wo / number 8 aerodrome / infor Ey £ from Tine / hg wast 4/plane. F quick’ liowing orders Ect me some wag (oring) 2 Quick! Get afi pd) Get off the ry Get your g jet ATC on the 5 Get on yo 6 7 Find the checklist for Wo! © Don't bother the pilot! (isturb) 10. Tell me where the nearest aerodrome is, (let know) om Fred Mesquita iO-PRINT e doing about it? 4 Are OK the pa gore Liry and reset h 6 Ill asking the caby cnager 1 iol 7 Wicontact Al 8 Letget the 0 an emer = collocat ning wither glerted the ont. at Sen} bo airport, 0 ic near f I took’ to conta icc time just ; he ficht at bes lone iimmen ev extinguish al the ots could see Dig on attempting to tackle mt © A passenger thought he could smell ply alter arod thing fo r to oxty produc p butno Bisco, orto fething std jorsu glint 5 horst cclirtu trical cont prevents: 6 efir gruint, ted contai 7 xegney, lsct that fits g athe rornall aulpmors. tr Bed to put susel 8 oohs ary long tube | flow through tied Fred Mesquita oS ight 191 forth airport fay in 1985, it lew into athunderstorm.’The storm then explodes upwards and outwards. pheaomenon began, but progress was quickly got worse, and the crew ne encountering this quite slow until the 80s, when research noticed that something oxi to a strong he by NASA gave us an understanding aught, the pow microbursts are caused, and Fas recognized that even a frcratt could not survive them, strange large ‘ose control of ich increase any throttle, Just & spoed dropped to 119 The survival taught tod: que that pilots are eloped by two 19808, The Bwer and pull f° until the stall requite and detec that planes em dangerous phenom Mplete the sentance fy freezing in winter i Peed a fur hat Siberia protty slippery 1 Number alk about the © experience “Fred Mesquita » - = | .oaFred Mesquita 1 Weather conditions hast 2 anapproach depart on tM or has just Bristol over Te Me epproachy be busy, pong t ning per Listen and comg Fred Mesqu Visitility i The tow QAG3E loses 20 kt on shor final The pilot decides to lly through the turbulenee : comaF ted Mesquita We use be someone about Infor] rain) nay enereeu yap small Match the be raings 8 4 There was a thunds ad, 2 of the strong N be slipper 6 Wing stall is a co 7 The sky was dull and ot 8 The wind chee rontly 3 8 make sen first/1/of Br get /1/ didn ater /d fay | what | ¥Q that / was / cid / word belof didn't 1) 1m that / sorry sent orrect synanyms from the box. fcondition completely gy Fer VF tighy Frere civery Foxe Miscances Bsengers were told to fast eral hangars hag » oma ted Mesquita 2 Watch out for/ Pay attention micr uunway 27L. 3 We were told to look out for aircraft caught n landing the mountains| Please be prep. 2 ain. n to/on 9 gghi the bright 10 a mixture of snow arf 11 yellprps _a surface thats dificult to move on because its Simeon or wet “Fred Mesquitamec. 3. Read the Dao they oer 5 1 knot LF’: Prcrcuit BELOW the control = ging I rom turning finals at two miles to just before touch domm™ A, Front of you. You Con aoaaia is a mountain In the way. On NZ nit the rola ee without some fe 05 instrument 2 Sls MO ON ies wi You can’t touch down later than the "one fib. MMChor 2 Slowing down and cooling ig al iss hol ound’ secaise gcheated and og Tt stucyllme rug. OMMMDart backtrack S aircraty 5 a fm anc mw. 1 always peo feral havey own fmm nto Wma by 8 Famous HKGy foo-thr dure edible od once eastbount proach, Firs Re view ty andl scrapers, nt red and white ‘squares on ty side. Yo Hed the! u clo Ker. Just as it seemed likg Fioing to f e markd ned hard B full 47.5°, You turngg the bull you coul people ins if you could reach i the TV chy seconds rudders nd ‘and the unde Red down, id ground ble! lg in a basin bd ains, and) n runway 01, Wagpericle inside the bak 2 mountaintd Je to bank h can look the offposite way and still see tre ‘mountains. G ly have 104 © up before touchdown. 01 has a displaced tNreshold, leavir 1436 ft of use There's also @ 1.06° downhill slope and a diff, which is br the end of PFI. always looks as though you're going to fall off the ena o it used to be dtr more exciting before they removed a small mountain on the approach path and added traffic lichts on Boulevard Hacia Loarque to stop tra rival or departure, 72) LANDINGS Student Student B I - Ba wpe nae | ~~Fred Mesquita ..... . com Fred Mesquita — . ing VIP: “Fred Mesquita ..... aaa 3. Listen othe twee 1 Listen again ang Plogues 1 Sin poflmme (1) 319. n butits ata 90° hen Is dow kat 90 Bor Controller Ag ‘our main g tract Pitot h gear has rf nk you si Controle iv Your mail tracted. It is Same Pilot in gearis sty 30 Pitot Tower this is Fastair 35 final The aped Peright of runway 32 lly landing for traffic behind me" Controller oo Fred Mesquita nd tha d_ siting understandin | say again meone hasni perrecily That's wrong 8 You haver't uf 10 Please read back We ups of three ts of th s wit farting air ¢ information in is incor poopie h port A bell B gol nd rea Bit B. Stug » c Student A att SQ266 taxied at Ss of por R cicared | nthe capial 8 oa ine runw tess t Oe Di hy: Y into the wale ri ce at a SM Janding et exacl 2 Have you on winaro 6 a twas if stand somex Discuss whether you agree or disagree fonts below ‘ 1 Most misunderstandings happen bef xd ATCs do nol Bio oF mic correctly The only communication stratagy neader oma misuncerstantng is the phi ei Fred Mesquita ...... . The plane looks at pian speaking, I'm afraid > be itr 3 Dumping tne fuel seemagglike camay 4 Iefalt asit 1 he i n pression 1 ag ho tim th y a problem Rgers fis heading tg Ing ur hugh Ps fed to di Ids /do lo nste pack /tul /in ain |is | poor | ree sme FLO Mesquita Section one ~ Aviation and global warming Maich a word on the ord cn the 3 Read th Joi te totowing organizations ake callocatior al warming i having an impact on gob: 2" ink that ne ator dons fa is acct 08 =a a —) . t 7 cy aviv a i f Pasta LON " } - \ J house gel Mod Vos ggcy B22 improved by 20% in the lly, the Busy Cle ~~: Rested limiting CO, for gle see ssa Elgg ve fepariing fom FU airy gy” f ON i do of lation growth ca: Fc co a Although rg fe fuel-alme a ve, can Raclora ontiny his wil E pol MR pent agree with E is Pow nt Pr ot a ont a ed 10 recon the saving fcieng aM ribo 16 ion as inaccurs Proriied that emis al a han in any 1 rational Air sociatio D ate impac son-induced WA to restore a by ty on avig bY if lobal warm: Point brie t ae i from 198 Jace valing all Prvisamad cy com potese greenhouse gas g ate some of 6 that theTATA y Risprove the i 3 contribution Wigmate change of 1 Airtransport oof pon 4 and 9%, depending on the 2. Over the last 40 years, emissions per 4 ney has net improved at all kilemotre have decreased by 70 Prongor aircraft of tho 19502 wero a jodern jets 80 FUEL 767 makes e} lant atigenol gay fue! aw ee we ee ek Za set Canadian PC es The Two! The pill elon Clitheroe said t Passengers received mj most ideal, 10 = the least ideal) 2. Explain and discuss your re Fred Mesquita ... Fred Mesquita vp Student A ENGINE POWER LOSS DU RING FLIGHT 8 KIAS fully in) more Lig cient / would 2. another / charging / Tugsdgligher {is / opt taxes 3 a/be / bio-die fe / made /§ foption / soyt fi fe / that / ar 5 ‘an jcarty PS uncredd hoo / more sengers / by / cout plan travel /f 2. Underline the " The fuel tankers oA oii be landing geer mea ui oo tc was shouldn oc Pci Se: " 10 ROE $ Pr appropriate action in order to avoid a pos 7. The fuel hoses should / supposed (0/7 WY 8_The oxvoen mass aaa — — ff NS | think have Complete the ng woy the cn en, ath J that ful Rture of the Al pacing Fred Mesquita .... Ona ae and Tim, the captain ut. | jumped across the Grabbed his waist. His body wasMutside the aircraft, bent over the top ard his legs had stuck under the contro, disabling the Tins face outside the window, Breied in blood, While! vas holding Ti another steward czas x lending, stoping quarters of the way. The whole fo save Tim ky ar rushed bis around iM Tim tad spent 18 ead Furth, at es outside the cockpit. During this tne een unconscious. When he regained Jousness othe stretcher is ist werds wer ‘I want to eat Typical pit om FYed Mesquita » = ai chlet steward INTREAL J 4id they los st stopped NIJ x o senteni Aictair oucked ‘crease NN ik off dear of depressurization Words, ce usually an appropy pilot hast ony rable to do ths me me, he wil rapidly Fi windscre raft began to 2 steward cami Fh 5 Nige! is 9 Suuden o-pllol, and Student Cis John, the chiet , ay an tere abou thence 9 Coldair into the cabin, 200Ks. Retell the incident in youre Bofore yBu begin, propare w Fred Mesquita ssut a Ss wo - D Mesquita oe Ss = = ¢) a faulty lock rapid depseaa Uy CA rrcssune 91 red Mesquita 3 we don't get to a ¢ Complete the sont We will have ty ading, hit the haley 2 The aircratt wil land on th itd ring fuel the ra the ai feed to con nerf > 4 Tpore must be a pet nop! Je answe y fights ther with A sont do nthe Ir iy asa cog tots and air tral choo ofl cog ring dbo automatee an ther Vy Koryo MF . Rey Radar should be U - Fouare going to Prony 1 > oar Fe the chart ard the info Fo ho) 0. vation Situatig a F 4 5 ~ Respond aN mt pond etal ‘conto! par we bad juerces permnisson. Ask ; sof damage Situation 2 - Sti lone Sed ores Bn. Ask Callsign: 6 formation about Incident: holew aused by unk of initio, sudden dem@ggpression, Damage: toletshand horizontal stabi Contin emerasrey Injuries: severe! passengers uncensc cones thing needed 93 Fred Mesquita ..... . = Fied Wazauilta O. PRINT nApnl 28, 1988, (1) _ 737 took off from Hilo International Airp gaia (13) __ ar Sadly, (15) gpercency landing 1) Match a verb on the left with to pully one ofthe birds nto the cockpit and the captain's instrument panel Fred Mesquita ...... . Lee Section one — Air rage pairs. Discuss estion mes a person { polite and law-abiding goes during atlich securty incident. Whet factors Peta Ai femal diverted to Sa Fr became ung Picton Bi came back hres handcuff Prevical a wy a lance after to hare 0 intervene, Massa th plasticufts by lot 8 was 50 wv." 620.000, | Boston after srangely. Fight Be when she stare he appeared very engers. Two her. was di dt bt waving a loudly at bitwen a5 runken hol who abused fon a flight Tenerife s son a tiny isl he Atlantic after ¢-airline aby mn, 300 miles £A9M their destination he men bees nd aggressive towards staff shortly their fig) sn Manchester. When they refused caasang TaNie ai8e b calm down Pk the decision to divert the plane ken to hospital nd make an utheduled stop-off at an airstrip on the tiny he pik assattion? Portuguese island of Porto Santo, and the men were removed umn FYed i ~ endings to] ssked her to calm do assenger continued to drink m 4 lo cooperate with requests. he becan items <0 was unable to smeke on the plane. Three people hel ‘emevg passenger i be didnt return to She kicked the pig his 82 The cabin The crowd of foo! The traveller was e ic sit her dowry + of the us thing, action The woman wa jal He had to be rest Bassa was jailed for 1 gers of the crew Wa x they moved, Peopre onens of Flight attenem age incident hey Keep plastic restraints on all Higa higr E fght and, cing sf Work in small gf How could ait Fircage i How should cabin ained to de - How should violent passengers be rest How should passengers be punishac td }o you know any stories of air rage incite Fred Mesquita ...- 2 What body lang Make a list. 2 ® 35 Listen to security expert 0 you lated River tho quogg 8 Kalo think of tecy P 2 Vihy docriminals bel F to ol parts of ty all moy Rappen in lary 4 have alreg Bioppe| ange, le sign of a pass® 4. Moving the fowa 5 Officers should look for small moverrentsf vn can matcate suspicious behaviour _o. Fred M esquita YAP= you're SUMMMETE is no other possiomy 11 Underline the correct aterggme in senterc| We're looking iy | signs that ow i signs that the} criminal act copie show just be / are probabM ooserve mutt cour that in Bing uit, anc ai engage’ Joints. Work in pg ne 1,000 ping Surely curity measy 19 indicate ap 100 points cious and lateral) 250 points Listen to the extwaahe Fooing to exp 100 points 200 points face bio 1gaage\ gr organic and prganic bage inspe low officers 250 points 00s 200 points io sposal unit (0 points fending? nel swipe-card bs on secure at 250 points 2 Unuderting the stressed sylable words, then listen and repeat E ‘orm (OUP. Each pair should present their wiation mmigration ideas. The group must reach a decision on ho! ~ Fred Mesquita ...... » spend the poi haan \ po , LOCKED FRO! ! INSIDE CQCKPIT oO ake to 1 fuel a double under bach infoxmatio «wom Fred Mesquita using the passi 1 Because of severe fag in the area, the fi 2 Two football supporters A fight atendant > aggressiv percial flight 00 any ival Batch the beginnings stom hg fold us to p F's rolused 4 Prsid that us /y BE ask the flat Founting Pel the cabin cre their sea 7 Aak the pilot sy intentions 8 |W request f fration abou} 102 | SEcuRITY ‘orm of the verb in brackets. (svg (throw of) senger.( found by ef -gere. (010°) chunks ich) kperiencing foblems. (into sence fa peident. (tel h the mij (not ak alter thd cy landing birport. wy ask Medd Ss ust yet fe semathing to hide tne runway because oF suests, 3 conditon esquita el) Passenger ask Controller pesition pid (ack Man Hit tion Pj Wen’ nemerd no. fest) We havo Please ave N bation ‘advise sty bo show thee oct Ae Ain bed to hh x 2 revosun wi i 3 gyam vory anova" 4 sagivreseg aN ou We Prrulle not ingly < ao 7 vesabui 8 issupicuso angus 9 rhudn, fable four om or our D yu have had :ahol very ontio inthe t correc bre than A child was of ly se feet 2 Theman s aly deman y. 3 The pas 2 ight attona| 08. The pilot have 5. The drunk lad another pad stomach. 6 Asthey ned to tne passey one of pris’ hands, 7 The group wore the ether outing and siete 8 The group w told that i they dicn’ contro tet jehaviowr that the y would be from the plane Fred Mesquita sso «om Fred Mesquita metrics oe a Fred Mesquita .......... STENT Foute to Studen| idert B'S description of the route nd draw it on youggecture | | ¥g preeting review! yy pr Pe meeting. yg XB talking for Lian I but you g the correct in the re bout th 3B politely f fro Crew Ci s Passengers Departure city Lierpod pity Son Francieco, OM ny fesscengers 0 ei si igh 2 . i Raused return to airport Outcome dora s aa ae to hole in left-hay crs not being dosed creo N oe jon plete the tay he |flmace WMhe FR English see — wi imaginative be ion inion lerpretation ba F soy sid be “ rx, but a idl heavy winter clot An ederly man g to greetings. a 2 Each student form a peir with a Student B. Tell them only your interpretations «.u. Fred Mesquita Sa * the general aviation termina * the airport police station * the airoraft rescue and frg + the international art the control towg ahelipad Doceribe the postion o Studer A asks for. The p 110 your th writen what you have 1 AB703 K265 PHAS7¢ ™” Fred M AVA esquita ..... _—_—_. i Fred Mesquita Satna the items on board your fight, Use language from the Prinout showing the B actually hap s height Nts 2228 og metric max speed stall speed esquita ™:-... of their helicopter and draw itn your 2 Describe y Do not show them you The foward cervice does all of th ‘OFF (~ fully out) R-off valve = OFF (= fully out) ignition switch = OFF emcc) Pa mene REA se fe sfessleontiag problens ~ faulty emergency landing at Birvsind cause of decempression ~ one d Soot Tele nat checked proverly Manchester Ai PAIRWORK 111 Saal passenger's ‘suspicious’ behaviour lerpretation an her hanc a9 very cla her body. age boy cannot rucksack with omit wnat ine passen 3 Fight 1455, aB73" vectored for a descent angle was mora Wen 6°, Touchdoy] stop the aircraft on the eunwa ala speed of 32 kt and sio inflated spam Fred Mesquita vough ho po side the pine and the nose gear col nse its g0 foggy, Are we straight ahead on Nt unway 16, Join jaxiva) NT on th osite side. Wg gching Kilo sg 19R/S1L. A ag an active runy faxiway Z on the oof Ma'am. Wey ing across, If you fol ontlict with z ATC immed 7 lookigy yellow sign Bint another sign to my left Rp straight ahead. Tel ign plesse A thid area of concern is using Jule joa yes. Roger Tum Fatrucig taxiway C, Hold sh nway oe 4 wor clear of the runway rause J leads a ey Queb nM Rome. 50629 z 7310 © = contiotter P. = controller, Ragpmte \yDAY. MAYDAY. Auckland Contiol thank you Tax tothe ren areca Report crossing runway 14 eortacting NAS nroasing 16; MG/Se N45AC. Cop) D798 is on N by the runways her Fred Mesquita.. ss 113 ea Pe ae nave enough light to s But the ADF stopped working correctly tunable to caleulate my gasstion. NA5AC. v ere gy ato Tyrn towards the s\ Pp ly heading is y fe ere facing 3 ference s 4 outh of hold out you! many and P Abo agers Vv Nasac. ser, 9 th g position usin sigi until we los t on ac vot very soon, NASAC. I's Ge 2 your euneet? Po The aia fon Norfoik Isla Zh Pimeans you are 5.62 30. Norio Island. Maig Ring P TE103. Icang it's ay Vv N4BAG, are 31 0" egg Brom Nog fi east vg fh-east couth-woet r Per east 32 21 4 4°32'40.25) en Ia! We received, uation ne ADF. rec ‘dl | wanted (0 Fight io see my 1 fa follow arrived 2M estabisned approached 3 hd contacted depaned calculated c Pp Rete lost TUB. Say last known position, Last kun position was 15 miles south-east of hn position 15 miles south- vel fight now. We're in total IM 7-00 on your tr f00. TJB. ir arcratt ty Pcod’ F Beech 0. Speed cd persons on boerd, Mont persons on by nutes ground ees. g ut a Sido, ground to the north, fm WOOdS 10 thea ge ican see a 102i 7 seo the valley is the road on? ge hig Ichi, on the south side of ain is arver 18 on ine non fr ro... the ro Jr. The gn the south sid can 9 ne road crosset is now c fe of the road? vo, Tho 9 rth eido of the pir below you see ac ct at 12 about 4 miles a commur 2 oicock, N turn, heading 265. TB, " I the valley and I can see a built ur mind a lake at one o'clock. TUB. Tusethere is an ai est. Say intentions, Wl like to far me vectors! squita tha tower 6 miles north ez ze Jean foyoo,M pilot Mahmot Sure, Jean, He lp you? Well, you know the airligg is uoaradin | was wondering four opinion They're 5777 and 320, at's right Well both of them sticated y both use tly biogy. Yetimet - can y in win the pilot nto at tothe o coe soil tne AM be botn se, wl the difference The 777 hes an ovs . re what you ove! owe tha oN 0K, (On the other hand, # protection. eompultg ff Pring dangero, g £ fe Arbus to increas ‘So basically, on ay Po utimate con Boer epi decides r an examp Feompute 30°, 0 that fre provections, verspee| Ri stops the pilo aster thay So that makes i Well, in my op, tly autg and protect [reduce thy way fiual control pull-up ¢ her plane ort show for exam ample toe At the Habsheim 1 didnt allow the pilot to hed. But sometimes bd becat event an ac a Boeing 757 Nt a that t 3 tab pe 5 tag bf Pj non-fly PF f ose, M2 escent 248, feend ENorizon outsice. Re attitude. Call Centre and AYDAY, MAYOR Frorizon, but lean ju = pilot 3 control lure —our ights are net worRNng: don't 5 us because the lost it ry to gen FS go my flashit bell Try re ystem, The ins on the lower sora ve got pmunications, Fall structo Vean onl ‘ustions one A ead the ins wy it, Check it you delete it Pr instruction mM ys eight didnt Pr next instruction PN y number nine ... Ah! The systern’s We've got power PF fy to contact ATC 80 they know our Biction, Ask for a holding patterr try to see what went wrong, Then we car “Fred Mesquita... BERET 18 LISTENING CCRIPT 4 What's the next instruction tt, ty to contact ATC 69 they know our Unit 4 P1 = pilot 1, P2 = pilot round 2 Pl pais the pre-fig ished. id ly ree stain oade fork neck Pr OK. ack in wi e really at 1% pnt want our P2 Hoy, howisit 6? Noa ? We've got a proble™ iat A eco sged. and ane 0} Wha ge fs. Ho's hallyy cage lock’s broly Thing that holde the dg G1_ The hinge? Yes, cargo net Ut sory getig Fin. P2, VOne 10 Py Fives F to gel sory fh this 2. I'd rather kng hnin there b 3. This is wh 4 don't want tt therrselves to got soMclp with this his is going to make us late Ww a probiem in the hold, PNF After take-off checklis PF Whalggas that? PNF Whg PF Tha PNF Oh fc! PF He strike! PNF fr birds! PF he power? PN no data oy Reine number Py food Micrease thrust on hive he nning prg ity nin level F Pres on ny i Rt kno) atal, The isp Fink we need to shut Fito shut down number one Ey nut down number one. sing power On eam . clean the windshield? Get thos wipe pues oF 10 Tows smoke from mgpoire. ice of Dim We've lost" 7H. YON e engine has ng ds. Are y sn emergency’ A laring an| oe planning or 9 back. 9 c ate parsd PI rew mami © ate fuel on BS PNI 000 kg PF 195 level is ci c tions PNF ing to do? Go around ta the left? PF WP con't iniend to land with this rach fuel or board, Turn left, dump fuel and get back a esquita — ight possible And Natta yang od PNF_ We pian to dump tueltolancing weight. S27H. T Ive conea lotot taining, and 1m teeting posit 1 Wellgggpd Lick. and thanks for talking to us. : T My 3 yo Unit 5 interviewor.T = mets U Bercome back tc nnere y slo Bion ai v0 Cost tea ago, can you about dey Pscond vertical ci 9 files mn 5 iter ce tres And thee shall ve OR hil turn 180) ont so A down, or af i Bic ¢ soc, ARC FPD26 tt cr 69mm, aheighto! _—" f an tniclen weight of 1,480 Ib ~ or battle of Wine he combined wing afea sg aban eight, which again is 2 COMMON ia |\ ee "ef gc of 220 HIS Se citicalagalll os of 3,200 ft oF 975 m — per MINE Rentum. You thegallg ara ond. tts range is approxim Rr unl tne nose aro ay £ ore 2 vertical down pg ay ff ay nousa pred and one xtra 900 is ths citer al arr hoy are quteg at th ter than noing they havy power for their fcratt only ac ving trouble 672 kg but i engine. Ar ng the ati establish ditference | surfaces, . ht Declaring pcutive 56 rudder 3 Ric atleast se 56, roge Biaic This he tho here! a ike to come WM to your airport high 5 I tying to fight the pitch and bay 1 Doyouever get Stared? hycraulic pressure and we've got The scariost moment vo Kon on the elevator or aileron mnogo cad a zive 56. 1 verbally, but then slow down and aoply © Executive 56. Just tell me what you need and Fred M esquita........ .. LISTENING SCRIPT Big turns only P- We'e going to go out west and then make a straight in approach if that’s possible. fighting to keap it straighjgind level. avery tong final. we reverse thrust runway possioN have sf ot tke the © uive 56.0K, a ay 07. W ive 58 Peeps so aneatirg. SR fil. Executives mp, % a ° fs oc: ov alll 5 end of ths 6 Doyou went ri ight now? runway 8 Is there aryt possible to separate your person s everyone think abou from your Work lilies, Antonio A don ample, | heard recently ab rad just signed on for thee ting after spending three days off ter tako-oF ho years ‘goar up) c fracied tne fap: ke. Anyway, t afterwards th about | tio baby ale, fas exneusieg Pork. Pp lustrates hy can riormancg ationship vii help ty hour g Nive. Fer eg be fy spect MP vis ‘fF. polidays Mur schedule around the as Bul I stress is oul may ssior hit sure > eat and Sam and se tunities or colead Hes such P eal. | think sire press spon flaps bre ectc ‘So what can peog Pally run down? And take iside of your control 9251 yousee y enjoy Take raguil siress-reducing massage ow oom Fred Mesquita Jocta stot Fich to ari fand need free 5. Illwpe the grease off the olass. V0 tri 1ere's a threat of strikes throughout t CPT = captain, medical = first officer cPT. Cait a m 290 © AeDvesiream 296 Pass youl 90 we armedical | pad. W g NedLink no am 290 ave a medi ‘on bol Caita oo” oninski. t are ail F Thisis O 20 an 04 the first office Thanks Moustal > you ving diticu F Hes inrisiaie M_ Isheableto: smmunicate? F No.l dont ibial bags 7] bother pi Fig Eri, f possible, Bckily his seat is to Fi we've already my passa a M Good. Hay ris Seay F Yes fd bien hne ty ™ has he by it, it looks, s bee| nypt for ten Bi ‘ound any g ation a fe haven't feu ise yet Foking through Fe Has he eaten ¢ fing? " Paris CGD, F for about 15 1 m fo. Are you cli 7 F Yes we are fred lor a steer Cairo due to tral FA Noustat, he has just started cou hs ve think he is losing conscious F — Ohdear MOK, this sounds tik egegapression sick itis acaseot rich is a citical °g gaould stop climbing and g Fay it you can - eve q Fously affect the patie Flr and tind an gternate airport ical services. Tyllimaing ATC 10 id an alternate, x sion chamby -compressig Sea F leveling Br scont > alroa piher passengers g Fe you beat belt? fe hag Mything else y 4as ‘drunk ary vy fed in hi avin fig, he's shaking badly, and xing a 19, coughing and crying. othe Jn, out him in recovery it assengd they can and cat irport ou musint bri expiosiv ugh some people en when 1 |. The owner d ower know Sto transport i laring it as O ou ha tal Pgerous good King the la one percent 0 fonts reported ins goods whic Ngpmroeen correctly ded ult io understalf for example how son tions and corrosive solids on boot t bocause they were labelled as'id ter dangerous goods raining 1s required. Fred Mesquita......... eis P as n. We hat aoa R ummer's day ipge far east of and I'm on my way Fe. rim here aerial fre serv p many fire burn through i m Asia Jachimenkov is a andrei you describe your § s to the ground os under I's dangerous N pve to be ily and physic have dand mall ‘ors M ice rece omoke, airborne, im. Atleast sa 5 to.cut away the vee ain I 2 anor pilcts tack one x Letow q oO. Som For example, this Spring n expiode ing a sorious wild fire. But OUP yoica tia Pend fies g EG Mea quickly. Bulg Fan per is definitely our gy ol yi betore the winter 1 cy & torespond Ren re rranaggy er 10 0u R Ty Fin Antony fe fire ‘goes ... hg e job rf Fr the ju 4 ime thiny re Poet make two or thi fits to mak drop. R_Thejumpers, 7 t0 drop i forest. Anc F stoout your s sy sure ne | out Extinguish gp difficult partie rai out of the forest again, (OK, here we go P Jumpors, a 120 | LISTENING Si bout your work on th lumpors, don’ talk. Got roady ft flying, PNF = pilot non. Few manager firing Centre in FL-980 PF Y F280 mach 8g PE eT PNq Prappeng PF P circut-y Ripped. Theyre Pring Pj q ‘ooms, Maybe My bin crew Fc reset IF, LW , Pars of an urpleasant s ring ftom the rear washrooms, like an id’ istecior? Im not q thes m rroulder kro king has com sith tn sor | thi brat do used Gon kro) g vacuum outlst rioaded Mi gobad be ct PA 10, We ne! Source of the fie ce my goggle’ PF put our ri but den ccm k there PN com heavy, PaF A Pisengers OK? COM Pople ave starting to have trouble breathing. PNF We have to go down, squita i wegierly wind hail and heavy sno. Units ATC 1 ‘catch the word before Their tis Witors ass f—its con evening, beldpecast with crizzl can be ¢ As aresult atc wind or craft usually he sou a] aling south pinds, ay ing end al ct resurta way, a Pr aircraft down quick becaus ding hope it's going tog at By cael weather here is qul Cc poser snow 2 oN sa cing attic is no pene cos ua ‘gay Papo untltornorrow upper airspace is going to be hot, sticky and Me severe thunderstorms the naw. TS 7 CU Ue al dolays as circraft have to enter hol Mer ain S the upper airspace 's gong te ¥ s a waox' 12 hours because many eatly summe: h thes P cogadh a ‘Torscon resulls inheay cy ££ ot going Bristol today, erecrome, with s Py ving ave tow theretere bg hea ] 4 ed. Now, af cantly ‘quie coy mm ck everyone, have to co Bort fr int hear sid you say chit’? : ee he, 3s the frst be auite hig valy Pith-west h oo E controller, P (3, PNF = 3 Fesurtaced the pig bocatse ol this there can be | E jer. ES23 We're ready for departure 4 sto quite loNWelays as acral Ir Jee lighting out tothe right pit here until the weather pat ore be dificult to predict - fing Gen bape st ary tive & ESHA Att Hold ton of ray, Stan oy Asa consechggpots nee! tobe t bgiase Holding short our. E NING SCRIPT | 121 esqui LISTENING SCRIPT } departing 4 aintain 200 fo storm to the fel a report on the Week ror PNF a PIREP from the company trall There were clear blue skies when we left, and we fol us, ae 628 landed by t shut down and got cut, ready to © Quickair 638. Roger. Sigal by. meet Prine ‘briefing him on the aircraft REN MF. eae we were q alled up the ship wt fas Only boy threo. fn te ship Pur Ro cont Rg og 20 | deodag 1s Cs a ic tne ship. Wil PF 250" at 21 H Phas town Be OuicKar 633. Trl wos Protons wer B23 Ou county veo mf j Presi mcke out the outine of the ship hind now 250" ot 24K Welch a as i ; ts us from landing. jug xd to th alt PNF Wind sneg Maxirp os Noss far as the) \ ’ «unm ered Mesquita >AN PAN. IT. nding gear. M19, Macai probie! cer diste v with your gear? s cal, Wharis the P I cant see a green light for my nose gl and heard it extend, ga@ere’s no igh c (ow pass for vis Macair © Macair319, runway Of Bi wind O10 at 1 00 ft FE Report final c P Cleared low pass’ race win t. Not below 50k Macai g 319. The nose s down Uni se wheelis PIs th © Mat tnat’s ne nol wheel af satay P| understand °c dow Nm ck d 207. Macair 319) sir 319. Alm. THE Bo runt b to altitude 2 1g. Can we ge By © Macarena 0 PIS your main gg f fer, my main gear hg hs 80. © A30. Negat Prersiglam ear ig Pil vie, PO luck 430, ing to ligurag oblem. fanding = controller, Pt Rl © $62. Yous ut on long f Hq P1 Weve nthe gear m its stuck at ut. © S62. State intent P1_ We don'thave much fuel. We're gof RP time $62 © SB. Use runway 347. There is smooth ground ~ Fred M al. The apron moan 34L for ight of runway 34R, Do you he Y 1g for raffic behind me Thank you. Break, S62. Use fnway 240. Ry ve wound Wy Fincoth belly-ay e gear back up so S62. P Pearson, JH = Joh: fo preser HC = nats exact 143, which, rerusing a 5 a Bociy 122-9 Fre tho vel pump in off. Our EM Pugh iuel remaining for the duration ot flight Wey an descending, but ine Me con boy lost both engines due to fue vais Boving 767 became bier and only a radic g rumerto® 0 sod cs they cout They isused Air knowin wp boing used boing ad Is was on the ist came gro, almost siirtly just hom sound, end you Icom 3d and thel coming in at his strange ang nt. its going to Bust then it IN lie tneroe was 6 anizers. it when | hea Re tyre .d the nose sim Fin on the all those sparkggmen I stopped. 4 up some extinguishers and tried tc nd hop all the passenger: were to passengers using d cy slides, The question o! how passenger jot with a fuel capacity of over 90,000 litres runs out of fyel remains for investigators esquita............ LISTENING SCRIPT to weight. The problem yas that the cal 1 Jono in poungas now Bool 2 cc a matric mac system t 2 oe data wasin kf sounds, Th 4 hi just halt tha 5 tho jo 5 leay ne crew had noid 6 sta 7 ch 8 nf gr-tiying, C= = plot gant : Uni PNF Reps away 20 0 at i, Pines, Rinees PF Number oF 00d. ot Bien F begin the iy fuming shon of I st alt nk decom of fuel 0 fe ever hag gh but fuel oo rs? am 4 Pot our by PPro a cracked windshield. Itwas PE Thatsengm™ i foul 1 208, but the capiain PNF Its feat ‘ - Bis it ccunde Ine Boog ini about other possible caus mal at this lie. my Tamell smoke! We'tg her 1 Contact oy i F Lock a dom cut OK’ PNF Toy ie Lio Metal Food. photographs: W activay dents. gs the photogray el and porsay f ase? Fis B10 in June 1972 FF roger. We'y few and % put due to a tauty Senge fue Ranid dept utred when the ce away aS 1 into t , ‘going? XK, this s incident ot | 988, The a ion, and PNF Fcines. W metal fatigue, Bm of me here ba mn the upper palgmihe fuselac You want ? ciectrica, all communication lines PF Yeah put up, Won't wart i to ply. You cen see here that t ice, q airrame bucked end the nose We've got smoke. Shut down nu BPS down by one moro. Unortunaiely, o PNF Pul both extinguishers’ Iie was lost when a member of the cabin crew oo unum Fred was sucked fr ton decompression esquita™ be | abid stk od at igh fm | one-two Ate aircraifilmg, fuselage wing io and puncturedlliircraft skin eleven times. One of the birds broke thraugh into the cockpit an caplan's inst panel. Incidents like these c: tal, bu capiain wasn't injured g managl Fortunately, explost ons tke th examples are very 1 ew and fil ccrewmust be aware ol hese ir cr rapid decomp y itferent take real apis ‘ou flight away nly p fer, FA Riant PYDAY, MAY] Kite € Bn emergoncy rg station. Say his is Kite 63.1 g margency des Kite 63. Cleg C Kite 63. Unders i you are depre re cleared to FL 100. 1s FL 100. Report reachng, y again. Fred M Ke 63 level at immadiate landing (000. Reauest Kite Gimiiaac you 5. Squawk 7700, ki Pics you have lost cabir pie 40 miles from the field at your 1 fot heacing O7qpaltimeter 1002 Ff unconscious edit A medical s yer, straigh) Facing in approgg inway O7. Wind Doyg Feralt damage? fo6s. oy Bi to near yoy 4; Bot ary dag fe badly dented, couldnt see any Fk. Are we going to be OK? a Bing to take to land? C> 4 nutes aN © passengs oot soon, other it He dont for soon, he may kn ambula . Kite 63, Vion lasted ien socd of the has smashed! Ge is cracked, to our wINQMEl maybe the tal It feels OK. We¥e got atleast two . Kite 63. esquita........ .. LT°TENIN™ ~CRIPT 4. No, myfirst Tuesday afternoon, 2 rise hen 3 Ye cont gettoad may not P =Precel ty expert P Onthe su curity, Ma oxed Kalle Kau is new rough velopments in ait co yout secul We have explosive detector sym y alone is not enough. We need to look Toe intentions, ane tag Jchavioual pro} Pc) M basically means Pi ala sc ur When g fi ff no oF ag ose hho iy iro be Fr aro you P for any phy: frat coy omeone nary — | Fy might be Final act ise include avoi fact and mmen bedy iealo agg avout i moving for stepping y tie, and aj position wn. Rises i oumed voice may a someones al it people showy f stress, they are’ ably not ath bs they must have something to hide: ry to Make friendly eye-contact and ask simp avesfmeio soe if they react normally. Po Sur yercations can't be enough to indi siminal? KK Of pq i ious behaviouy i jicer feels unt Je to seconcy ding ich, a phys) Riry-or Pp fe techniqug Ki ochavioy nve arrested fe on chy Bossession and higration Fi we've also seer Fiuctioy Pelated incidents, fering fe gates. The that imple, they a Pecialze mid q bt non-flyi ing, T =Tekyo Al sol Centre, ontrol Centre PI going on? Pr slike som nyou PMI 1 see him. The fendants are p restrain a pasS@nger. Oh... hes hit endant PF 00 PN FE might have a problem here. Stand by Rerligh . won Fred Mesquita Bi here with betrainod hin ight $4 PNF I are approacting Korean FA dont think so, but he's very agi airs inehon Conitol on 123.6. abusive. He Seid we yg in danger ad situation and pass on you had to fy the p t bea me e problem, 4 fro Arca Control Cente here. PNF Is anyone y Bim 8 757-200 goterfight 547, FA No, wee OK.N nt us to ol (ind towards SA 340, him? We pirspace at PrgMgcure him, away passeng oly 47. an, Get someoN b him un 1 squawking Poblem? r fs report troy Frey ctATC and! t we've Prassergey F enter the assenger i versic deck. The eld al an ined hig Bn om us. 1 Foor, are J persons? @ 39 Min BNF Cento, Incertign enger id mpted to enter ns Hos l it they cabin crow. oir Pore, an ical but we ne aig 1H bo, Dr min us, Fred Mesquita...... .. uty edgements Tg onto, vit socstangual oun ao as Mao ond. Ne inane authors and pubishors woul ‘olla flo te repraduee their photegrag ‘amyroger Banter i sof coy Sse r1rown i Deccord Pres! ppt poe, sr 8b Banarasioch Cody sr tography Fecrvsk an p37, Ruud steve Di Fortin Dav Piaivision’ bee Prosa/The Canadian PressiWayi@ Glowack/rs2 “Fred Mesquita aA ee daw 0 10 1 LNGLIsH

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