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AS/RS has variety of computer controlled application for automatically placing and retrieving loads from
defined location. Application are high volume of loads moved in and out of storage, due to space
constraint storage density is important, for order picking .i.e., manual labor is replaced with AS/RS for
fulfillment automated process.AS/RS is used widely in coupling and decoupling the manufacturing
Three elements in scheduling warehouse systems are pallet assignment, storage assignment, interleaving,
but interleaving system is not used here, because it is a storage assignment. Storage and retrieval process
are initiated in the crane at input and output points. It starts at input point and ends at input point, whereas
in between it transfers the pallet. In retrieval request crane moves empty, later retrieves the pallet to input
point. As only crane is addressed to store it is called as single address system.

(AS/RS) are storage systems capable of providing random access to all stored items. AS/RS are
being widely used in the logistics industry. Major advantages of AS/RS include high throughput, eGcient
use of space, high reliability and improvement of safety. However, economic factors such as high initial
investment, in Hexyl layout admixed storage capacity, force us to carefully evaluate the system structure
(e.g. the layout and dimensions of the racks, S/R mechanism) and operational policies (e.g. allocation of
storage cells and scheduling of the tasks). The objective of our study is to evaluate an AS/RS with a new
type of S/R mechanism that has separate vertical and horizontal movement mechanisms
An Automated System For Storing And Retrieving Objectives From Multiple Object Categories. A
Plurality of Storage Rack Assemblies Included. Each Storage Rack Assembly Has A Plurality Of Slots
Sized For Storing Objects. A Storage Transport Is Movable alongside Each Respective Storage Rack
Assembly For Positioning Adjacent Any Slot. A Plurality Of Horizontal Tracks Are Arranged To Be
Perpendicular To The Storage Rack Assemblies. Each Storage Rack Assembly Has An End Adjacent The
Tracks. A Runner Transport Is Coupled To And Movable On Each Track For Receiving One Of The
Objects From, Or Providing One Of The Objects To Storage Transport. Two Conveyor Rack Assemblies
Are Located At Opposite Ends Of The Tracks Aligned Perpendicularly To The Track. Conveyor
Transports Are Adjacent To The Conveyor Rack Assemblies For Transferring Objects Between The
Conveyor Rack Assembly And The Runner Transports. Storage And Retrieval Operation Requests Are
Generated By Simultaneously Providing Positioning Signal To A Conveyor Transport, A Runner
Transport And Storage Transport. Storage Transports Are Selected In Accordance With A Predetermined
Transport Selection Function. Storage Slots Are Selected In Accordance With Predetermined Slot
Selection Function. A Database Stores The Category, Age And Location Of Each Of The Objects.In
industry most of productive time is consumed in material handling and storage, it is necessary to automate
the material handling & storage. Automated storage & retrieval system (ASRS) is one of the technology
used to store & retrieve material, tools, consumable products, etc. ASRS have many benefits including
savings in productive time, labor costs, improved material flow and inventory control, improved
throughput level, high floor-space utilization, increased safety and stock rotation. This paper summarizes
the various components in an automated storage and retrieval system, listing also the benefits of
automating a companys storage operation. Details of the various control strategies are included and a
summary of the performance measures applied to such systems. This paper takes a review on improving
throughput by analyzing storage, retrieval and dwell point strategies. This paper is specifically
concentrate on both a mathematical and a physical model of ASRS based on an industrial locality. This

facility will provide capability of testing both mathematically and empirically a variety of ASRS control
strategies including: dwell point, travel type, control, continuous or single operation, retrieval, and storage
strategies. Industrial automation spans a broad field of applications from product automation to industrial
plants. For all these applications, there are numerous challenges to be faced like reduced time-to-market,
reduced costs, increased variability and expectations concerning higher quality. Domain engineering has
been developed for software and offers a good approach for meeting these requirements, since it is based
on reusability. Unfortunately, the adoption of this approach to industrial automation systems is not
possible without major changes. Industrial automation possesses distinguishing Characteristics, which
require deeper research and new methodologies, in order to enable a Systematic reuse. A new approach,
based on the domain engineering approach applied for Software is being currently developed. The new
approach considers the characteristics of Industrial automation by taking not only software into account,
but also hardware and the knowledge necessary to develop new industrial automation systems. The
approach addresses three areas: CAN GUI and MATLAB.
Introduction Classical job shop scheduling (JSP) can be stated as follows: there are m different machines
and n different jobs to be scheduled. Each job is composed from a set of operations, and the operation
order on machine is pre-specified. Each operation is characterized by required machine and the fixed
processing time. All machines are available in the starting time and also all jobs can be processed at time.
JSP is well-known to be Np-hard. Nowadays, in the highly competitive environment of industries, if all
requirements want to be satisfied, flexible systems should be utilized with high efficiency. FJSP is a
generalization of the JSP. FJSP can be separated in two sub-problems:1.Routing sub-problem that assigns
each operation to available machines.2.Scheduling sub-problem that defines the operation sequences of
all the jobs. These two sub-problems are used to generate the feasible solution for FJSP to optimize the
objective functions. Bucker and Schile propose a polynomial algorithm for two-job problems. FJSP is
extremely harder than JSP. FJSP is NP-hard and combinatorial as well. Therefore, it can-not be solved by
exact methods because the computation time increases exponentially. In the recent years, a lot of
researches have been carried out to propose methods that can solve FJSP in the reasonable computation
time and can find optimal or approximate optimal solution. In particular, due to complexity of the JSP and
FJSP, meta-heuristic methods are generally proposed such as tabs search (TS),simulated annealing
(SA),particle swarm optimization (PSO),ant colony optimization (ACO),(GA),and immune algorithm
.During solving FJSP in the real cases, hierarchical approach and integrated approach have been used.
The hierarchical approach makes the problem easier by dividing the FJSP into a sequence of subproblems. Brandimarte proposed the hierarchical approach for the FJSP. In hierarchical approach
assigning operations to machines and also defining job sequences are considered as two separate
problems. Meanwhile, assigning operations to machines and also defining job sequences are being
considered simultaneously Increasing demand for containerization compels container terminals to
improve their performance. Uncoordinated scheduling of operations is one of the main factors accounting
for poor performance at automated container terminals (ACTs). To increase land utilization efficiency and
lower operational times, a new storage system called the split-platform automated storage/retrieval system
(SP-AS/RS) has been introduced for temporary storage of containers. This paper describes a multiobjective mixed-integer programming (MIP) model that is based on a combination of multiple interacting
sub-tasks. It is aimed at optimizing the integrated scheduling of handling and storage operations in ACTs.
The MIP model objective function is to minimize delays in the loading/unloading tasks of the cranes and
the travel time of vehicles and platforms in the SP-AS/RS. At the same time, a simulated annealing
algorithm (SAA) that provides near-optimal solutions for the problem in a reasonable computation time is
appraised. The results of this study show that the objective function of the MIP model is, on average,58 %
lower than that of the non-integrated scheduling method. On the other hand, the best objective function
values obtained by the SAA indicate only a 3.7 % disadvantage in comparison with optimal values
determined by the MIP model, demonstrating that the SAA is able to provide near-optimal solutions for
the integrated scheduling of handling and storage operations.

In recent years, many companies invested in intensive automatic storage systems to keep their logistics
activities more flexible and efficient. Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems, also called AS/RSs, Have
been widely used in different logistics applications, from manufacturing to warehousing. An AS/RS is a
storage system, where a machine performs material handling activities, on fixed paths in the aisles inside
the storage acts, without the interference of an operator, thus it is completely automated. Typically, an
AS/RS is made of the following components: racks, cranes, aisles, inputoutput locations and picking
positions. The implementation of AS/RSs has considerably increased in the last decades, thanks to the
obvious benefits shown by the system automation, such as reduction of direct labor cost, decrease of
handling errors, improvement of logistic flows and better inventory control. On the other hand, these
systems require very high investment, mainly due to its high level of automation. To reduce initial
investments and to increase the performances of the AS/RSs, several structural solutions have been
developed, such as double deep racks, for higher capacity, or systems with cranes that can change aisle


Riccardo Manzini and etal (2005) presented significant results obtained using dynamic multi factorial
analysis; it supports flexible conditions in operating automated storage and retrieval system. The
components of automated storage and retrieval system are storage structure, storage and retrieval
machine, storage modules, pick and drop stations, control system

a)automated storage and retrieval system with class storage allocation.classes A,B,C

Smita U.Chakole (2013) proposed, automated storage and retrieval system is a complex design which
needs exclusive study of transmitting devices are, various axes control motors, positioning techniques and
feedback control system, microcontroller system. Automated storage and retrieval system is divided in
layers i.e., microcontroller programming, fabrication of mechanical components and assembly,
interfacing, electrical circuitry, electronic circuitry.

Iris F.A and etal (2006) investigated manned and automated equipments are implemented in storage and
retrieval of containers. Two equipments used one is manned straddle carrier and automatic stacking crane.
Straddle carrier only moves in a multiple row of container in a single block, whereas in automatic
stacking travels over at most six rows of containers. Several performance criteria can be equipped in
container terminal. Average total travel times include empty and full travel distance. to obtain fair
comparison average hosting times, average shuffle times are used

b)example of processes at a container terminal

STEPHEN C.GRAVES and etal (1997) investigated, equal chance is given to all pallets being at open
location is called random storage assignment. first come first serve is an non primitive scheduling
algorithm, which reduces the waiting time of any product by giving preference to the one arriving first
.time can be reduced to 16% to 33% while using class based storage assignment(c2)/no interleaving/first
come first served. Time can be reduced to 20% to 41% while using class based storage assignment (c3)
/no interleaving/first come first serve.
Nasser Shahsavari-Pour and Etal (2013) Proposed, when a objective function reaches its maximum or
minimum value is called optimal solution .Novel Hybrid Genetic Algorithm And Simulated Annealing
has been proposed for one of the hardest combinatorial optimization Flexible Job Shop Scheduling .pareto
approaches are used to solve Flexible Job Shop Scheduling. Instead of an individual optimal solution, set
of optimal solution is obtained by using Pareto optimal solution.
Henry Y.K.Lau and Etal (2008), efficient scheduling of the equipment increases the productivity of the
terminal reduces the time vessels spent in the port. To minimizing the delays of the qc operation and total
travel time of both Automated Guided Vehicles and Automated Yard Cranes under operation constrains of
container handling are obtained by developing joint scheduling algorithms.

c)an abstract model of zone of operation in a automated cargo handling system

Pinky Rosemarry and Etal (2012) Proposed, algorithm is designed mainly for maximizing the resource
utilization and minimize the process time of the job. Scheduling algorithms used are shortest job first,
round robin, first come first serve. Separate groups are formed in order to reduce the process time during
allocating large number of jobs.

Seyed Mahdi Homayouni Etal (2016) Investigated, scheduling becomes more flexible by the use of two
platforms in split-platform automated storage and retrieval system. (i.e.) overall time to load and unload
vessel can be decreased. Implementing integrated scheduling of the equipment compared with non
integrated scheduling method can reduce the travel time of the vehicles and travel time of the platforms in
the split-platform automated storage and retrieval system and furthermore delays in task of cane. For
integrated scheduling of handling and storage operation at acts have been develop which is based on an
mixed-integer programming model approximate optimization. Random assignment rule performed the
worst whereas the earliest available vehicle was the most successful and nearest vehicle rule was
Simon Brezovnik Etal (2015) Proposed, the collective behavior of decentralized, self organized systems,
natural or artificial is called swarm intelligence. With the help of computer supported optimization and
simulation, can avoid problematic behavior of as/rs during their operation. Swarm intelligence is
implemented within automated storage and retrieval systems planning and control process. The structural
layout and operation is based on internal control algorithms. These result predict structural and
operational requirements prior to as/rs construction.

Haiping Ma and etal (2015) investigated on multi-objective optimization problem including real world
warehouse scheduling Ensemble Multi Objective Biogeography Based optimization and Objective
Biogeography Based optimization can be effectively improved based on the optimization test. Leveraging
the best features of the multiple algorithms, the first Objective Biogeography Based optimization
algorithm are combined into single algorithm

Khalid Hachemi and Etal (2012) Investigated, it deals with the sequencing problem, where a required
product can be in several rack and locations and there is a set of empty locations. To achieve it they used
several approaches for unit load as/rs and using continuous rack face approximation, analytical expression
of travel time for single command cycle and dual command cycle. Randomized policy under variety of
input /output point and s/r machine dwell point configurations. the optimization problem is formulated in
term of integer problem, AMPL/CPLEX , to build mathematical model and solve it.
Jianbin Xin and Etal (2015) Designed, a methodology to generate collision free trajectory of free ranging
AGVs in automated container terminals ,while minimizing the make span of the whole container handling
system.a hierarchical control architecture is proposed to integrate the scheduling of interacting machines
and trajectory planning of AGVs, following a so-called graphical sequence by a scheduler collision free is
determined by solving a collection on mixed integer linear programming problems sequential. It also
involves the combinations of discrete event dynamics and continuous time dynamics .for safety
considerations static obstacles and dynamical obstacles of AGVs modeled
B.Y Ekren, and Etal (2015) proposed it indicates to find out the best rack design for shuttle-based storage
and retrieval system (SBS/RS) is a new technology in automated storage and retrieval system, which is
developed for high transaction environments where mini load as/rs crane may not be able to keep pace
with transaction rate needed over a given no of storage location. The performance of the system of the
system is evaluated in terms of lift and storage and retrieval devices and cycle times of storage/retrieval
Ri Choe and Etal (2016) Suggested it represents an online preference learning algorithm named OnPL
that can dynamically adapt the policy for dispatching AGVs to change the environment in an automated
container terminal .the policy is based on a preference function that can be used to distinguish the best job
among multiple candidate jobs. The policy adaption is achieved by updating the preference function after
every dispatching decision. For this update, OnPL generates new training examples and renews the
example pool by replacing some old examples with new one.
S.W.A Haneyah and Etal (2013) proposed it discusses the problem to design a generic planning and
control architecture for automated material handling systems(AMHSs).we illustrate the relevance of this
research direction, and then address three different sectors where AMHSs are used, i.e., baggage handling,
distribution and parcel postal.
Nilis Boysen and Etal (2016) Constructed it classifies scheme that is presented for precisely defining
different versions of the crane scheduling problem, when varying layout OD as/rs, the characteristics of
the storage and retrieval requests and objective function. This classification scheme is then applied for
different, exact algorithms and complexity proofs for variety of crane.
S.W.A Haneyah, Etal (2013) Proposed it explains a problem for sequencing twin axis along a container
block upon the same tracks under constraints of interference avoidance between ASCs.

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