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assemblage point - (from TFFW) "The next truth is that perception takes place because there is
in each of us an agent called the assemblage point that selects internal and external emanations
for alignment. The particular alignment that we perceive as the world is the product of the specific
spot where our assemblage point is located on our cocoon.
In order to corroborate the truths about awareness, you need energy. Dealing with petty tyrants
helps seers accomplish a sophisticated maneuver: that maneuver is to move their assemblage
Human beings repeatedly choose the same emanations for perceiving because of two reasons.
First, and most important, because we have been taught that those emanations are perceivable,
and second because our assemblage points select and prepare those emanations for being used.
Every living being has an assemblage point which selects emanations for emphasis. Seers can see
whether sentient beings share the same view of the world, by seeing if the emanations their
assemblage points have selected are the same.
The new seers say that realization is the technique. They say that, first of all, one must become
aware that the world we perceive is the result of our assemblage points being located on a specific
spot on the cocoon. Once that is understood, the assemblage point can move almost at will, as a
consequence of new habits.
The assemblage point of man appears around a definite area of the cocoon, because the
Indescribable Force commands it. But the precise spot is determined by habit, by repetitious acts.
First we learn that it can be placed there and then we ourselves command it to be there. Our
command becomes the Indescribable Force 's command and that point is fixated at that spot.
Consider this very carefully; our command becomes the Indescribable Force 's command.
I've mentioned to you that sorcery is something like entering a dead-end street. What I meant was
that sorcery practices have no intrinsic value. Their worth is indirect, for their real function is to
make the assemblage point shift by making the first attention release its control on that point.
The new seers realized the true role those sorcery practices played and decided to go directly into
the process of making their assemblage points shift, avoiding all the other nonsense of rituals and
incantations. Yet rituals and incantations are indeed necessary at one time in every warrior's life.
But only for purposes of luring one's first attention away from the power of self-absorption, which
keeps his assemblage point rigidly fixed."
(Michael) a. The "center point" of self, meaning where one's attention is centered in approach to
life or all of being.
b. The "focal point" where one brings together all abilities-attributes that one has developed and
refined, sharpened and honed to intensify upon will for attainment of specific purpose, such as
projection of consciousness.
The location of the assemblage point varies incredibly among individuals, and as the "center point"
of self is significantly influenced by dramatic experiences that cause reactions in the body. With
highly elevated awareness, the assemblage point can be shifted by will to accomplish what is
attention levels - (Michael) The first attention is the limited tactile world of humanity. This
includes all organic needs: air; water; food; and fire (for warmth), and all of the superficiality of the
human form including procreative needs for the species. The second attention represents other
factors that first attention humanity does not quite understand. The soul of music
expression/composition, inspiration, deja vu, are the initial components of the second attention. In
the more advance/expanded levels of awareness, precognitions of the dreamstate, adventures
retained with a crystal clarity, visions and tests of self, are all second attention experiences. The
third attention is the infinity of existence as a sentient being of pure energetic consciousness,
including some of biblical reference. The third attention is a state of "pure being", not limited by
the boundaries of any physicality or location. allies -

attention levels - (from TEG): The smallest, the first attention, or the consciousness that every
normal person has developed in order to deal with the daily world, encompasses the awareness of
the physical body. Another larger portion, the second attention, is the awareness we need in order
to perceive our luminous cocoon and to act as luminous beings. The second attention is brought
forth through deliberate training or by an accidental trauma, and it encompasses the awareness of
the luminous body. The last portion, which is the largest, is the third attention. It's an
immeasurable consciousness which engages undefinable aspects of the awareness of the physical
and the luminous bodies. The battlefield of warriors is the second attention, which is something
like a training ground for reaching the third attention.
being of light - (from HU p. 271) "...When Whitton tried to find out the identity of the beings who
counseled people in the between-life state, he found the answer elusive. "The impression my
subjects gave--the ones who could answer the question--was that these were entities who had
completed their cycle of incarnations here," he says.
After hundreds of journeys into the inner realm, and after interviewing dozens of other talented
fellow OBEers on the matter, Monroe has also come up empty-handed. "Whatever they may be,
[these beings] have the ability to radiate a warmth of friendliness that evokes complete trust," he
observes. "Perceiving our thughts is absurdly easy for [them]." And "the entire history of
humankind and earth is available to them in the most minute detail." But Monroe, too, confesses
ignorance when it comes to the ultimate identity of these nonphysical entities, save that their first
order of business appears to be "totally solicitous as to the well-jbeing of the human beings with
whom they are associated." (From Monroe, "Journeys out of the Body")
>catapult - (Michael) The abrupt transportation of a state of awareness of a sentient
consciousness into a significantly advanced expanse of knowledge. These "catapults" may occur
through the device of organically clinical death, or through events utilized to facilitate an
expansive alteration in one's knowledge and value systems. When an organic form reports that an
"event" or a sequence of events that are interconnected as a continuum toward a single effect,
has "changed my life forever", that individual has been subjected to a catapult of awareness for an
intended purpose. For those responsible in facilitating the catapult, the responsibility is immense
in order not to move the one being expanded, farther than can be reconciled or grasped at any
one time. This avoids gap in consciousness, which for efficiency of being itself must be a
continuum of understanding and knowledge borne to the universe through efficiency without any
nuance of conflict.
cocoon - (Michael) Initially, the projection of one's being of energy beyond the body yet centered
on the body, as a quasi-spherical shape that at its boundaries, diffuses into space. When
consciousness is fully projected beyond the body, one's sentience appears as cocoon in which all
of self is gathered, hence all one is in being becomes presented as "light" which are actually held
as a field structure. There are colors gradients that comprise the cocoon, and striations. Those
represent the level of attainment of the candidate. Also, there are floating filaments within the
cocoon that are abilities, and they merge into a focal point when intent directs them to a purpose.
compassion - (from TAoD, somewhere) "Warriors are incapable of feeling compassion because
they no longer feel sorry for themselves. Without the driving force of self-pity, compassion is
meaningless." (From Ring2 somewhere) " A warrior has no compassion for anyone. To have
compassion means that you wish the other person to be like you, to be in our shoes, and you lend
a hand just for that purpose. The hardest thing in the world is for a warrior to let others be. The
impeccability of a warrior is to let them be and to support them in what they are. That means, of
course, that you trust them to be impeccable warriors themselves. If they are not then it's your
duty to be impeccable yourself and not say a word. Only a sorcerer who sees and is formless can
afford to help anyone. Every effort to help on our part is an arbitrary act guided by our own
self-interest alone.
>conjoining - (Michael) This is the process where the sentient energy of two or more luminous
forms of sentient consciousness, merge together into a singularity. The requirements are that to
the extent they choose to conjoin, their energy forms match into congruence in time, phase and
amplitude. The processes increases the energy form and precise intimacy of knowledge of those
conjoined. Those of the consortium may conjoin, or separate, at will. When merged, the identities
are not lost, but combined in a harmonious synergism. In history, there have been many

descriptions of "those who may become one" in various forms, and this is accomplished by
conjoining. At the lowest level, members of the consortium may "inspire" an organic sentient
being, facilitate visions and other manifestations. This requires,as a process, that the intent and
energy of the consortium (or member of the consortium) be coupled to another who is intended to
gather the inspiration, which may be visual, pre-cognitive, or vastly perceptional. Through these
presentations of energy, a very limited, purpose-specific, form of "conjoining" would have
>consortium - (Amy) If i extend myself to infinity, if you extend yourself - if all that can, do
- what are we going to call 'out there where everyone is projected to the same place?' How about
consortium of consciousness - where all are individuals, and all are one?
>consortium - (Michael) The consortium is an alliance of individuals that possess like-sentience
levels of abilities and awareness that exist primarily in the third attention in the infinity of
awareness. These sentient beings can present themselves in virtually unlimited ways to humanity:
inspiration that "comes from nowhere"; visions; dreams of the second-attention state; or even
tactile responses in human bodies (usually to get one's attention). There are legends throughout
humanity, and even biblical references of the consortium. The "cherubim" and "seraphim", and
various "disciples" of others (including those who humanity has erroneously allocated the title of
"leaders") are examples of members of the consortium. Though typically founded as those who
have ultimately evolved into the third attention, these beings of pure awareness and
consciousness, also consists of a small quantity of individuals who still possess organic physicality
in humanity, though wholly connected throughout the attentions to the consortium. Of this latter
category, several noteworthy individuals have been presented to humanity and have been
variously documented, usually through religious declaratives.
double - (Michael) "The "double" is a non-integrated component of self. When integrated there is
only the whole. It might be understood that if one would observe a double for myself, it would be
termed "the consortium". All of it.
double - (Holographic Universe p234 ff) "Another strinkingly holographic feature of the OBE (Out
of Body Experience) is the plasticity of the form a person assumes once they are out of the body.
After detaching from the physical, OBEers sometimes find themselves in a ghostlike body that is
an exact replica of their biological body. This caused some researchers in the past to postulate that
human beings possess a "phantom double" not unlike the doppelganger of literature. However,
recent findings have exposed problems with this assumption. Although some OBEers describe this
phantom double as naked, others find themselves in bodies that are fully clothed. This suggests
that the phantom double is not a permanent energy replica of the biological body, but is instead a
kind of hologram that can assume many shapes. This notion is borne out by the fact that phantom
doubles are not the only forms people find themselves in during OBEs. There are numberous
reports where people have also perceived themselves as balls of light, shapeless clouds of energy,
and even no discernible form at all. There is even evidence that the form a person assumes during
an OBE is a direct consequence of their beliefs and expectations." (TofP p56) "...the double
arrived at through dreaming."
(TofP p 57 "...the double is the awareness of our state as luminous beings. It can do anything, and
yet it chooses to be unobtrusive and gentle."(TofP p 61) "The double is a dream."(TofP p65) "...the
dream in which one was watching oneself asleep was the time of the double."(TofP p76 ff) "<The
double> begins in dreams...the double is the self. The self dreams the double. ...Once <the self>
has learned to dream the double, the self arrives at this weird crossroad and a moment comes
when one realizes that it is the double who dreams the self."(from TEG somewhere) "The dreaming
body , sometimes called the "double" or the "Other," because it is a perfect replica of the dreamer
's body, is inherently the energy of a luminous being, a whitish, phantomlike emanation, which is
projected by the fixation of the second attention into a three-dimensional image of the body."
dreaming - (Michael) Beyond "normal" dreams which can be simply mind-noise, the "dreamstate"
is a second attention experience that is lucid, interactive, and as fully memorable as any first
attention experience may be. The "dreamstate" is often a training ground where candidates can
explore and experiment through tests and encounters with no danger to their physical body. When
a candidate has progress in an increment, there are often "tests" that are experienced in the 1st

attention AND in the 2nd attention "dreamstate" to challenge the progress of the candidate.
facilitator - A facilitator is "someone who makes progress easier" according to the dictionary.
Encarta: "somebody enabling something to happen: somebody who enables a process to happen,
especially somebody who encourages people to find their own solutions to problems or tasks."
With a capital "F", it takes on a deeper meaning. A Facilitator is a person of extraordinary
perception, objectivity, lack of agenda, lack of being judgmental, one with no ulterior motive, one
who will help you look at your own actions and defenses objectively. That person would not be a
guru nor have any agenda re creation of a cult.
A Facilitator helps one to realize or to actualize one's potential, helps one to become aware of
one's potential and to acknowledge it to begin with. A Facilitator helps one to look at and to
explore one's self. A Facilitator assists in that grand goal of achieving the totality of oneself.
human form dependancy - (Michael) Any state where an individual has unthinking reflex
emotions, actions, obsessions or decisions that are not thought-through volitional, causing
responses such as: anger; run-and-hide; mind-noise; withdrawal; depression; self-important
conflicts; or arrogance, without using reason and intended self-determination. Unthinking belief
systems, bonds to others, are often indications of low self-esteem with the dependency
compensating for what is not whole within the individual.
impeccability - "Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy." (TFFW p15)
intent - (Michael) Self-determination, volition, to cause a result.
internal dialogue - (Michael) There are two forms: Intended volition using reason and
self-determination as introspection; and, "noise". The former is positive, probing into the self to
find by inspection and examination, those elements that inhibit or block personal evolution.
"Noise" is mind-clutter, used in a reflex of human-form dependency to hide from evolution or to
hide from addressing conflicts within. Humans tend to hear, feel, and experience only what is
comfortable to them, and a reflex protection often shows up as "noise" that blocks what is not
comfortable to hear or experience, even though it may be vital to progress.
losing personal history - (Michael) Harmonizing all of the seemingly negative experiences into a
personal set of knowledge, with the goal of converting all negatives into positives by learning the
lessons that the negatives caused.
luminous being - (see being of light)
man of knowledge - (JtoI - pp158) "A man of knowldege is one who has followed truthfully the
hardships of learning, a man who has, without rushing or faltering, gone as far as he can in
unraveling the secrets of personal power."
nagual - (as opposed to tonal)
Nagual (an individual) - (TFFW p 39) "A nagual is someone flexible enough to be anything. To be a
nagual, among other things, means to have no points to defend." (TPoS pxiii) "...the nagual is a
man or a woman with extraordinary energy, a teacher who has sobriety, endurance, stability;
someone seers see as a luminous sphere having four compartments, as if four luminous balls have
been compressed together. Because of their extraordinary energy, naguals are intermediaries.
Their energy allows them to channel peace, harmony, laughter, and knowledge directly from the
source, from intent, and transmit them to their companions. Naguals are responsible for supplying
what sorcers call "the minimal chance": the awareness of one's connection with intent."
Nagual, Four compartmented - (Michael) This really just refers to what might be defined as the
"integration of attribute". Listen to the terms: peace, harmony, laughter, and knowledge; and one
can receive the implication of what these "compartments" as components of self really mean. The
"compartments" peace, harmony, laughter, and knowledge and other metaphors used in the CC
references, like the four direction of the wind, and for that matter "the nagual's party" all are ways
of describing all of the ingredients that comprise a "whole" member of the consortium that
become attributes when integrated. These attributes are "assembled" with intent and this

becomes "the assemblage point" where intent causes them converge for an efficient purpose.
path with heart - (TodJ) "Anything is one of a million paths. Therefore you must always keep in
mind that a path is only a path; if you feel you should not follow it, you must not stay with it under
any conditions. To have such clarity you must lead a disciplined life. Only then will you know that
any path is only a path and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what
your heart tells you to do. But your decision to keep on the path or to leave it must be free of fear
or ambition. I warn you. Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you
think necessary.
This question is one that only a very old man asks. Does this path have a heart? All paths are the
same: they lead nowhere. They are paths going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I
could say I have traversed long long paths, but I am not anywhere. Does this path have a heart? If
it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart,
the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The
other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.
Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no,
you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question;
and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill
him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path without a heart
is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is
easy; it does not make you work at liking it.
I have told you that to choose a path you must be free from fear and ambition. The desire to learn
is not ambition. It is our lot as men to want to know.
The path without a heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and
to seek death is to seek nothing.
For me there is only the traveling on the paths that have a heart, on any path that may have a
heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length. And
there I travel--looking, looking, breathlessly."
personal power - (JtoI - pp157) "Personal power is a feeling, something like being lucky. Or one
may call it a mood. Personal power is something that one acquires regardless of one's origin." love
- (The Way of the Wizard) "The word love is used in many ways, but it is a sacred word to the
wizard, because his meaning for love is that which dissolves all impurities, leaving only the true
and the real. "As long as you have fear, you cannot really love," Merlin cautioned. "As long as you
have anger, you cannot truly love. As long as you have selfish ego, you cannot truly love." "
petty tyrant - (TFFW p 16 ff) "A petty tyrant is a tormentor, someone who either holds the power
of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction." "Little petty tyrants are
further divided into four categories. One that torments with brutality and violence. Another that
does it by creating unbearable apprehension through deviousness. Another which oppresses with
sadness. And the last, which torments by making warriors rage."
power - (Michael) Personal ability to evolve without controlling or using the energy resources of
recapitulation - (Michael) A process of introspection, capturing personal history that brings
forward an understanding of self as an individual is "in being of the now".
second attention - (Michael) The state immediately beyond normal tactile everyday life.
Perception; inspiration; "inklings"; precognition; empathic connections; and lucid dreamstates are
all examples of second attention experiences.
seeing - (JtoI p xiv) "...responding to the perceptual solicitations of a world outside the description
we have learned to call reality." (TAOD p3) "...sorcerers .. acquire the capacity to perceive the
essence of things, a capacity they call seeing. <Seeing means> that you perceive energy directly.
By separating the social part of perception, you'll perceive the essence of everything. Whatever
we are perceiving is energy, but since we can't directly perceive energy, we process our
perception to fit a mold. This mold is the social part of perception, which you have to

separate...because <the mold> reduces the scope of what can be perceived and makes us believe
that the mold into which we fit our perception is all that exists.""A special capacity that one could
develop and which would allow one to apprehend the 'ultimate' nature of things." (TofP p 21)
self-importance/self-pity - (TFFW p12) "Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our
self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone. ...without
self-importance we are invulnerable."
(from TPoS somewhere) " Sorcerers are absolutely convinced that by moving our assemblage
points away from their customary position we achieve a state of being which could only be called
ruthlessness. Sorcerers know, by means of their practical actions, that as soon as their
assemblage points move, their self-importance crumbles. Without the customary position of their
assemblage points, their self-image can no longer be sustained. And without the heavy focus on
that self-image, they lose their self-compassion, and with it their self-importance. Sorcerers are
right, therefore, in saying that self-importance is merely self-pity in disguise."
sorcerer - (Michael) A candidate for evolution into increased awareness that has advanced
beyond the average individual.
stopping the world - (JtoI pp xii ff) " "Stopping the world" was indeed an appropriate rendition of
certain states of awareness in which the reality of everyday life is altered because the flow of
interpretation, which ordinarily runs uninterruptedly, has been stopped by a set of circumstances
alien to that flow. ... Don Juan's precondition for "stopping the world" was that one had to be
convinced; in other words, on had to learn the new description in a total sense, for the purpose of
pitting it agains the old one, and in that way break the dogmatic certainty, which we all share, that
the validity of our perceptions or our reality of the world, is not to be questioned."
third attention - (Michael) A state of condition where ultimately evolved beings thrive, such as
religions would call "angels in heaven" without human organic form as luminous sentience.
tonal warrior - (Michael) An individual with full commitment to self to evolve to one's ultimate state of
luminous being.
wizard - (The Way of the Wizard p3) "In the West a wizard is primarily thought to be a magician
who practices alchemy, turning base metal into gold. ...the word alchemy is really a code word. It
stands for turning human beings into gold, turning our base qualities of fear, ignorance, hatred
and shame into the most precious stuff there is: love and fulfillment. So a teacher who can teach
you how to turn yourself into a free, loving person is by definition an alchemist - and has always
been one." (see also nagual)

TodJ - "The Teachings of don Juan" - Castaneda
ASR - "A Separate Reality" - Castaneda
JtoI - "Journey to Ixtlan" - Castaneda
TofP - "Tales of Power" - Castaneda
R2 - "The Second Ring of Power" - Castaneda
TEG - "The Eagle's Gift" - Castaneda
TaoD - "The Art of Dreaming" - Castaneda
TFFW - "The Fire From Within" - Castaneda
PoS - "The Power of Silence" - Castaneda
HU - "The Holographic Universe" - Michael Talbot
TWotW - "The Way of the Wizard" - Deepak Chopra

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