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Although many countries reap the benefits of having a single-payer healthcare system, the
United States is taking a positive step in ensuring millions of more Americans who were once not
covered. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, allows approximately 46 million
of Americans who were not insured before to be able to purchase low cost insurance by buying
coverage from a private insurance company3. Under this new law, Medicaid was expanded to
adults without children, encourages small businesses to provide insurance to their employees,
and it provide those who cant afford health insurance with aid in order to help cover insurance
cost3. In detail, those at or below the poverty line would get Medicaid free of charge2.
Specifically, those with incomes below 400% of the poverty line would get these subsides2. Prior
to this, insurance companies would deny coverage to individuals or families when health were to
deteriorate. Even before this law was put into place, health insurance was rather expensive not
being able to cover the medications prescribed. Many times, health insurance would purposely
deny coverage to thousands of Americans. Rescissions were popularly and widely used by
various health insurances out there that would deny patients claims as much as possible in order
to make more profit1. Due to this, citizens were put in detrimental conditions which then lead to
many deaths. Obamacare has now made this practice illegal which in turn, helps more Americans
with being correctly covered3. Putting Obamacare into practice now allows coverage to those
who were struggling with little to no coverage. Young people are now as well able to stay in their
parents plans until they reach the age of 263. This helps many young individuals who are still in
college to not worry about covering possible health issues. By putting the Affordable Care Act in
action, many more Americans are now allowed fair and easy coverage to health practices which
are rather expensive depending on certain insurances.

1.) Blesch, Gregg. 2010. "Keeping a close eye on health plans." Modern Healthcare 40, no.
30: 12. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 7, 2016).
2.) Brill, Steven. 2014. "Hate Obama, Love Obamacare." Time 183, no. 3: 18. Academic
Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 7, 2016).
3.) Greenberg, Edward S., and Benjamin I. Page. The Struggle for Democracy. New York,
NY: HarperCollinsCollege, 1993.


The United States is no stranger to economical collapses. This leads to the rise in
unemployment, homelessness and low supply of necessities. Although the United States
economy has greatly improved from the 2008 recession, there have been various factors that
have played a role in the loose of jobs in the country. The U.S. trade agreements with other
countries such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) have definitely helped other countries with creating jobs but have taken
them away from the U.S. The World Trade Organization, originally known as the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, exemplified the idea of lowering than eliminating the taxation
of trading goods coming and leaving America1. The WTO is simply an expansion of this idea to
include more countries but only big corporations reap the benefits1. The WTO has ignored
products which have been made by children slaves among other mistreated groups. Although
products are being transported more cheaply than were before, workers are accepting lower and
lower wages due to low employment in their countries2. The North American Free Trade
Agreement, known as NAFTA, is known widely to be a devastating trade deal for the U.S. Since
its implementation, the United States has lost around 1.9 million jobs in the decade it has been in
use2. It has created millions of jobs in both Canada and Mexico but many of the United States
jobs have left due to competition from workers who are willing to work for lower wages.
Although these trade deals do lower the taxation on shipped U.S. goods, it does lead to the
offshoring of American jobs to other countries.

1.) Greenberg, Edward S., and Benjamin I. Page. The Struggle for Democracy. New York,
NY: HarperCollinsCollege, 1993.
AMERICA?." Newsweek Global 166, no. 24: 12-15. Academic Search Premier,
EBSCOhost (accessed October 8, 2016).

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