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G.SCHIRMER’S OCTAVO CATHOLIC CHURCH MUSIC, No. 5474 { HL50295870 (SATB) US. $1.70 Ave Verum Corpus For Four-Part Chorus (S.A.T.B.) Arranged by with Organ Accompaniment, JOHANN MULLER Revised and edited by Nicola A-Montani W.A.MOZART Adagio > a ee SOPRANO A-¥ A - ve Sav -iour, source of — —— ALTO PP ————_- 9 TENOR A-v, A - ve Sav-iour, source of = BASS Adagio PP Ch. organ {/ op vw. 7. s. o. = Ped. Bourdon = eee Ss ee" =, P Cor-pus na - tum de Mu-ri- a Vir - bless-ing, Tune my heart to grate-ful, grate-ful lays; , > gi- ne: Ve - re Streams of P—————.!2 = =— => Cor-pus na - tum de Ma-ri-a Vir - gi- ne: Ve - re bless-ing, Tune my heart to grate-ful, grate - ful lays; Streams _ of, » > ei —= Printed in the U.S.A. by G. Schirmer, Inc. =—-, —_—— pores. pas-sum, - mo-la-tumin cru - - - ce pro ho- mi- mer-cy, nev - er ceas- ing, Call for ceaseless songs of =—-, = mo - la - tum nev - er ceas-ing, es ed in eru- ce pro ho - mi- Call for cease - less songs of Crest. = pas-sum, mer-c = mo - la- tum in cru- ce pro ho - mi- ney - er ceasing, Call for cease - less songs of _ = SS cresc. aaa im-mo- la - tum eer ceas-ing, Perrier Swell Open Dixp. Pp —===== ne: jus la - tus praise. some me - ne: Cu - jus praise. Teach me fren with Oboe = Ped. with Gamba 16: a B = = _pprall: per- fo - ra-tum flu-xit a - quact san - gui-ne: lo - dious meas-ure, Sung by rap - turd_. saints_— a - bove; op ppl per- fo - ra-tum flu-xit a - quaet ‘san - gui-ne: lo - dious meas-ure, Sung by rap - turd— saints a - bove; Os eg pall ee Pp" 1 P eZ =a E- sto no- bis— pre - gu-sta- tum mor - . tis in ex- Fill, my, soul with sa - cred pleasure, While I sing re- atem ———— ) P <= Vey P. atempo , crese. P, - sto no-bis pre - gu-sta - tum mor-tis in Fill my soul with sa - cred pleasureWhileI sing re- 2 atempo P SP , CrESC. atempe noi a= mi- ne, mor deem - ing love, While I sing, SS a - mi - ne, mor deem - ing love, While I ex- a-mi - ne, deem - ing love, —=_ Ped. with Gt. - - tis in ex-a-mi - ne. While I sing re - deem - ing love. , > ——_ . > - tis in ex-a-mi- ne. re . deem - ing love. all. - tis in ex-a-mi- ne. re - deem- ing love. eS —————— éx- ami - ne. em- ing — love. Ch. Duleiana tis in — I sing re - rall. oe ‘Bourdon only I { +" Ped. with Ch. only PF ee INYO 73999 9587 0

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