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Tongue + Palate Video 3: Tongue + Palate Homework

Ahoy! Your tongue and palate homework assignment is designed to reinforce and
solidify the feeling of openness that's so essential to great singing.
We've mostly been working with the /ah/ vowel in fairly simple melodies, and in
this assignment we'll add some melodic variations a few of which are performed
with different vowels. Please perform each exercise once or twice daily as
you're working on this unit, then incorporate one or more of these
exercises into your daily practice. These aren't super challenging or taxing
warmups, so you don't have to worry about over-doing these. Of course, never
vocally fatigue yourself. But, in general, an open, relaxed, easy, light sound is
never bad to practice!
(Refer to our Notes on Daily Practice video for more information on how to do
1. /Ee/-/ah/ alternating in a melodic sequence. 5-3-4-2-3-1-2-(7)-1. While
singing /ee/ think /ih/ a bit, to help to create an open sound. You can also think
/uh/ slightly while singing the /ah/. This kind of hybridization of vowels is common
in singing. Visualizing another, similar vowel or combining that vowel with another
vowel often helps to create just the right space. Also, try not to make /ee/ too
closed; instead try to make the space for the /ee/ almost as open as the /ah/ so
when you transition between the two vowels your jaw doesn't jerk back and forth.
We ascend on this, up the scale.
2. /Ah/-/oo/-/ee/ vowel regression. 5-5-5-4-3-2-1. This exercise is designed to
maintain an openness at the back of your throat even as you modify your vowel
slightly from an /ah/ to the /oo/ to the /ee/.
For this, I want you to really get in touch with how your vowels feel and become
very aware of how small variations can modify the way a vowel feels and also
how it sounds.
Remember: not all vowels are created equal. They can sit very differently in
the space of your instrument, depending on what you're going for. Modified

vowels come in handy in this exercise (and in life!).

To perform this warmup successfully, the /ee/ should be modified slightly by your
thinking /ih/. The /oo/ is modified slightly by thinking /uh/. Please practice this
once daily, ascending. While we don't descend in this pattern on the video, you
can also perform this exercise gradually getting lower, if you like.
3. /Oo/-/ah/ in an arpeggio. 5-8-5-3-1. This is a light, effortless sound that
doesn't involve very much cord. We're going to take this up into our head voices,
or for men, a range that will be on the higher end of what you're used to. Do NOT
attempt to belt this. Keep it light and, eventually, or even right off the bat, in a
falsetto register.
Your /oo/ will have a slight /h/ to it, making it more like /hoo/. Like the previous
exercise, you should also try to make the /oo/ as open as possible, so the
transition to the /ah/ is not unnecessarily jarring. The way you can think of /oo/ is
as an /ah/ but simply with your lips rounded over.
The purpose of this exercise is to work on the feeling of "floating." The feeling of
letting the notes come out gently and easily, with not much cord involved.
Eventually, we'll be replicating this feeling of "floating" while belting, using
modified technique.
Not everyone is a soprano! So if you feel this is strictly out of your range, please
don't take it too high! You can probably go higher than you think, as long as you
keep it light. But I don't want you to feel like you're "pushing" anything in your
Note: If you're having trouble in this higher range, try: dropping your jaw
more; try relaxing your tongue; try lifting your palate more; try adjusting your
breath pressure. Persist in making consistent adjustments. Consult the
Troubleshooting and Tips video if you're still stuck!
After ascending, we descend, using the same melodic pattern.
Please perform this exercise -- ascending, followed by descending -- once per
day while working on Tongue and Palate. Later, you can revisit this exercise as a

warmup opener, even while working on more advanced techniques.

Great job, friends!
Limba + Video 3 labiopalatin: Limba + labiopalatin Tema acas
Tema dvs. a limbii si palatului este proiectata pentru a consolida sentimentul de
deschidere, care este att de important pentru un mare cntaret. V rugm s
efectuai fiecare exerciiu o dat sau de dou ori pe zi, n timp ce lucrezi la
aceast unitate, apoi s includ una sau mai multe dintre aceste exerciii n
practica de zi cu zi. E bine sa practicati n general, un sunet deschis, relaxat,
uor, plin de lumina.
1. ,,Ee" - ,,ah" alternativ ntr-o secven melodica 5-3-4-2-3-1-2- (7) -1. In timp
ce cantati ,,ee" spuneti ,,ih" un pic, pentru a ajuta la crearea unui sunet deschis.
De asemenea, v putei gndi la un ,,uh" uor n timp ce cntntati ,,ah". Acest
tip de hibridizare a vocalelor este comun n canto. De asemenea, ncercai s nu
faceti ,,ee" prea nchis; s ncercati s fac spaiul pentru ,,ee" aproape la fel de
deschis ca si pentru ,,ah" astfel nct, atunci cnd faceti trecerea de la prima
vocala la a doua, maxilarul sa nu fie smuncit nainte i napoi.
Urcm pe acest lucru, pn la scar.
2. / Ah / - / oo / - / ee / 5-5-5-4-3-2-1. Acest exerciiu este proiectat pentru a
menine o deschidere n partea din spate a gatului, chiar dac v modificai
vocalelor dvs. de uor de la un / ah / la / oo / la / ee /.
Pentru a efectua cu succes acest warmup, vocala / ee / ar trebui s fie uor
modificat in / ih /, iar vocala / oo / este uor modificat in / uh /. V rugm s
practicati o dat pe zi, crescator.
3. / Oo / - / ah / n arpegiu 5-8-5-3-1. Acesta este un sunet uor, fr efort. Unde
nu ajungeti folositi vocea de cap. Pstrai-lin lumin chiar si n registru de falsetto.
/ Oo / va avea un uor / h / fcndu-l mai mult ca / hoo /. La fel ca i exerciiul
anterior, ar trebui, de asemenea, s ncercam s facem / oo / ct mai deschis
posibil, astfel nct tranziia spre / ah / sa fie usoara. Modul n care putei gndi /

oo / este ca si / ah /, cu buzele rotunjite.

Scopul acestui exerciiu este de a lucra pe sentimentul de "plutitoare".
Sentimentul de a lsa notele s ias uor, uor.
Nu toat lumea este o sopran! .
Not: Dac avei probleme n acest interval mai mare, ncercai: cdere
maxilarului mai mult; ncercai relaxarea limbii; ncercai ridicarea cerului gurii mai
mult; ncercai s reglai presiunea respiraiei. Persist n a face ajustri
V rugm s efectuai acest exerciiu - crescator, urmat de descendent - o dat
pe zi, n timp ce lucreaz pe limb i labiopalatin. Mai trziu, v putei revedea
acest exerciiu ca un deschiztor de warmup, chiar i n timp ce lucrati pe mai
multe tehnici avansate.

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