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Aaron McTague

RWS 1301
October 7, 2016

Goldstein, A. (2012, May). Child abuse: cause and effects. The Columbia Encyclopedia 6(1)
According to Goldstein, children who are ill, disabled, or otherwise perceived as different are
more likely to be the targets of abuse. In addition, marital discord, unemployment, poverty, and
social isolation are all factors that can precipitate abuse. There are consistently more reports
concerning children born into poverty. I selected this article to further educate myself on the
issues of child abuse. It greatly relates to my topic in that it discusses some of the grounds for
child abuse. Its relevant to our society because it gives an idea of environmental factors that play
a role in child abuse.

Gustafson, T. & Sarwer, D. (2004, July). Childhood abuse and obesity. Obesity Reviews
5 (3), 129135.
A Swedish study shows that people who were subjected to physical, emotional or sexual abuse
during childhood are more prone to becoming overweight as adults. The study triggers a great
amount of data and shows that difficult life events leave traces which can manifest to obesity
much later in life. I selected this article because it greatly interested me how child abuse and
obesity can be linked. It relates to my topic in view of the fact that it states a clear example of the
aftereffects of child abuse. Its extremely relevant because it gives you background knowledge of
it and exemplifies that one negative factor can lead to even worse one later in life.

Heyman, E & Smith, M. (2002, November). Do child abuse and interparental violence
lead to adulthood family violence? Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (4), 864-870.
Children are and will always be the most at risk when involving abuse. The cycle of violence
posits that victimized children grow up to victimize others. The article demonstrates the cycle of
child abuse and how that can trigger more child abuse cases in future families. I chose this article
because I wanted to explore how child abuse can forever repeat itself. It's linked to my topic in
that it exemplifies how child abuse occurs and how it became a reoccurring issue in our modern
society. It's relevant since it shows one way it continues and the severity child abuse has to
future families if one victimizes a child.

Investigation Documentary Channel (2014, June). Very Sick Men [ YouTube] available from
In this documentary, three sufferers of sexual child abuse discuss the trauma they encountered
after being victimized by members of the Catholic church. In addition, each of the victims
explain what psychological mishaps they came across to, such as, suicide attempts, drug abuse in
their teen years and low self-esteem. This film really caught my attention due to its dynamics, it
really surprised me that priests and nuns are capable of committing such hideous acts.
Undeniably this film is related to my topic because they talk about a number cases where
children where abuse in the Church. Its definitely important because it gives us an idea who can
be a sexual child abuser, so we can be precautious in future scenarios.

Lane, W. (2002, October). Racial Differences in the evaluation of pediatric fractures for
physical abuse. Jama 288 (13), 1-7.
Child abuse is a significant problem within the United States, and it has been shown that
minority children have higher rates of substantiated maltreatment than white children do. In this
article, statistics are given to illustrate that minorities are more prone to being victims of child
abuse. I chose this article because it fascinated me how race can play a role in child abuse. Its
associated with my topic on the grounds that it gives us explanations behind one factor of child
abuse. Its relevant because it gives us additional knowledge on who can be susceptible to child

MoeAndET. (2015, January). Child abuse between races! [ YouTube] available from
This video shows how people stereotype and react to child abuse from different races. It shows
how people are only willing to intervene and assist a white child being abuse and not to a black
child. In addition, it discusses how abused and neglected children are 11 times more likely to
engage in criminal behavior as an adult. I selected this video because I was intrigued to see how
others were going to respond to child abuse. It's connected to my topic because it visually shows
child abuse taking place and whether people are willing to step in and stop a child from being
hurt. Its important because it helps us recognize, prevent, and stop child abuse.

Padilla, A. (2016, October). Evergreen parents accused of starving 6-year old girl plead guilty to

abuse, accessed on October 05, 2016.

Parents in Evergreen plead guilty to child abuse after starving their adopted daughter who is said
to resemble a concentration camp survivor. They would taunt her by eating her favorite food and
they justify their reason behind the abuse by stating that they didn't want their adopted girl to
turn out like her birth mother, who was supposedly 6-foot and weighed 400 pounds. I chose this
article because I was curious behind their reasoning on abusing their daughter. It's definitely
related to my topic because it discusses child abuse and the horrible outcomes it has. This is
important/relevant because its a reoccurring problem and depicts that the people we think are
nicest are all capable of committing child abuse.

Schulte, B. (2013, September). Effects of child abuse and neglect, if untreated, can last a
lifetime, accessed on October 10, 2016.
Researchers from the National Academy of Sciences reported that damaging consequences of
abuse can not only reshape a childs brain but also last a lifetime. If child abuse is left untreated it
can profoundly influence victims physical and mental health, their ability to control emotions
and impulses, their achievement in school, and relationships they form as children and as adults.
I chose this article because I wanted additional information on the outcome of child abuse. Its
related to my topic for the reason that it gives a thorough explanation of the after math. Its

relevant for the reason that it demonstrates how severe this is and the negative dent it leaves on
the childs life.

Smith, M. & Segal J. (2016, October). Child abuse and neglect recognizing the signs and making
a difference, accessed on October 13,2016.
This article elucidates how child abuse is not always obvious to recognize, so learning some of
the common warning signs of abuse and neglect can be vital for assisting the child in the time of
need. Its provides concrete information to those who are oblivious to the situation and offers
advice for those who want to help. I found this article very beneficial not only for my research
but for personal reference in the future. Its linked to my topic because the article itself is
providing information such as, statistics, tips and warning signs about child abuse. This article is
extremely important for the reason that its informative and gives you extended knowledge on this
atrocious situation.

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