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Unit 2 Operations of Polynomials

polynomial- an expression that

contains variables, numeric
quantities, or both.
Term- a number, variable, or
product of a number and variable.
(Separated by +-)
Coefficient- the number multiplied
by a variable.
Constant- a term whose value
does not change.
Polynomials are ordered in
descending order from largest
exponent to constant.

Ex.1 Identify the terms.

Ex.2 Identify the coefficients.

Ex.3 Write the Polynomials in

descending order.

Adding & Subtracting Polynomials

Like terms- are terms that contain the
same variable raised to the same
DO NOT FORGET to distribute the
negative when subtracting!

Ex.1 Simplify the expression.

Ex.2 Find the perimeter of a rectangle

with a length of x-5 and a width of x+10

Multiplying Polynomials

Ex.1 Simplify the expression

Ex.2 Find the area of the rectangle with

a length of 4x+10 and a width of x +1

Dividing Polynomials

Ex.1 Long Division

Polynomial Identities
Square of Sums Identity

Square of Differences
Differences of Two Squares
Sum of Two Cubes
Difference of Two Cubes

Ex.1 Use Polynomials to expand the


Ex.2 Show how 36 can be evaluated by using

polynomial identities.

Complex Numbers

Complex numbers are in the form

a+bi where "a" and "b" are real
numbers, "a" is the real part and
"bi" is the imaginary part.

Pascals Triangle
Is a triangle that displays a pattern
of numbers.
Binomial Theorem- states that
(a+b) can be expanded using.

Ex.1 Use the binomial theorem to



Operations of Functions

Ex.2 The sports booster club raises money

for equipment each year by selling T-shirts.
The fixed cost for producing the shirts is
$200, plus a variable cost of $5 per shirt. This
year, the group is selling the shirt for $8 each.
The profit from the T-shirt sale can be
determined by subtracting the total cost of
the total revenue. If the revenue function for n
shirts is R(n) and the cost function is C(n),
what is the profit function, P(n)?
A. Determine the total cost function C(n).

B. Determine the revenue R(n).

C. Determine the profit function P(n).

Ex.3 To increase basketball teams Fanbase,

the teams owners agreed to gradually reduce
the price of season tickets for games
according to function P(g)=25-0.1g, where P
is the price in hundreds of dollars and G is the
number of games played so far in the season.
Since the beginning of this promotion, the
number of fans in attendance, N, has been
modeled by the function N(g)=10+0.2g.
A. Create a product function f(g) from the
functions P(g) and N(g).

B. Explain what the product function means in

the context of this problem.

Composing functions

The process of substituting one function for

the variable of another function to create a
new function.

Ex.2 The number of old-fashioned rocking

chairs, n, sold at a furniture store is a function
of the price of each chair, P, as modeled by
for P > 80. The cost to the store, C,
in dollars for each chair is a function of the
number of chairs, n, that the store sells each
week, and is modeled by
A. Express the cost of each chair as a
function of the selling price if

B. What is the cost of each chair if the selling

price is $120? What with the profit per chair
being at the selling price?

Inverses of functions

*The function that results from switching the X

and Y variable in a given function; the inverse
of f(x) is written as f (x).

Write f(x) as y
Switch x and y
Solve for y.
Rewrite the function as f (x)=

Ex.1 find the inverse.

Verifying inverses through composition

To verify two functions are inverses substitute
one function for the variable of the other

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