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function net = svmtrain(net, X, Y, alpha0, dodisplay)

% SVMTRAIN - Train a Support Vector Machine classifier

Train the SVM given by NET using the training data X with target values
Y. X is a matrix of size (N,NET.nin) with N training examples (one per
row). Y is a column vector containing the target values (classes) for
each example in X. Each element of Y that is >=0 is treated as class
+1, each element <0 is treated as class -1.
SVMTRAIN normally uses L1-norm of all training set errors in the
objective function. If NET.use2norm==1, L2-norm is used.
All training parameters are given in the structure NET. Relevant
parameters are mainly NET.c, for fine-tuning also NET.qpsize,
NET.alphatol and NET.kkttol. See function SVM for a description of
these fields.
NET.c is a weight for misclassifying a particular example. NET.c may
either be a scalar (where all errors have the same weights), or it may
be a column vector (size [N 1]) where entry NET.c(i) corresponds to the
error weight for example X(i,:). If NET.c is e vector of length 2,
NET.c(1) specifies the error weight for all positive examples, NET.c(2)
is the error weight for all negative examples. Specifying a different
weight for each example may be used for imbalanced data sets.
NET = SVMTRAIN(NET, X, Y, ALHPA0) uses the column vector ALPHA0 as
the initial values for the coefficients NET.alpha. ALPHA0 may result
from a previous training with different parameters.
NET = SVMTRAIN(NET, X, Y, ALPHA0, 1) displays information on the
training progress (number of errors in the current iteration, etc)
SVMTRAIN uses either the function LOQO (Matlab-Interface to Smola's
LOQO code) or the routines QP/QUADPROG from the Matlab Optimization
Toolbox to solve the quadratic programming problem.
% Training a SVM involves solving a quadratic programming problem that
% scales quadratically with the number of examples. SVMTRAIN uses the
% decomposed training algorithm proposed by Osuna, Freund and Girosi, where
% the maximum size of a quadratic program is constant.
% (
% For selecting the working set, the approximation proposed by Joachims
% ( is used.
% Check arguments for consistency
errstring = consist(net, 'svm', X, Y);
if ~isempty(errstring);
[N, d] = size(X);
if N==0,
error('No training examples given');
net.nbexamples = N;
if nargin<5,
dodisplay = 0;
if nargin<4,
alpha0 = [];
elseif (~isempty(alpha0)) & (~all(size(alpha0)==[N 1])),
error(['Initial values ALPHA0 must be a column vector with the same length' ...
' as X']);

% Find the indices of examples from class +1 and -1

class1 = logical(uint8(Y>=0));
class0 = logical(uint8(Y<0));
if length(net.c(:))==1,
C = repmat(net.c, [N 1]);
% The same upper bound for all examples
elseif length(net.c(:))==2,
C = zeros([N 1]);
C(class1) = net.c(1);
C(class0) = net.c(2);
% Different upper bounds C for the positive and negative examples
C = net.c;
if ~all(size(C)==[N 1]),
error(['Upper bound C must be a column vector with the same length' ...
' as X']);
if min(C)<net.alphatol,
error('NET.C must be positive and larger than NET.alphatol');
if ~isfield(net, 'use2norm'),
net.use2norm = 0;
if ~isfield(net, 'qpsolver'),
net.qpsolver = '';
qpsolver = net.qpsolver;
if isempty(qpsolver),
% QUADPROG is the fastest solver for both 1norm and 2norm SVMs, if
% qpsize is around 10-70 (loqo is best for large 1norm SVMs)
checkseq = {'quadprog', 'loqo', 'qp'};
i = 1;
while (i <= length(checkseq)),
e = exist(checkseq{i});
if (e==2) | (e==3),
qpsolver = checkseq{i};
i = i+1;
if isempty(qpsolver),
error('No quadratic programming solver (QUADPROG,LOQO,QP) found.');
% Mind that there may occur problems with the QUADPROG solver. At least in
% early versions of Matlab 5.3 there are severe numerical problems somewhere
% deep in QUADPROG
% Turn off all messages coming from quadprog, increase the maximum number
% of iterations from 200 to 500 - good for low-dimensional problems
if strcmp(qpsolver, 'quadprog') & (dodisplay==0),
quadprogopt = optimset('Display', 'off', 'MaxIter', 500);
quadprogopt = [];
% Actual size of quadratic program during training may not be larger than
% the number of examples

QPsize = min(N, net.qpsize);

chsize = net.chunksize;
% SVMout contains the output of the SVM decision function for each
% example. This is updated iteratively during training.
SVMout = zeros(N, 1);
% Make sure there are no other values in Y than +1 and -1
Y(class1) = 1;
Y(class0) = -1;
if dodisplay>0,
fprintf('Training set: %i examples (%i positive, %i negative)\n', ...
length(Y), length(find(class1)), length(find(class0)));
% Start with a vector of zeros for the coefficients alpha, or the
% parameter ALPHA0, if it is given. Those values will be used to perform
% an initial working set selection, by assuming they are the true weights
% for the training set at hand.
if ~any(alpha0),
net.alpha = zeros([N 1]);
% If starting with a zero vector: randomize the first working set search
randomWS = 1;
randomWS = 0;
% for 1norm SVM: make the initial values conform to the upper bounds
if ~net.use2norm,
net.alpha = min(C, alpha0);
alphaOld = net.alpha;
if length(find(Y>0))==N,
% only positive examples
net.bias = 1;
net.svcoeff = []; = [];
net.svind = [];
net.alpha = zeros([N 1]);
elseif length(find(Y<0))==N,
% only negative examples
net.bias = 1;
net.svcoeff = []; = [];
net.svind = [];
net.alpha = zeros([N 1]);
iteration = 0;
workset = logical(uint8(zeros(N, 1)));
sameWS = 0;
net.bias = 0;
while 1,
if dodisplay>0,
fprintf('\nIteration %i: ', iteration+1);

% Step 1: Determine the Support Vectors.

[net, SVthresh, SV, SVbound, SVnonbound] = findSV(net, C);
if dodisplay>0,
fprintf(['Working set of size %i: %i Support Vectors, %i of them at' ...
' bound C\n'], length(find(workset)), length(find(workset & SV)), ...
length(find(workset & SVbound)));
fprintf(['Whole training set: %i Support Vectors, %i of them at upper' ...
' bound C.\n'], length(net.svind), length(find(SVbound)));
if dodisplay>1,
fprintf('The Support Vectors (threshold %g) are the examples\n', ...
fprintf(' %i', net.svind);
% Step 2: Find the output of the SVM for all training examples
if (iteration==0) | (mod(iteration, net.recompute)==0),
% Every NET.recompute iterations the SVM output is built from
% scratch. Use all Support Vectors for determining the output.
changedSV = net.svind;
changedAlpha = net.alpha(changedSV);
SVMout = zeros(N, 1);
if strcmp(net.kernel, 'linear'),
net.normalw = zeros([1 d]);
% A normal iteration: Find the coefficients that changed and adjust
% the SVM output only by the difference of old and new alpha
changedSV = find(net.alpha~=alphaOld);
changedAlpha = net.alpha(changedSV)-alphaOld(changedSV);
if strcmp(net.kernel, 'linear'),
chunks = ceil(length(changedSV)/chsize);
% Linear kernel: Build the normal vector of the separating
% hyperplane by computing the weighted sum of all Support Vectors
for ch = 1:chunks,
ind = (1+(ch-1)*chsize):min(length(changedSV), ch*chsize);
temp = changedAlpha(ind).*Y(changedSV(ind));
net.normalw = net.normalw+temp'*X(changedSV(ind), :);
% Find the output of the SVM by multiplying the examples with the
% normal vector
SVMout = zeros(N, 1);
chunks = ceil(N/chsize);
for ch = 1:chunks,
ind = (1+(ch-1)*chsize):min(N, ch*chsize);
SVMout(ind) = X(ind,:)*(net.normalw');
% A normal kernel function: Split both the examples and the Support
% Vectors into small chunks
chunks1 = ceil(N/chsize);
chunks2 = ceil(length(changedSV)/chsize);
for ch1 = 1:chunks1,
ind1 = (1+(ch1-1)*chsize):min(N, ch1*chsize);
for ch2 = 1:chunks2,
% Compute the kernel function for a chunk of Support Vectors and
% a chunk of examples
ind2 = (1+(ch2-1)*chsize):min(length(changedSV), ch2*chsize);
K12 = svmkernel(net, X(ind1, :), X(changedSV(ind2), :));
% Add the weighted kernel matrix to the SVM output. In update

% cycles, the kernel matrix is weighted by the difference of

% alphas, in other cycles it is weighted by the value alpha alone.
coeff = changedAlpha(ind2).*Y(changedSV(ind2));
SVMout(ind1) = SVMout(ind1)+K12*coeff;
if dodisplay>2,
K1all = svmkernel(net, X(ind1,:), X(net.svind,:));
coeff2 = net.alpha(net.svind).*Y(net.svind);
fprintf('Maximum error due to matrix partitioning: %g\n', ...

% Step 3: Compute the bias of the SVM decision function.

if net.use2norm,
% The bias can be found from the SVM output for Support Vectors. For
% those vectors, the output should be 1-alpha/C resp -1+alpha/C.
workSV = find(SV & workset);
if ~isempty(workSV),
net.bias = mean((1-net.alpha(workSV)./C(workSV)).*Y(workSV)- ...
% normal 1norm SVM:
% The bias can be found from Support Vector whose value alpha is not at
% the upper bound. For those vectors, the SVM output should be +1
% resp. -1.
workSV = find(SVnonbound & workset);
if ~isempty(workSV),
net.bias = mean(Y(workSV)-SVMout(workSV));
% The nasty case that no SVs to determine the bias have been found.
% The only sensible thing do to is to leave the bias unchanged.
if isempty(workSV) & (dodisplay>0),
disp('No Support Vectors in the current working set.');
disp('Leaving the bias unchanged.');

% Step 4: Compute the values of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions

% of the quadratic program. If no violations of these conditions are
% found, the optimal solution has been found, and we are finished.
% KKT describes how correct each example is classified. KKT must be
positive for all examples that are on the correct side and that are
not Support Vectors
0 for all Support Vectors
negative for all examples on the wrong side of the hyperplane
if net.use2norm,
KKT = (SVMout+net.bias).*Y-1+net.alpha./C;
KKTviolations = logical(uint8((SV & (abs(KKT)>net.kkttol)) | ...
(~SV & (KKT<-net.kkttol))));
KKT = (SVMout+net.bias).*Y-1;
KKTviolations = logical(uint8((SVnonbound & (abs(KKT)>net.kkttol)) | ...
(SVbound & (KKT>net.kkttol)) | ...
(~SV & (KKT<-net.kkttol))));
ind = find(KKTviolations & workset);
if ~isempty(ind),

% The coefficients alpha for the current working set have just been
% optimised, non of those should violate the KKT conditions.
if dodisplay>0,
fprintf('KKT conditions not met in working set (value %g)', ...
if dodisplay>0,
fprintf('%i violations of the KKT conditions.\n', ...
fprintf(['(%i violations from positive examples, %i from negative' ...
' examples)\n'], length(find(KKTviolations & class1)), ...
length(find(KKTviolations & class0)));
if (dodisplay>1) & ~isempty(find(KKTviolations)),
disp('The following examples violate the KKT conditions:');
fprintf(' %i', find(KKTviolations));
% Check how many violations of the KKT-conditions have been found. If
% none, we are finished.
if length(find(KKTviolations)) == 0,
% Step 5: Determine a new working set. To this aim, a linear
% approximation of the objective function is made. The new working set
% constitutes of the QPSIZE largest elements of the gradient of the
% linear approximation. The gradient of the linear approximation can be
% expressed using the ouput of the SVM on all training examples.
if net.use2norm,
searchDir = SVMout+Y.*(net.alpha./C-1);
set1 = logical(uint8(SV | class0));
set2 = logical(uint8(SV | class1));
searchDir = SVMout-Y;
set1 = logical(uint8((SV | class0) & (~SVbound | class1)));
set2 = logical(uint8((SV | class1) & (~SVbound | class0)));
% During the very first iteration: If no initial values for net.alpha
% are given, perform a random working set selection
if randomWS,
searchDir = rand([N 1]);
set1 = class1;
set2 = class0;
randomWS = 0;
% Step 6: Select the working set.
% Goal is to select an equal number of examples from set1 and set2
% (QPsize/2 examples from set1, QPsize/2 from set2). The examples from
% set1 are the QPsize/2 highest elements of searchDir for set1,
% the examples from set2 are the QPsize/2 smallest elements of searchDir
% for set2.
worksetOld = workset;
workset = logical(uint8(zeros(N, 1)));
if length(find(set1 | set2)) <= QPsize,
workset(set1 | set2) = 1;
% Less than QPsize examples to select from: Use them all
elseif length(find(set1)) <= floor(QPsize/2),
workset(set1) = 1;
% set1 has less than half QPsize examples: Use all of set1, fill the
% rest with examples from set2 starting with the ones that have low

% values for searchDir

set2 = find(set2 & ~workset);
[dummy, ind] = sort(searchDir(set2));
from2 = min(length(set2), QPsize-length(find(workset)));
workset(set2(ind(1:from2))) = 1;
elseif length(find(set2)) <= floor(QPsize/2),
% set2 has less than half QPsize examples: Use all of set2, fill the
% rest with examples from set1 starting with the ones that have high
% values for searchDir
workset(set2) = 1;
set1 = find(set1 & ~workset);
[dummy, ind] = sort(-searchDir(set1));
from1 = min(length(set1), QPsize-length(find(workset)));
workset(set1(ind(1:from1))) = 1;
set1 = find(set1);
[dummy, ind] = sort(-searchDir(set1));
from1 = min(length(set1), floor(QPsize/2));
workset(set1(ind(1:from1))) = 1;
% Use the QPsize/2 highest values for searchDir from set1
set2 = find(set2 & ~workset);
% Make sure that no examples are added twice
[dummy, ind] = sort(searchDir(set2));
from2 = min(length(set2), QPsize-length(find(workset)));
workset(set2(ind(1:from2))) = 1;
% Use the QPsize/2 lowest values for searchDir from set2
worksetind = find(workset);
% Workaround for Matlab bug when indexing sparse arrays with logicals:
% use index set instead
% Emergency exit: If we end up with the same work set in 2 subsequent
% iterations, something strange must have happened (for example, the
% accuracy of the QP solver is insufficient as compared to the required
% precision given by NET.alphatol and NET.kkttol)
% Exit immediately if 'loqo' is used, since loqo ignores the start
% values, so another iteration will not improve the results.
if all(workset==worksetOld),
sameWS = sameWS+1;
if ((sameWS==3) | strcmp(qpsolver, 'loqo')),
warnstr = 'Working set not changed - check accuracy. Exiting.';
if dodisplay>0,
sameWS = 0;
worksize = length(find(workset));
nonworkset = ~workset;
if dodisplay>1,
disp('Working set consists of examples ');
fprintf(' %i', find(workset));


Step 7: Determine the linear part of the quadratic program. We have

determined the working set already. The linear term of the quadratic
program is made up of all the kernel evaluations K(Support Vectors
outside of the working set, Support Vectors in the working set)

nonworkSV = find(nonworkset & SV);

% All Support Vectors outside of the working set
qBN = 0;
if length(nonworkSV)>0,
% The nonworkSV may be a very large matrix. Split up into smaller
% chunks.
chunks = ceil(length(nonworkSV)/chsize);
for ch = 1:chunks,
% Indices of the current chunk in NONWORKSV
ind = (1+(ch-1)*chsize):min(length(nonworkSV), ch*chsize);
% Evaluate kernel function for working set and the current chunk of
% non-working set
Ki = svmkernel(net, X(worksetind, :), X(nonworkSV(ind), :));
% The linear term qBN for the quadratic program is a column vector
% given by summing up the kernel evaluations multiplied by the
% corresponding alpha's and the class labels.
qBN = qBN+Ki*(net.alpha(nonworkSV(ind)).*Y(nonworkSV(ind)));
qBN = qBN.*Y(workset);
% Second linear term is a vector of one's
f = qBN-ones(worksize, 1);
% Step 8: Solve the quadratic program. The quadratic term of the
% objective function is made of the examples in the working set, the
% linear term comes from examples outside of the working set. The so
% found values WORKALPHA replace the old values NET.alpha for the
% examples in the working set.
% Quadratic term H is given by the kernel evaluations for the working
% set
H = svmkernel(net, X(worksetind,:), X(worksetind,:));
if net.use2norm,
% with 2norm of the slack variables: the quadratic program has values
% 1/C in the diagonal. Additionally, this makes H better conditioned.
H = H+diag(1./C(workset));
% Suggested by Mathworks support for improving the condition
% number. Condition number should should not be much larger than
% 1/sqrt(eps) to avoid numerical problems. Condition number of H will
% now be < eps^(-2/3)
H = H+diag(ones(worksize, 1)*eps^(2/3));
H = H.*(Y(workset)*Y(workset)');
% Matrix A for the equality constraint
A = Y(workset)';
% If there are Support Vectors outside of the working set, the equality
% constraint must give the weighted class labels of all these
% vectors. Otherwise the equality constraint gives zero.
if length(nonworkSV)>0,
eqconstr = -net.alpha(nonworkSV)'*Y(nonworkSV);
eqconstr = 0;
% Lower and upper bound for the coefficients alpha in the
% current working set
VLB = zeros(worksize, 1);
if net.use2norm,
% no upper bound in the 2norm case
VUB = [];
% normal 1norm SVM: error weights C are the upper bounds
VUB = C(workset);

% Solve the quadratic program with 1 equality constraint.
% Initial guess for the solution of the QP problem.
startVal = net.alpha(workset);
switch qpsolver
case 'quadprog'
workalpha = quadprog(H, f, [], [], A, eqconstr, VLB, VUB, startVal, ...
case 'qp'
workalpha = qp(H, f, A, eqconstr, VLB, VUB, startVal, 1);
case 'loqo'
if isempty(VUB),
% LOQO crashes if upper bound is missing
% Use a relatively low value (instead of Inf) for faster
% convergence
VUB = repmat(1e7, size(VLB));
workalpha = loqo(H, f, A, eqconstr, VLB, VUB, startVal, 1);
t = toc;
if dodisplay>1,
fprintf('QP subproblem solved after %i minutes, %2.1f seconds.\n', ...
floor(t/60), mod(t, 60));
% Sometime QUADPROG returns a solution with small imaginary part
% (usually with ill-posed problems, badly conditioned H)
if any(imag(workalpha)>0),
warning(['The QP solver returned a complex solution. '...
'Check condition number cond(H).']);
workalpha = real(workalpha);
% Update the newly found coefficients in NET.alpha
alphaOld = net.alpha;
net.alpha(workset) = workalpha;
iteration = iteration+1;
% Finished! Store the Support Vectors and the coefficient given by
% NET.alpha and the corresponding label.
net.svcoeff = net.alpha(net.svind).*Y(net.svind); = X(net.svind, :);
if dodisplay>0,
fprintf('\n\n\nTraining finished.\n');
disp('Information about the trained Support Vector Machine:');
% output statistics over SVs and separating hyperplane
function [net, SVthresh, SV, SVbound, SVnonbound] = findSV(net, C)
% FINDSV - Select the Support Vectors from the current coefficients NET.alpha
% Threshold for selecting Support Vectors
maxalpha = max(net.alpha);
if maxalpha > net.alphatol,
% For most cases, net.alphatol is a reasonable choice (approx 1e-2)
SVthresh = net.alphatol;
% For complex kernel on small data sets: all alphas will be very small.
% Use the mean between the minimum and maximum logarithm of values
% NET.alpha as a threshold.

SVthresh = exp((log(max(eps,maxalpha))+log(eps))/2);
% All examples that have a value of NET.alpha above this threshold are
% assumed to be Support Vectors.
SV = logical(uint8(net.alpha>=SVthresh));
% All Support Vectors that have a value at their upper bound C
if net.use2norm,
% There is no such thing in the 2norm case!
SVbound = logical(repmat(uint8(0), size(net.alpha)));
SVbound = logical(uint8(net.alpha>(C-net.alphatol)));
% The Support Vectors not at the upper bound
SVnonbound = SV & (~SVbound);
% The actual indices of the Support Vectors in the training set
net.svind = find(SV);


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