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La siguiente investigacin se realiz con el objetivo de determinar la relacin entre

el estrs laboral y el compromiso organizacional de los colaboradores del Hospital
Regional Docente de Cajamarca, ao 2016. Es una investigacin que es de tipo
aplicada no experimental de corte transversal ya que las variables fueron
manipuladas y se realiz en base a conocimientos preestablecidos, como algunas
teoras para medir las variables estrs laboral y compromiso organizacional. As
mismo el instrumento que se utiliz fue un cuestionario, la poblacin fue 939
colaboradores; donde se aplic encuestas a una muestra de 273 colaboradores de
dicha organizacin con el propsito de analizar la relacin entre dichas variables.
Despus de haber realizado el anlisis, el estrs laboral se encuentra en un nivel
medio con un 70% y el compromiso organizacional tiene un puntaje del 65%
encontrndose en un nivel moderado, por lo tanto al correlacionar las dos
variables se concluye que existe una relacin inversa entre el estrs laboral y
compromiso organizacional con un ndice de 0.287, lo cual nos muestra que hay
una correlacin directa positiva baja; es decir que a ms estrs laboral menos
compromiso habr en los colaboradores del hospital regional docente de
Palabras clave: compromiso, estrs, laboral, organizacin

The following investigation was carried out with the objective of determining
the relationship among the stress labour and the organizational commitment of
the collaborators of the Regional Docente Hospital of Cajamarca, year 2016. It
is an investigation that is of applied type not experimental of traverse court
since the variables were manipulated and it was carried out based on pre-set
knowledge, as some theories to measure the variables labour stress and
organizational commitment. Likewise, the instrument that was used was a
questionnaire, the population it was 939 collaborators; where it was applied
surveys to a sample of 273 collaborators of this organization with the purpose
of analysing the relationship among these variables. After having carried out
the analysis, the stress labour is in a half level with 70% and the organizational
commitment has a score of 65% being in a moderate level, therefore when
correlating the two variables you concludes that an inverse relationship exists
between the stress labour and organizational commitment with an index of
0.287, that which shows us that there is a positive low direct correlation; that is
to say that to more stress labour or less commitment there will be in the
collaborators of the regional educational hospital of Cajamarca.
Key words: commitment, stress, labour, organization

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